The Malawi government says it plans to replace charcoal with a biomass in a bid to conserve the country’s forests.

According to the minister of natural resources, energy and mining Bright Msaka, government has plans to start manufacturing the modern wood called briquettes which will be made from trash.
Msaka said government thought of introducing the briquettes considering the high levels of deforestation in the country and claimed that this is the only way of conserving the trees.
According to the minister, this means the making and selling of charcoal will completely be banned. He said government will make sure that charcoal sellers have some other businesses to do.
“We know they rely on charcoal but the recognition doesn’t mean this is good. We just want to help them with some machines for the production of briquettes which is made from leaves, grass and other things,” said Msaka.
The government has been arresting charcoal sellers and confiscating the charcoal as a way of trying to curb the practice which according to authorities has contributed to climate change.
Koma inu mukuti good idea mukudziwa mmene zimanunkhira zimenezo yoo!
It seems apa mwaganizako za nzeru a diphiphi..!
Dats a gud idea but prblm may b wil b da price,once da price is high mo pple wil not afford then the end result pple wil continue using trees,we just beg u 2 make dem cheap so dat many pple can afford
make electricity affordable
I like our president because is dying for ignorant people
We can also use gas for cooking, to protect our forest. I would love if gover introduces Gas as one method of cooking. In so doing trees will be preserved.
Instead of reduce escom bills so that everyone must use electricity like other countries ,,now you come with your fool stories we tired with your nonses,,plz leave us alone,,,
Let them leave us alone in peace indeed not in pieces.
Zimachedwa kuyaka
Zimenez ndiye zimadya nyama azathu ku S.A amadyez zimenez
Am in government only this
Vingotcha nyama ivi? Kikiki tayone
I thought this was introduced a few years ago
Looks like sausage to me lol
Good development
Its a good idea but what will happen to ogulitsa makala, its their occupation so this will not work unless adziwapatsa ogulitsawo free charcoal to sell.
Asa. Zawo, they shouldve gone to school
kuyankhula mopusa
tingoti pheee tione paja ndi kumalawi kuno
Do it
Gud idea n action fast.
Good decision, but the problem they will be in high price than Charcoal
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we are tired of your words,we need actions
Good at formulating ideas,but implimentation z a problem
Good move
Mr Minister. Stop ordering Nkhuku ya pa Makala in these Hotel workshops