He may perhaps not have slept well enough in preparation for the opening of the parliament on Friday but newly appointed leader of the House, George Chaponda has seen his images which show him in deep slumber when President Peter Mutharika was making the State of the Nation address in parliament yesterday hit the social media as a storm.
The images have gone viral on the social media and a greater number of people argue sleeping meant that he was bored by Mutharika’s speech.

While most of the people say Mutharika’s speech was impressive and that the Malawi leader managed to outline his government’s plan on every itching issue, Chaponda and others may not share the same feeling if the slumber they fell into before they met the wrath of cameras is anything we could take seriously anyway.
One of the eye catching comments wonder why it would be interesting that Chaponda was sleeping in parliament when sleeping is normal.
Edna Abiti Kadango wrote ‘To me its not news!people sleep even in churches when the pastor is preaching the word of God!why not in parliament?”
However some people who have been commenting on various Facebook pages say Chaponda did not portray a good gesture by sleeping while taking into consideration the fact that he has just been appointed the leader of the house and that his Agriculture Ministry was one of the sectors Mutharika had given a special focus on in his address.
Ausman Nyirongo wrote ”Just imagine. Opening the budget meeting then someone is busy asleep.it shows that you are not interested about the speech of the president. Ok don’t hesitate fire them they are too old.”
A debate on sleeping on duty has been ignited on the social media with people having miscellaneous defences to their stands on the matter.
In his presentation at the opening of the budget sessions, Mutharika talked against the social ills including the trendy attacks on people with albinism and maintains his government will not relent to deal with the perpetrators.
Only when you are sure about your brakes
Only when you are sure about your brakes
He is sleeping in parliament yet he says Malawians should work hard to develop the country.
Anakhuta Nandolo
Abele,ndiye kuti parliament ndiyolemekezeka kwambili kuposa ku church.?chifukwa akulu akulu enanu mwagundika ndi mbalume mukapita kopephera simulephela kugona.A malawi 24 mudza lembenso anthu church.
Ngati sizikupindulira osauka bola kumagona ku pariamentiko
so wats wrong?its normal to sleep y others sleep in church while others sleep in other meeting after given 500000 for 2 days training so wat about parliament or any constitution about this? plz pple tiziona zolemba and post
Malawi sangalemele chonchi…
Zawo zinayela.
akagonagona mapeto ake akulandila allowance, munthuyo is gone already koma mukumuika pa mpando ndimenezi akugona Malo oti pali anthu ambiriri akukambilana zomwe akumbila iye sakumva, choncho tingapite pasogolo?,
ndiye abwanawo akuti chiyani iwo akuyakhula wantchito akugona.Sichina ayi munthuyo akumugwiritsa ntchito kwa mbiri ndiye anali atatopa
Koma amalawi mumanama mukamati ndinu aulemu. ndi ulemu umeneu???
Zinali bwino nthawi ya Kamuzu kkkkk Zimezi zinali zakudya zakudya zang’ona basi kkkkkk
So what ndi munthu amatopa nothing strange pamenepo
Koma ndiye mwezi ukatha akufusaso malipilo
Kutukuka palibe, nanga presdnt akupereka nfundo wina kumagonanso
Inu amene mumanena kuti achoke ,mukudziwa kuti chisime chimaoneka chakuya chikaphwa. kuti asiye mpando zinthu siziyenda bwino. Apresident powasankha awadalira.choti mudziwe ntchito imatopesa. Achaponda More fire.
Leave these position to young generation
Sleeping cat never catches a rat, palibe chimene anatolapo
Sleeping cat never catches a rat, palibe chimene anatolapo
Zomvetsa chisoni kuti lero a Malawi ambiri tikusangala tikaona mnzathu zikamuvuta. Kodi ndichachilendo kuona munthu akuwozera kapena kugona pamene wina akuyankhula. Kalanga ine dziko langa likupita kuti? Ambuye ztithandize ndithu.
Boma likufunika anyamata ili.
Mpaka Mkonono Mu Parliament!
no doubt mpake malawixo ali ogona
no doubt mpake malawixo ali ogona
Do you expect Malawian economy to be stable while leaders are busy sleeping???? Never
Remember he is a human being just like u he olso get tyres just like u he olso need rest just like u he can olso feel hungly just like u so I see no reason why u pole making noise if u r good at toking shit write ur own novel and make money and celebrate with ur wife rather than tolling shit stop it he is my mentor I admire him he is abig msn
Zodika inalengeza kuti Njovuyalema ndi Chaponda ndiomwe amagona ndiye kudabwa kuti olemba naye wakhuza mbali imozi wy?
He is very stupid, why sleeping in parliament komanso nthawi yofunika ngati imeneyi. Ameneyu Ndi GALU WA MUNTHU.
anthu amagona kunyumba ya Chauta kuchurch nanji ku paliyament zaziiií mulekeni munthu zikumubowa akakolope ku…..kkkkkk
He wants EFF party to wake him up
Thanks Akira wa lee Sadick for your likeness on my comment.
Kukalamba uku
Being the former foreign affairs minister, he has been representing Malawi in a number of international forums. No wonder Malawi is not benefitting much from such meetings. Bwanawa amkangogonako, Kkkkkkk.
Vuto losankha anthu ogonja kale ndilimeneli,,why can he sleep when important issues are being tackled by the president ,it shows he is no serious at all,,mpaka kumalota ndithu #”shame”
muzikhala ndi kanthawi kogona kunyumba wakulu mwamva
Kkkkkkkk koma abale
Apa mchimodzimodzi kugona mu office nthawi yantchito. Osawayikira kumbuyo akuluwa.
qkuyenera kugona kumene.Mwina usiku onse iyeyo anali busy kulemba speach ya president yomwe amanena mu parliamentmo.ndiye mumafuna kut akhalenso busy kumvetsela zot walemba ndiye yemwe kapena amvetsere zot akuzidziwa kale?
Mkumati zinthu sizikuyenda bwinu mukuyambitsa akuluakulu
nonono they have to go there for serous business not sleeping like that, why was he there then??????
wina aliyense amagona sizitengela udindo kapena nzeru.. Imenei sinkhani yoti ndikumatha nayo nthawi.. Kodi inu mutatopa simungagone? Aliense akatopa amagona basi…
U have to understant kuti anthu ngati amenewa kuphatikiza a pulezudentiwo Ndi anthu omwe amakhala opanda tulo usiku chifukwa cha pressure LA dziko.
A sleeping cat never catches a rat
Oooh i cry for my beautiful Malawi eish;( really sleeping in parliament is this for real? Ooh my God so do we think this people can lead Malawi in right way? Nowander Malawi is the poorest country in the world, how can someone sleep on duty this is shameful that’s why we so called sleeping people, can someone come nd take over this country plz Army what ar u down take over this country plz we have no direction we have no leader we have no future in this country, bt by the end of month he wil get paid our money whts the f**k!
Eish! mwapanga bwanji a minister.
Eish! mwapanga bwanji a minister
kodi imeneyi sinkhalamba kodi?munthu uyu angatukule dziko?
Nduna kugona zamanyazi kwambiri siyilani achinyamata”
that’s wat happens when governmnt is full of ngangas shame
Sleeping on duty..kkkk
Samafuna kunva zomwe Pitala Mutharika amakamba ,anaesa kutseka mkhutu sizimathandixa the best way ndi Chituloooo!!!
kugona basi???? abale eeeeee
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amalawi tulo too much iiiiiii
ndibambo ake andani amenewaaa?
Thats the problem of old age.when shal we see youths taking these big positions?anyway,he is a busy man.
Wakalamba ameneyo
Ngati Ambuyeyesu anagona mu chombo pa nyanja mafunde akubwata kooopsa, ndiye mukuti mu Parliament (mfwe -mfwe -mfwe -mfwe) with ur bad coments, these people work tirelessly, Jesus was also tired too after his teaching
Luckly, Jesus wasn’t sleeping it was the beginning of his lesson on his syllabus and its conclusion was Why are u afraid off when son of God is on ur midst. But to this case, The Chaponda is tired we’ve been hearing of him since 1994. He must pave way for the youth to take over who can fail to perform
Old age!!!!!!akakhale panyumba basi azikalera zizukuru
Nde amakataniko ???
Apapa nde zaonetseratu kti dziko la Malawi ndi Maloto,, pamenepo zomwe amalotazo afikira kuwauza anthu kti tipange chakut pompo aliyese kuvomeleza. Chonde Mlawi tadzuka lija ndi kale unayamba kugona
Kusowa zolemba et
Zimachitika izi
Ngati Sagona usiku amapita kuti?Amakachita chiani?Its better to sleep in his car not such a place.Anthu Omwewa atakupeza ukugona kuntchito kwako ili ya m’boma akhoza kukuchotsa ntchito.Utakhala wogulitsa malonda akhoza kugula wina.Utakhala Mlimi siungakolole.utakhala kuti ukulemba mayeso ukhoza kulakwa.car accidents are sometimes caused by dozing while driving.Uka Magona malo osayenera amathanso kukubera zinthu ngati ndalama,phone therefore awawa ndiye kuti sanamve zimene zimakambidwa panthawi imeneyi.
He must apologise
Vuto palibe alipire ya room bansi ,apo bii waku khothi
paliyamenti ya tulo!!!!! kkkkkk
Plz malawi iwe dzuka usalore kt atole ndiobwera kayerekera iwe dzuka malawi kkkkkkkkkkkkk
hahaha tulooo ziphwisi mkati
Kaye chinkhopecho simfitinso imeneyi? amatani usiku ngati kuli kutanganidwako oyamba ndiyeyo kumalawiko ndipo zogona mu plmt mkoyamba ine kuzimva mkulu ameneyu zipangizo zina mthupi mwake sizili bwino akufunika operation pachakuti pake. Wangozijudula ameneyo ndiwokaramba. !!
apa ndiye mbatata zowora zenizei kkkkkkkkk
mwakula muwasiyire ana
Mwina apresident amayankhula zopanda nzeru!!
Kukalamba basi musiyeni amere mnofu wabakha mwamunena mokwanira.
Achewa sazathekaso basi.
Koma ya room apereka? kkkkk
When Age Reject Some Duties&responsibility,,,,
Ukuwoneka kuti wakalambanso
George chaponda is just tired of what president mutharika has done is a repetition of his speeches and recycling of issues and empty!
Amalawi sitidzatukuka coz we concentrate on stupid immature unhelpfull issues
Iwe chatsikaso adagona mudatoknta?
Guyz Kumakhala Ndi Ulemu,muthu Wamkulutu Ameneyu! Kkkkkkkkkkkk!!!!
Kkkkkkk vry handsome wen sleepng kkkkkkkkk
I see this in two ways, its either Bwana Chaponda was too much tired coz this was after the opening of trade fair in blantyre the previous day….these ppo samagona kuli president nawonso komko OR The President speech was sending the MPs into deep sleep may b due to lack of substance, or it was an empty speech. Whatever the case parliament is an honourable house and shud b given all the respect it deserves of which sleeping inside it, is not one of them.
koma speech yo
Alipire ya room ameneyu akadzuka hahaha
kkkk mwakhoma kkk
Olo olembayu amagona
Analedzebwa uyu!conci nkumati dziko kutukuka?
Minister kugona President akulankhula… koma bwanji inuyo anduna mutapeza junior civil servant akugona zitha bwanji? Please Check!
So what?
chimene munaona ndi chaponda akugona basi?ndinu a galu nonse opanga za chaponda muzipanga zanu muchedwa ndi chapox
mkhan znaz news 24 siri serious
When you grow old and you don’t want to accept it and handover responsibilities to the youth!old people need alot of rest,but you will still find very old people stil bizzy with cosmetics!
Its not very strange, I have seen some presidents sleep during meetings e.g mugabe etc…. so why not him
let dem sleep dis rich pipo coz usiku ndati usiku usikutu sapeza tym yogona i think u knw wat i mean kkkkkk
Amalawi UFITI kutereko mukumulodza mzanuyo
mwina anayaka, bawa ilibe ulemu, a guy of his caliber can nt sleep on a function he has spent sleepless to come out. just imagine busy signal akagone pa stage akudikira kuti amenye sound. to mi it doesnt ring any bells.
Kkkkkk Ena amatha kugona komabe amamva zonse bwnobwno, kuwafusa amakuuza zonse zimene mwalankura
Hehedeeeh Kkkkkkkkkk!Kodi Munthuyu ndioterenso eti?
hhhhhhhhhhh kkkkkkkkkk awandiye sangatinthandize ay
In an important meeting like that one, there’s no way one is suppose to fall asleep. Kodi usiku sagona ku nyumba kwawo? Zinazi mukamalemba enanu, nkumadzifunsa kaye. Munthu aliyense ali ndi nyumba koti azikagona usiku. Nanga mpaka kugona mu Parliament, pomwe zokambirana zili mkati?
kugona pa guru ndizolakwika sizaulemu nanga anakaphwisa? asamapage zimenezo
Daliso chaponda the comedian has found an episode sure
Kukhuta mowa kwambiri, vuto lake ndilomwelo.
Sndkupezapo Chfukwa Apapa Ngat Satana Amalowerera Ku Chpembezo Anthu Kumagona Kumaseweretsa Ma 4n Kumangotuluka Tuluka Panja Nde Mukat Kunyumba Ya Malamulo Ziwanda Zili Tho!Konko Enanso Mazko Awo Ali Kusi Kwa Nyanja Mmm Sizachlendo Izi.Mbuli Ndwe Walembawe Kuli Zofuna Kuziwitsa Anthu Kunjaku Osati Zopeperaz.Kumeneku Ndkulipepusa Zko Lanu Nde Choncho Azkukhuthuliran Maufulu Atola Nkhan Opanda Ulemu Ngat Inu.Ndwe Opepera Ndpo Uzmu Ulibe Awa Ndmakolo Ako Sukanawatero.Shame
Mmmmm….kusowa zoposta eti!!!…ndani amene sawozera???…thupi limatopa..izi zitha kuchitikira aliyese!!..munangonkhumba chapondayo!!
Sleeping sickness
Kkkkkkkkk kkk koma pakutibela ndalama zathu za misonkho ndiye number 1 osagona , boma la anthu amikonono okha okha ili.
Ili paliyamenti ya pa joni akanagona?? Kuli julius kumeneko.
Amagona chifukwa chakudwala? Kapena kutopa tifufuze b4 comment
Zikufuna achinyamata izi. Amkura anthuwa
bola awa koma abwana awo aja!
Guys tisanathawe chilungamo, a chaponda a flopper and kumagona while th przdnt z delivering hs speech and him being th leader of opposition[a newly appointed 1] shows disrespect to th whole august house and to th head of state or is t tht H.E speech was uselless. all of people why chaponda? tulo lilibe ulemu!
Gwengwe anali wachinyamata,nanga bwanji ankangogona pa misonkhano ya Abiti Mtila?takambani ina apa siza kanundu zanuzi
Gwengwe anali wachinyamata,nanga bwanji ankangogona pa misonkhano ya Abiti Mtila?takambani ina apa siza kanundu zanuzi
How can the next president sleep in the important meeting, shame, so disappointed to
Ngangazi sizothandiza koma zinzikatsongorera kumanda kumudzi ,zidzukulu kumudzi kwawo nzikuchula agogo anthu ena pomwe iye kumagana .amaonakhatiwafikakwawo chibwana eti kkkkkkkk!
kenako muva kuti Ng’ona ya mu cup yamumeza, sangatilande u leader of the house ife anthu aku nsanje asatizolowere anyaphaphi amenewa
wina aliyense angagone & nature can’t be controlled at all.tulo tilibe dolo
Kugona ndiye mukudabwa ndizachilendo amalawi kulimbana ndikulemba zopepela bwanji
Don’t blem this man z 2 old to save the nation. U can c at the face that he need a nanny indeed.
Chinkhopecho ngat maliro ochokera ku ghana
Sakugona koma kulingalira kuti dziko kuti isakumanenso ndinjala
Za ziiiiii chanzeru munaona nchimenech???:
Old age!
Foolish minister, too old to be the leader of the house, why not to fire him just because he is from the same lhomwe?
Malo ochezera..ma s tupid people
.ndiye ameneo..chaka chovota chikafka inu ndine ndiakaxathu mkumaty bomaaaa..disgusting ..malawi z gud bt iwe ndinngate mxika xamalawi titanipo…
Azigona Namfedwa Pa Maliro Nde Kulibwanji George Chaponda?
Mmmmm sakugona akupemphera
For me I don’t blame this man bcos he is old, I blame those who voted For this old man. Gogo (sekulu) namzukulu winu nkhumukhumbirani #turo tuwemeeeeeeee
U’re Treu,tulo Tuwemeee tizamwonana namachero,pala kwacha kkk..
Niwawuskenge agogo pala SONA yamala kkk
ok we are fools
ok we are fools
Not only a fool but a big fool @ Emmanuel Matewere Chimombo Nthambi hahahaha
Sleeping allowance kkkkkkkkkk.
Mukapitaso kumisonkhano ya kunja mumangokhalira kugona chonchi kkkkkkk
Kkkkk you know when some1 sleeps on duty it means he worked hard on the previous day
You know what in military we call it SOD that is sleeping on duty
Eya and you remember bingu atangomwalira chaponda colapsed ndikuchita stroke koma ndalama brought him back to normal,those are diehards of dpp anyway kodi lucy jali alipo?
Old age at work
Pali zifukwa zambili zomwe zingamupangise munthu kugona sizachilendo ayi komano kungowapempha aphungu athu kuti apewe kutelo kuti zazitha kusatira bwino zochitika nyumba yamalamulo
Tsopano Kugona Analakwitsa? Amalawi takhalani ndi chidwi pa dzithu za chitukuko wotsati zatu mukunenazi,pali zochitika zambiri zofuna kuwunikilana ngati a Malawi Koma basi nganga amagona ,amagona wachaini? Malawi tikhala tikutsalila chifukwa mkhalidwe wongofuna kumtezela mzanthu zifukwa basi.
old age kkkk sa khani achinyamata mmalo ofunikira ngt awa amene azinkhala active kopaso ndi chidwi pofuna kutukula dziko lanthu losauka kaleli
tulo ntokoma
This is the problems for voting old people do you think he can country?
kugona tulo n’kulinga utakhuta.akhuta ndrama zamisonkho yathu ayiwala kt tawatuma kt akoze mavuto agwa pakati pamalawi.TIKUMBUTSANE KT munthu akagona palibe chomwe amaganiza,palibe chomwe amaona,ndipo palibe chomwe amava. ena amati anthu olemera satamba nanga awa usiku amatani?.ukapanda mano osaswa phale ngati zatopetsa sizokakamiza kupuma ndibwino.nanga izi nizinthu NDUNA YOONA ZAULIMI CHOSECHO MALAWI ALI NDI NJALA WINA NKUMAGONA?
Fort finders….have u ever get tired wt ur work?.
sure “fort” finder I just found the “fort” in your forty spelling …. but its no big fault
Kunena chilungamo ndidyera chabe anthuwa atopa,#Geoge chaponda,#Goodwell godwe,ndi ena ambiri akapume please please …..akazagwa muparliament ine sizamva chisono,i promise!!!!
Wakale bwanjo
Its part of life kkkkkkkk!!!
mukasowa zolemba mzingolemba kuti stop killing ma abino……mwamva!!!!!!
Mukumakatamba then kukacha nkumavutika ndi tulo malo antchito sichoncho? anthu andalamadi sagona ndakhulupilura
Nkhani ndi yoti akula akapume adzikalera zidzukulu. Ngati boma limwelo limati munthu akafika 60 yes akapume (retire) koma kundale azigogo amakakamilabe mwaona zitsatila zake .Big up reporters akamagona dziwajambulani chomcho ife tidziwauza chilungano .Mwakalamba madala kapumeni
That’s the problem of having pple above 70 yrs in offices,,,,,,kukamila moti asiyile ana izi
anakhuta nkhuku za DuDu , usn our tax
Zikutanhtauza dyera la mkhalamba zathuzi pokanilira maudindo,achinyamatafe ndi atsogoleri amawatu paja osamayiwala.Ndiye munthu akagona amathatu kuziphwitsira…ndiye sekishon 100000/1 yaMalamulo adziko lathu imati kuphwitsa pagulu ndi mulandutu….adzapeza polekera atavekedwa chibangiri..kkkkkkk koma kumenko!!!!!
Zikutanhtauza dyera la mkhalamba zathuzi pokanilira maudindo,achinyamatafe ndi atsogoleri amawatu paja osamayiwala.Ndiye munthu akagona amathatu kuziphwitsira…ndiye sekishon 100000/1 yaMalamulo adziko lathu imati kuphwitsa pagulu ndi mulandutu….adzapeza polekera atavekedwa chibangiri..kkkkkkk koma kumenko!!!!!
Gd nyt kkkkk
Siyirani ana ife ulamulirowu. Akuluakulu inu zakukanikani
Tuloo lilibe mankhwala. Thank God sanayasamule kukamwa Kikkkkkkkkkkk cldv Bn worse.
Eeeeeeee ndibwino mungosiya kulemba nkhani chimene mumadziwa kulemba ndi ma mistake basi mbuzi!!! za atolankhani
Wagona so wat?mulibe zochita?
Stupit people ndani sagona kusowa zoreba basi kodi kupalimentiko kuri malidala oreba ogona ndi kulogorora
Don’t you think the reporter of this article is the one in a deep slumber? Who is he if compared to Dr Chaponda? What joy do you delight in despising classic people?
Xis iz a tota waste of resources…He z an out dated thing bring new blood
Maybe his boss was talking rubbish hence he took a nap
zikusoneza kut zomwe ayankhula ur exllency zo waz nonsense o him(panalibe mfundo ogwira mtima) zikanakhala zomveka coudn’t sleep.
zikusoneza kut zomwe ayankhula ur exllency zo waz nonsense o him(panalibe mfundo ogwira mtima) zikanakhala zomveka coudn’t sleep.
Amen Mukumunen Wapanga Post Khaniy Ithink Vut Ndinuy,inu Mutamupez Mlonda Wanu Pagate Utsiku Akugon Mungamutan?Kod Atamufus Zomw Anayakhur Big Angalosore
Amen Mukumunen Wapanga Post Khaniy Ithink Vut Ndinuy,inu Mutamupez Mlonda Wanu Pagate Utsiku Akugon Mungamutan?Kod Atamufus Zomw Anayakhur Big Angalosore
Let them retire please and download new blood in 2019.
Let them retire please and download new blood in 2019.
Langa ndi mfunso ngati iwowa akugona pamene abwana awo akuyankhula ndiye akakhala ku ufesi kwawoko amagona mwamtundu wanji??? si amachita kufunda Blangeti?? nd chifukwa chake MALAWI sakutukuka anthu mma ofesimu akungokhalira kugona tifuniranjinso umboni wina apa!!!!!!!
Langa ndi mfunso ngati iwowa akugona pamene abwana awo akuyankhula ndiye akakhala ku ufesi kwawoko amagona mwamtundu wanji??? si amachita kufunda Blangeti?? nd chifukwa chake MALAWI sakutukuka anthu mma ofesimu akungokhalira kugona tifuniranjinso umboni wina apa!!!!!!!
ndiwe chitsilu et atate ako sagona how special he is kut asagone
ndiwe chitsilu et atate ako sagona how special he is kut asagone
Using TAX payers money dreaming? Kamuzu would have kicked this mediocre minister out of parliament & jailed for life for missusing TAX PAYERS MONEY;
Using TAX payers money dreaming? Kamuzu would have kicked this mediocre minister out of parliament & jailed for life for missusing TAX PAYERS MONEY;
Wachamba George eti
Wachamba George eti
Even ogona nkalasi sakhala ndi nzeru, nanga angamve bwanji zomwe akuphunxisa a teacher ake kkkkkl
Even ogona nkalasi sakhala ndi nzeru, nanga angamve bwanji zomwe akuphunxisa a teacher ake kkkkkl
Thanks George C Langwani and Dinnah Sajeni for your support on my comment.
Thanks George C Langwani and Dinnah Sajeni for your support on my comment.
koma amalawi mulibe nkhani kodi ? munthu wagona ikhale nkhani ?hahahah Malawi sitizapita patsogolo coz timalimbana ndi zinthu za ziiii .
koma amalawi mulibe nkhani kodi ? munthu wagona ikhale nkhani ?hahahah Malawi sitizapita patsogolo coz timalimbana ndi zinthu za ziiii .
No musamuikile kumbuyo muziganiza mchifukwa chake Malawi sakutukuka chifukwa cha anthu ngat samayenera kugola cz kumeneko ndi parliament kokambilana kayendetsedwe kadziko and anasinkhidwa kukatumikila anthu not kukagona, kod pakanatulutsidwa bill yot agulitse Lake Malawi mukuganiza kut sikanadutsa iye ali mtulo opanda kuikapo maganazo ake choncho mkumat Malawi angasinthe? Ichi mchifukwa ndinaganiza zochoka ku Malawi chifukwa ndi dziko la anthu ogona
Akulu tazganizan ngt munthu, muziona zoikra kumbuyo, inu simukchta manyaz kt achaponda amagona munthu wankulu akuthoka? hahaha what a dramma!
koma man nde mukuganiza Malawi tingapite patsogoro ndi uve wake umenewu kugona ngati alikunyumba chonchi
Konseku mkukakamila mpando ,anthu oyenela kupuma ntchito sakulola kuti ana omwe amaliza school aggwireko ntchito .
Konseku mkukakamila mpando ,anthu oyenela kupuma ntchito sakulola kuti ana omwe amaliza school aggwireko ntchito .
malawi24 kugona kwa chaponda ife kutipindulira chani, inu simugona? za ziiiii
malawi24 kugona kwa chaponda ife kutipindulira chani, inu simugona? za ziiiii
So its a norm for anyone to take a knap. so why our Mugabe.
So its a norm for anyone to take a knap. so why our Mugabe.
We are paying him for sleeping on duty.
We are paying him for sleeping on duty.
Kkkkkkkkk kusonyeza dziko lawufulu,amakambilanaso zawufulu, ndiye kugonakotu…..mayiko ngti,Nigeria, Egypt, Mali, Mozambique, sakanagona ameneyo. Koma mayiko onse kuli mtendele kwa Africa hvuto logona kunyumba yamalamulo mukakalipeza is normal
Kkkkkkkkk kusonyeza dziko lawufulu,amakambilanaso zawufulu, ndiye kugonakotu…..mayiko ngti,Nigeria, Egypt, Mali, Mozambique, sakanagona ameneyo. Koma mayiko onse kuli mtendele kwa Africa hvuto logona kunyumba yamalamulo mukakalipeza is normal
Kkkkk koma amalawi..?
Kkkkk koma amalawi..?
palibepo nkhani apa, tulo lilibe dolo, anyone can fall asleep anywhere anytime even while driving ngati thupi lafuna kutero, maybe sanagone mokwanira nit b4 as he is a buzy man or else samamva bwino m’nthupi
palibepo nkhani apa, tulo lilibe dolo, anyone can fall asleep anywhere anytime even while driving ngati thupi lafuna kutero, maybe sanagone mokwanira nit b4 as he is a buzy man or else samamva bwino m’nthupi
ha ha ha munthu azigona mu church ndiye mwati mu parliament
ha ha ha munthu azigona mu church ndiye mwati mu parliament
Samagona,he waz prending to die!!
Samagona,he waz prending to die!!
Never mind.ngakhale mu church anthu amagonabe.love ur leaders my bro.n.ss
Never mind.ngakhale mu church anthu amagonabe.love ur leaders my bro.n.ss
Sleeping isn’t strange, we all do sleep.
Guys choyamba moni kwa onse amene amakhala ndichidwi ndi Fb. Kodi simunaone munthu akugona muchurch ngakhale muzikiti nthawi imene busa or sheikh akulalikira? Tiyeni amalawi tonse tigwirane manja ndikusiya kulozana chala mwalo mogazila dziko lathu kuti mwina likhale lofanana ndimaiko ena amene anali osauka koma chifukwa cholimbikira lero ndi olemela.
Nde tikamagona choncho zayenda???
Kumatengera munthuyo mwina anali ndi Ntchito zina zokhuzana ndi Boma ndiye kutopa ndikutopa basi. Gays wanthuwa andalewa samagona ngati timagonera enaa ife opanda zochita.
No problem sleeping
Who knows he was interceding kkkk
Chaka chino njala ndiyosanena
kutopa basi..
Mwina amalota zomwe zimayakhulidwazo,,or azipeza newspaper kkkk
Aaaaa zopanda mchele zaziii basi kugonaso ndichani amalawi kusowa zokamba kkkkkkkkkk Chiponda 4ver Uzeugugele khona house of assembly siyakutsadza chaponda and naleparty yakho siyayifeva
olembayoso mkape popeza satopako nthawi zambili mumaona ngati anthu ngati amenewa amakhala ndimpata ogona eti? Iweyo ukuti pakufunika achinyamatawe kalowetu ku parliament ngati ukuona ngati zimakhala zacisawawa, Kaya zilikomko zisatikhuze ndinkhani yogona yanuyo naweso ukagone ngati zikuyendele zakoyotu malipilo akhala akulowa ngakhale wagona kkkkkkkkkkk (niyaphapha nitokhula nini niyanya muyekeleni chaponda sikhatsi sakhe leso ayikho lento yenu) Chaponda 4ver kkkkk
Mapwando kkkkkkkk…….via bwandilo
it might be cause of over working,n might have been the one writting presidential speech
Chaponda alibe vuto komano vuto ndiloti kunalibeko entertainer nxt tym muxayitane Gwaladi azizayimbako few minutes then kupitilixa ma program choncho simuzawonasa wina akugona
Zimachitika Gyz!!
kkkkkk no comment
Malawi ndimunthu wasanje aaaaa
The president in waiting!
Mwina amapemphera samagona.
Palibe chachilendo,munthu amagona even mtchalitchi,m’basi.nde mukudabwa??? Kodi chapondayo amagona yekha???? Bwanji enawo simunawatchule???
Makutu sagona tulo guyz!
kkkkkkkk ndie sana bwebwete coz chaponda waenera kumalira akamagona.mwina ndi chizimba kt akazabera chisamkho 2019 asazagwidwe
Zinaz Zimandidabwitsa Kut Kod Walemba Nkhaniwe Siudasinzeko Penapake Mot Ndizachilendo Zimenez Ndipo Anthuwa Ndi Akulu Mu Mslnkhu Osamalemba Zomwe Mr Ibu Amakamba Bwanji Busy Kutiuza Mbwelela Zanuzo, Kunali Kwa Bwino Asamakulolezen Kulowa Mnyumbai Chifukwa Zikuonetsa Kut Mwaiwala Chomwe Mumalowela Mu Nyumbai
Umbuli ukape amalawi
Kupondeleza achinyamata basi!
Kupita Ndikupita Kupitila Kukagona Basi Hedeee!
A Matumbi adayimba kale, wake up Malawi and develop your dead country
Tulo timeneti mpake nyanja ikupita uku.
Pipo who r killing Mw! they don’t think a bout de pipo ati zawo zinayera , bombocrat
Chaponda is human there’s nothing sleep in parliament that is his house, he’s like a cat,cat sleeps anywhere,(kwa amene munawelengapo mabuku a m’mbuyomo)you can agree with me.
Bwahahaha!!!!!! at first I thought de man is sleeping dead in de coffin
This is why we cannot develope
Ndiye vuto ndi chani nayenso ndi munthu akuyenera kugona
Akalamba anthu awa
Kodi zikutathauza kt munthu akakhala leader ov the house sagona pagulu lamulo likutelo? kapena amagona ndi iye yekha? ndimakaikila ngt tingatukuke if we ll be pointing on mistakes ife tiziva zoti Chaponda amagona?
Usiku samagona kuti akagone ku pariament ngati atopa asiye ntchito anthu ambili mbili anaphunzila alibe ntchito, ntchito akuzipeza anthu akuti anatha mphamvu ngati iyeyo ndi phungu akapita ku pariament amagona akuwaudza kuti chani akudela lake si akuthandiza ayi akapumule
I don’t have any problem wt sleeping bt zili nd nthaw komanso malo!
Only an idiot leader could sleep on such crucial deliberation in parliament. No wonder, these dudes are too old.
Leader of de house falling asleep is the same as the entire house was asleep,i cn imagine how boring the speech could be. His first day as a leader could nt be like that,the boss’s speech here was really empty.
Journalits trying to put jobs of cameramen under the knife as you did to presidential guard when he (muthalika) fell down after stepping on a slippery brick
presidential speeches can be boring @ times.. only God doesn’t sleep.. we humans slp…
kod iwe sugona?coz wagona mu parliament walakwisa bt akanamaodzera church simukananena kanthu,za ziih.
Ndakhala ndikunena nthawizambili kuti boma ili lidadzaza ndizianthu zamkonono lero siizimwadzionera nokha magogowa satithangata mdziko muno achoke akapume
Ngati Ndichomcho.Akamapuma Onse Okalamba Chilichonse Chomwe Ndichakale Muchigwese Kaya Ndi Radio,tv Station,mitengo,cars,misinje,nyanga Kenako Uyikemo Zako Zatsopano Zoti Mulamulire Ndi Achinyamata Anuwo.
Ngati Ndichomcho.Akamapuma Onse Okalamba Chilichonse Chomwe Ndichakale Muchigwese Kaya Ndi Radio,tv Station,mitengo,cars,misinje,nyanga Kenako Uyikemo Zako Zatsopano Zoti Mulamulire Ndi Achinyamata Anuwo.
Stupid point opuma amatenga zinthu anapanga ,kupuma means u have done ur part now its others to continue from wer u left azagwila mpaka liti? Akapumedi
your right man zikapumedi zimkhalambazi nanga chonchi zitisunga izi ? ngakhale milomo yakeyo wachita kuyilonga bwino tulo lakoma
Kambani story ina guys.
Adali kotamba
kodi ma alawasi azipatsa munthu wogona mpaliyament tisamuyikile kumbuyo uyu ayi Nanga amagonapo amalota chiyani?
Kugona Mu Parliament & At The End Of The Month He Should Get Paid,money From Our Taxes?
turo tilibe udolo
He was not sleeping but was just pretending to sleep because the address of the president was boring.He new that he could be ashamed if he could be listening with open eyes as the address contained full of nosense
This guys worked day and night for the opening of parliament ….so let his sleeping not be an issue… It can happend to obama or even you….
Tiyeni tizisiyila achinyamata!!!! Umboni ndi uwu!!! Pamenepa akumva koma????
Please ife amalawi tikamayimira chithu cholakwika chifukwa munthuyo timamusapota sibwino tiyeni tivomeleze apa zinalakwika kugona ali pa ntchito yofunikira munthu wamkulu ndi kumagona ndikumati zithu zikuyenda ena akazuzula ndikumadana nawo mukuganiza bwanji?
Chaponda as a minister and LoH anali ataiona kale speech ya Apm and read it over and over therefore it was lyk he is listening to somethng he oredy knew.
Then wy going there?
he should have slept and come late
he should have slept and come late
he should have slept and come late
he should have slept and come late
Munthu ukagona nkhope imasinthadi sure panarimkononotu pamenepa pakamwapo paonetsa kkkkk
Tulo ndithu ili azukanso awa.kkkkkkk alibe khawa,aope ndani?
Let us understand him he is a human being,let us forgive and forget, then we move forward.Remember!! guyz,to error is human.We cannot condemn each and every person on the small mistake that he or she makes then we can’t move forwad.Let us correct one’s mistake on the right manner.
And you consider this a small mistake when the big man himself was delivering such an important speech??? But surely he will be forgiven.tiyende pamodzi ndi mtima umodzi!
contrary to the issues being talked about here.who is to forgive?u are generous for no reason.mayb u give him ur forgiveness but i feel sleeping in parliament is as good as day light roberry.he pocketed our taxes through hefty allowances
Etiii! Why not give that position to those who are “awake”. Like this allowance on top
Maybe the president speech was boring….
palibe chomwe walakwa apa ndi lamulo liti lomwe limaletsa munthu kugona HE akamayankhula?Nde munthuyo nayenso amatopa.why are you attacking chaponda only?yet njobvuyalema and crew were also sleeping.
palibe chomwe walakwa apa ndi lamulo liti lomwe limaletsa munthu kugona HE akamayankhula?Nde munthuyo nayenso amatopa.why are you attacking chaponda only?yet njobvuyalema and crew were also sleeping.
Tea break imachedwa
Mmmh uko
Leader amagona?NDE apanga bwanji lead?hahahahahhahhaa
I was tired and I ask you Honour and the entire nation to forgive me,,, am really sorry.
mphamvu ya ukalamba
FA CUP final
Tulo limeneri adzalanditsa boma
It wasn’t worth listening to…or boring…ever seen movies,comedies that can keep you awake…yea
what is wrong? We the taxpayer will pay his salary anyway
kugona pamene munthu wamkulu akuyankhula ndi mwano!
the way Peter talks u can sleep sure i dont blame Chaponda
amapephela mwina who knows
Malawi nkhalamba izi
chtsru cha munthu kumangopta nd sukulu pasogolo mwai bursary mwayambano matama
poti ngwatulo kale palibe chodabwitsa
Sleeping means absent so why get an allawance when you are absent
i have underline : Deep Slumber! 🙁
guys we can’t move forward tikamapanga concentrate pa zinthu zopanda mzeru, ndani sanagoneko ngakhale nkalasi,osamapeleka mfundo zoti zipitise dziko lathu patsogolo ngati mumatimokiladi a Malawi polemba nkhani bwaa.
He z the leader v de house… Mu class ndi parliament r thy de same mboba khalan serious
munthuyu anavoteredwa zakhala bwino amuwone,nkhani ili bwino
Ndizopanda nzeru izi?
Zopanda nzeru ndi zogona mu parliament’zo ndi zomwe ukunena iwe’zo! Learn to accept the wrongs osati zamkutu zakozo!
Inu mwapelewa nzeru nanunso APA a mayeso!mukufuna tizipanga tolerate zogona pantchitozi?isaaaaaa! Anthu ngati inu ndiamene mukupangitsa malawi samatukuke!
by the way,analandila allowance for this sleeping.remember,they are there to deliberate on many pressing issues,not dreaming of his wife.nsonkho wanga ukundipweteka heavy….
akuti 2019 president ndi ameneyu kkk what a joke
If de subject is boring,students are forced to sleep, far from where am sitting I can smell that the president speak was boring perhaps with no salt,can someone sleep when Mugabe speaks?I doubt! !!Can someone sleep when Obama or Julious malema speaks?I doubt also!!our leaders must learn how to deliver a speak even if it is a prepared one.
tsiku loyamba mklass, ngati munagonako Inuyo pitani kuchipatala chomwe chili pafupi
Leader of the house kugona, and u’r backng hm? let us b serius plz
nde ikakwana nthawi yoti acomente zonwe alankhula a president aziti chani?
nde ikakwana nthawi yoti acomente zonwe alankhula a president aziti chani?
Leader of the house. Sleeping during the president’s key note address. Ndiye wina aziti ndi camzelu ici. Amalawi tikudzipondeleza tokha polola zinthu zoononga dziko. Kodi poti uli wa dpp ndiye ulole akuphele makolo ako?
Jzu akugona munatokota kwambiri angulu inu. zaipa lero popeza ndinamadya njoka mnzanu?
akanakhala kuti a opposition bwezi ili pa MBC,nde malawi walero ameneyo
Even anthu ogona nkalasi amakhala opanda nzeru
How can he be sleeping in such a time,as big as him,shame!
gong’oli ameneyo ogona mkalasi hahahahahaha
Usilu ndamene akuononga dziko
Hahaha uyo ni Himba osakaika that magogo his not serious saziwa kuti the moment akugona in parliament mphavu ya kwacha ikusikila sikilabe
Hahaha uyo ni Himba osakaika that magogo his not serious saziwa kuti the moment akugona in parliament mphavu ya kwacha ikusikila sikilabe
njovuyalema naye anagona bwanji simukusambwadza apa?he is human and nature caught him off guard,even in church munthu umatha kugona
njovuyalema naye anagona bwanji simukusambwadza apa?he is human and nature caught him off guard,even in church munthu umatha kugona
akampephererre bushiri chimenechi ndfichiwanda chaumbuli
nde kugona mpaka mu parliament and chonvesa chisoni president wakoyo anali momwemo zamanyazi
Iwe sukuona the funny thing wt that? hahahaha vry fnny
SAmayenera kugona pa mwambo ngat umenewo man!
Azikagona namalira pamaliro ndiye mukanene uku pitani uko anthu wotsowa cholemba inu.
Leader of the House kugona? eeeish bola azigona achina Winiko sindingadabwe
Malawi dzuka, why too much sleeping!!!!
Kugona kodi ndi concetration ya chitukuko,sali serious
Ukuwoneka kut sunadziwe zinthu zopanda nzeru
Nashon Kamata Banda fundo imeneyo mphwanga wawawaa
Kugona a Malawi ife kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk
Sleeping cat never catches a rat….kkkkkkkk ,Charles Sinetre
Ndewe mbuzi kwambili we voted this mother p*ssy to lead our country not sleeping dem Malawi sizanthekanso basi
you vote who ana amahule inu @jay
Kkkkkkkk kugona pomwe munthu wamkulu akuyakhula Hahahahaha xithandiza izi koma
The speach was boring
Nkhalamba izi iyaa
Anthuwa akalamba retirement is calling baba
the was ful of stories and lies.
The leader of parliament caught sleeping on duty ndiye kusakhanaku kukutengera ubale kapena performance yamuthu this is one of the bad examples from our president
Ds niggas are old no wanda dey r sleeping
Kkkkkkk civil service reform itheka apa? Kkkkkkkkkkk
kkk bomali lachuluka anthu achamba!!! choncho tingalemere umangokhalira ‘dziko la china lanenetsa kuti lizitithandiza …
Nkhalamba zakalamba izi lets download new version in 2019 coming elections.
These folks are old nxaaa…. shame….
Concentrate don’t sleep at work. Wake up nigga
Azigona anamfedwa
Amene mwainu sanagoneko mu msonkhano uliwonse agende mwara oyamba
iwe uyu ndi leader of the house sayenera kugona,be serious
iwe tagendagenda dzulo ife, ukuti chani
ndimafuna mwala wanga ukhale oyamba pogenda munthu ameneyu koma ndapeza anzanga agenda jkale
Awa akapume awa asiyile a chinyamata udindo wabva petala?
hahaha #TsetseFlyTingz
You jst knw!!!!!! Mix old age kkkkk
kkkkk!!!!!….#lauren waganiza bwanj?
Jst being realistic,,,u knw #Tinak
Alibe mavuto kkkkkkkkkkk
Panya pake
Anali Kokatamba Usiku. Thats Y Amat Kulibe Uft,amakana Ugwidwa Lero Tamugwra!
Sanamve kut failing to prepare is preparing to fail, chitsiru !
Anali Kokatamba Usiku. Thats Y Amat Kulibe Uft,amakana Ugwidwa Lero Tamugwra!
ngat oyankhlayo albe mfundo nde mumaganiza kt anth aznvesera zoduka mutuzo??