Members of Parliament in Malawi are living in fear after reports that the Peter Mutharika led government is on the verge of netting other legislators this week over a feared coup plot against him , Speaker of the National Assembly Richard Msowoya claims.

Msowoya made the claims on Tuesday after he adjourned the house to Wednesday afternoon and said he is pushing government to give an assurance on the security of Members of Parliament.
“I have received official communication from the Malawi Congress Party (MCP) that one of its members was arrested yesterday and another one was picked this morning. I am told he has not been released. At this moment, I cannot guarantee the security of honorable members. You must also be very concerned about this. So, until I get that assurance from government on the security of honorable members, I adjourn the house to tomorrow 2pm.” he said.
The remarks came hours after police in Lilongwe arrested vocal MCP Jessie Kabwila. She has since been charged with treason while another MCP official Ulemu Msungama has been charged with sedition.
Mcp atawona yati apazisankho singawine nde ikufuna kusokoneza zinthu mind u all members of mcp kamuzu baraks kamuzu stadiu kamuzu palice ndi zaboma siza kamuzu banda
kkkkkk apolice kumalawi ndiye mukumanga eeeeeee mwasiya kumanga mbava sopano?mmmm mwandiopya ayi eeee anthu osalakwawa mukuwamangilanji ayi ayi ayi mmmmmmm uhuuu
Truthfully, i was tested HIV + positive for the past 8 years. I keep on managing the drugs i usually purchase from the health care agency to keep me healthy and strengthen, i tried all i can to make this disease leave me alone, but unfortunately, it keep on eating up my life. So last Two Months i came in contact with a lively article on the internet on how this Powerful Herb Healer get her well and healed. So as a patient i knew this will took my life one day, and i need to live with other friends and relatives too. So i copied out the Dr Collins the herbal healer’s contact and I contacted him immediately, in a little while he mail me back that i was welcome to his Herbal Home whereby all what i seek for are granted. I was please at that time. And i continue with him, he took some few details from me and told me that he shall get back to me as soon as he is through with my work. I was very happy as heard that from him, as i was just coming from my friends house, Dr Collins called me to go for checkup in the hospital and see his marvelous work that it is now HIV negative, i was very glad to hear that from him, so quickly rush down to the nearest hospital to found out, only to hear from my hospital doctor called Browning Lewis that i am now HIV NEGATIVE. I jump up at him with the a test note, he ask me how does it happen and i reside to him all i went through with Dr Collins. I am now glad, so i am a gentle type of person that need to share this testimonies to everyone who seek for healing, because once you get calm and quiet, so the disease get to finish your life off. So i will advice you contact him today for your healing at the above details: Email ID: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com or you can also add him up on whataspp +2349036950737. CONTACT HIM NOW TO SAVE YOUR LIFE AND DOCTOR ALSO CURE ALL KIND OF DISEASE AND SICKNESS: dr.collinsherbalhome@gmail.com AS HE IS SO POWERFUL AND HELPFUL TO ALL THAT HAVE THIS SICKNESS..
Hello my name is Lizzy Joe, I want to give a testimony about my HIV virus that was cured by a great spell caster. Since last 16 years I have being a HIV positive patient. I never think I we live long again and am so grateful to Dr Greg Carlos who help me cured my HIV virus last 3 weeks. I was in a great pain so I told one of my best friends about my situation; she told me that there is a great spell caster that can cure my VIRUS. I asked her if she had his contact, she gave me his email and phone number, I emailed him and he talked to me and he perform the necessary things and he told me that after 14 days, I should go for a test. Which I did, when the doctor told me that am now a HIV negative I couldn’t believe myself I went to see another doctor the result was still the same, I was human on planet earth, so i contacted him and thanked him for is good work. Please if you are having a similar problem please visit him or contact him at: dr.gregcarlos@gmail.com or whatsApp: +2348146867873… ALL THANKS TO Dr Greg Carlos.
kkkkkkk politics is Funny don’t be cheated this people are making bread for there families nobody cheat that they are fighting you freedom
..this is gumble
Asamutaye iyayi,, amangidwe basi ali ndi moyo ngti wa kanyimbi
I dont realy understand if those ppl who are suppoting APM with the arrest understand realy what it is to be in democratic government.
There is difference between democrancy and dictatorship.
Arresting ppl for such reason constitute dictatiorship.
And whosoever support the arrest is ignorant of section 21 of malawi constitution.
It is easy to arrest someone but to secure conviction for the charges against them is another hard bone to crack.
If Munthalika does not understand democrancy he must ask jacob zuna will tell him.
During Zuma must fall campaign no one was arresting.
If it was in malawi ppl circulate information that Munthalika must fall how many wud have been arrested?
Pls understand the concerpt of democrancy and freedom if speech stop kidding yourself. The state can not win the case.
president wa malawi proph bushiri
Peter muthalika he mst fall
Don’t wory just won those police that they will be in trouble after peter is gone
Ife otsutsa ndi olamula tiyeni tigwirane manja pothetsa mavuto alipowa,osati zomwe akuchita magulu enawa
so u are busy with politicians hahaha anthu odyela amphawi
Amangidwe kumene amaziona ngati ndiochenjera ali asakhwi
Malawii ..ma MP okhuzidwawo sakuziwa chomwe akuchita cos since 1964 palimbe boma lomwe lidali 100% ngati akufuna kuchuka ndiye achukadi pomangidwa
Malawii ..ma MP okhuzidwawo sakuziwa chomwe akuchita cos since 1964 palimbe boma lomwe lidali 100% ngati akufuna kuchuka ndiye achukadi pomangidwa
“If the investigations lead us into new avenues we will arrest more because in every drama there’s a great meaning,no smoke without fire
“If the investigations lead us into new avenues we will arrest more because in every drama there’s a great meaning,no smoke without fire
Zonse ndichabe tikufuna chimanga kuno osati zomangana zanuzi apa anthu tikuswera ma Admarc kufuna chimanga koma sizikutheka ndiye ndiye stop ur nonses tufuna m’mela apa moti muziti pofika mawa chimanga thumba tizigula pa 5 pin koma mungokhala busy kumanga anthu zopanda phindu zaziiii
Koma this is a sad development in Malawi.Paja its no longer the warm heart of africa.
Ngat sanalakwe there is no need kuopa,chikuwaopetsacho nde vuto.
I think Human rights Billy activist is right that mcp leader L Chakwela should aplogise to Mtharika for bad conversation of his followers on Whats up. And Mutharika should forgive and advise The Police not to arrest them. To me I welocome this ideas with my two hands, Billy to me a wise man in the whole saga.
A Peter motomoto a Peter motomoto eyaaa motomoto eyaaa tiyende eeee akumangani nosenu otsutsa eyaaa amagwidwe eeee
These are fighting for their own survival not anyone’s else mufa ulere ndithu inu akanganya
These are fighting for their own survival not anyone’s else mufa ulere ndithu inu akanganya
Kikiki kikiki malawi ukupita kuti wasanduka cold haert of africa sopano
Kikiki kikiki malawi ukupita kuti wasanduka cold haert of africa sopano
Brave msowoya Richard
Brave msowoya Richard
Kulibe democracy ku Malawi komaso ufulu wakulankhula, pitani mayiko anzanu pa Joni pompa apa,achina Julius Malema komaso anzawo achina Maymane zomwe akumuchita Jacob Zuma koma palibe yemwe akumangidwa,imeneyo ndiye timati democracy osati nyasi zanuzo.M’malo mokonza mavuto mdziko buys ndi zinthu zosathandiza
Kulibe democracy ku Malawi komaso ufulu wakulankhula, pitani mayiko anzanu pa Joni pompa apa,achina Julius Malema komaso anzawo achina Maymane zomwe akumuchita Jacob Zuma koma palibe yemwe akumangidwa,imeneyo ndiye timati democracy osati nyasi zanuzo.M’malo mokonza mavuto mdziko buys ndi zinthu zosathandiza
Chavuta ndikusayenda man, akayenda ndikukhala nawo pa misonkhano ya maiko, akadakhala kuti ambiri adakaphunzila kapena kukhalako maiko ena amene ali otukukuka bwezi akudziwa ndi kuzindikila za ufulu wakuyankhula mu maiko democracy! Tachulukidwa ndi mbuli zophunzila kwathu kuno, ndiye kaya, chopweteka ndichakuti Njovu zikamamenyana umavulara ndi Udzu! Apa ovutika ndife anthu wamba!
Vuto malawi dyera ndi m,nsanje kususuka kusalolana, mukayelekeza ndale za kuno ku RSA anthuwa amgwira mfundo zothandiza dziko lawo mogwiliza osati kungopanga makani otsutsa pa zinthu zothandiza ngati Malawi ayi, nde musayelekeze za ku kuno ndi ku Malawi,ine ndikukana izi….
Ndiye timati fodya ameneyo Mr President chamba chenicheni
Nkhaniyi ndikaimvetsa ikuti omwe ali against him. Kodi ndani angakondwe kuti wina azikuchita against? Koterodi yense yemwe ali against, avale chain cha silver chija ndipo asamakagone ku nyumba kwake. Komanso adzibaidwa kafere kwanu. A Malawi mukunyanya. Palibe yemwe ndidamumva akutamandidwa pa nkhani ya ulamuliro
Dont tok abt chakwra and kabwila.de prezdnt himslf is incapaciated 2 rule ova millions ov malawians,if u r @ gud dont b stupid in commenting nonsenses,ok!
Kumalawi kunyasalandi anatilamulila wa ku ghana anabwera waku machinnga lelo achibwibwi awilo kutyolo eeshiiii bola akanakhala mulo,mwe wa ku mulanje koma iiiizi zogunanatha mmm
u r kidding me,u mean pple who make and amend laws of malawi r living in fear by police who r supposed to work by malawi laws,this is a joke
u r kidding me,u mean pple who make and amend laws of malawi r living in fear by police who r supposed to work by malawi laws,this is a joke
Kkkkkkkk koma afenda mpaka pamenepo
Kkkkkkkk koma afenda mpaka pamenepo
Nosenu ndakuvani mulibeso mfundo zomwe apa Tandiwuzani amene anamangidwapo chifukwa cha ndale? Mulimbana ndiyanthu andalama angamangidwe mndani apa mukawona apolice ake awa abeniwa fotseke nose malemba coment yobakila apitala sonse umashwe mwava
Nosenu ndakuvani mulibeso mfundo zomwe apa Tandiwuzani amene anamangidwapo chifukwa cha ndale? Mulimbana ndiyanthu andalama angamangidwe mndani apa mukawona apolice ake awa abeniwa fotseke nose malemba coment yobakila apitala sonse umashwe mwava
Chibwana cha m’bale wanga bakili chosechi utipase ufulu kuzalanda ufulu uja pano awupanga business
Chibwana cha m’bale wanga bakili chosechi utipase ufulu kuzalanda ufulu uja pano awupanga business
this war do u knw that?
this war do u knw that?
……..you cant rule people without oppress and dictate,once u give a man freedom,he abuses it by using it at un necessary occasion….we malawians we demand muthalika to use presidential powers over all these cockroches known as opposition fishes…………
……..you cant rule people without oppress and dictate,once u give a man freedom,he abuses it by using it at un necessary occasion….we malawians we demand muthalika to use presidential powers over all these cockroches known as opposition fishes…………
we malawians???? ur brain is full of fallacious cords
@Simon.. Uli chindere,,, zeru ulije!
……I did not shout any1 please..! I wrote what I know, if you’ re wise enough so why reply to my comment? by the way I wrote to editor’s forum, ididnt come to your inbox….zikomo
your brain is full of mamina ndi mbuyako
Ramsey-zaky Millz Mussah and James Phiri, dzala dzanu dzambiri dzaloza inu pomwe chimodzi chaloza Simon Barley, tinene kuti inu ndiwozindikira? mbuzi za manu kunsi, muli limodzi anthu osakonda dziko lanu pobweletsa chisokonezo pofuna kunamozira boma agalu anyani akhwangwala inu, MCP sidzatenga boma mpaka yesu adzabwera mudziwe zimenezo,,,Demeti!!!!!
pali tiathu tina tikugokhalira kutsutsa pa FB akuti analembedwa ndi boma kuti azitsutsa athu akapereka mfundo kondani dziko lanu osati chipani inu {DPP}
pali tiathu tina tikugokhalira kutsutsa pa FB akuti analembedwa ndi boma kuti azitsutsa athu akapereka mfundo kondani dziko lanu osati chipani inu {DPP}
Ok dat game of politics
Ok dat game of politics
It’s the worst situation we’ve ever had since 1994. People in govt think they are there by themselves. They are lucky bcoz they feel like they don’t know how a common citizen is feeling at the village. Now to the twist of events it’s the legislators feeling the wrath! Where are we going as a country? How many treason cases will we compile without conviction? You are lucky people may not march against this leadership bcoz they are hungry, they are weak coz they don’t take their prescribed dossage, they can’t even express their views for fear of being arrested. Shameless government on earth
It’s the worst situation we’ve ever had since 1994. People in govt think they are there by themselves. They are lucky bcoz they feel like they don’t know how a common citizen is feeling at the village. Now to the twist of events it’s the legislators feeling the wrath! Where are we going as a country? How many treason cases will we compile without conviction? You are lucky people may not march against this leadership bcoz they are hungry, they are weak coz they don’t take their prescribed dossage, they can’t even express their views for fear of being arrested. Shameless government on earth
Mmmmmmm….bodza2 ili
Mmmmmmm….bodza2 ili
Mmalo mogawa chimanga… mukugawa unyolo…. people are dying of hunger.
Mmalo mogawa chimanga… mukugawa unyolo…. people are dying of hunger.
Amenewa ndiwawuzadi mwanaBless L Mada Ndhlovu
Inde man kkkkk
ndithudi mfumu@Bless
Amenewa ndiwawuzadi mwanaBless L Mada Ndhlovu
Inde man kkkkk
ndithudi mfumu@Bless
None above the Law,…Tables Turn bridges burn you live and learn..
None above the Law,…Tables Turn bridges burn you live and learn..
Zanu izo munya muona kkkkkkkkk
Zanu izo munya muona kkkkkkkkk
Let Malawi Repent Due To Bloodshed Of Innocents People. Therefore God Shall Grant Us Permanent Things Including Leadership.
Let Malawi Repent Due To Bloodshed Of Innocents People. Therefore God Shall Grant Us Permanent Things Including Leadership.
Anthu Mukuopa Chan Awalande Boma Awa Tatopa Now Enough Z Enough
Anthu Mukuopa Chan Awalande Boma Awa Tatopa Now Enough Z Enough
Thats bullshit of our Democracy. Wat APM is doing is buying cheap popularity. Privacy must always reserved. Be busy plotting effecjive measures on how 2 avoid citizens 4rom dying of hunger. Rather u wasting tyme campaignimg. WHAT THE HELL? Prophet Bushiri was doin abc… 2 help Malawians but u put that as overtaking u come 2019. Is our constitution dynamic? And why? Be a President not president
Ma MP amene mukudziwa kuti mukukhudzidwa ndi nkhani yofuna kubweretsa zisokonezo mu dziko lino , mungobwera nokha ku POLICE. Ma MP inu mukufuna kuwoneka ochenjera pa maso pa PETER, mwina mukumtenga ngati Joyce Banda????
Kkkk auzeni brother
Kkkk auzeni brother
umuuze pitala yo mapwala ake,,, andimange ine ndili Btz mmomuno pa che Mussa apa
umuuze pitala yo mapwala ake,,, andimange ine ndili Btz mmomuno pa che Mussa apa
Panga action kaye yoti anthu awone ndiye akumanga bwino . Ukungolankhulira toilet basi
Komatu tichenjere ndi Jessy Kabwila anayamba kuvuta nthawi ya Amai, mademostration okhaokha sanamukonde mai nzawo ndiye lero akulimbana ndi achikulirewa makamaka akufuna chani? Ndiye kuti akalanda boma adzatipatsa mvula? Pano zinthu zafika povuta pa dziko lapansi kusonyeza kuti zolembalemba zikukwaniritsidwa.
For what?
siyani ndale mukakhale kumudzi basi si mukuwopa mumaziyambiranji? zimalizeni
They Deserve That And More.
Hooo, Abale anga. Tikhale mwa mantha ndi ma Tazaniya kuti afuna alande mbali ya dziko, Tikhaleso ndimantha kuti a Police athu atimanga? Pepani pakakhala mgwilizano uko ku nyumba ya malamulo mugonjetsa njala, ma Tanzaniya ndi mavuto ose tilinawo.
My Name is Sophia Hakeem I want to give a testimony on how I get cured from HIV/AIDS. As I was browsing through the internet on how to get cured, I saw a lady testimony praising DR CUBA I never believe it before until I tried it and it really work for me am very happy right now may God bless him. this is an opportunity for you to get cured contact him via drcubatemple@gmail.com why is website is……[ http://www.dr-cubatemple.webas.com] and also you can contact on whatsapp number +2347038965900 THESE ARE THE DISEASE Dr.DR CUBA CAN CURED. HERPES. HIV/AIDS. CANCER. ALS
What other things neened #Sophia?
Mukungozichedwetsa ndani angalande boma ngati akulanda chimanga chootcha mwana Boma lake liti mantha bax zinanaz tamachitani manyazi pofuna kukamba amalawi mpaka lero mudakakhalabe muumbuli mkumamvera anthu opengawa munthu wandale amayela amangidwe bax anayamba ndi Kamuzu kumangidwa palichani apa
Munkayesa kulamula nkophweka? This is Nyasaland ndikumapeto adziko build all mcp members kkkkkkk
kkkkkkk kodi peter muntharikayo kwawo ndikumalawi? munthu sakuyankhula chewa angakhale waziko la malawi..iyaaaaa
palibe boma limalowa osamanga mu2 kuyamba pa kamuzu ndi onse alowa apa kd akatula pansi udindo njala itha mvula iyamba kugwa bwino simunat akumangani koopsya mukupusa
Not everyone. Only those on wrong side of the law.
Tiyeni tichangamuke amalawi anzanga tizidalire tokha,tikakamba nkhani ya njala ndi maiko onse zinthu sizilibwino ayi,chofunika ndikugwilizana amalawi tonse tilolerane achipani cholamu boma ndi zipani zotsutsa boma kugwilira ntchito.limodzi choncho.tidzaona kt mavuto ena ayamba kuyenda bwino chonde amalawi anzanga tisachedwe ndiku tsutsana pachinachilichonse ayi,ngakhalenso inu amabungwe auzeni anthu zoona zokha zokha osati mugawanise anthu ai tiyeni tiyendere limodzi
Forward ever MCP,backwards never.If it’s about a coup,let it be.Don’t spare Mutharika anymore mtundu wachabe uwu.Eeeeh iwe Mutharika,3 months to go remember sizocheza.Unabera mavoti unkayesa zosewera?
Akuopa chani? Mmesa kupezeka kwa apolice paliponse ndi umboni oti chitetezo chilipo chokwanira, amene wapalamula mulandu adziopa, amene alibe mulandu palibe chifukwa choopera,Mwandimva abwana
agalu enanu mungosiya ku commenterko zikundinyasa
Nsowoya himself has to be arrested for Abeit
Ndiye akatula pansi udindo njala itha? Osamudikila kuti muzamuchotse ndima vote bwanji kapena mukumuopatu
Talimbana Ndi Kamuzu Tikamuope Bwampini
Talimbana Ndi Kamuzu Tikamuope Bwampini
Shame on you Mps.
gyz mesa mu December mumaimba nyimbo yot nilibe problem… koma aliyense pano February angoimba yoti mulowererepo ambuye inu..kkkkkkkkkkkk bas peter sanalakwe musiyen
Izi ndiye zinyi…ndizi….zopa–mcp–malawi costruction and procurement kkkkk.
Pakuti ife tilibe nyota lathu ndidiso basi
Pakuti ife tilibe nyota lathu ndidiso basi
Mmmmm brown pls don’t talk like that &brown
Mmmmm brown pls don’t talk like that &brown
A DPP nawo xaaa
A DPP nawo xaaa
They will do the same when they take over
Anthuni kaduka ndi nsanje zikutipweteka kwambiri mu dziko lathuli, ndi president uti amene azanyamule thumba lachimanga ndikupita nalo kuntchini kukachigaya kenako nkuzakutulirani munyumba mwanu? Chaka chatha zipangizo za ulimi boma lidapeleka, nde mukufuna kuti wakupatsa mbezayo apitenso kukakuwezelanso nsomba? Kuzolowera etiiii! tilira tisanati mpakana nzeru zathu zodalirazi tizisiye
Anthuni kaduka ndi nsanje zikutipweteka kwambiri mu dziko lathuli, ndi president uti amene azanyamule thumba lachimanga ndikupita nalo kuntchini kukachigaya kenako nkuzakutulirani munyumba mwanu? Chaka chatha zipangizo za ulimi boma lidapeleka, nde mukufuna kuti wakupatsa mbezayo apitenso kukakuwezelanso nsomba? Kuzolowera etiiii! tilira tisanati mpakana nzeru zathu zodalirazi tizisiye
That Is Harsh But This Party Will persecuted Many People But As Malawian We Can’t Accepted That
That Is Harsh But This Party Will persecuted Many People But As Malawian We Can’t Accepted That
Onse a DPP ndi agalu kuphatikiza apm
u a DOG 2…y au sayn lyk dat??look at your ugly face
Am i too ugly than apm?
Onse a DPP ndi agalu kuphatikiza apm
u a DOG 2…y au sayn lyk dat??look at your ugly face
Am i too ugly than apm?
Ask those around you, umawoneka ngati thako la fisi.
galu wamkulu ndi iwe mbuzi ya muthu
Ife Akumudzi Timazindikila Zakusintha Kwanyengo Ndiye Ene Mukufuna Kumapha Mutu Azanu Kuti Azilephela Muliolephela Ndinu Ingofatsa Ndi Ndinyengoyi Mwina Mulindi Nkhokwe Ya Mvula Muzidzagwetsa Minda Ya Anthu?
Ife Akumudzi Timazindikila Zakusintha Kwanyengo Ndiye Ene Mukufuna Kumapha Mutu Azanu Kuti Azilephela Muliolephela Ndinu Ingofatsa Ndi Ndinyengoyi Mwina Mulindi Nkhokwe Ya Mvula Muzidzagwetsa Minda Ya Anthu?
Net the all, they are crooks. Freedom shld have limits
Net the all, they are crooks. Freedom shld have limits
Anthu adzoye (osachedwa kulira) amakhala patsogolo kuyambitsa ndeu. After trivialising serious coup attempts by the midnight six as alleged by the PP lead government, l never expected honourable distinguished learned DPP Comrades to stoop so low as is the case at hand. Unfortunately, this work is pure result of ignoring the the first class warning from the genuine Strategists, Rt. Hon. Saulos Chilima who emphatically stated that “Njoka bwana state president sitiweta”. Ndiye poti mchewa adati “tinkanena adathera msiizi….”, ife tingoti”mawu akulu akoma akagonela”, komanso “walira mvula, walira matope”, “akafuna ya nyanga nsantsi mwana, msemeleni”.
Anthu adzoye (osachedwa kulira) amakhala patsogolo kuyambitsa ndeu. After trivialising serious coup attempts by the midnight six as alleged by the PP lead government, l never expected honourable distinguished learned DPP Comrades to stoop so low as is the case at hand. Unfortunately, this work is pure result of ignoring the the first class warning from the genuine Strategists, Rt. Hon. Saulos Chilima who emphatically stated that “Njoka bwana state president sitiweta”. Ndiye poti mchewa adati “tinkanena adathera msiizi….”, ife tingoti”mawu akulu akoma akagonela”, komanso “walira mvula, walira matope”, “akafuna ya nyanga nsantsi mwana, msemeleni”.
We are tired of this
We are tired of this
Abwanawa chomwe amaziwa ndi nkhondo basi….
nkhondoyo anamenyera kuti???
Abwanawa chomwe amaziwa ndi nkhondo basi….
nkhondoyo anamenyera kuti???
Arrest them all stupid MPs!They’re too much talking rubbish.
Arrest them all stupid MPs!They’re too much talking rubbish.
Ukaziputa limba,mcp is pushing too hard for de sake of democracy,so dont b afraid things wil b normal if u bhave lik human.
Ukaziputa limba,mcp is pushing too hard for de sake of democracy,so dont b afraid things wil b normal if u bhave lik human.
Now you are talking anthuwa phuma nd nyere nd zomwe zawachulukila ,these people they are immature in politicts, a JK akuona ngat mmene achita success in accademic freedom ,akuona ngat zikhalanso chimodzmodz ili nd dziko mastern ndzosyana zinthuz.
Now you are talking anthuwa phuma nd nyere nd zomwe zawachulukila ,these people they are immature in politicts, a JK akuona ngat mmene achita success in accademic freedom ,akuona ngat zikhalanso chimodzmodz ili nd dziko mastern ndzosyana zinthuz.
Zutolake ndilimeneli a presdent anaseza udindo wolemela kwambiri wosawayanja ndichifukwa chake zikuvuta udindo ukukula tikamasankha mtsogoleri tiona koma zotsatira zakuba akungothyolela bas kaya tikafika kuti mundiuzako enanu.
Zutolake ndilimeneli a presdent anaseza udindo wolemela kwambiri wosawayanja ndichifukwa chake zikuvuta udindo ukukula tikamasankha mtsogoleri tiona koma zotsatira zakuba akungothyolela bas kaya tikafika kuti mundiuzako enanu.
Amwene chimene mungaziwe ndi ichi kulamulila dziko losauka ndikovuta kulingati kusunga agalu ten ulibe chakudya,vuto lili pa malawi silofunika munthu mmodzi maiko aanzathu chisamkho chikatha otsutsa ndi boma amagwilila ntchito pamodzi ife amalawi too much #dyera and nsanje.com.
Patumbo pako mulomwe iwe unawinila kubera
Patumbo pako mulomwe iwe unawinila kubera
Ndikumati ndikafufuza palibe chipani chimene chinalamulira malawi muo popanda anthu kukhala mwamantha kungoti panopa zangovuta kuti tikukhala mwamantha tilibe ndalama muthumba komanso tili ndi njala ndikukwera katuundu kwazinthu.koma kukamba chilungamo asogoleri onse kungoyambila pakamuzu mpaka panopa palibe wabwino nanji atalowa chakwera ndi nzake kabwila ndiye iiiiiii
100%sir Amenewa Azabweresaso Kungedwatu Machitidwe Amene Akupanga Pano Asanalowe Mboma Nanga Akalowa Iiiiii Kuopsyeza Apollice Iiii Anachita Bwino Bwanawa Kusiya Church Akanapha Mamembala Kkkk
100%sir Amenewa Azabweresaso Kungedwatu Machitidwe Amene Akupanga Pano Asanalowe Mboma Nanga Akalowa Iiiiii Kuopsyeza Apollice Iiii Anachita Bwino Bwanawa Kusiya Church Akanapha Mamembala Kkkk
Ndikumati ndikafufuza palibe chipani chimene chinalamulira malawi muo popanda anthu kukhala mwamantha kungoti panopa zangovuta kuti tikukhala mwamantha tilibe ndalama muthumba komanso tili ndi njala ndikukwera katuundu kwazinthu.koma kukamba chilungamo asogoleri onse kungoyambila pakamuzu mpaka panopa palibe wabwino nanji atalowa chakwera ndi nzake kabwila ndiye iiiiiii
100%sir Amenewa Azabweresaso Kungedwatu Machitidwe Amene Akupanga Pano Asanalowe Mboma Nanga Akalowa Iiiiii Kuopsyeza Apollice Iiii Anachita Bwino Bwanawa Kusiya Church Akanapha Mamembala Kkkk
100%sir Amenewa Azabweresaso Kungedwatu Machitidwe Amene Akupanga Pano Asanalowe Mboma Nanga Akalowa Iiiiii Kuopsyeza Apollice Iiii Anachita Bwino Bwanawa Kusiya Church Akanapha Mamembala Kkkk
Mcp moto kuti buuuu akubanja mantha ali tingomanganapo basi
Koma ineyo ndimanenetsa kuti ngakhale anthu atazayamba kugona mumitengo ngati nyumba nawo achule nkumakula ngati njovu MCP sizalamuliranso dziko lino mulungu akuziwa mizimu yanthu amene munapha mwina muzasinthetu dzina kukhala CONGRESS PARTY OF MALAWI
Koma ineyo ndimanenetsa kuti ngakhale anthu atazayamba kugona mumitengo ngati nyumba nawo achule nkumakula ngati njovu MCP sizalamuliranso dziko lino mulungu akuziwa mizimu yanthu amene munapha mwina muzasinthetu dzina kukhala CONGRESS PARTY OF MALAWI
kod iwowa sangazifunse kut they are fighting for the bt anthu omwe akuwamenyera ufuluwo sizkuwakhuza olo pang,ono.coz akuidziwa MCP bwino,
kod iwowa sangazifunse kut they are fighting for the bt anthu omwe akuwamenyera ufuluwo sizkuwakhuza olo pang,ono.coz akuidziwa MCP bwino,
kod iwowa sangazifunse kut they are fighting for the bt anthu omwe akuwamenyera ufuluwo sizkuwakhuza olo pang,ono.coz akuidziwa MCP bwino,
kod iwowa sangazifunse kut they are fighting for the bt anthu omwe akuwamenyera ufuluwo sizkuwakhuza olo pang,ono.coz akuidziwa MCP bwino,
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk ife tiripheee akanganya ena mpaka kukagona mchitokosi ati kumenyera ine ufulu asaaa. Chamba eti? Kupusa kapena? Munayamba mwandithandiza ine? Iwe Kabwira kapena Chakwera chilengedwere dziko la Malawi munathandizapo chiani? Musatipusise nonse ndi mbava zotheratu. Olamula ndi otsutsa palibe wanzeru apa mungodikira 2019 tizawone mamuna ndani. Koma osati muzisokosera nkumati mufuna mufere anthu shupitiiiiii. Pitani mukadandaulira adzukulu anu.
Ine sangandifere opusawa anandifera kale Yesu wanga basi
Ine sangandifere opusawa anandifera kale Yesu wanga basi
atitha rasta tonse pshitiiiiii
Kod bas tzngokhalira kumva za PITALA dairy?? Nonsense!!!
Kod bas tzngokhalira kumva za PITALA dairy?? Nonsense!!!
Kkkkkkk Ine zikundi sangalatsa Mwaziyamba Nokha Musova
Kkkkkkk Ine zikundi sangalatsa Mwaziyamba Nokha Musova
Wokadzutsa nyau zimusowetse ameneyi
Wokadzutsa nyau zimusowetse ameneyi
Why To Fear The Big Men Ukaziputa Limbanazo
Why To Fear The Big Men Ukaziputa Limbanazo
apolice nanunso chilichonse Yes Bwana azakupatsani manye tsiku lina
apolice nanunso chilichonse Yes Bwana azakupatsani manye tsiku lina
Start de war first,,,,so that the country can renew,cause there’s no reader from all the party….{big heads low thinking capacity only}
Start de war first,,,,so that the country can renew,cause there’s no reader from all the party….{big heads low thinking capacity only}
Galuyi itule pansi udindo stupid. Kumanga anthu nde njala etha?
njala inalipo ilipo ndipo izakhalapo baba
Koma udindiwo mbuziyi itule basi,,njala inali kwanu nthawi,,,koma iyi yatenga dziko lose. Economy Error
sukuizawa njala iwe chikupangisa kt uzilemba zimenezi si kukhuta
umafuna azakulimire presdentyo?
emuna think lk a man b4 u say anything, kuganiza ngati maofozi bwanji? kuzolowela kuthandizidwa et? kkkkkkk shame on you
mwinadi vuto ndilimenilo kuthandizidwaku komabe olo utani siku zabwela #chilembwe wina
tiyeni naye man daliso atumbukawa akumayankhula manyi kwambiri
iwe Brown umakhala ngat mutu wako umayendera manyi bwanji???geography sunaphunzirepo eti??water cycle umaydziwa??galu wachabechabe
Peter must Fall. Tiyeni tinene za chipani osati mitundu. Tikapita ku mitundu nde mulakwa chifukwa ine ndemodzi oti ndasungapo achewa ambiri kamba ka njala kwawo. And kwawo kwa President ndikumeneso kuli vuto kwambiri. Nde lets talk on the post not trib.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk ngati mumadya kwa President zikuvutani inu akaren
Gule kwao basi
The evil pipo do lives after them
Galuyi itule pansi udindo stupid. Kumanga anthu nde njala etha?
njala inalipo ilipo ndipo izakhalapo baba
Koma udindiwo mbuziyi itule basi,,njala inali kwanu nthawi,,,koma iyi yatenga dziko lose. Economy Error
sukuizawa njala iwe chikupangisa kt uzilemba zimenezi si kukhuta
umafuna azakulimire presdentyo?
emuna think lk a man b4 u say anything, kuganiza ngati maofozi bwanji? kuzolowela kuthandizidwa et? kkkkkkk shame on you
mwinadi vuto ndilimenilo kuthandizidwaku komabe olo utani siku zabwela #chilembwe wina
tiyeni naye man daliso atumbukawa akumayankhula manyi kwambiri
iwe Brown umakhala ngat mutu wako umayendera manyi bwanji???geography sunaphunzirepo eti??water cycle umaydziwa??galu wachabechabe
Peter must Fall. Tiyeni tinene za chipani osati mitundu. Tikapita ku mitundu nde mulakwa chifukwa ine ndemodzi oti ndasungapo achewa ambiri kamba ka njala kwawo. And kwawo kwa President ndikumeneso kuli vuto kwambiri. Nde lets talk on the post not trib.
Kkkkkkkkkkkk ngati mumadya kwa President zikuvutani inu akaren
Gule kwao basi
Kodi agalu inu mukamati climate change zikukhudzana bwanji ndi kusapezeka kwa Chimanga mu Admarc depots? Anthutu sakuti akufuna kulandira chimanga koma kugula. Bwampini angagawe chimanga?
Ine Ndagulanso Lero Chimanga Kuadmarc Dpp Woyeeeeeee
mwavihelehele imwe, viwonani mabhwaza ngavikanamanga… umomwambila kutizinga mmakutu nachigandanga chinu icho mwalya vikhwalinga kwali asaa!!
Bwampini amaziwa kugwa basi ndiye yake
wachewa pathako pinu kumangosapota zilizonse koma ovutikaso kwambiri pitala wathule pasi udindo finish think about future kuli zaka zochuluka kusogoloku ana anu azalima ngati inu
wachewa pathako pinu kumangosapota zilizonse koma ovutikaso kwambiri pitala wathule pasi udindo finish think about future kuli zaka zochuluka kusogoloku ana anu azalima ngati inu
good move apm! let these silly mcp mps know you ain’t fuckin wit no fools for u know sh!t more than they do!
Mukunama tu,we gonna make this gvt ungovernable ,coz in parliament no bill gona pass
good move apm! let these silly mcp mps know you ain’t fuckin wit no fools for u know sh!t more than they do!
Mukunama tu,we gonna make this gvt ungovernable ,coz in parliament no bill gona pass
so its true that this man only know shit better than everybody else hey! what are we going to benefit from this knowledge of shit???
so its true that this man only know shit better than everybody else hey! what are we going to benefit from this knowledge of shit???
Sha!the president knows more shit!that explains all this mess!
Sha!the president knows more shit!that explains all this mess!
ma yo!!!! sopano…ma yo a commercial…azako achina canibus etc amapanga zazeru not u…
Peter. must Resign he got no plans for ruling our country
then you will b a president kkkkk
kkkk eya yankhani bge
ok u gat da plans,y ddnt u compete in da presidential elections??fool!!!!!
noooo idoesn,t. mean that wekha ukuchita kuwona ulamuliro waka. wa aparthy then you asking me asilly question? Go to hell with your Dormant Progracive President. Idiot
muuzeni abwere azandimange agalu inu
Peter. must Resign he got no plans for ruling our country
then you will b a president kkkkk
kkkk eya yankhani bge
ok u gat da plans,y ddnt u compete in da presidential elections??fool!!!!!
noooo idoesn,t. mean that wekha ukuchita kuwona ulamuliro waka. wa aparthy then you asking me asilly question? Go to hell with your Dormant Progracive President. Idiot
muuzeni abwere azandimange agalu inu
hiiiii inu zotukwanazo ai
akumange, uli ndi chani kapamba wachabechabe osanzimvera chison bwanji?
chisoni kuno sikumanda uza president wakoyo
Ana nokhankha kukangana. Munabadwa mwatsoka condom za China zitaphulika. Nonse muli fwefwe apa mwabadwa ma China atadzadza mmizinda yathu. Anzanu tangupehya koma inu kukweza ma BP basi. Ngati mwasowa chochita kanyereni.
I will be your president just soon
zako inzo
zako inzo
iwe nde zichan zimenezo?
Inunso mutikwana ndi mcp yanuyo, climate change chikhale chinthu cholongolera kuti president atule pansi? Mumangidwa simunati njala yausogoleri ikunjatisani, olo mukanakhala inu ajesey mukanakwanisa kusintha nyengoyi?
Ndiye bwanji osauuza m’bale wako peter gud 4 nothing kuti asithe climate change poti ndi amene ali ndi mphamvu yomangitsa anthu
mmmmmm njala inalipo ilipo ndipoizakhalapo baba
Iweso nde chisilu chamunthu
mmm kodi zafikanso apa, pepani ndithu koma ngati ndakulakwila bwanji uchichule cholakwacho #Isaac
hahaha!!!! so u call it climate change! kkkkk!!! its not all scovengerz tat r mad!
Anthuwadi(mcp) ndzisilu,ndpo sanama kuti empty tin makes alot of noise,kod mumaona ngati president ndi mulungu?,nkhani yanjala mmesa yaza chifukwa cha climate change,imagine mwapasidwa mpata olamulira,mukufuna muliuze dzko kuti zokudya zikhala mmbwelekete?,anthu opusainu
Anthuwadi(mcp) ndzisilu,ndpo sanama kuti empty tin makes alot of noise,kod mumaona ngati president ndi mulungu?,nkhani yanjala mmesa yaza chifukwa cha climate change,imagine mwapasidwa mpata olamulira,mukufuna muliuze dzko kuti zokudya zikhala mmbwelekete?,anthu opusainu
kutumiza chimanga ku admarc kukulepheleka chifukwa cha climate change? mesa akuti chimangacho chilipo chilikuti
Inunso mutikwana ndi mcp yanuyo, climate change chikhale chinthu cholongolera kuti president atule pansi? Mumangidwa simunati njala yausogoleri ikunjatisani, olo mukanakhala inu ajesey mukanakwanisa kusintha nyengoyi?
Ndiye bwanji osauuza m’bale wako peter gud 4 nothing kuti asithe climate change poti ndi amene ali ndi mphamvu yomangitsa anthu
mmmmmm njala inalipo ilipo ndipoizakhalapo baba
Iweso nde chisilu chamunthu
mmm kodi zafikanso apa, pepani ndithu koma ngati ndakulakwila bwanji uchichule cholakwacho #Isaac
hahaha!!!! so u call it climate change! kkkkk!!! its not all scovengerz tat r mad!
Anthuwadi(mcp) ndzisilu,ndpo sanama kuti empty tin makes alot of noise,kod mumaona ngati president ndi mulungu?,nkhani yanjala mmesa yaza chifukwa cha climate change,imagine mwapasidwa mpata olamulira,mukufuna muliuze dzko kuti zokudya zikhala mmbwelekete?,anthu opusainu
Anthuwadi(mcp) ndzisilu,ndpo sanama kuti empty tin makes alot of noise,kod mumaona ngati president ndi mulungu?,nkhani yanjala mmesa yaza chifukwa cha climate change,imagine mwapasidwa mpata olamulira,mukufuna muliuze dzko kuti zokudya zikhala mmbwelekete?,anthu opusainu
kutumiza chimanga ku admarc kukulepheleka chifukwa cha climate change? mesa akuti chimangacho chilipo chilikuti
dpp ndiyolephera since longtime ago. about climate change it doesn’t make sense to malawians, bwanji kuli a bingu? wealther yi ikuvutitsa lero zinthuzi?( totaly nonsense)
Inu comment yanuyi ndiya uchitsiru. Iweyo climate change ukuitenga excuse yoti anthu azifa ndi njala? Muzionatu simunati. Muyankheni Bushiri uja in an open letter too
inu mukulephela kuthandiza mai anu kumuzikuja bwanji.
Kkkkk kunali a mayi vuto la climate change linalikonso koma njala kunali kuwafunsa ndibwino kuti kodi zimayenda bwanji mayi akuthandizani.
Kuli Abingu Kunali Mafloodsa?Kukula Mphuno Sikudziwa Kuminad Et.
Ulamuliro wa amai ngati kunalibe njala bwanji amagawa ufa? Nthawi ya abingu kunalibe njala, njala anaiyambisa ndi mai aja kodi zikoli langokhala lanu simulisatira eti? Czo yatha maflood ndiomwe abweresa njala
Ulamuliro wa amai ngati kunalibe njala bwanji amagawa ufa? Nthawi ya abingu kunalibe njala, njala anaiyambisa ndi mai aja kodi zikoli langokhala lanu simulisatira eti? Czo yatha maflood ndiomwe abweresa njala
Osabwebweta apa dpp yakanika ndipo isadati ionekera yangoyamba kumanga anthu a mcp koma samaliza milandu cash gate ikukanika kumaliza bwanji iyiso samaliza take it or not
Kulimbana ndi boma it`s like chasing the wind!! anyway it`s my rensibility to take care of my family, not the government`s.
Kulimbana ndi boma it`s like chasing the wind!! anyway it`s my rensibility to take care of my family, not the government`s.
Ngati dpp yakanika uzani makolo anu alamulire dzikoli tione!!
Ngati dpp yakanika uzani makolo anu alamulire dzikoli tione!!
MCP chipan cha anthu adyera. Ine ndmkaona ngat dyela lija linatha, koma nde muvutika, ngat mukufuna kutenga boma muyende mmidzimu muwaudze anthu mfundo zothyakuka muona mukamapanga ma uprising anuwo anthu azikusapotani ,onani pano muli nokhanokha zamkutu!!!!!!!
MCP chipan cha anthu adyera. Ine ndmkaona ngat dyela lija linatha, koma nde muvutika, ngat mukufuna kutenga boma muyende mmidzimu muwaudze anthu mfundo zothyakuka muona mukamapanga ma uprising anuwo anthu azikusapotani ,onani pano muli nokhanokha zamkutu!!!!!!!
dpp ,,,president wake mbalame,,,, osapotawo mbuzi,,,,, chaka chino ndikugulirani
dpp ,,,president wake mbalame,,,, osapotawo mbuzi,,,,, chaka chino ndikugulirani
Ngati DPP yakanika nde mwati atule pansi udindo,olamulira wake akhale ndani??? mutiwudziwitseku inu Achipani chonunkha mwanzinu!!!!!!
Hahaha,, 4 Wat?
Hahaha,, 4 Wat?
Malawian Students. http://Young4Money.com/?ref=73633
Malawian Students. http://Young4Money.com/?ref=73633
Nde kukhomeleranako out country munthu akale ndmantha kwawo akhalenso ndmatha voto ndlot anabera mavot nde znthuzakuba sizpindula malisault ake ndwomwewo
Nde kukhomeleranako out country munthu akale ndmantha kwawo akhalenso ndmatha voto ndlot anabera mavot nde znthuzakuba sizpindula malisault ake ndwomwewo
Ukadziputa limba ife makhoba tili chile kuthira dzingwe
Shame on u
Ukadziputa limba ife makhoba tili chile kuthira dzingwe
Shame on u
ubilimankhwe umeneu
Mudziwanso mulakalaka kuthawa dziko lili lanu
nkhalamba ndi choncho zimafuna pofera
Kkkkk ife anyamata tili chile
akamapanga makani agwaso mzenje laritali kuposa lija anagwamo poyamba ,tikumba lina.m
Hahahaha body guard uja anali wa MCP tamthamangitsako
Hahahaha body guard uja anali wa MCP tamthamangitsako
Check out there?@
Check out there?@
nchan kodi amalawi?
nchan kodi amalawi?
Kma malawi sadzathekanso
Kma malawi sadzathekanso
Me too living in fear.
Me too living in fear.
Pantumbo Pake Pitalayo akuona ngati ndani iyeyo? watikwina ife tisaope kucheza chifukwa cha gwape ngati iwe………..Panyini Pa Mako
Cry the beloved Malawi. We are back in the years b4 1993.We. shall have to fight for our democracy.