The Evangelical Association of Malawi (EAM) has condemned President Peter Mutharika for hitting out at Nigerian Prophet TB Joshua.

Speaking as he was presiding over the ground breaking ceremony for Daeyang Luke University Teaching Hospital in Lilongwe, Mutharika said Joshua makes false prophecies.
However, the general secretary for EAM, Pastor Francis Mkandawire says the president has behaved inappropriately.
“I think the president was not supposed to comment on that issue. As the father of this nation he was supposed to unite us. For me I can conclude that the speech was not good,” said Mkandawire.
The EAM general secretary has since called on politicians to stop commenting on religious issues since they are sensitive.
Mutharika’s outbursts came after a prophecy by Joshua who said an African leader would die though the prophet did not mention the name of any president.
Yesterday, Malawian prophet Austine Liabunya reacted by saying that God is angry with the Malawi leader and He will take away the president’s life.
Zoonadi zake nzakuti aneneri a Mulungu Alipodi ( Eph 4:11) Komanso aneneri onyenga aliponso ( Math 24:11). Ndi udindo wa aliyense kuonetsetsa kuti akulandira zinthu zoyenera kuchokera kwa anthunso oyenera. Ngati Munthu Akuona kuti zomwe akuudzidwa nzosoyenera malinga ndi chikhulupiliro chake, ali nako kuthekera kozikana, sakakamizana, chifukwanso Mulungu Sakakamiza Munthu Kuchita Kapena Kusachita. Tingathe kudzindikira aneneri kapena uneneri/ulosi oona kapena wabodza poona zinthu izi: 1. nchito zao : Yesu ananena kuti mudzawadziwa ndi ntchito zao. 2. mau omwe akulankhulawo ngati akufunana ndi mau a Mulungu. 3. Ngati Zomwe Akulankhulazo/zingachitikedi. Zikangophonya Ndiye Kuti Ulosiwo Ndi Wabodza, Ambuye Sanamtuma Iye. Tiyeni Tiyembekedze Ndi Mapemphero, Zikachitika Tinene Amen, Zikaphonya Tinenanso Kuti Ndi Bodza. Lets Wait & See The Outcome Of The Prophecy
I love Sr. Prophet TB Joshua. Just repent your sins. Even Jesus one good day had to pose a bit and ask who do people say I am. Several answers were given to him. You too ask Malawi to talk freely on who you are and even your ministers. Then repent and reconcile quickly. There’s no much time.
To all Malawian let’s go to church and not pubs where you don’t get any wisdom at all. Let promote Malawi in prayers. I would advise that you read the Bible and by free banquet to watch Emmanuel TV. You will stop talking this madness when you for yourself the man you are arguing against.
tikadyaso nyama one month kutauni.fever yayamba.mneneri ali phee
Ndiponso EAM iyiyi ndi yopusanso ikuchita bwanji comment nkhani yosawakhudza. Who are you to dictate to the President not to respond. Inenso ndikukudzudzulani kuti bwanji mukuyankha zoti inu simunatchulodwepo? A gwenyenthe inu ana anjoka inu. Infact ngati mulidi akhristu mukuyenera mudzudzula Joshua wanuyo. Otherwise you may as well go to hell.
Anthuni, sindikumvetsani kuti pamene mukanika kumvetsa ndipati. TB J. He did not mentioned the country or a name of some body please!!!! paja mudaxolowera kumva nkhwangwa ili mmutu.
The Bible says,touch not my annointed one and do no harm to my prophet.I think its special grace to be told dat u r going to die coz it helps to create gud relationship with God.
Iwe prophet asamangolosera zaimfa zokhazokha amalekeranji kulosela zabwino zikamafuna kuchtika mudakali mtulo akulu omapembedza mafano! Haaa! Kkk! Munthu wakumalawi,matsiku omalidza satana adzavala mkanjo oyera nazanyenga ochuluka ndi opusa akuziyesa achrist km asanafike, tidzapulumuka mwachisomo lekani kugwadila mafano TB josual? MULUNGU akuyendereni
Let understand one thing God is love… When the prophecy come is to the prophet to pray and intercede upon the prophecy to have the fullness of the prophecy….. But the Bible we have authority to refuse bad message from almighty book of isaiah 38; king hezekiah refused….the problem is we are worship man of god more than jehovah …….president is also a leader chosen by god . so he can stand against prophesy ….to be president is to be anoint also by god … To be prophete is to be anointed by god ….now let us thing one together …… God is love …does not take pleasure in death ….he gave us long life …..so people let us go and hear and obey god . we will discerned some message and how to react upon it . all is well to our love president and to the prophet too.
Let us understand one thing
Wofa lero safa mawa…… Kkkkkkkkkk!
TB Joshua, wayankhula monga munthu ndipo President Munthalika wayankhaso monga munthu, palibe choletsa ndiso cholakwika Kuti president wayankhapo. Musiyeni Mulungu akhale Mulungu, kunalembedwa Kuti tidzafa, nayeso Joshua tsiku la imfa yake ikubwera ndipo amene akudziwa nthawi ya imfa ya munthu ndi Mulungu Yekha
he has right to react on behalf of his fell leaders,mukanasangalala akanayankha win a papa zalakwika, is he not one of african presidents? kķkkkķkkkk yes sanatchule dzina koma wayankha as president wa mu Africa hahahaha EAM mukumudzudzula as if inuyo nd i ma saint, fit I zokhakha, dyela, corruption, nkhaza zilo thooò then muli fwifwifwifwi a papa, rubbish
Analephera kulosela zangozi anaphesa mazana mazana awantho
Analephera kulosela zangozi anaphesa mazana mazana awantho
Opani mulungo osat tb joshua ndindani ndikape ameneyo. Chifukwa chake a naphesa wantho mazana mazana awantho nanga bwanje sanalosele zangozi yanyumba yake lnagwa ndifit ameneyo
He needs prayers.pple nid food,proper education,proper healthy facilities,saraly increament,graduates nid jobs,country nid to be developed,mr pres!u cant c these things?ask the spirit of ur brother,u want to follow ur brother?DONT SPEAK AGAINST THE PROPHETS!AM warning u my pres.u hv failed to run the government like ur Dead brother.if things r tough just give up!ur education is just bringing poverty in my mother land,NYASALAND,THE LATE Dr H K BANDA was the best.we went to school,we had food,he taught us to lv each other.u r a failer.
Truth pains
Liyabunya anane kuti APM safika 2019 ndi chifukwa chake peter wathamangira kuyankhapo ndimene ndikuonela ine.
Liyabunya anane kuti APM safika 2019 ndi chifukwa chake peter wathamangira kuyankhapo ndimene ndikuonela ine.
Which side do you belong?
yesu sanaloselopo za kufa kwamunthu olo sananene dziko kapena munthu , pa uzimu wamulungu wamoyo sungalole kulosela ifa ya munthu koma zikuphatikizidwa ndi mdima wamaso awona utumika kwa cholowa kuma wumitsa mtima mulungu amalekelela kuti achite natchuka koma tsiku lakuwatsitsi iwo sadzadziwa moyo sudzatha uli pamodzi ndimau ine ndikutiso munthu mndani avutika osapuma ifa idzatipumitsa tonse tingowopa tchito za moyo wathu kawa ipelekedwe kwa mulungu ,yehova osati milungu yo wukila nidzutsa aneneli adziko la ifa
Khala chete sudziwa Bible iwe, Yesu analosera za imfa ya Simon Petulo pa Yohane 21 – 18-19
Mbuli muuzimu iwe, mwana wa njoka
Vuto la anthu ophunzila kwambili mwaliwonano eee
Watford united 2 gunners 1
Once again TB JOSHUA sanatchule munthu kapena dziko ayi kumamvetsa zinthu osamangotuka pankhani yomwe simukuyidziwa guys lets be civilized osamatamika pa gulu
Once again TB JOSHUA sanatchule munthu kapena dziko ayi kumamvetsa zinthu osamangotuka pankhani yomwe simukuyidziwa guys lets be civilized osamatamika pa gulu
Sanakwitse coz TB Joshua nd chitsiru zedi galu wachabechabe
Sanakwitse coz TB Joshua nd chitsiru zedi galu wachabechabe
Nonsensical prophet of doom who even mislead hivaids pipo akagwere
Nonsensical prophet of doom who even mislead hivaids pipo akagwere
Tazingomwani ma ARV anuwo musalimbane ndi munthu wamulungu, munakatenga nokha kachilombo iye kunalibeko
Tazingomwani ma ARV anuwo musalimbane ndi munthu wamulungu, munakatenga nokha kachilombo iye kunalibeko.
Zazii you want someone to fear satanists?
Zazii you want someone to fear satanists?
Yokohma Tyre 0-2 Everton
Yokohma Tyre 0-2 Everton
Paja ndichomchotu Bingu anayankhaso TB JO apaso iweso ukuyankha mwina siyiwe TB jo akozadi iwe uwona zachimwene
Paja ndichomchotu Bingu anayankhaso TB JO apaso iweso ukuyankha mwina siyiwe TB jo akozadi iwe uwona zachimwene
Guys tiyeni tiyeni tiwapephelele a President athu posayanganila kuluphela kwawo,timugonjese satana ndi ziwanda zake achina TB joswa ,Bushiri ndi ziwanda zina zambali,tikate muwona chozizwitsa chikuchitika phathupi pawo ,atha kusanduka chinjoka chifukwa maloto awo aku satanic sanagwile tchito,iwe zanga okonda ma profet usamale ma profet anali akale dziko lisanachimwisise palibe pano angayakhule ndimulungu pano awa ndianeneli onyenga amend analoseledwa zaka zambuyomu azitchula dzina la ambuye cholinga akupusiseni samalani
U must give detailed accounts of ur jonouls
Tb Joshua ndi Mfiti sakunama APM
To hell with ur tb joshua..
President wanthu wawonetsa kupusa kwake konse, chifukwa TB Joshua sanatchure Malawi, anati maiko aku Southern Africa komwe kuli ma Presdent opitilira 10 iyeyo chomwe akubalarika mpaka kumawona ngati akunena iye ndi chani?
TB Joshua iz Afool akumutuma amayi Jb ameneyo Ma prophet onyenga awa kumangolosela zoipa zokha zokha bwanj samalosela za Mvula inapha anthu ambilimbili ku Malawi kuno Chaka chatha? anaphesa anthu ambilimbili kwawo samalosela bwanj kuti anthu apulumuke?? Zopusa basi
Never try to insult a man of God its just cursing yourself sir im so disappointed in u sir
kikikikkkkkkk more fire mr president keepit up.
Malawi and Malewians,I greet you all in the name of God almighty, Please be courteous when you handle and comment on things of God, He the mighty God is highly incomprehensible to man and I believe you will all agree with me that he is more than any man or anything living or non living. God is so complex such that it is not easy to fight for him at times if you do you may be commended and at times you may be doomed. It is even more dangerous to touch an object of God, remember the ark and Uzar and remember Moses and Kora,Abram and Datam Remember Elisha and the 42 Children. God himself said, through one of his prophets that touch not my anointed and do my prophet no harm. I pray for Malawi, Nigeria my country and Africa in General to receive God’s Mercy and Favour with his mercy we will be the greatest in the world. God bless Malawi, God bless Nigeria and Africa in General. We should all remember that no one is bigger than God, No individual is Bigger than Malawi No individual is bigger than Nigeria or Africa no matter his position. Thank you all.
ndizona gyz sitmanyoza anthu amulungu
Ok Alamu
Acud do e same
Aboit to die few months to breath
Aboit to die few months to breath
Vuto ndiloti mayiko a m’dera la kumwera kuno kwa africa ndiwosauka kwambiri. Anthu ake ambiri ndia khristu okonda kupemphera . Ndiye masiku ano style ndiwekha, aneneriwa akupezerapo mwayi wakusawuka kwathu kumatiyenda business pomalosera za imfa, kumatipusitsa kuti tilemera . Anthu ambiri masiku ano akukonda chuma that’s why prophet yemwe angakambe zandalama anthu alikomweko. Osalosela ku middle East bwanji kuti wina afa kumeneko??? Mulungu amangokuwonetsera kuno basi??????
Vuto ndiloti mayiko a m’dera la kumwera kuno kwa africa ndiwosauka kwambiri. Anthu ake ambiri ndia khristu okonda kupemphera . Ndiye masiku ano style ndiwekha, aneneriwa akupezerapo mwayi wakusawuka kwathu kumatiyenda business pomalosera za imfa, kumatipusitsa kuti tilemera . Anthu ambiri masiku ano akukonda chuma that’s why prophet yemwe angakambe zandalama anthu alikomweko. Osalosela ku middle East bwanji kuti wina afa kumeneko??? Mulungu amangokuwonetsera kuno basi??????
Aneneri omangolosera za imfa basi……………sangalosereko za mtendere tsiku lina?……..komanso anakanika kulosera za tchalicthi chake chomwe chinapha anthu ambirimbiri chija….pls leave the president alone.
Only God knows,lets respect God’s words only!
True “!!
True “!!
Muzivesa osati phuma, Paja Malawi yakuda
Kodi ndi munthu wantundu wanji osalosera za chilala, koma zomwalira anthu. komanso ndimadabwa amangolosera za president zokha kodi ma minister samwalilra, iwe TB Joshua si iwe prophet ozozodwa ndi mulungu
Chomwe ndikudziwa mchakuti TB Joshua adalosera zakuvomerezeka kwa same-sex marriage muno mmalawi.
Chomwe ndikudziwa mchakuti TB Joshua adalosera zakuvomerezeka kwa same-sex marriage muno mmalawi.
kukhadakhala kuti ameneyo alani mbusa-mzungu….hahahah
kukhadakhala kuti ameneyo alani mbusa-mzungu….hahahah
Hahahaa…..Wasowa chochita ameneyo… Kapena akuwopa mantha.wakumbukila dzambuyo
Hahahaa…..Wasowa chochita ameneyo… Kapena akuwopa mantha.wakumbukila dzambuyo
Uleme Upite Kwa ATATE, MWANA NDI MZIMU OYELA….Osati TB Joshwa ayi!!!. Chipulumutso mulinacho mnyumba mwanu momwemo…Ndilo Buku Lopatulika (Bible) stop praising TB Joshwa anthu inu…..GOD basi.
We are in the same boat .brother currently prophets are those announced in the bible they are bayesu.
Uleme Upite Kwa ATATE, MWANA NDI MZIMU OYELA….Osati TB Joshwa ayi!!!. Chipulumutso mulinacho mnyumba mwanu momwemo…Ndilo Buku Lopatulika (Bible) stop praising TB Joshwa anthu inu…..GOD basi.
Rest in peace peter lapilatu utisiyadi cirias
Rest in peace peter lapilatu utisiyadi cirias
Joshua is a fool instead of praying 4 de ppl his busy talking crap y?
Joshua is a fool instead of praying 4 de ppl his busy talking crap y?
What do you know? What sort afterall a prophet is TB Joshua? Are you sure he not satanic and that he worked hand in hand with Joice Banda to kill Bingu? Nigeria is facing alot of problems from Boko haram. Why does not talk to God to intervain?
What do you know? What sort afterall a prophet is TB Joshua? Are you sure he not satanic and that he worked hand in hand with Joice Banda to kill Bingu? Nigeria is facing alot of problems from Boko haram. Why does not talk to God to intervain?
Inu mukuganiza kuti akadadzafa liti kodi munthu wanuyo.
Inu mukuganiza kuti akadadzafa liti kodi munthu wanuyo.
Eheee tiyeni kumene kwasala tchileko tione kuti moto uyaka bwanji!!
Eheee tiyeni kumene kwasala tchileko tione kuti moto uyaka bwanji!!
Zipangani ndale zanu zopusa kumalawiko ife tikulimbana ndi marands idont eat politics
Zipangani ndale zanu zopusa kumalawiko ife tikulimbana ndi marands idont eat politics
yobu 14 v 5 Popeza masiku ace alembedwa ciwerengero ca miyezi yace chikhala ndinu ndipo mwamulembera malire ake kuti asapitilirepo. palibe amene amadziwa za imfa ya munthu ndi Mulungu ekha basi osamamvera za munthu ayi naye masiku ake amawadziwa ndi Mulungu stop this
yobu 14 v 5 Popeza masiku ace alembedwa ciwerengero ca miyezi yace chikhala ndinu ndipo mwamulembera malire ake kuti asapitilirepo. palibe amene amadziwa za imfa ya munthu ndi Mulungu ekha basi osamamvera za munthu ayi naye masiku ake amawadziwa ndi Mulungu stop this
Osamatekeseka ndi ma prophet odya nsima after akapita kokanya mpamene amaona bodza! Ku mangolosera imfa basi
Osamatekeseka ndi ma prophet odya nsima after akapita kokanya mpamene amaona bodza! Ku mangolosera imfa basi
Tb Joshua is a Prophet from the Most high God,whether You like it or Not.
Tb Joshua is a Prophet from the Most high God,whether You like it or Not.
Tb Joshua is a Prophet from the Most high God,whether You like it or Not.
Tb Joshua is a Prophet from the Most high God,whether You like it or Not.
M’mozi wa aneneri onyenga ndiye TB Joswa amalosera za imfa ya munthu ngati Iye sazafa ngakhale Yesu sanaloselepo za imfa ya munthu, iyeyo kutani
Musova ine ndili phe Cape Town
Musova ine ndili phe Cape Town
guyz wat I don’t understand is that.. when predicting Bingus death he mentioned the name….. y sanatchule dzna dis tym around….?? amazwa kut fanz imunena
Vuto Amalawi Simukhulupirila Anthu A Mulungu Koma Asing’anga Enanu Ufiti Uli Thooo Zithumwa Mkati Apa Mukuyakhula Ngati Opemphela Koma Mchunomo Muli Zithumwa Mbweee!! Mbweee!! Satanic ili Thoooo! Simukhulupirila Mulungu Koma Asing’anga Tsiku Lanu Likubwela Nonse Muzakayakha
Vuto Amalawi Simukhulupirila Anthu A Mulungu Koma Asing’anga Enanu Ufiti Uli Thooo Zithumwa Mkati Apa Mukuyakhula Ngati Opemphela Koma Mchunomo Muli Zithumwa Mbweee!! Mbweee!! Satanic ili Thoooo! Simukhulupirila Mulungu Koma Asing’anga Tsiku Lanu Likubwela Nonse Muzakayakha
Peter should be concerned about the country s economy and how to save the pipo from this draught. busy busy throwing stones to every dog that backs.
Peter should be concerned about the country s economy and how to save the pipo from this draught. busy busy throwing stones to every dog that backs.
Konzeratu mpumulo wako aise uja ulipo uja ndi ndiwa ana ake a Bingu nt iweo
Konzeratu mpumulo wako aise uja ulipo uja ndi ndiwa ana ake a Bingu nt iweo
I know now that the EAM group is practising satanism too. They are all satanas
I know now that the EAM group is practising satanism too. They are all satanas
Inu Tb Joshua Sadatchule Munthu Hahahahaha Kaninso Pitala Munthalika Umaoneola Emanuel Tv Eti??? Kkkkkk Usazaonelenso Uzafa Ndi Mtima Amene Uja Ndi Munthu Wa Mulungu Sungafanane Naye Amene Uja Ufumu Wake Siwapansi Pano Ziwanso Ufa Ndinthu Kodi Ukuopa Imfa??? Nde Ngati Ukuopa Kufa Ingolapani Palibe Wamuyaya
Siatumiki oonse ali ocokera kwa mulungu, mu njira ina ngakhale satana amazionesa ngati mngelo wakuunika.upulofeti wanji olosera maliro?
Amalawi Tieni Tisalowese Ziwanda Dziko Mwathu Timphe Kwa Allah Asapelekeso Chiphinjo,ngati Chinatigwela Chija Chichitigweleso Ai.
how can you feel to be a Malawian and a DPP follower while your leader is calling your spiritual father a fake?? religous advisor walemphera ntchito
Big mistake your doing to oppose the mans of God sir..First was prophet Bushiri now is TB Joshua..careful cos consenques may follow you
Ine olo nditanyoza Josua Mulungu sangandilange chifukwa iye sinneneli chomwendimadziwaine, n’neneli amapanga dzizondikilo zimene anthu amupempha 1 komanso, n’neneli samapemphela mudzina lan’neneli nzake, nde chamba chimenecho Jesu, muzawona munthawiyo azachuluka aneneli onyenga ndipo azanenela mudzinalanga ndidzinalanga azakhala akuchosa ziwanda
Paja a DPP amathansotu kuyankha kalata ya a mipingo zinthu zomwe sizinachitikepo nkale lonse. Kudana ndi choona .
2, kings 20 when king Hezekiah received a prophecy from Isaiah that ur dying that says God… He never argued with the prophet he simply prayed to God to forgive him and consider his good works. God heard Hezekiah prayer and he was given 15years more..Akunjenjemela sanakonzeke hahahaahahahha ife timaziwa zamulungu zinthuzi
Florence, nawenso sumazitsata Joshua sanatchule dzina la munthu kapena dziko anthuni bwanji simkufuna kunena chilungamo mukuopa kufa bwanji!!!! Mmora nawenso ungokhala ngati sunapite ku school pali anything to blame apa you people are very funny shamefull
Koma ataduwa adawa zingakhale bho awonjeza afe ndithu
Ukagenda mwala pagulu la agalu wina akati keeee ndiye kuti mwala walasa iyeyo. Joshua angoti one of southern Africa now wina wamveka mau kuti keeee otchedwa MUNTHA
What Reaction Did U Expect From Him????Even If It Was Me I Would Outbursted Mo Thn Him
I wonder why people are blaming the actions of the President.do u forget that this is the same Joshua who prophecise the death of bing? And by then even bingu knew that Joshua is targeting him and now this… So we r blaming Peter like really? These Presidents in southern Africa they have a right to take him to court and explain to them but our presidents r even better than man of God
sibwino kumutenga ngati TB joshua ndiwolungana musawuze ena inu simuzaweluzidwa.wolungama azadziwika mwini wake mulungu akazaweluza.mulungu sanapeleke mphavu kwa munthu kuti aziseweletsa miyoyo ya anthu ngati zingelengele kuti awa afa mawa.
yaa ur rght bro
And I Repeat Fuck Off Josua Imean Tbj
what you people don’t know is that Bingu was killed by satanic for not joining them and hé didn’t want any shit from them ,TB knew it because hé is illuminat ……..Now they want APM to join satanic if not hé will be killed too ……thats it believe me …….This is one of the reason why this country is on Economic crisis……..If hé would have joined,,you would have seen this country having its economic on track again……….infact hé did well …….TB is not à man of God but à SATANIC…..Yes you heard me right……à SATANIC
Matthew 24:24
For false christs and false prophets will
arise and perform great signs and
wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible,
even the elect. Ma profeti akuba awa. Amafuna akalosela za imfa choncho munthu athamange ndichithumba cha ndalama . Peter wachita bwino kumuthira mphepo ameneyo. Likakhala boma la Cameron linasamba kale m’manja kwa yense amapita kwa TB kuti zawo zimenezo chifukwa zimachitika kumeneko siza chi god ayi. Kwa amene mumamutsatila pitilizani poti ulendowo ndi each each bfore God.
They should not just blame anyone, but ask for more details, what will follow after the prophecy is fulfilled.
Amene akunyoza Joshua ndi anthu oti sananve nkomwe zomwe ananena cz iye sanatchule munthu wangoti tipemphelere president wa ku southern Africa
If you see a politicians insulting men of God, just know his days are near.
M’neneri wanji wa Mulungu omangolosera za imfa basi, bravo APM ndimulungu yekha amaziwa za imfa ya munthu basi
Confusion confusion.My people perish coz of lack of understanding Hosea 6 v 4.
Eti eti kumakhala ngati alipo wambeu Pa ziko pompa
Be aware with de false prophets coz we r living in de last dayz n dnt respect hm prophet wanj wolosela za imfa zama president ? Nanga bwanj osamupempherera kt asamwalire ? Nanga bwanj osalosera za infa za anthu 93 anafa pofuna machiritso ake ? Bas kudziwa kulosera za chisankho ? Nanga zimakhala ndi impact yanj kwa ife Akalosera zopanda chipulumutsozo TB J Z A FALSE PROPHET DONT RESPECT HIM
uyu amadziwa chimwe amalira
Mmalo momalosera za bokoharaam kwawo komweko futseik
To what i hv read i can say mr president has ovariacted bcz it says one of african president will die nt malawian president unless u r telling me dat its only malawi called africa then i can understand ur frustrations!
Inu Tazikhulupirirani Zolembedwa M’Baibulo: Poyamba Mulungu Analankhula Kuzera Mwa Aneneri, Koma Tsopano Akulankhula Mwa Mwana Wake Yesu Khristu ( Ahebri1:1-4).
this man is nonsense TB Joushua sanatchule muntu wina aliyese koma anati southern africa president yimodzi aduwa kapena gogoyuu wasandika president wa southern africa yonse akuwopa kumwalira bwapini koma ngati JB Joshua wanena zimakwanilisidwa wait peter dont be harry tikukwira watiwonongera dziko .
I hope many Malawians went to school.Firstly,A PROPHET is a person called or appointed by GOD to speak on his behalf.PROPHECY,or ORACLE are GOD’S words spoken through a prophetic. at work any employee does his work in order to please his master(boss) just applies to the prophet,he does things to please God not mankind that is to say, he obeys what God has commanded him to do regardless of whether man will throw stones at him or take the message as a warning.Remember this, always an oracle always comes when God is not happy with how things are being conducted by his creatures(mankind).IF you want God to please you please him first and u will see wht follows(joy) .MAY THE BIBLE BE YOUR EVERY DAY BREAD IN JESUS NAME Bettie Nyirongo Khwima Jughashvilli Mafeni Soko Temwanani Alaba Msowoya Paul Chizanda Stephano Chobwe Kanyinji Chrispin Petani Chancy Nyirenda Kaunga Jdams Msutu Kampango Eliud Ndhlovu Phallyce Kamwendo Happy L. Qoto Noxy Nyika Kapatamoyo Emmanuel Thnd Manzy Brian AB Kar Hia
Apm was talking the trueth,if is atrue prophet why never tell the congiligations at his church to run while he was not there. Hee is a satanism
Musiyeni mulungu akhale mulungu!!!
May the lord of mercies forgive you all for you dnt knw wat u doin.
GOD wil here the cry of multitude(his children) not of todays fake prophets.
That Foolish EAM leadership must step down
Mr President please behave
Ntengo ukamauma amayamba ndi masamba kuwuma#Tb Josh sanatchule munthu or dziko noo if you go pa net mumva zomwe analosela ena amati mwina ndi mugabe poti wakula. But why our APM. Kufulumila ku yankha ngati big nan samayenela kuyankha coz TB Josh anati one of president not Malawi president No…… But wayankha mwina akuzikai kila komaso sii boo kunyoza atumiki a mulungu ndi tsoka lalikulu ngati ali onyenga zawo but we need to respect them or kukhala chete ngati simuku wa khulupilila…… Koma my president wayambila pa bushili ayi aku gawa chakudya ngati. Ndani amutuma mai JB hahaha lelo ali pa TB Josh??? Something is long for sure
God bless u for speakn da truth
Tiyeni tipemphelele Malawi akukumana ndizokhoma zochuluka and tipemphelele our APM asataye thaimingi with simple things no
Zoonadi #Martin TB Joshua sadatchule munthu kapena dziko. Komanso sadapange prophecie imfa iliyonse. Vuto liri ndi ma advaiser apresident, amamunamiza mmalo monena choonadi. Ambuye atithandize ndithu.
zinandikhudza kwambiri
Mulungu asatisiye tokha our Malawi. Is going to bad way
zovuta kwambiri sanaone source yakhani internet imasokoneza ukukakhala leader umangova zinazilose wina anangopeka basi iye walakhura molakwika
sibwino kumutenga ngati TB joshua ndiwolungana musawuze ena inu simuzaweluzidwa.wolungama azadziwika mwini wake mulungu akazaweluza.mulungu sanapeleke mphavu kwa munthu kuti aziseweletsa miyoyo ya anthu ngati zingelengele kuti awa afa mawa.
Kukana choona mmasiku osiliza kuzakula.
Something is wrong, not long.
Mr Peter P thanks…. Pena timalemba mofulumila coz of kukhumudwa ku why nkhani za zii big man mpaka kumatulusa mkwiyo…. But. Thanks…… God bless Malawi and for giving us.
Analephera kulosera imfa ya anthu omwe anafera mu hotel yake bwanji??? Gold digger!!!!!
sanalosere coz mulungu sanamuuze… much as he says he’s God’s prophet, it means wat he prophecy comes frm his God.
Why Not To Prophesy About Those Girls Which Were Been Taken By Boko Haram?@ Martin
Ine ndilibe chilichonse cho tsutsa kaya kuvomeleza Kut TB JOSH ndindani no koma ndingoti mulungu ndamene a ku ziwa kuti TB Josh ndindani…… Ngati mukumuweluza mukulakwa kuweluza mkwa mwini mulungu. Ndichifukwa chake or. Thawi yamose Lazalo anali okhulupilila mulungu koma anthu akamu wuzakuti atukwanr mulungu coz akuvutika but. Azalo anakana. So inu ndi ine tisachedwe ndi kuweluza atumiki amulungu no. Kaya ndiowona kaya ayi mwai or tsoka lawo have good day
zahotel yake analosera nthawi imene amacokera ku colombia pa 27 july b4 nyumba ija inagwa koma analakhura maparable
Ndiye bwanji sanachenjeze anthu ake kuti pa tsikulo asalowemo monga achitira zochenjeza za imfazi??????
Brother. Inu kukhala nsilikali sikuti akuba sanga kubeleni no or inu kukhala dokotala sikuti anthu samadwala ku family kwanu no mulungu ama lola zina kut zichitike mwa kufuna kwake
Koma mau a mulungu akuti mulungu salanga munthu asana mu dzudzule ku losela za imfa ndimulungu ameneyo ku chenjeza kuti be 4tsiku la imfalo alapekaye koma sanati Malawi. President no one of African president. Anatelo
Akuznymwa ekha ameneo
a Saukila if u check mbaibulo aneneli ambiri mwinanso onse adafa infa zozunza my question to you is,,,this..ngat iwo adali aneneli bwanji sadanenere za infa zawozo nkuzipewa?!being mneneri sikut chilichonse chokhudza moyo wako ungadziwe no!! i consider John the baptist as one of the great prophets ever leaved he made the most powerful thing pozindkira kut uyu akubwera apayu ndi mwana wamulungu olonjezedwa uja,,,bt check how he died bwanji sadanenere kut aphedwa mmene adaphedwera muja?! being a doctor doesnt mean sungadwale and sungafe
Big up thengolose sikuti to be a man of God ndekuti akuziwazonse ngati iwo ndi mulungu no but pazochepa zomwe mulungu wa awonesela akuyenela kunena kut ochenjela alape
Big up thengolose sikuti to be a man of God ndekuti akuziwazonse ngati iwo ndi mulungu no but pazochepa zomwe mulungu wa awonesela akuyenela kunena kut ochenjela alape
zoonadi he is human being like us its only by grace of god he was chosen as vessel to preach the word of god ndiye sizidakatheka kuti anene kwa anthu athawe komaso sitifano anaphedwaso imfa yovuta ndiye the will of god was done kuti nyumba yake igwe!!
zoonadi he is human being like us its only by grace of god he was chosen as vessel to preach the word of god ndiye sizidakatheka kuti anene kwa anthu athawe komaso sitifano anaphedwaso imfa yovuta ndiye the will of god was done kuti nyumba yake igwe!!
Yaa or nthawi yanowa aneneli analipo ambili but mulungu ana uza nowa aseme chombo aneneli ena sana uzidwe palibe anga mupangule mulungu zo chita but mulungu amatipangila ife but. Tsoka kwa amene aumitsa khosi lake atadzudzulidwa mau akutelo
Yaa or nthawi yanowa aneneli analipo ambili but mulungu ana uza nowa aseme chombo aneneli ena sana uzidwe palibe anga mupangule mulungu zo chita but mulungu amatipangila ife but. Tsoka kwa amene aumitsa khosi lake atadzudzulidwa mau akutelo
mneneri?????? hahahahaha
mneneri?????? hahahahaha
mavuto pa dzko
mavuto pa dzko
mavuto pa dzko lapans Ambuye mukhale nafe
mavuto pa dzko lapans Ambuye mukhale nafe
Great aricco mulungu asatisiye tokha
Kodi muprophet ameneyu amangolandira ulosi waimfa yokha? Ngati ali muprophet weni weni bwanji asaloseka chaka chomwe mankhwala a Edzi adzapezeke?
Ajafali who is prophet mukadziwa yakho yake simufusa kuti akutani kulosera za edzi!!
Ajafali who is prophet mukadziwa yakho yake simufusa kuti akutani kulosera za edzi!!
Mr Issack thanks for tll him the. True
Mr Issack thanks for tll him the. True
Vuto la anthufe timakhala ngat tili ndi maso koma sitimaona………ndipo timaoneka ngati tili ndi makutu onvera koma sitimanva coz nkhaniyi yafotokozedwa monveka apa akuti………..president wa mu sourthen africa amwalira …..ndiye takhalani mwa kamphindi ndikuganizira kuti kodi mu sourthen africa muli ma president angat???….kapena ndiye yekha peter???……..please dn’t rush to comment b4 u understand………..u shud learn hw to understand…..
koma anthuenainu mumandi dabwisakobasi kodi zimakhala ziwandaa chani mmakhulupilira t b joshowa zimene amalankhula simungamazifuse nokha penapake kuti ndichifukwachake ndichian sana loseleku charch changachi chizagwa sikulirilonse tikhale miyezi ingapo tisanape phere komabe inu kakaka kumukhulupira ngatitu simukuziwa munthuyi ndiwa satanic ngati mukufuna zammbili ndipezeni ku wats app ma vidios ake ndilinawo mwana muzasiya kakakayo
Agalu inu azikunyozelan president inu mut zili ok kapena nanu muli mbali ya chiwandacho chotchedwa joshua?
Mbuzi iwe Tb Joshua sanatinyozere president wanthu wamva, anati mmodzi mwa ma president aku Southern Africa komwe kuli mayiko opitilira 10 iye chomwe akuyakhira ndi chani ngati anamutchura kuti amfa?
TB Joshua is stupid, fond of prophecizing bad things. Why he failed to forsee the fate of his house wich killed people. Shame on u EAM for supporting TB to make his false prophecies up to date. No matter he didnt metion anyone but its bad to forsee the death of someone and publicise it. U EAM KNOW GOD DOENT TAKE AWAY ASOUL( 2sam 14:14) the power to 4 c the death and to take away a soul is from a certain bad source DEVIL where is he getting the power to prophecize bad things 4 africa
koma anthuenainu mumandi dabwisakobasi kodi zimakhala ziwandaa chani mmakhulupilira t b joshowa zimene amalankhula simungamazifuse nokha penapake kuti ndichifukwachake ndichian sana loseleku charch changachi chizagwa sikulirilonse tikhale miyezi ingapo tisanape phere komabe inu kakaka kumukhulupira ngatitu simukuziwa munthuyi ndiwa satanic ngati mukufuna zammbili ndipezeni ku wats app ma vidios ake ndilinawo mwana muzasiya kakakayo
Ndakuvetsani brother. I can support the motion . send me videos please.My whatsaap # is +265881539495.
Let muthalika be muthalika stop telling him about death only God know more about not human being like me
I’m #Pheeee waiting for cardiac arrest
Kodi maprofetiwa amangolosela za anthu a ndale (maPresident) basi? Masoka okhawokha? Nthawi yakampeni ija Presidential candidate anali ndi a Profeti ake ake pano ali kuti? Ndi maprofeti afegi a Peter sakunama
Tsoka okwanilitsa kwa iye okwanilitsa malembo
Fuseck you EAM,so you also behind TB? Why you didnt condemn when he always talks shit abt our president? What evidence do you want to see kuti TB is an Illuminati member? This man is a devil himself he must stop talking shit about Malawi,leave Mutharika’s family alone!!
did he mention anybody or specific country?
Kaya zanu izo! Ife kuno kwa Tsoyo, ku Dedza, bola vingoma vikapezeka!
Am here just to read comment
malawians too much ufiti,u dnt believe in Prophet to be prospered shit
adzalosera liti kuti mavuto akumalawi atha? koma busy kulosera imfa daily.mmmmmm pakuti dzikolonse lidakwiya
2mch pulobulemu
How was his burst divisive to us Malawians? I guess these religious leaders are not ok in their minds. He is saying political leaders should not comment on religious issues coz they are sensitive. How dare they comment on political issues. Are they biblically allowed to do that?
The president is right it is his life mind your businesse
Amene akuti prophet tb joshua ali nonsense renew ur mind osayitana matembelero pa nthupi lako bcz tb joshua sanathule munthu so why ur tolking to much..ask forgiveness ngati uli mugulu lo nyodza tb joshua and adzitumiki ena muno mu dziko ndi madziko ena
man can u tel me if tb profecy good tins to malawi canu tel wat profet owez profecy only death only bad luck to pipo was profet eriya profecy jst lyk our profets doing nowadays or mayb their prophecie is part of gettin money from pido so am nat gud for english but i hope u go get me wat am i trying to say
sanalosere man kuti peter amwalira !
Iwe jus repent……bible sayz dnt tach my anointed ones…..palibeso discusionz……jus repent……again repent….en b a born again……u nid God’s mercy…..
sibwino kumutenga ngati TB joshua ndiwolungana musawuze ena inu simuzaweluzidwa.wolungama azadziwika mwini wake mulungu akazaweluza.mulungu sanapeleke mphavu kwa munthu kuti aziseweletsa miyoyo ya anthu ngati zingelengele kuti awa afa mawa.
Kani kagulu kotsatira ma prophet m’malo mokhulupilira Mulungu yekha kalipo kochuluka eti?
Kani kagulu kotsatira ma prophet m’malo mokhulupilira Mulungu yekha kalipo kochuluka eti?
Kodi amuna abwino bwino ngati inu , okhala ndi three common sense musokonekela naye TB akamapanga tima miracle take tachinyengo tija??? Ine ndimakhulupira Mulungu mu dzina La Yesu osati prophet. Paja anati kudzabwera aneneri ochita zozwizwitsa mpaka kuwukitsa anthu kwa akufa, koma anati tisadzatengeke ayi .
Ukamuuze TB,liabunya Ndi Nzake Bushiti kuti pamtumbo pawo,,,
TB joshua is fake.
Kodi ndindani angamasangalale kut mawa ufa?
EAM are condeming Mutharika for what?that is nosense you have no right to condenm him yours is just abody of your church and he, he stand for what he believe in,Big up Mutharika stand up for what you believe in like Daniel, Misheck,Shadreck and Abdinegor jahova will be on your side dont fear the said prophet he is athief abastard,he thought you are going to be afraid of him never and never reversa your words in our time we have no prophets but thieves who are getting rich in the name of God
Inunso a Evangeri kodi peter alibe ufulu woyankha ngati wina akumunenera zoyipa? Bwinotu musakhale inu okwaniritsa malemba. Ndinu asaduki ndi afalisi eti.
Then religious people must also stop commenting on politics.
I think people need more education on their understanding.A person is born and he awaits to die.This is a fact but it becomes so anoying to be told kuti ufa munthu.Achimwene anafera ku state hse shoul be your good teacher Peter, life is temporaly on us and we can not resist to keep it when God says yes am takin it. kufa ndi nkhani? ndinabadwa ndakhala mdziko ndanjoya and I expect death.President wadziko ukaope kufa hahaha.Izitu ndizimene munabadwa APM muzafa muli Bizwik Phiri.u dont want to accept reality.
peter ngati uli bdi ziweto dyelatu kkkkkkkkk
Inu ndi chiwanda china choka chija ndi mzake waku lilongwe +wapansi panyanja TB ndiwo akufuna azisowesa azisogore
Is your marriage on the verge of breaking did u loose a loved one and you want them back.this is ur chance to get Wat you’ve been praying for.contact Maama Shaiza the best female spiritualist from Tanzania.CALL:+27745041566
Is your marriage on the verge of breaking did u loose a loved one and you want them back.this is ur chance to get Wat you’ve been praying for.contact Maama Shaiza the best female spiritualist from Tanzania.CALL:+27745041566
Is your marriage on the verge of breaking did u loose a loved one and you want them back.this is ur chance to get Wat you’ve been praying for.contact Maama Shaiza the best female spiritualist from Tanzania.CALL:+27745041566
ADesire ndiye kt nzoona Apm will die soon as TB Josua said?Late ur fellow presdent fill cool.
God speaks thru prophets. God himself has power to give or to take life. Word of God will be fulfilled upon one. Whether we like it or not
Fuck tb go to hell ,long live APM
Koma muuzeni asamayankhule motumbwa…..mkulu wake Ku MH. adatokota moiwala nazo Mulungu ……wat next ……….?
Kunena Kuti Sizichitika Sikutumbwa Inu Mwamva? Mmafuna Azilira? Inenso Ndikugwirizana Naye Kuti Palibe Chitachitike Mdzina La Ambuye Wathu Yesu Khristu!
A tb joshua mwayambaso kukhara mulungu? Mulungu yekha amaziwa nthawi yokufa munthu
Why can’t the so called prophet prophesise about Boko Halaam which is killing his cousins ,sisters,brothers,friends, inlaws and followers at his home. Leave us alone . The so called prophet is not a Malawian. I support Mr President he has also freedom to about his life.
Sakunena iwe pitala uli ndi phuma eti,
Koma guyiz kkkkk zinazi zikumasekesa asapange phuma!! Kkkkkkkkkkkk
No one would be happy with any prophecy about one’s death be it clergy or otherwise.Issues of ethics as a moral imperative comes to mind now.
Iiii,i salute Rastafarian
bingu uyu yeķha for real akunama masataniki inu mbole dzamanu
Anthu awa ndi amodzi akudziwana zawo ndi zimodzi awa, you can say that tb Joshua is a prophet of God but the truth is u know nothing about his private life!
Why Malawians respect foreigners too much? Come to SA or Nigeria u will never get respect ,TB Joshua must stop talking nonsense about malawi
Koma iwe ndiwe wabodza kwambiri Bushiri samupatsa ulemu kujoniko
Mneneri salemekezedwa kwawo.
phillip Ndiwe mphaka. TB Joshua watchula dziko nanga mbuzi iwe eti
Tb sadatchule dzina wina wangodzinyumwa yekhayekha misala kupepera kwambiri sadatchulenso dziko koma phuma
Mpaka mbuzi iwe ndiye manyi bas
Even akanamutchula dzina who is he munthalikayo by the servants of God….Ali ndivuto Mr president
Ngoma stupid ,am not afraid of u ,this was my comment but u r calling me mbuzi ,even if I meet u we can fight rubbish
Ngoma stupid ,am not afraid of u ,this was my comment but u r calling me mbuzi ,even if I meet u we can fight rubbish
Mabvuto which SA r u talking about just wait u will see what will to your bushiri ,if u r here listen to 702 radio to hear more
Mabvuto which SA r u talking about just wait u will see what will to your bushiri ,if u r here listen to 702 radio to hear more
Philip akukamba zoona. Mukanakhala ndi nthawi yomawonera TV bwenzi mukumva zomwe akulu akulu aboma akukambirana zama prophet a business wa. akufuna ayambe kuwalipitsi chi nsonkho chokwera kwambiri chifukwa zomwe amachita ndikuba.
Masiku ano kulibe prophet woona ayi! onse from west east south and North, okuba okha okha. Mawukaliki anu amangokaba zandalama m’malo mowawuza anthu kuti akomze mitima kuti akalowe mu ufumu wa Mulungu.
Man musaone ngati ifeso ku SA sitinakhareko ife tabadwira koko kukurilaso koko, ngati umazisata Tb Joshua adamchura zina ndani? osati kuwalemekeza peter ndindani joshua ndindani bushiri ndindani all ndi human bng iweso ndindani ineso ndindani? ndife akaporo chabe pazikorino man usamanyoze amalawi mayi ako alikuno bambo ako aliso kuno stupid ur self and ur family nyani wachabechabe mbolo yako garu opanda machende kape iwe unachita kuthawa kuno lero uziti nyokonyoko apa mbuzi.
Bwanji samalosera nyumba yake inapha athu 90,kulosera imfa sinavepo,azaukasom mr ayi,ndasiya kukhulupilira athu opephera,amati oyimba amapasa amwalira,amakamuuza kuti ufe ndiwe kuli chete sakufa joshua alumuziwa ndi mulungu zitchito zake,koma waleke zopha athu ndimau ake kuzera mzina lamulungu
fighting men and women of God is like fighting God him self , people must think before we speak or comment anything against them .it is not wise for a leader who represent Malawi as a nation to speak in that manner
pachoka mzako pali malo wina wasatalikile apa
No body wants to die, if it was yu ( EAM), munakamva bwanji? Or if this prophessy inali pa ma families anu, inu mumvekere chimwemwe m’saya. Peter is like any of us the same as TB Joshua. We are all human beings not happy when one dies. THINK B4 critising someone. Why not blame TB Joshua. Only God takes someones life. Am not a fun of Muntharika but it is wrong .
Give the President a break plz!!
Iye TB Joshua’yo bwanji sakumalosera anthu a kwao akamapangidwa kidnap ndi Boko Haram? I see nothing wrong on what our President said…Inu mmati azisekerera nkhani ngati zimenezo? Infact akanakhala wina akanalalata kuposa pamene paja…Kodi TB Joshua’yu, ndi prophet of doom iyeyo? Atiuza liti za kubweranso kwa Yesu? Mxm…
Iwe ndiwe mtembo kale osadanda Mulungu akukantha
pipo live on facts instead of blindly following someone else’s facts, matter how angry pipo get it won’t change his mind
I dont believe in prophecies
Ngati sumapephela zoona ngati sumawelenga Bible nde uvomele zomwe wanena TB josou why akumalimbana ndi ma President amalawi okha anthu onse samachimwa. TB josou stay away from Malawi ulimbane ndi mavuto amene Ali ku Nigeria .
Anya basi!
kodi bwanj #TBJOSUA amangolosera zoyipa zokhazokha?,thats why my self i dont bliv in this man.osaloselako kut 2020 malawi idzatukuka ngat john?,izi zikusonyezelatu kut josua amapanga zinthu zaufiti ndimuneneli wapasi panyanja ameneyu.
pepani chifukwa chavutoli………. oooo iwe infa usatelo chonde
May the Almighty rescue us soon. This evil man is causing lots of problems among us
Has the right to speak wrong or good inuyo muli 100% right before God. Muli mgulu limodzi lofuna kupha president. Mp wamwalira uja musakapanga prophesize bwanji?
Mmmmmm guyz zina kambu zina leku kodi joshua uneneli wake ndi waku africa konkhakuno ndizophweteka dont blame peter even anakapanga prophecise kuti inuyo mumwalira bwezi mukuyakhula
Mmmmmm guyz zina kambu zina leku kodi joshua uneneli wake ndi waku africa konkhakuno ndizophweteka dont blame peter even anakapanga prophecise kuti inuyo mumwalira bwezi mukuyakhula
Has the right to speak wrong or good inuyo muli 100% right before God. Muli mgulu limodzi lofuna kupha president. Mp wamwalira uja musakapanga prophesize bwanji?
Aliyese azafa
Congratulations apm
imfa sithawika ikakwana yakwana
But he is one them.
stupid old molon at it again.abale awo ndi aja ankayankha pemphero.mxie!!
I Choose To Disagree With EAM’ Pastor Mkandawire: Following The Bible Prophecy, God Sent Prophets To The Concerned Person Directly To Deliver His Message eg. Isaiah To King Hezekiah. Isaiah Did Not Stand On The Pulpit And Deliver The Message But Went To The King. Why Did He Do That? These Prophets Must Follow The Same Method. By The Way, How Can The President’s Response Divide Malawians? Tell Us. Mind You! This Concerns The Life Of A Human Being. Between Joshua And President Mutharika, On Your Opinion, Who Is Bringing In Division? Can’t You See That This Unprophetic Approtch Has Confused Alot Of Malawians?
wapenga misala njenjenje kuoopa kufa……..ufabe
Iwe simuzafa???
nde ine ndiyakhe kut chan…….
Kodi southern Africa yonseyi ndiyekha president? Ena bwanji sadayanke? Koma tikulamulidwa ndi mdala openga ndithu
kape palibe wa kamba cha nzeru apa.
kape palibe wa kamba cha nzeru apa.
Ma prezident aku africa aphweka. Talosera ifa ya Obama tione. Mwina enanu simukuziwa. Samalosera ifa koma amapha mumasenga inu muziti zakwanilisidwa. Ndli ndi ma umboni okwanila. Hit ma inbox
iwe be serious wamva
Be serious chaniso???? Ndkunena chomwe ndkuziwa. Amapha mumasenga. Kodi ngati ndizowona unavapo akulosera ifa maiko otukuka ngati south africa or even maiko a ku europe? Amaona ophweka…easy to kill
Everytime sungadabwe amanena southern africa????? Wake up… Amapha masenga. I’ve all information.
Haha ndie ukuzitsutsa2 cz ts easy to kil a European in matsenga than an African.. Cz ku africa ndi komwe kuli matsengawo, African leader cn b well protected than Europe leaders cz ey dnt kno anything abt matsenga
U dn’t know friend….mzungu ndiovuta kupha even masenga. Kumayenda eti!!!
But he has prophesied bombings in Philippines, Thailand and different parts of the globe successfully
analosera ku Argentina and i have the video
Lex!!!!!! mzungu ndiwoopsa osati masewera!!!!!! Matsenga awo nditizithumwa taku africa is nothing.
Our president needs delevarance ndithu
Where were presidential advisors on religious affairs……..etc? Sanamuwunikire bwanji pa nkhaniyi before he spoke
Zoonadi Nkuluyu Asasowe,ndiwakwathu Akangosowa Musamale
A EAM osavutka ndianthu opanda uzimuwa mapeto ake akugwesan mu uchimo,anthu akumidima amaziwika ndi ntchito zawo.anthu akufa ndinjala apresident ali problem
Is it ECM or EAM?
Remember Wr living in the last days.
Absolutely correct, politics people they always think crazy things.
This malawi 24 can drag a single story the whole year. Sies man
À thumb up for APM…..HE did well
Exactly. I like his courage.
Yes bro, for sure…..
Evil joshua,stay away 4rom us
Tell Them to condemn yoswa asamapange ziwanda zakezo kuno
Kkkkkkk koma ku Malawi kwavuta!!
Tazikambani nkhani zoti njalayi tingaithetse bwanji? Coz aliyense adzafa including the prophets and the presidents.
Kwathu sipadziko
Imfa ikuchisaka ichi kukamwa ngati chataya nkhwangwa
inu ndiye sikukusakani?
Inuyo wamuyaya kodi
Ukuonekanso ngat umalandiraniwe,,watch what you say
Amalandira nda mako
Im toking to Mr president if you are vry touched kanyere ntima ukuphwera
I wonder people are happy with a prophet who is threatening someone s life like really guys?
Our Malawian leader has run out of senses, he now bucks on everything whether for his concern or not. Let’s just hold hands as bonafide citizens of this land and ask for God’s guidance
And you got senses but you can’t check your grammar
Woow mpoya
Nothing wrong unless u r lyj him
Mpoya r u a teacher?
Of course a teacher in Thyolo kkkk
Mbolo yako
@vitan chirwa which sense are u talking about?As long as he z a humanbeing nothing z wrong.as for me i dont praise fake prophets!only jesus is king
tiyini nazo nkhani za pa Malawi
They don’t need to condemned anything mainly after Joshua single handedly the death of his brother bingu
is this guy in a good frame of mind?
Botha which guy?
Yes He Prophesied About The Dealth Of His Brother Bingu So Let Him Jst Seek Guidance Frm God.
tateyudi alibe problem
MR PRESIDENT please humble yourself and apologize the worst is to befall upon yo itsa mistake to attack men of GOD most of us have respect for TB JOSHUA stop that adamance if I was you it would have been better to repent before death rather than die an idiot or a fool!
Sometimes it’s good indeed not to overeact on religious issues. Lets keep on praying for our political leaders. Ine zikungondikhuza kuti our leader is just reacting to any issue. As a leader must portray leadership skills.
munthu akakhala pafupi kufa amagontha mkhutu, amabwebweta, amatukwana, amalalata. oooohh! very sorry RIP
Ine nilibe polobulem says mr president