Zimbabweans at Beit Bridge in South Africa have been accused of trafficking people including Malawians to South Africa with the aim of robbing them of their money.
Malawi24 could not independently verify the authenticity of the story but according to a message making rounds on Whatsapp, Zimbabwean nationals pretend to help desperate illegal foreign nationals especially those who use the border post to illegally enter into South Africa in order to steal from them.
The message warns illegal immigrants not to use taxis or pickups since the dangerous criminals masquerade as innocent drivers to lure their prey.
“There are a lot of Ndebele and Shona guys with pickup, trucks and Quantum combis who are robbing people money and phones. They will kidnap you and demand R3000 after they have taken you to a garage or container in Joburg [sic],” reads part of the message.
The criminals also deceive travellers that they are Tanzanians or Malawians so that people should trust them yet they are nothing but thugs.
“They will say let your relatives or frends deposit money in shoprite store. If noone deposits anything they will kill you and sell body parts to Sangomas (traditional healers). Also those who are coming to stock things in Messina there are gangs of conmen and conwomen who pretend to be selling Gold, Diamond and other stuff, they pretend as if they do not know Shona or Ndebele and they say they come from Tanzania or Malawi after that they sweet talk you until you give them all your money [sic],” reads another part of the statement.
life goes on
zofuna munthu ungakonze ulendo opita kunja ulibe passport fools. You must work hard don’t rush!!
This comin April am goin to SA en i gonna show dem all skills.
Oh ok, but still its unprecedented issue because it wasn’t there before. Let’s say around 2008 it was not happening that way.
Problem is our transporter can tell u I wil help u everything until ur in south Africa bt when we got trouble is the people said I can’t wait for u we moving with tym
That make m blv transporter they are selling to this people
INE ndilibe zokamba zambili ndingopepha kuti mzimu wa #bingu uzingopya moto mpaka siku la chimalizilo AMEN
is not only zimbabwean who are doing this ,our own brothers they are also in this group.most dangerous people are malawians here in jouberg,
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
Get A Pasport And Go To Sa. Basi
Samalamawoni anthu awa; Charles chilimba Goud ndinso ena omwe amakhala m’mabasi onse omwe amakwelera kuseri kwa MCP office onse ndimbabva zokhazokha bola kukwera nkhuzi muzayenda mwaufulu.
People say it’s about education I totally disagree.Even if you are educated you can not just go so South Africa and get a skilled job,leave alone in malawi people are educated but thier buts are getting dry seated at home.life isn’t easy anymore everywhere.if citizens suffer what more so called Makwerekwere as they call us in SA.
Na true talk bro zims are considered educated fellas but yet lots of them are in sa.
Malawi kuyaluka
Eishh abale okunva wanva…thanx for the info
This is true, I hv been in ZM side for 2 months last yr and I hv seen en learned a lot around this boarder. Amabwela ngati gud pipo en helpers koma zili njoka. Amakuuzani kufka Jo’burg R250 koma mukafka amasintha en start demanding R1000 to R1500. To my fellow Malawians amene mukupita ku SA plz avoid this thieves en killers. They r capable of doing anything beating, rape, stealing in short they r inhuman. Their camp is in Hill brow mu Jo’burg. Am talking thru experience, mlamu wanga zinamuonekela, plz take care.
This is a true story guys musakwele mataxi kuSouth African side or minibus those Quantams chonde im a Zimbabwean . Akubawo ndeaku Zimbabwe Ndebele ones akunamizila Zulu. As im talking now almost 35 people apedwa ngani yake yokonda kudumba boarder or kufuna kukakwela taxi . Ngati uli ndivhuto pliz kambilana ndimadriver abus or its better akubweze ulimoyo. chondes
Zoodi,akazi akugonedwa,ena akutaya moyo chifukwa choganiza mopusa kwa lathu,dont blame Zimbabwe its our fault
Its not gud at all why they need money tinalakwanji andi boma lathu likutibwanji pa khaniiyi
This started long-time ago,since 2001,so tell me you good commenters,how dose this relate with law strict?.Don’t politicise everything plz.My request to the government;we are seeking your hand to address this issue with Zimbabwean president hon R Mugabe.
thats life, ife we aiding bulundians and ethopians kukalowa kujoni komweko
There is a ring leader called Sotcha with a quatum doing that in collaboration with other zimbabweans.we walked for over 50 kms from beitbridge to Messina at night using dangerous unchattered routes after being snatched of cell phones and cash. We were packed in a quantum like buns travelling the whole night up to Jhb. Luckily no-one was murdered .The buses which load people from warehouse in Bt are the most connected to this.They dump the passengers at beitbridge.
Its true makamaka bus ya munorurama ndiyomwe ikupanga zimenezo kwambili…ndipo akakutenga akumalanda ma phone ndi ndalama zomwe ine ndinaziona pa 3 January kma sikuti ndine mbuli kma Malawi wayaka moto
oooh no what real happened
Nzoona izi kwabasi kuli ndende mu jhb
pofunika kuwatengela makwala kwa atetete
By civic education I mean to motivate the society so that we find a platform to know our rights and the consititution of our country. We need not to turn a blind eye while we see our country being turned to BANANA REPUBLIC
They call themselves magumaguma I know them and some times they cause death to pipo
Is not part of education
Phillip that is part of education if u got no comment plz keep quite
Eeeeeeee ee mukuganiza boma LA Malawi limaganizira anthu oti sali boma yooooo ndiye sikumalawi
Teach your children to focus on school ,a lot Malawians r suffering in SA bcoz ,they don’t understand English ,don’t have any skills ,these traspoters just take them from Malawi & leave them at the border,these Zimbabweans they take them to joburg & lock them in a room after that they demand a certain amount of cash if they refuse they beat them badly ,don’t think SA is simple
its true ndipo ine zandichitikira lucky achibale anabwera kuzandiombola,
Zoonadi akapanda kupezeka owaombola kuJhb akumasowaetsa mandewele ndi mashona ntchito yawo ndiimeneyo paborder
Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: dr.gregcarlos@gmail.com or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.
Ndi zoona zikuchitikadi zimenezi.ndipo china choti mudziwe anthu ena akumawapha ndithu akafika nao mu jHB ngati alibe ndalamazo.zoona anthufe tikuzunzika chifukwa chazimene adachita Bingu kuti anthu tiziopnetsa ma three thuosand pa BB.pano ndie ndikungoyambila Mozambic mnjila mosemu tionetse ndalama ndazilonda omwe kumatifusa ndalama timawaoneka ngati zitsilu mnjila monsemu coz of nkhaza za boma la dpp.its only Malawi doing this.anzathu amangobwela kuno mwaufulu.zovetsa chisoni.
wanena zoona koma ngat zotheka tangosinthan plz abomanu ndiife tokha tikumaonetsa ndalama pa bb
munthu sungapit kutali ulibe zoziynereza.ulibe passport even kandalama kodyera koma chosecho ukunyoza boma.no no no ku south Africa kutali tikamapita tizikozeka.komabe anakatichpesera ndalamayo.
apo nde mwatokota chilungamo mbudzi imaneija inatiika ife ma mvuto mpakalelo athu akuphedwa kuchitidwa chipongwe tikupempha mzimu wa bingu upye moto
Kkkkkk mtenje khululuka panzimu pokhapo.
Fuck uuu Bingu anali sharp kwambiri vuto ndiwe mbuli.com
palibe chifukwa chotonzera munthu omwalira apa ,nkhani si ndrama zoonetsa pa beltbridge koma anthu amene amakhala ndi ma passport osaloledwa kudutsa pa bridge po ndamene amakwera ma tax poti bus imawasiya pompo kuopa kugwidwa naonso a bus wo ,ungoyankhula poti unali utayasamula kale eti,simutha kulankhula osatchulapo president kodi shupitii
ezafikapo eti ndizowonadi mwamodzi ndiineyo komaubwino wake sanandiseche koma anakatisiya patchile ndipo tinachokapo 7 madzulo zikumachitikadi komandati ulindindalama yokwanila sizikumavuta ndikwabwino kukwelela pa tax rank bola kukastikila pamesina zikumakhala
ezafikapo eti ndizowonadi mwamodzi ndiineyo komaubwino wake sanandiseche koma anakatisiya patchile ndipo tinachokapo 7 madzulo zikumachitikadi komandati ulindindalama yokwanila sizikumavuta ndikwabwino kukwelela pa tax rank bola kukastikila pamesina zikumakhala
Inequality, economic transformation, capitalisation and civic education are the serious problems we are as a society facing in our beloved country. Getting harassed by your own country is just like being punished by your own mother. How the hell can we asked to show off R3,000 in cash before we cross the border, what crime did we commit? Is it not the right of every human to travel to the country they like? We strongly condemn the person who introduced this evil idea, shame on him!
Inequality, economic transformation, capitalisation and civic education are the serious problems we are as a society facing in our beloved country. Getting harassed by your own country is just like being punished by your own mother. How the hell can we asked to show off R3,000 in cash before we cross the border, what crime did we commit? Is it not the right of every human to travel to the country they like? We strongly condemn the person who introduced this evil idea, shame on him!
Every country has thier own laws so we have to swallow the pain.we can cry and cry nothing can change.
totaly bad
Izizi abale anzanga samalani ndima tax driver anthu ena akumaphedwa ndithu choonde nyamukani ndimapepala anu okwanira, ngati bus yakusiyani pa Belt bridge musalozedwe kukwera ma tax plz plz My fellow Malawians am baggin u !! Anthu akumaphedwa ndipo zimenezi zinayambika ndikale.
Izizi abale anzanga samalani ndima tax driver anthu ena akumaphedwa ndithu choonde nyamukani ndimapepala anu okwanira, ngati bus yakusiyani pa Belt bridge musalozedwe kukwera ma tax plz plz My fellow Malawians am baggin u !! Anthu akumaphedwa ndipo zimenezi zinayambika ndikale.
Akupangisa ndimakape ena ake amakhala kuwayenela Bus deport ati Ndimaejeti ndiamene amanamiza a2 kuti akadusisa mosavuta akafika pa boda ya SA amati kwelani maminbus tikakumata kumesina ndie ndizimenezo mfazi inu?
Akupangisa ndimakape ena ake amakhala kuwayenela Bus deport ati Ndimaejeti ndiamene amanamiza a2 kuti akadusisa mosavuta akafika pa boda ya SA amati kwelani maminbus tikakumata kumesina ndie ndizimenezo mfazi inu?
ndi zoonadi,akumagwirizana ndi ama bus opanda maina onse,amakuuza kuti tikakuthandiza kenako ukafika pa beitbridge akumakukweza quantam,kenako iwo azipita,ndalama atakubela
anthu oyipa mtima akuzimbabwe mulungu azawalanga chilango china ndi chinja chosagwilisa ndalama yawo amagwilisa amelecan dorra presdent wawo mungabe wakhaza akabwela kwathuko kumalawi kumaopa ngati mabwana andewele masuthu achabechabe engilish sayiziwa koma mulungu akuona
Eya ma zimbabwe akatenga aMalawi pa zokwera zawo amakawasekera ku mpanda ndikuwauza kuti aliyense aimbire abale ake atumize ndalama ku account yawo,
The root cause of this might be not because they have no travelling documents but the hard restrictions the Malawi government did put to the Malawi nationals travelling to RSA. Its only Malawians among all the nationals who are surposed to show R3000.00 on the border when getting into RSA and they say that issue was proposed by Malawi government in trying to hold back Malawians so that they shouldn’t meet the requirements to go and find greener pastures in RSA. We take the blame not Zimbabwe.
Good point
Good point
Thus true
thank you bro
Thats true that shit nd its only us who have ti fill the forms damn u bingu
Atsogoleri a Malawi si zinthu kwao ndi kukhomelera basi iya!!
Tikadusabe mulimpopo mwangona
Wel said n straight to the point
even us zambians if u want 30day u show R3000
And take everything from him
Bcz we got more fucken respect
I ddnt fnsh school bcz of this people was kill ma uncle 2005 I take everything the men was pay ma school fees I hate this
Everthg malawi iz geting 0 ,ZERO
It min ur the 1 u doing this y u defend them?
Mavuto kuchuluka kwathu nanga atani anthu
Mwadziwa mochedwa
This true story they evn kill our brothers,,,they are lot Zimbabwean in Malawian when kill 1 Malawian we can kill 5 of Zimbabwean in Malawi end of story
You must be a fool.
Ndiyo theba
Handikwirwi mahara damari yangu,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,nkhagule!
Gwero laumphawi mpake kulolera kuzuzika
Gwero laumphawi mpake kulolera kuzuzika
Hahaha They are Duing that Act to Newcomers Osat Ngat ine Pano ana achepa lol
Hahaha They are Duing that Act to Newcomers Osat Ngat ine Pano ana achepa lol
Zachidule zimapha
Zachidule zimapha
Imfa siithawika.