Khama Khwiliro takes new direction in music


Renowned gospel musician Khama Khwiliro has taken a new musical path, following in the footsteps of Faith Mussa and Patience Namadingo whose unique styles he admires.

After a successful launch of Ndaona Kuwala CD in October last year at Robbins Park in Blantyre, Khwiliro will release a DVD that will include songs which are in a unique genre that is understood to be the artist’s new identity.

The DVD project which he says will be finalized in June this year will bear a combination of five visuals from “Ndaona Kuwala” album and three new singles.

In an interview with Malawi24, the gospel heavyweight said it’s high time he overcame border barriers in spreading the word of God which he believes can only be achieved when he embraces a unique genre.

“I believe Malawi will have a brand new feel from me and love the new direction I have taken musically. My eyes are set for the international stage and it’s high time I showed the world what am capable of doing music wise, therefore the new singles will define that direction,” he said.

Khwiliro; Changing the touch.

The “Nthawi yanga yakwana” hit-maker plans to drop two singles on his birthday 15th April. One of the singles will be a video for “Tizaimba Lokoma” and the other will be an audio for “Usapupulume”.

For “Usapupulume” he has involved services of Step Up Records with Don Foxxy doing the magical production while the video for “Tizaimba Lokoma” was shot by Elisha Kazonde of Concept Images.

The former Christ Melodies singer has so far recorded eight new songs but only three have been included in the DVD project. He said the three songs are not bonuses but he felt the need to pass the message at this time.

“I would not call these three added songs bonus tracks but I felt God still has a lot that he has put in my heart that I need to communicate and preach to my fans. I felt I would not wait for next album to deliver this message but add it in this project,” he said.

Khwiliro has released two albums since he went solo. He is one of the active gospel artists who considers his fellow gospel artists a family.

Recently he was involved in a Grace Chinga tribute, which saw aggrieved heavyweights in local gospel coming together in a tribute to the late gospel queen.