Ex Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) presenter Dexter Kanike died this morning as he was beaten by unknown robbers at his home in Chirimba, Blantyre, Malawi24 understands.
Kanike presented the flagship Melody Hour music program on the state owned channel.
Reports say his home was ransacked by thugs who stole property in the house before they killed him by hacking, according to reports.
He was taken to hospital where he was pronounced dead.
But those who kill others do they know that they will die too please think like ahuman being RIP MR kanike
ifa yanthu ngat awa, boma kapena otsutsa amakhala akudziwapo kanthu. mwakanika kumuteteza alimoyo komo2 posachedwapa tikhala tikumva kut mukufufuza zaifa yake, malawi my country my home! kuphana tsopano sinkhan RIP PALIBE WAMBEU NAFESO TIKUDIKIRA TSIKU LATHU!
Eeeeeish tizitha chonchi? Dziko silikuyenda bwino daily tingomva anthu akuphedwa apresident atengepo step, DEXTER MAY UR SOUL REST IN PEACE!
Awuse muntendere
Anthu akuphedwa ngati nkhuku mmalawi muno
May his soul rest in peace, very difficult to forget
Very sad indeed
Very bad RIP
Very bad RIP
Very bad RIP
Abale kulakwa,analakwa chani? Koma wapanga zimenezoyo apezeke muzina la yesu
may Dexter ‘s soul rest in peace
They always announce to tip police kwa Munthu ameene akukudabeitsani for your community safety. Pano muli busy kuti Ma Robbers mbwe mbwee! Yet a president sawaona mukuwaonanu you fail to tip police about them. How will your community crime free abale azanga? These people are dangerous, president himself cnt arrest or catch them. You are the ones can help to get rid of robberies and any crime.
Ooooooow shame may his soul RIP
Thawi inakwana olo mutati mumufuse okufayo amafuna kuzimangilila ndi maludzi ali kati molingalila ndipa mene pabwela akubawa mwana wa muthu ayenela kufa koma soka okwanilisa malembayo q
kamoto ku malakhula mwa nzeru osati mopunsa.
So sad indeed, may his soul persecute the killers.
I condemn the act in the strongest term, God forbid!
Koma this life eishie,,, ma robbers ali mbwee ,, apulezident nawo angofuna kumadya bwino koma ife anthu osauka kumatoleza,,, apolisi nawo ayamba mjuga,, in hospitals no medics,,people with albinism being slaughtered like goats,, kugwililira patsogolo,, why are we killing our fellow malawians,, tu hell with yur regime,,, am concerned nah,, rest well Mr,,, mpake ma Mps akumagona mu parliament cos of yur nonsense speech,,,, go tu hell
why Pple? uthenga wamaliro, how come u like it? zinazi popanga kumawotu
This country called Malawi is the same type of wild uncivilized place like SOMALIA
It’s a dangerous EVIL place that nobody with a brain or heart should visit
ATTN: FOREIGNERS!!! Stay out of this evil, corrupt, shameless, lazy, JEALOUS place
Very sad
Very bad…sad
Eish R I P
ukuganga nd I robbery
Mukuziwa kale chomwe chilipo
Rest in peace mzimu wake uwunse mumtendele,ambuye mulandileni mfungatileni,kodi amalawi tikupindula chani tikamamphana ngati khuku?dzikodi likupita kumapeto.
malawi malawi mwanyanya eish
Koma anthu enawa ndiwoipa bwanji? But God will judge accordingly.
May his soul RIP
omG mhsrip…
Zigawenga Zimenezo zigwiidwe,Nayeso Moyo amauufuna!
God forbid.Eshiiii RIP Dexter.
Walakwa Chani Dexter,Mzimu wake upume mumtendere
umh so sad
So sorry Malawi must be saved again
This this why I am in afghanistan learning how to protect myself I don’t trust the police nowadays,and I swear at the end of this case no one will be arrested
Mukamachita like ndi uthenga wachisonwu ndiye kut zakusangalasan?Chochitila like uthenga wa malilo ndichan?Chofunika kungoti,RIP ngat amachita zofuna ambuye Mulungu.
The Government Security Is Very Poor
Eish koma zinazi abale,Bring us back to you, LORD!Bring us back! Restore our ancient glory.mlandilen mzimu wawo ndimtendele.
May soul Rest in peace
Kukhala m’Malawi nkulimba mtimadi eti????
Boma ili ndilankhanza…mwaphanso ngati mmene munachitira Chasowa….
Mmmmm so sad RIP Dexter
shame such a nice presenter
Dzitsilu dza malawi
Too much wickedness in the gheto, too much knives and gunshots too
Too much wickedness in the gheto, too much knives and gunshots too
While others r jst sleepin in da August house!!! shame.
While others r jst sleepin in da August house!!! shame.
so sad news
so sad news
Rest in peace beloved Brother Dexter.
Rest in peace beloved Brother Dexter.
Bad news to the deceased family!
Bad news to the deceased family!
Bad news to the deceased family!
Bad news to the deceased family!
Thus the consequences when the leaders are elected in the name of politics,,,
Nothing indid to point out by this régime,
You will hear some one saying its too early to say that,really?
Igot your point brother Manda
Munthu amaoneka wanzeru Ali mwana the opposite is true!
Thus the consequences when the leaders are elected in the name of politics,,,
Nothing indid to point out by this régime,
You will hear some one saying its too early to say that,really?
Igot your point brother Manda
Munthu amaoneka wanzeru Ali mwana the opposite is true!
R.i.p dexter u mis u
R.i.p dexter u mis u
So sad news, may his soul rest in peace.
So sad news, may his soul rest in peace.
RIP Dexter we will miss you and your services
Where is our country going? Everyday killing stories, where are we up to? Please God have mercy on us. RIP.
Where is our country going? Everyday killing stories, where are we up to? Please God have mercy on us. RIP.
This is bad!
This is bad!
Wise up malawi,even in america with all it’s hi-tech security systems,ther r alotta killings more than in malawi
Wise up malawi,even in america with all it’s hi-tech security systems,ther r alotta killings more than in malawi
This is about Malawi not America………..!
U Cant Compare This smallest malawi with population less than 18million ndi USA
We ain’t talking abt the population,we r talkn abt security.evn if 90 percent of our population were the police,we wudn’t eliminate crime completly & that’s a fact #Martha I hop u’v eva heard abt the word “example”?
my mother malawi
my mother malawi
Only God knws R I P
Only God knws R I P
Eish koma zinazi abale kodi anthu opanda mirandu wakulakwanji kuti aziphedwa why? Evil people
Eish koma zinazi abale kodi anthu opanda mirandu wakulakwanji kuti aziphedwa why? Evil people
But why????????????
But why????????????
Tikamatche basi !!
Tikamatche basi !!
Sad news MHSRP
Sad news MHSRP
R.I P to be remembered with the sweet Gospel songs you played on TV.
R.I P to be remembered with the sweet Gospel songs you played on TV.
Eeeee koma solly akubanja zimu wake uwuse mutendele
Eeeee koma solly akubanja zimu wake uwuse mutendele
Srry For Dat
Srry For Dat
Nde mwati wankulu wapolice boma lamutumiza kunja kokaphunzira za death sentence?? R I P bwana, iwill never try to vote 4 u again(pitala mutharika)
Nde mwati wankulu wapolice boma lamutumiza kunja kokaphunzira za death sentence?? R I P bwana, iwill never try to vote 4 u again(pitala mutharika)
let’s call for God’s intervention what a life in Malawi taking responsible souls, killing innocent souls leaving children helpless,and making them orphans I can’t imagine the situation so sad may God punish evils here on earth.
Warm heart of Africa slowly getting cold
May his soul rest in peace.
We just say sorry to this familly
But why?? Rest in peace Dexter.
Kodi ku malawi ku chitika ndi chani?boma tsopano mulore tizikhala ndi pistol munyumba anthu aonjeza
If these butchermen wanna be captured, treat them just the same as they have done to our former tvm presenter. Otherwise if they will be handled mercifuly; they will do more harmful to innocent souls.
Some are saying, y we are blaming the government, so we should blame whom? You have to know that, those perpetrators they are taking advantage of loosen security which we are having now, panyumba ana akagona ndi njala chifukwa chopanda chakudya, ndiye kuti makolo ndi opanda nzeru
Koma anthu akapsa,mulungu angobwera changu ndithu adzaweruze
We brimming police because most of them they not doin their wrk, nd most of them they not their for doing their wrk not at all…some like political people those people they are their for wrking in their pocket not to helping people no no……
Anoma amenewo
God punish the davil
kuphedwe kwamunthu monga uyu samaphedwa ndimunthu wamba monga ifeyo. koma iwowo akumipandowo akuziwa kuti chachitika ndichiyan. ndiye awagwila bwanji chifukwa ndiakumipandoko. RIP.
kuphedwe kwamunthu monga uyu samaphedwa ndimunthu wamba monga ifeyo. koma iwowo akumipandowo akuziwa kuti chachitika ndichiyan. ndiye awagwila bwanji chifukwa ndiakumipandoko. RIP.
Amalawi Nzanthu Akachitabwino Walakwa Akamavutika Ndikumamuseka Tirinditsaka Sitidzatukuka Tizingo Khalira Kupempha Basi
Amalawi Nzanthu Akachitabwino Walakwa Akamavutika Ndikumamuseka Tirinditsaka Sitidzatukuka Tizingo Khalira Kupempha Basi
Makosa tiyeni tidziyankhula ngati amzeru nkhani iri apa ndiyazathu waphedwayu,sizandale apa kaya ngati zingakhale kt zikukhudza ndale chabwino may be you have information on that ok,palibe zokhudza president apa,kmanso apolice sizingatheke kt adzipezeka kunyumba ya aliyense kmano ndichikhulupiro anthu apanga zimenezowo agwidwa ife kunalibe kma mulungu amawaona,chonde amakhoti kmanso apresident anthu oterowa adziphedwa lamulo lidzigwira ntchito,president adzi saina,zikuonjezatu zimenezi mwava akhoti ndi apresident ndanenatu.
Makosa tiyeni tidziyankhula ngati amzeru nkhani iri apa ndiyazathu waphedwayu,sizandale apa kaya ngati zingakhale kt zikukhudza ndale chabwino may be you have information on that ok,palibe zokhudza president apa,kmanso apolice sizingatheke kt adzipezeka kunyumba ya aliyense kmano ndichikhulupiro anthu apanga zimenezowo agwidwa ife kunalibe kma mulungu amawaona,chonde amakhoti kmanso apresident anthu oterowa adziphedwa lamulo lidzigwira ntchito,president adzi saina,zikuonjezatu zimenezi mwava akhoti ndi apresident ndanenatu.
Rest in peace Dexter and condolence to the family wil miss u
Rest in peace Dexter and condolence to the family wil miss u
Why Malawi why?
Why Malawi why?
Zosakoma abale
Zosakoma abale
Country disintegrating
Country disintegrating
Boma lkuziwapo kanthu tiseye manja mwa Mulungu
Boma lkuziwapo kanthu tiseye manja mwa Mulungu
It’s not good at all
It’s not good at all
Death penalty ikufunika kuno ku Malawi
Death penalty ikufunika kuno ku Malawi
Too bad!
Too bad!
We hv bin telling this useles govt to tighten security but nothing to our side works.
We hv bin telling this useles govt to tighten security but nothing to our side works.
Akuba aku malawi kupusa malo mokapha a cash gate uko mukupha kanike RIP
Akuba aku malawi kupusa malo mokapha a cash gate uko mukupha kanike RIP
Onena ananena kale kuti dzikoli lilim’manja mwaagalu, anyway R I P MR.
Onena ananena kale kuti dzikoli lilim’manja mwaagalu, anyway R I P MR.
Too bad, ziko layipadi ili.
Rest in peace.
Ndiye mwati amutikita ndindani? tidikire kaye mkulu wa a police wapita kunja akukamphunzira kugwira mbava zimenezi, osadanda ziyenda akabwerako mwamva a Malawi.
Nde wina akupanga ‘like’
Nkhani Ilipo Apa Ndiyakut Anthu Tataya Chikondi Takonda Chuma Tayiwala Chilamulo Chamulungu,osati Andale Kapena Apolice Ayi, Kodi Iwowo Pomumpha Munthuyo Mmitima Mwawomo Samaziwa Kut Akulakwa? Ambuye Mukuziwa Ndinu Zonse Tiyika Mmanja Mwanu Mzimu Wa Malemuwa Uwuse Muntendele
Why taking his life too?the property wasn’t enough?guilty conscious will haunt you and I promise ,You will be traced and be brought to book.
#muthalika must fall
IG(inspector general) should be removed mister president/else yourself.
Awa sakufunka ma sentence,kungowafinya mukawapeza kuwasiyila pakamwa or kuwapnda miyendo,zzakhala nzka za bwino.rip kanike
Awa sakufunka ma sentence,kungowafinya mukawapeza or kuwapnda miyendo,zzakhala nzka za bwino
Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiih abale inu!!!! Too bad
masiku omaliza
mwinanso pano jubeki bola,,,,, malawi waonjeza mmmmmmmmm
U akunama making it look like zigawenga koma mwaonjeza à boma ndekuti he had information ya ma albinos
Yoh Mzimu wawo uwuse mu mtendere, koma mpaka Armed Robbery ku Malawi
Robbers, why? Bola mukamusiya mkungotenga katundu yo. May His Soul Rest In Peace
Peter mutharika mbina yake
RIP. A cool guy and courageous. friend at the Seminary.
Masiku omaliza basi.
Pls Dpp government, security is our only concern, we can stay with hunger but aleast we should sleep peacefully without thinking of thugs or robbers.
What’s up with DDP here my dia
What’s up with DDP here my dia
Miss understanding..
Nzeru zopelewera
mfundo mulibe baba
Too bad
RIP Dexter Kanike and condolences to the bereaved family.
Thy shall not kill,what says is a Bible…God saw the murders& is there waiting for them!Mukayankha ciani?MHSRP
Bad news! Sad
Dexter? That neba of mine in Napeli? We played great chess then. Mbavazi zilanda dziko izi.
Ngakhale ku America amaphana kumene kunoso bolani
Too bad
Ena amati eeee apresident ndi aprofessor amaphunzitsa Obama mbuzi yamunthu ngati imeneyi mumbiri yamalawi malubino sanasakazidwe ngati zililipano mwinaso akuziwapo kanthu mulomweyu daily kuphedwa kugwirira akati agwira anthu ndi cashgate basi mulomwe woyee kubadwa bwino mkwanu bambo u ndiutsogoleri
nde nkumat tikagwira akuba tisamaphe, ai ndithu kugwira apolice kuzanyamula mtembo basi. MHSRIP.
Too bad rip
RIP. my heart felt condelences to all the affect.
Oo So Sad.
Kkkkkk mfundo ndi yokuti boma lalephera basi…..olo wina atani kaya aname bwanji
Thats Malawians…next time they will blame government for not impregnate their wives. …lol.
Kkkkkk bro dat nt gd
why murdering innocent people like him?is better to slaughter the one who take this nation for granted & rulling brutally,curruption,segregating
mmm, no connection with the leader, what about Mphwiyo?
mphwiyo z nt running dis country.
mphwiyo z nt running dis country.
think b4 you act,!!!!
Macoment enawa, zugwilizana
Surname ñdi Mokwatà eti? Àmwene mwangokula mutu koma mulibe nzeru. What’s the connection
Sambi aphunzitsi anga,aku Tevet.RIP
The government is weak the stranger people have gained access to do what they want
R.I.P brother!!
The death penalty needs to be implemented. There is too much killing in this country. Condolences to the bereaved family. RIP
This country needs special prayers
Why all these killings abale? Ma Albino lero Dexter. Why Malawi God? Atleast bwana should consider organising special prayers for our country. Am hurt.
Kodi a Malawi tikupita kuti !! Daily tingova wina waphedwa eish, RIP.
Joel Mkandawire you say this government has failed in terms of security? Tell me anything this government has done better since analowa muboma ?.Don’t skirt around say the truth that, this government has failed. It’s two years now. still nothing to point out. Munthu wa nzeru amawoneka adakali mwana
Hehehehehehehehehe, MAWUUUUUU!
Hehehehehehehehehe, MAWUUUUUU!
Rip see you in paradise
Very very sad indeed. So sorry loosing you Dexter D. D. Kanike. Rest in eternal peace.
But why,RIP Dexter.
Sad news
2 bad
very sad.. those Damn vampires who killed Jim must get burned into ashes
No security
Amalawi tizakhala osalira mpaka kale,how can munthu wanzeru mzake azika blamer a police kut akulephera kugwira chifukwa munthu waphedwa kwawo. Mukufuna azilondera nyumba za anthu kut kuphana kuthe? Ma neighbors ntchito yawo ndi chani? Bwanji sanaimbire a police? Even ku america anthu amaphedwa koma security is high. Ku south africa security ilinso tight koma everyday anthu akuphedwa. So what special with malawi? A police samagwira munthu b4 criminal,koma zikatero ntchito ali nayo ndiyoti afufuze mpaka anthuwo agwidwe,thus security. Out of 17million population,a police its less than 1million nde mumati azitani kwenikweni? Za ndale tamazisiyani sizikupindulirani.
I like t
Mfundo yomveka bwino kuganiza first not ndale paliponse ayi
Mfundo yomveka bwino kuganiza first not ndale paliponse ayi
Ameneyo ndiye m’malawi sadzatheka
Ameneyo ndiye m’malawi sadzatheka
ukadakhala pafupi ndikadakugwira chanza
Zoona zake ..munthu wayankhula zomveka uyu kuposa ma MP athu enawa.
Zoona zake ..munthu wayankhula zomveka uyu kuposa ma MP athu enawa.
Jst to add we only have 13,789 police officers only in malawi to protect 16 million people, anzathu a school tachitani masamu mutiuze ratio yake
Jst to add we only have 13,789 police officers only in malawi to protect 16 million people, anzathu a school tachitani masamu mutiuze ratio yake
Eishhh zovuta,malo moti tingogwirana manja koma busy kulozana zala.
every whr anthu akuphedwa everyday koma kumalawi umbuli ndiomwe wachuluka,apolisi alakwa chani
Kumbu kandeu wandisangalatsa zed
Tikanakhalapo 100 oganiza chomchi malawi akanatetezeka.
Thanks,our views will transform someone’s mindset to be a responsible citizen than kumangonyozana zilizonse,zomwe sizingatithandize ngat ife aeni ake a malawi. Kuzindikira ndi mphatso yabwino. Mwandipatsa chimwemwe nonse ndi mfundo zathu zogwirana. Titalimbikira uthengau udzafikira anthunso ambiri
Zachisoni pepani aku banja lofedwa, ause mutendere.
failure to secure albno lives is failure to secure all innocent pple.RIP
So sad!! Malawi
R i p
Somebody has been killed you blame the president, was the president supposed to be there to guide this gentleman.
Ehlile wena
Mukusapota kuti aziphedwa athu? Tsoka bere munayamwa popeza la zaza ndi misozi ya athu
Winanso waphedwa ndi tructor dzulo ku Ilovo, should we blame the government again for not providing security? poor acusations,
Winanso waphedwa ndi tructor dzulo ku Ilovo, should we blame the government again for not providing security? poor acusations,
z it de first time for someone to be killed y blaming the govt.can he b every where to protect his own pple
Sad, Mhsrip
Akuphanu ziphani anzanu choncho kma na ulendo uwu wa ifa ngwatonse ndithu time is coming…
Ifa ndi nthawi,ngakhale patapezeka akaswili othana ucfwamba komabe ena azifabe basi Ambuye oziwa kutothoza akutothozen
gun??? then ask police cz they are ones keeping such weapons…..
Malawi akufunika ma pemphero apadela mmmm zanyanya zophana
So sad rest in peace Dexter
I am dpp supporter but lets face reality here Peter muthalika and his government he failed to rue this country in light way
Ur mind is stupid. Umafuna a police azilondera nyumba iliyonse? Bwanji iyeyo sanalembe mlonda? Lilipo dziko komwe kulibe okuba amene amapha? Bolanso ku malawi,koma ku south africa munthu amaphedwa ndi akuba masana anthu akuonerera koma a police ali mbweee.
Dont show ur stupidity you fool since Peter munthalika become pressident how many innocent people have been killed and beside that witch south africa do u talking about that i dont know?
musaonetse uchitsiru wanu bwana Luku apa and dont run away from the fact, it happens worldwide vuto losayenda mmayikomu komanso kusasata current affairs ndilimeneri and u always blame mtsogoleri, what a shame!!
kkkkk Clement kufika ku south africa sikuti udxixi3ra kuti mumayenda
” light way”
light away bola kukhala opanda chipani ngati ine
Kkkkkkkkkkkkk ilyk Malawians pple
@ Mr clement sometims umunthu ndiwabwno mwayenda kut inuyo kumene anthu amasekelera anthu akamafa mwachsawawako?? ..kwina kulikose kulakwsa kwa ana m’banja anthu amayang’ana kholo kumene inuyo musamaone zodabwsa anthu tkamaloza chala mtsogoleri coz iye ali ngat kholo lathu ….ndamumva wna akut iwe umafuna azichta kulondera m’makomo mwawo mmmm kulankhula mosakhala bwno kumeneko bwana zitakhala zachtka kwa inu bwanji? …..kunena mosabisa boma ili sakutithandiza kwambr kumbar yachtetezo
@ Mr clement sometims umunthu ndiwabwno mwayenda kut inuyo kumene anthu amasekelera anthu akamafa mwachsawawako?? ..kwina kulikose kulakwsa kwa ana m’banja anthu amayang’ana kholo kumene inuyo musamaone zodabwsa anthu tkamaloza chala mtsogoleri coz iye ali ngat kholo lathu ….ndamumva wna akut iwe umafuna azichta kulondera m’makomo mwawo mmmm kulankhula mosakhala bwno kumeneko bwana zitakhala zachtka kwa inu bwanji? …..kunena mosabisa boma ili sakutithandiza kwambr kumbar yachtetezo
Koma limene limathandiza ndi liti nanga inuyo ngati mmalawi mukupangapo chani powonesetsa kuti mchitidwe oterewu uthe
Koma limene limathandiza ndi liti nanga inuyo ngati mmalawi mukupangapo chani powonesetsa kuti mchitidwe oterewu uthe
Wa MCP uyoo
Kkkkkkk Spiwe Spi kupeleka maganixo anga sindiye kuti ndine wa MCP ayi
Luku Munthu amadana ndi chilungamo ingakhale ataitanitsa mapemphero palibe chilipo apa.
Gallian Faith ndichimene ndawonaso ine apa
I miss Kamuzu period. Wakupha aphedwe
So now we shouldn’t be working hard to get rich coz if we someone is gonna murder us to take what they didn’t work for
How many rich people have been killed?
we never had such cases during Bings time wth the shoot to kill in use
Welcome to Malawi
May ur soul rest in peace….
Koma zinthu zafika posauzana ndiThu so sad. Lord have mercy, may his soul rest in peace,
Rest in peace dexter kanike
RIP Dexter was our dean at Kasina seminary from 1984-85
Mmm so sad…
My his soul Rest In peace
Koma malawiyu iiiii ine Martha
Amasusana ndi boma ameneyo, ndiye boma langoganiza zomsogoza. Dziko lathu silizatheka, it’s full of jealous
Pitani poyera mwna mkuwathandzako anzathu awa apolice kut agwire bwno ntchto yawo bwana #gongwe
Zosakhala bwino,R.I.P
So bad RIP brother kanike
Rip sir
tingodikira kaye paja apresident atumiza mkulu wa apolice kunja kwa dziko lino kukaphunzira mmene angagwirire anthu opha anzawo, chifukwa kulibe wanzeru kapena wamapulani othana ndimchitidwe umenewu, nayenso mkulu wapolice wangokhala paudindowu koma nzeru zothana ndi anthu opha anzawo alibe, bola akudya bwino. Awuse mu mtendere Dexter Kanike
Atsogoleri opusa akuti wapita kunja zoona kuzmbia dziko lazambia liphuzitse dziko lamalawi komaso moreover apresdent ake adaphunzitsapo Obama ili siboma
So bad
2 Bad!
Hhhhmmm too bad. MHSRIP
like honestly i miss bingu’s “shoot to KILL” coz atleast stability & security came thru
Rest in peace sir
rest in peace mr kanike amene wapanga zimenezi azakakupezani konko
vry bad
Armed robbers in Malawi? Yow i thought Malawi is gun free country this is strange to me really..RIP sir
So Sad
Malawi at 50 kumachtika zonyasazi? shame
Wy Malawi
Mmmh too bad, Coco En
So Bad! Where is this world of ours going?
So sad rest in peace
Boma ili ndilazigogodo samalani
Tish Midaya
But wat have I done..
But wat have I done..
we hv lost an.investment mxm
Ooh Fifi only u
???but may he RIP shame
Amalawi nsanje safuna munthu otukuka chomuphera munthu nchiani kulakwatu amene mwapanga zimenezo musayiwale mwasogoza nzanu nanu lanu likubwera siku palibe wamuyaya RIP
any infor on ur hint, “nsanje”
so sad! y amalawi, aaaaa! R.I.P MR KANIKE
Dziko la mtendele nanga akuphedwawa bwanji ? RIP
dpp regime!
It simply means that this government has totally failed in terms of security, each and every minute people (including the albinos) are being killed…
Vuto ndilakuti news mumangowonera za ku malawi zokha dat is wy ur sain dis,other country 10 ppl r dying each and everyday,koma kwathu kuno kungomva mmodzi wafa eee no security.
Well said Willard Joseph . Ndipo mwachepetsa ine ndaona anthu ophedwa dzulo dzuloli a Malawinso anthu ake zapamseu ndiye osanena.kusadziwa zinthu mkona anthu amangoyankhula mmene atafunile. Security
True @ Martha and Willard, mMalawi muno china chilichonse timafuna tilowetsepo ndale basi koma anthu samazindikila kuti thats part of showing ignorance on critical issues, shame!!
yes shame on ignorance pple akufuna alowese ndare!!!!!
yes shame on ignorance pple akufuna alowesepo ndare!!!!!
And nex time they wll blame government for not impregnate their wives….its matter of time people are dying every minute around the world.
Heey wena Evance Charlie that’s true chilichonse akuti boma amaphedwa a police komanso alipantchito yoteteza anthu ndikatundu wao . zina zimaonjeza sindine wa DPP koma zina zimaonjeza
1st rule of leadership -everything is your fault…
1st rule of leadership -everything is your fault…
Forgive him. Mtumbuka wachabechabe uyu. Za ntiii
Terrible Tragidy…RIP Bro.
Ndawopa ndinkaona ngati kuphana ndi ku joni basi osati ku malawi. RIP. mulungu azalanga yense okupha nzake
Ndiye zintchito xa Dpp
Shame. Go rest soldier
So sad
so sad MHSRIP
Awuse mumtendere ngati anali ndi ntchito zabwino za umulungu
chilungamo. chitetezo ndi chitukuko
But whyyyyyyyýyyyyyyy?
R.I. P
awuse mu mtendere
Hmmmh malawi watani kodi Yesu angobwera adzaweluze basi
Hau shame! Mhsrip
Dziko layipadi by Thocco katimba
Kd ndikayesa aboma at ziko mulii chitetezo sono anthu akuphedwa wa bwanji? RIP. MR KANIKE
So bad
This is Malawi for you. A day hardly passes without hearing someone being maimed.
NDzoona kma kapena boza coz sndkukhulupililanitu
Iii abale!!!!