The whirlwind of only one person benefiting from the alliance between ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the United Democratic Front (UDF) which has been centre of conflicts in the party continues, and Atupele Muluzi has yet again gotten the chip in President Mutharika’s revised cabinet list.

There have been internal rows within UDF as some members have been claiming that the alliance with DPP has only benefited the young Muluzi who serves as the party’s leaders.
And in the freshly revised cabinet list, Muluzi survives again at the Ministry Lands, Housing and Urban Development.
Earlier this year, there had been unrests in UDF as Vice President for the party, Iqbar Omar dragged Muluzi to court for him to prove claims that Omar was forming parallel structures.
Omar was axed from his post over what the party dubbed as ‘his tendency not to respect the party’s decisions and ideas’.
But inside sources have told Malawi24 that the issue of other members not being happy with Muluzi’s closeness to the DPP government had also been part of the issues and that Omar shared a similar ideology only to be told to step down.
The UDF has also been haunted down within the party with a section led by legislator Lucius Banda standing against the move by the party to switch to government benches in the August house.
Some critics said this could see the party dying, but the party maintains it is still strong and will contest in the next elections.
Inu ophudzira m’magula zovala kuti anthu osaphudzira akuguleni. M’malo moti mukambilane ndi anthu ogulitsa fetrizer asitse. Koma ngati ndikuphuzira kwanu ndiye ndi tuvi. Osaganiza za anthu okuvoterani manye zitsilu ophuzila inu machende
Tipemphele mulungu yekha alamulile ziko lathu lino la malawi ameni
Actually UDF needs today assess itself before too late ,otherwise the party is loosing it’s credentials
Chimunthu chopusachi chativuta koma ma vote chinabera. I hate ur rulling stupid watikwana tikufuna CHAKWERA
ndimkasapota UDF ndisanabadwe koma nditabadwa mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
That’s good chadyela
Uchitsiru wamuchulukila uyu kkkkkkkkkk
Democracy my frends runs on delta, opnoin being diversity we ar,we must nature them athu ndi maso mukamaliza mutiuza
UDF is dead and not sure what will it saying during campaign
Ukiti ukiti was a done deal between his father Atcheya and Peter Muthalika, you know a Tcheya ndi mitunda italiitali, kuchikweza, kuchitekete while Pitala ndi ka babe in politics, so the rest UDF supportes angothandiza ukiti ukiti kuledzela. Moreover, it is their stupidity because they are prominent ididots to blindly support the Lhomwe party with rheir minds, hearts,body, soul and ……..kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk.
Koma palibe cha bwino gusy just pray God help us
#PETER alibe #problem okamba azikamba…#DPPwoyeeeee!!
unreasonable and stupid udf members they cant see what is this,,,,,,,,apm and atupele muluzi they are after personal things not for the udf ,,,,,,,,palibe mgwilizano apa just tricking #idiots udf
political in malawi ask SA presedent Zuma the way his peopl is doing yu can cry but in Malawi we choose presedent just like to prospar him or her .
A Malawi 24,tafunani Chingelezi choyenera pankhani zanu. Dzulo anthu akusekani chifukwa cha”fired” lero mukuti “ignores UDF”. kodi Atupele Muluzi ndiwachipani chanji? Mukufuna kubweretsa chitani bwanji pakati pa zipani?
Because you don`t have sence all members of dpp. You allow peter to buy clothes to leave fertrizer but you see the country is poor. But you saying economy how to make economy you don’t have food you are stupid 100% I see that. That’s why joshua tb tell you prensdert openly dat he will die cause of nosence {tuvi}
u malawi24 writers. you are good at breaking the news. thats good and personally l appreciate it. bt how to bring the news to public dats ur huge problem. look at your heading and body t self, there is no any agreement @ all. improve on that pliz pliz pliz
Mmmm guys! Look at the literacy levels of Udf mps, I dont think there any mp there with sound qaulifications!!! Ambiriwa dont hav even a JCE.
Kkkkkk maudindo cashgate!
Woza ANC, woza DA, waza EFF zipani zasogolo kwathu ine ku Jon osati UDF,MCP,PP,NDA,MDU,MDC Ndi cholamula DPP dziko lamanja zipani tho pangani zipani zitatu DPP, UDF, MCP basi
U D F Kulibe idatha.
U D F Kulibe idatha.
U D F Kulibe idatha.
achimwene chipani chanu cha UDF
selfish Atupele.
Awa Dyela Iya ,
Half bread is better than none. Having #Atupele as a minister from UDF is better kusiyana ndi a MCP omwe akusowa mwayi umenewu
UDF is visionless & lacks direction no wonder this thing is happening
Paja usayiwale dolo chakudatu akuluwa chidawaluma kkkkk
Palibe wabwino aliyense amafuna kuchita yekha amalawi azitsogoleli athu samatikonda koma adzingotibera Mulungu amaona misozi yaMalawi zidzayenda tsiku lina
UDF made the people as stuped during the reign of Achair and it will never win the predential seat
UDF is still a live i was think is dead,but anyway let me tell u UDF Will never win again it done with Achair
wina afune asafuna atupele 2019 akulamulira dziko la malawi hahahahaha dzuka malawl dzuka
Tinkanena zoonadi anathela munsizi ndaonela UDF kusanva atupele zamuonekela hehede
Chopasidwa amalanda mulandenitso ameneyo galu ife phee kunja kuday super gate zonse ndi mbuzi izo agalu inu muvutitsa anthu mupaka liti ambuye oziwakulanga akulangeni poni tenga wakundata farm ku tholo mukapume
Koma nanga spagatte amalemba choncho bwana?
Tiziwapempherera atsogoleri a2 kut asinthe osati kuwalowetsa mmanda, palibe amakondwa nayo imfa guyz
Samala Peter usalole afuna akupusitse Muluzi mtima umamupwetekabe
Atitukwanenso patricia botomani kaliati
Kumalawi kulibe ndale anyani okha okha
kd anthu inu muti titani akumudzife
Kkkk aponda mwala peter alibenso kuopa
They invest in politics believe it or not
Dyela nkuluyu mmm
If he does not perfom, who is he not to be chopped? Kulephela unduna nde kumalota ali president? Wolephela achoke, Tupele ndi ndani kut asamchose?
Kod UDF ilipobeee?
Hey u Mr President How we can go forwad? Is a time to work together no metter Opossition or what see people’s is death about hanger. Dyela amalawi mmangofuna kukhutisa mimba zanu kuwaiwala aja anali buzy kuvina dzuwa likuwakutha akaweluka nkukagonela nkhwani opanda nditomato emwe inu muli buzy ndi masosage eish malawi nde anavundatu basi.
Kodi dululu ameneyu asatinyansepo apa chitsiru cha munthu akufunanso azimunyoza mwanayo anyatu anya
A kongolesi zisakukhuzeni, Ana a zinyau inu ,mukadalira agwape
Akuziwa kuti udf ndi muluzi chipani cha family
Che Tupele muluzi ndi abambo anu mukupha chipani cha udf chifukwa cha dyera lanu any time pitala akutayani koma anthu azakhala atasiya kukukhulupirirani ndipo ambiri ali ku dpp
Mr Atupele Muluzi afatsatu m’boma ndipo sakuyankhula olo pang’ono…..koma bans kkkkkk
Kodi bwamupiniyu kwawo ndikuti azipita asawononge dziko lathuli timakhala bwino. Lero tikuvutika chifukwa cha iye zachamba eti galu ifeyo manye sititenga
iweso uli ndi dziko?? kodi a UDF kunyumba ya anzawowo akumakataniko?? iweso ndi galu, tombolombo, finye, bwantasa, nkhululu, vivi,
Ndinebe sapota wa UDF chifukwa cha Lucious Banda.
nanu aUDF osapanga zanu bwanji
panyapako peter wava
Don’t Worry, It’s Politict full of pull down each other not up ok.
Kkkkkk kuli bwino kuzitsiya yaa
Does UDF stl exist??hahahaha Swallowed..
You’ll be the very people despising the president for including everyone in the boat and dub it appeasement
Peter ndi chitsilu chamunthu kapena kuti ndi galu mchila uli thithithithi alibe zelu. Ndiyitana joshua tb abweletso mwina galu uyu asintha kapena tingo mulonza basi kumafanana ndikuti munthu palibe ndi zinyalala
Hung urself baba!
Ka joshua nkachaniso
nde ngati Peter pre. ndigalu iwe ndindani unzimvere chisoni
Akachulukanamo mu cabinet mo achulukanso nzeru…….its an alliance btwn the muluzis and dpp basi
Comment iyinso uchitsilu ndi ugalu wake nde bolanso wa peter yo….koma mmutumo muli ubongo kwa amene walemba comment yi?
ukuziwa chani mwana ngati iweyo,, ungatukwane kholo la dziko la Malawi iwe opusa kwambili,, TB Jo ndindaniso walephela kale ndiye angakwaniseso pano?? iwe ndi mbuzi wamva ndipo Maa
a Peter ndikachani ngalamba ngati imeneyo sachamba bx
Kkkkkkk..hell on earth…
u must be very stupid….and u don’t know nothing athu osaphuzilanu ndiamene mukuonoga dziko chifukwa simutha kusiyanitsa ndale mntundu mpingo…idiot
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
Njoka timapha kumutu…ndiachani ena a udf…ku dpp kuli kale anthu ambiri!
Kkkk ‘Sorry Udf….
politics of apeasement! baby is no different from chair
Ana achepa awone kolowa apa
Ana achepa awone kolowa apa
Bwampini ameneyu ativutapo koma….kodi yemwe analoza mchimwene wake alikuti….apange ndi iyeyunso. #tired_of_his_poor_leadership