Mutharika appoints MEC commissioners

Peter Mutharika
Peter Mutharika
Peter Mutharika: Made the appointments.

The Malawi President Peter Mutharika has appointed eight commissioners for Malawi Electoral Commission (MEC).

The eight,Mary Mkosi,Killion Mgawi,Jean Mathanga,Clifford Baloyi,Evelyn Mtafu,Moffat Banda,Linda Kunje and Yahaya M’madi.

In a statement signed by George Mkondiwa the commissioners are to work effectively from Monday,June 6.

The appointment follows the expiry of term of the commissioners on May 18 this year.

The Malawi Electoral Support Network (MESN) has been calling Mutharika to appoint the commissioners as part of 2019 general elections preparation.

(More reaction on this to follow)