Their memories of how they spent months at home staying idle last year are not over yet, but just after a week of opening, Polytechnic Students may be out of school again this time around.
Trouble is now freshly brewing for students at the Malawi Polytechnic, a constituent college of the University of Malawi.

Exclusive information that Malawi24 has indicates that lecturers at the institution have started downing tools from Monday, 21 March 2016.
A source told Malawi24 that the lectures have decided to down tools following disagreements with their employers over their remuneration.
“You can agree with me that the cost of living has risen while our earnings have remained the same, it is for this reason that we are demanding an improvement in our salaries,” said the source who did not want to be named.
According to the source, the lecturers are demanding at least a 15% increment in their monthly earnings.
Separate findings also say a grouping among the lecturers wants up to 75% increment to their perks.
Malawi24 understands that when the lecturers presented the issue to their employers, they were met with contempt. It is from that point that the academics decided to embark on an industrial action.
It is said that no lessons will be offered at the institution from Monday until government addresses their grievances.
It is not known if the strike will cripple other institutions in the university of Malawi.
In August last year, the institution got sealed after a disagreement between the students and school authorities on loan payment led to student riots.
The students were then called back to the institution a month later after the matter had been resolved.
(More reaction to follow)
mwala waukulu ukamagudubuka kumamveka phokoso lalikulunso.ife tinchengafe tingokhala chete kumvela mkokomowo….kkkkk
za xiii… pitala alibe polobulemu uyisovenge iwe student
watsover u de outsiders u may say doesnt concernd us,, bcoz we no dat students en lectures of poly xperiencs high cost of livin geographically..so let dem fight 4deir own welfare bt 4we students never think dat we llb bac hom never!! we ll wet wet until de issue iz resolved snc we hav dat fridom…so if u hate poly tok bad of t bt dat we benefit u notin..en understand de issue illiterally bt we understand it intellectually….
Rashford player of the moment. #GGMU!
..Read full report here..kumapanga click osamaopa!
increment ikufunika kumene.i support that move.
Its nt the students who r on strike but Lect.. nde wnawe kaya wawelenga nkhaniyi kapena ukulota??
koma guyz poly yakulakwilani chiyani? ophunzira ndiosalakwa ka. Werenganinso nkhaniyo.Zabwekubweku ayi…Polyhuwa tonse Huwaaaaaaaa!
Iwe Stamford. Kod kupusa et? Osaona kaye nkhaniyo bwanj? Kumangot peter, peter, peter, watan iyeyo? Amadya kwanu? Iweso shupit et? Ndakwiyananu nonse who blame Peter nkhan yosamu khudza!
Hey its better jst to focus on ur edcat than jst making nosense mkungochedwetsa anna anu kuti ayambe school kamapitani mzikabereka uko
have u read the story?
no u didnt read it Tayani…its about lecturers & not students…reread it pliz
akuziwa zonse ndi pitara.kaya bora ife tinadutsa nthawi ya tcheya.
akuziwa zonse ndi pitara.kaya bora ife tinadutsa nthawi ya tcheya.
Iyayi zinthu zakera ku state house kokha ndikomwe kkukufunika kuonjezera ndalama
Yes everything has gone up now am also next month I need increment from my boss.
Chikumukhuza Peter ndi chani apa? ngati amakunyasani zilumeni kumsana man…ngati mulibe comment kungokhala osa commenta ngati ine zingakuchitilenso ubwino kusiyana ndikumalimbana ndi munthu oti simungampeze ndipo alibe pulobulemu muli ndi ma pulobulemu ndi inu
a chain of events, catsitsa dzaye kuti….Mutu ukakula sulewa nkhonya.
chain of events, catsitsa dzaye kuti…. …. Mutu ukakula sulewa nkhonya.
chain of events, catsitsa dzaye kuti……… Mutu ukakula sulewa nkhonya.
chain of events, catsitsa dzaye kuti …….. Mutu ukakula sulewa nkhonya.
Guys kodi mumamvera mkamwa??? Tawerengani mofatsa a Luka, ndi chizungutu ichi. Its not ma students amene akupanga strike ndi ma lecturers. Kudana nayo poly basi nyooooo! Idakuphonyabe!
Kkkkkkkk muuze man kuonaso ena apanga like commentiyo
kundikhumba et
ndiye ngat ma lecture akupanga strike anawo adziphunzira mmesa akhala pa khomo
atseke we hate nosense.. poly! poly! kuti chan? zausilu.. u thnk being @ ur wiser than nbud?
Its lecturers strike for God’s sake
kkkkk commenting without reading the story
hahaja zoti inu ndi mbuli munakanika kufikako ku poly ko chisakhale chiphinjo pamaso pathu chonde…nzeru zathuzi sikufuna…mudakalimbikila bwez mwina ku management kokha mutakafikako…sorry…
Poly inari kale pano yangozaza ndi ana ochokera kwa manje
amalawi 24 kaya mukumalemba khani mutadya chamba chaciwisg +maungu osakaniza ndi ma pumpukn. Azikutengelani ku court choncho mukumalemba zomwe munalota pogona et? Dikilani ndi samutsepo ma office anu timangepo ma toilet
kkkk ine simkukamba nao
who the hell told you kuti we’ll be out of school!!??? Chachamba eti? ife mawa tikukalowa mu class..nyonyonyo kusowa cholemba
Ma salvage awa
muzizuza nokha malomoti mukana maliza maphuzoro any zaka 4 mufuna mumalize ndizaka 7 multi mupuxa ndani ophuzira saposa mphuzitsiwake pokhapokha atamaliza maphuziro ake .
Tawelenganiso nkhaniyo mwina mungacomente bwino
Eti aise?? Zoona?? Anthuwa alichabe nd negative attitude towards poly
wa free data uyu, he can’t even open the link.
all because of peter
peter watani phwanga