President Peter Mutharika has urged employers in the country to comply with government standards in terms of labour issues some of which are minimum wage, safety and health, social protection and social dialogue.

In his remarks during commemoration of Labour Day at Masintha ground in Lilongwe, Mutharika threatened that any employers not complying with government standards will face the long arm of the law.
“Employers should strive to pay a decent wage to their workers. Many studies show us that workers who are well paid become highly productive.”
“Decent wages and incentives are investments. Employers wherever possible, let us invest in labour. Let us not go an extent of exploiting our labourers,” said Mutharika.
In his remarks, President of Communication Workers Union of Malawi Deus Sandram urged government to improve standards of the workers so that they can contribute actively in socio-economic development of the country.
This year’s National Labour Day event was organised by Malawi Congress of Trade Union under the theme “Decent work and reforms, a key to economic growth.”
The president is evil
How do you exproit teachers?
mwazindikila mochedwa abwana
Koma pa malawi pavuta ine phe dziko la jaccob zuma
Nkhani yabwino njekewo sopano ukachapidwe
Keep it up Mr president!!!!!!!
it’s true
mmm inu ndiye ndani mumabwela ndimfundo zanu ngati zabwino pamapeto pake kuwamenyanisa wanthu pazinthu zochepa muuzeni peter yo security yake ili poor kwambiri palibe chomwe akuchita alintulo muthileni madzi odzidzila mwina azizimuke akuonjeza kwambili no matter ndine mlomwe bt zikumandikhuza zomwe zikuchitika pamalawi pano pansi pa ulamuliro wa peterason
Keep it up Mr President! Your Labour minister must do some home work immediately most companies do not comply.
find out about this from the minister of labour.
makamaka amwenyewa akutibera kwambiri
There are no jobs in malawi,imagine a teacher is receiving less than K70,000 what is it?