Bingu’s memorial takes place tomorrow

Bingu wa Mutharika

There will be a memorial service for late President Bingu wa Mutharika who died four years ago, government has confirmed.

Bingu wa Mutharika
Bingu wa Mutharika to be remembered tomorrow.

According to the Office of the President Cabinet  President Peter Mutharika will lead family members and the nation at the memorial service at Chingadzi Parish in Thyolo.

Bingu died on 5th April 2012, according to a report by a set commission but different reports have been citing different dates like 7th and 6th April.

This was because his death was not known to the public for a few days.

Some of the top posts Mutharika served included working at the World Bank as a Loans Officer and at the United Nations Economic Commission of Africa, as Director of Trade and Development Finance and as Secretary General of the Common Market for Eastern and Southern Africa COMESA covering 22 Member States.

He was succeed by Joyce Banda who lost to Peter Mutharika in 2o14 elections.