The First Grade Magistrate Court in Mwanza district has sentenced four men to eight years imprisonment with hard labour each for robbery with violence.
The four convicts have been identified as Frank Yambani, 25, Bright Kam’mwamba, 37, Kenneth Chimphonda, 21, and Kondwani William.
The court heard that the thugs robbed a motorcycle worth K240,000 belonging to Daniel Stephano at Kasampha Village.
The four used pangas to threaten Stephano and went away with the motorbike.
They were later jailed and will appear in court soon.
Majajiwa ndawatulukira kuti mzitsiru akutha kuweruza mwatsanga timilandu ting’ono ting’ono ngati takuba tawamba ngati timeneti koma cashgate kwakanika kuopa. Poti amati pakalowa mbewa ayi koma njoka
Majajiwa ndawatulukira kuti mzitsiru akutha kuweruza mwatsanga timilandu ting’ono ting’ono ngati takuba tawamba ngati timeneti koma cashgate kwakanika kuopa. Poti amati pakalowa mbewa ayi koma njoka
Anthu aiwaleko nyama zimenezi.
kamanganani aliyese ndiochimwa.
Gud newz 2us
Eya ndi
Koma panauma chaka chino.lol
Chaka cha 2016 any crime=8yrs in jail with hard labour kkkkkkkkkk majaji kodi mwaluza timing ait??
it should have been stiffer than that. robber with violence?
uyu ndiwinaso kapena yemwe uja wadzulo mumati waba ndalama?