The pangs of unemployment have hit Malawi hard and now government is considering a systematic approach to dealing with the issue starting with an overhaul of the education system.
Malawi government says it is planning to include mind changing education in secondary schools in order to prepare the youth for entrepreneurship.
Minister of Labour and Manpower Development Henry Mussa said this after coming from South Korea where there was an International Youth Fellowship (IYF) summit.

Mussa said the IYF is a program that has been there for years in South Korea and it has been a success. He said the fellowship is an eye opener and it is to prompt the government to add it into the Malawi syllabus.
“The mind changing program the South Korea government developed for a long time has been a success and we intend to add it in the Malawi syllabus,” said Mussa.
He added that in Malawi, the International Youth Fellowship NGO Malawi chapter has acquired a piece of land and needs support from government to turn the land into a youth centre.
According to Mussa, once the centre is developed, mind changing lessons will be included in the syllabus as a subject so that youths are able to stand on their own after they fail to acquire a jobs.
This is a good idea, but the government should notice that it is better to start entrepreneurship education earlier. In Israel, entrepreneurship education starts at elementary schools. Read this article how to educate for entrepreneurship from an early age. https://jfenetwork.com/how-israel-encourages-entrepreneurship-education-in-schools/
This is gud news anzathu anayambakale ku China,n yet we are busy learning parts of a grasshopper as Kachaje once put it.
Achinyamata achipani cha dpp omwe amachokela kuthyolo, mphalombe, mulanje okhawo amtundu wachilomwe enafe tizingova zitavuta.
What happened to the technical colleges?
Jobs are there only that sex has become rampant…….eeee ntchito zilipo koma chinyengo champanti ndicho chakula apa…..issa mundiona ngati ndine mwana dollar mungodya nokha…tizaonana pa jajiment day
zomventsa chisoni kuti munthawi ya democracy anthu adzivutika ndi kusowa ntchito takumbukirani pamene anthu amasitha ndale zachipani chimodzi kusankha zipani zambiri mfundo imodzi inali ya kuthetsa ulova koma lero zikupita patsogolo zipani ziwiri zimene zinalimbikitsa mfundo zimenezi zathanso apatseni mwai anthu amene angathe kukonza zinthu mdzikomuno olo anduna alipa chithunziwo alibe mayankho muwafufuze kuti anayambira chipani chiti konseko kuli kufuna ntchito pawokha sangadziimire ndiye ndikumati tiyambitse maphunziro kuchokera ku secondary zazi tachepetsani umbava pakati pa akuluakulunu mumange onse amene anaba ndalama zaboma kuyambira 1994 mpaka 20 14 muona anthu abweretsa ntchito zamalonda ndi kulemba anthu ochuluka ntchito ndani anga tsekule company ngati muthu akuba 8 billion osamangidwa kumangoti ndikumtunda
We took power from Britain 53 yrs ago, without having proper underground mechanism on how to bring investors to uplift our economy goals.
The song or tune Malawi sang was Chuma chili mnthaka basi,
Industrisation, miming is the major start pack in additional to Agricultural input.
Malawi’s leadership forgotten all of this idea, and now they are reaping the outcome.
Innocent lives are victims. Where is leadership solution?
Heavily relying on Agriculture, Donner’s and Aids has cost Malawi dearly, that as it is now, The pressure is on the leadership.
Failing dismally on investing in infrastructure developments like Roads network, Energy and sanitation projects has killed Malawi
Malawi loses unique graduates, professionals, skilled and semiskilled trades, even local farmers immigrates a broad, because of lack of general support to them.
Malawians are all over the world for survival, was it made only for Malawians to be over looked in foreign countries?
Before training someone to become a cooperate associates, prepare windows first for their challenges to be solved.
Passports business as also your drain brain career has also to be over looked, or those all revenues you collect must start working for those cooperates capital or starter pack.
poor decision. introduce loan board for graduates first. even if u educate people…how are they going to get start up capital?
#great idea
Ndizoona Ulova wavutadi pa Malawi pano. Vuto lina a Malawi ena kunyoza ndi kusankha ntchito, ena Ulesi. Ine ndinapitapo ku Joni kuona anthu olemekezeka akulima mu ma Farm, ena akugulisa zikolopa chidule ku Joni anthu sasankha ntchito ndipo wina aliyense wankulu kukacha amayeseza kuyangana chochita. Ma ife Kuthembisa timalawila dairly pa misewv 4 kuyesela mwayi wa ntchito kapena ganyu osata m’mawa omwe pabawo
this is a welcome development! too bad u had to wait until now!
too late u should have done this ages ago! Malawi always reacting too late!!!
Kkkkkkk Malawi @ 52 its like a rebirth of Malawi
Do something you guys, honestry this is not good.
Show Mr minister that’s good 4 dpp