“You have not lived today until you have done something for someone who can never repay you”- John Bunyan.
Following the numerous problems the Malawi health sector is facing, a charitable organisation, Reaching out to Others Together (ROOT) together with friends of Bwaila has organised a fundraising fun family walk that will see the proceeds going towards the maintenance and procurement of equipment for HDU at Bwaila hospital in Lilongwe.

The fundraising, which is a 5Km Charity Fun Walk in Area 10 will take place on Sunday 24th of April 2016.
Reaching Out to Others Together is also a group of voluntary women from multinational backgrounds who are trying to reduce poverty and create long term sustainability amongst Malawian people.
The charity fun walk is a third fundraising event ROOT has conducted in the country since the organisation was established less than two years ago.
During the upcoming fundraiser, tickets and pledge forms will be available.
“We’ll be raising funds through selling tickets for the walk and handing out pledge forms to children at some of the schools.
“Pledge forms allow children to voluntarily solicit donations from family members and friends in support of our worthy cause. There will also be a raffle for both adults and children on the day,” Root said in a statement.
The organisation added that proceeds will help minimise child deaths at Bwaila hospital.
According to United Nations’ findings, child deaths during birth forms the core findings of a detailed global United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) 2014 study that suggest that more than 70 per cent of almost 11 million deaths annually are attributed to six causes namely: Diarrhoea, Malaria, Neo-natal infection, Pneumonia, preterm delivery, and lack of oxygen at birth.
The report state that under-five mortality rate is estimated to be at 64 per 1000 live births.
UNICEF says that Malawi can prevent neonatal related deaths if the country can channel enough resources to the health sector.
Report by Thomas Siveriwa Jnr
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