The United Nations (UN) independent expert on human rights and albinism Ikponwosa Ero has called on government to declare Malawi a state of national disaster following high cases of killing people with albinism.

During her assessment visit Ikponwosa Ero said 65 cases of violence against people with albinism, including killings and dismemberment, have been recorded by police in Malawi since 2014.
Ero expressed concern that people with albinism live in danger in Malawi where their body parts are valued in witchcraft.
“People with albinism are an endangered group facing a risk of systemic extinction over time if nothing is done.
“Attacks against people with albinism are particularly brutal, we talk about protecting wildlife while not even prioritizing efforts in protecting people with albinism,” said Ero.
Meanwhile, Centre for Human Rights and Rehabilitation Executive director Timothy Mtambo has since backed the call to declare a national disaster following the killings of albino people.
However, Principal Secretary for Gender, Children and Community Development Mary Shawa said government is yet to react on the calls.
This government should stop killing innocent albinos,
Kkkkk!eeee!ine mdachta kuwona chipawudala chkunthamangitsa albino kt chipange deal,mpaka ka albino kunthawila m’manda
whats the reason of laughing man, be kind.
malawi president has failled to protect people with albinism but he dont want to declere.albinals are hunted & slaughtered as wild animals.malawi is insecurity nation
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: dr.williamsherbaltempel@gmail.com, or whatsapp him on 2348143143878.
This is a positive urgent way to go,if the state can protect natural trees at dzalanyama what more human beings? Funds must be identified and take all our brothers and sisters living with albinism to protected camps
Odont see any problem for the gvt to protect this minority group,isee something fishy,butGod will protect them as he protect the jews amen
ine kumupeza opha albino kumugwira ineso ndimupha kulibe ukapeleka kupolice onsewo ndamodzi.
ndalama mungoonongera zazii,, dzima meetinn dzopanda ntchito shupit! komaso agalu inu kuma meetinn okakamba za albinowo muziatrapa onseee!!!;
Lord have mercy! Omwe muli ndi abale a albino, chonde musawasiye okha, always b with them
I agree with Nkululeko Ngubane, The God of Major One Is Greater than satan and all these bad things. Major One, please do something!
Titani nawo anthu olimba ntimawa gys
Someone will say that its not true, soory malawi
It’s true, Malawi is indeed a disastrous country!
Malawi is in bad situation now is no longer warm heart of Africa
Cold heart of africa
End of the world
I agree with her
Kodi mukati expert amayenela kukhala ndi chani? An expert on albino’s or on security?
Boma lililonse ndi lakupha! Muluzi azimayi ankachosedwa maso ndi mawere ku chiradzulu, bingu malemu azibambo maliseche akadulidwa, JB nayeso azibambo maliseche ankadulidwa, Moyayi ndiye wanyanya ma albinos at lisk palibenso chipanga iye! Ntchito kuwuza asilikali kumalimbana ndi amakala!
Etidi eti nkhoma, wamakara kuno kwathu kwa kaweche kudzala nyama akumampheratu pompopompo fiti zimenezi ngakhale alibe makala amene, koma kwa kawinga kumachinga wopezeka ndiziwalo za alubino ati 3years imprisonment, kunena kwake mkuma ati atsamunda popanga constitution yathu sanakambepo za zilango za ma crimes antundu woterewu poti sanayembekeze mkomwe kuti kutsogolo kuno satana adzadza ndi nzeru yotereyi.
Etidi eti nkhoma, wamakara kuno kwathu kwa kaweche kudzala nyama akumampheratu pompopompo fiti zimenezi ngakhale alibe makala amene, koma kwa kawinga kumachinga wopezeka ndiziwalo za alubino ati 3years imprisonment, kunena kwake mkuma ati atsamunda popanga constitution yathu sanakambepo za zilango za ma crimes antundu woterewu poti sanayembekeze mkomwe kuti kutsogolo kuno satana adzadza ndi nzeru yotereyi.
Koma nkhoma ngat sanave sadzavaso kk nazo
Its 2 much who ever is behind that move must be brought to book and rot in jail
Koma zafikapa ai ndithu. Azibale athuwa ndiochepa kwambiri,sikungabvute kuwateteza boma. Bwanji siyani kaye bunquet hall ku state house ko,ku ma million wo mugwiritse ntchito potetezera anzathuwa powawika malo amodzi kuti azitetezedwa bwino kusiyana ndimene amakhalira mmakwawo momwe atsatanawa amachita kuthamangitsana nawo ngati kuti ndi nyama kosaka?
Major 1 do something, I am a south African but I am not about d situation in Malawi, my spiritual father major1 was born and raised in Malawi I bielive he is gonna intervene in dis situation because god is alive
Nde chilichonse chikhala State of National Disaster tuuu. Aaaaaaa mxiii
Yakuona yelewo
Yakuona yelewo
Too bad Malawians