As homosexuality remains the talk of the day among people in the country, Malawian artists have stepped up efforts in mobilizing Malawians to reject homosexuality.
Among them is talented Karonga based poet Robert Chiwamba who is expected to release two poems aiming at campaigning against the legalisation of homosexuality in the country.
Chiwamba, the man behind Mudzafa Imfa Yowawa, said in one of the poems he thanks the strong African leaders who do not bow down to the wishes of western authorities on homosexuality.

“I am excited to inform you of the release of my two new poems on homosexuality; the first, ‘Takana Mathanyula’ is a clear demonstration of the general public’s view on the issue. It also comprises arguments on why gays ought not to be legal in the country.
“The second, zikomo kwambiri is a poem which adores African leaders who have stood firm against recognising gays among others Robert Mugabe, Yoweri Museveni, Uhuru Kenyatta, Yahya Jammeh and the late Bingu wa Mutharika,” elucidated Chiwamba.
Chiwamba promised that the two poems including his recently released Kwamayi Chiwamba album will be available for free through social media and other platforms as his contribution towards the hot debate.
Recently, renowned music icon Lucius Banda prematurely ended his show after he was displeased with exhibition of gay acts by two patrons during his show.
Akukathani nonse, ndipo Ali pafupi.
Mulungu atithandize
God is watching
Bravo Chiwamba go on
What campaign is there since most Malawians seem to be against homosexuality mainly because they don’t understand it? A real campaign is when you’re championing a cause you truly understand and against the tide. This fellow will just be preaching to his fellow believers; no campaign there, achimwene.
Matama awa kufuna kutchukirapo???? Am 100% gay ndipo chiwambayo ndadyana naye ine
Matchende ako ndi U Gay wakowo fuck ur Leaders pamtumbo pako!!!!!!!
Shame on peter with his 4llowers.
Bravo Chiwamba!!!!!!!!!!!
Ifeso tili ndi freedom yokanaso mathanyula zakumatakozo foolish
chiwamba big up. shame on them with there evil
Go ahead man thats bullsheet
Big Up.Bola Asakusowese
Nonse amene mkuti simkuona vuto pa ma ukwati a amuna kapena akazi okha okha dziwani kuti si inu koma chiwanda choipa komaso chonyatsa pa maso pa Mulungu, Mulunga sangakhale opanda nzeru polenga mamuna ndi mkazi anzeru mkakhale inu ? Mposedwe ndi galu yemwe nzeru ?
nanuso mungoti cashgate chikukukhuzani ndi ndichani anayamba kuba ndalama inu musabadwe posachedwapa anthu ochuluka anali ndi mkwiyo waukulu atalephela kuyendesa boma ambwiye komanso inu munapangapo cashgate mulapiletu
a question to Chiwamba and the rest of you who are with him: what if your brother or sister is homosexual? will you kill him because of him being gay or lesbian? just because he is sexually attracted to a fellow man or woman should be a crime? we have murderers, rapists, robbers/thieves, prostitutes/fornicators etc here in this country who we keep in our homes/society who harming, killing and hurting innocent people, stealing property but they are walking free and you keep them, feed them, love them…this has been there kuyambila kale but we have failed to end them and mind you the same BIBLE condemns them all. homosexuallity is an act where only two human beings consent to do it. they dont harm anybody! they kill nobody! its just two people in the room doing what pleases them. so lets not waste our precious time talking about this thing. first lets deal with the issues that have been there before you and I were born… this is just an opinion. am not gay, and i have never even dreamt being sexually attracted to a fellow man. just being neutral…. musanditukwane nane ndiufulu wanga wa ndemanga
Why Almighty God created man and woman not man to man and woman and woman? The output of man to woman=baby=Leader of looking after God’s creation….Nanga bwanji Mulungu sanapase ufulu anthu a Sodom?nde ukufuna tapase ife koma Mulungu asamapase ufuluwo? Ukanena milandu inayotu imazengedwa ku court akagidwa nde tikufunaso magay and lesbian azizengegwaso wamva!
Kp it,bro tili pambuyo pako! homosexual is of devil so 2 hell it so r all those supporting it!
Go wil help, don’t fear bra!!! this is our country
Amalawi Anzanga! Where Ever U R Ndikufuna Ndikukumbuseni Mawu Omwe Adanena Agogo Adatisiya zaka 18 Zapitazi. Paja Ankati Matipate Ndinkhondo. Lero Ndi Izi Tikuziona Tokha Ndi Maso Athu. Lero Sabola Wakale Wawawa! Dziwani Ichi Tifune Tisafune Mudziko Lathu Lino Mcitidwewu Uchitika Kamba Tidauvomera Kale Koma Mwa “InDirect” Musaiwale Tinkalimbana Kuti Azimayi Asamavale Ma Trauser, Kuminula, Koma Azungu Adatiuza Kuti Ndiufulu Wawo. Lero Akazi Aja Akuasandusa Azimuna! Akuti Amuna Mukhale Akazi Ha! Tsoka Kwa Uyo Obweretsa Choipa. Ufulu Watchola Mpanda. Mind U Amalawi Anzanga.
May God contnu blessing people who hv the mindset of Chiwamba and Mr. Msonda
say no to homosex
Keep it up bro, If do Mathanyula uzafa infa yowawa
Say no zausiruzo
Say noooo!!! gay in Malawi
Obama keep you america let me keep my malawi anatelo mgabe?
udzafa ifa yowawa style …..halla to u bro
Kukhala mmalawi ndi chiphinjo ndithu ndaona ine
Kkkkkk I cnt do this shit
Big up
God bless malawi, God bless Chiwamba
To hell with homosexuality….remember how hard it is to clm ur fellow dude. Go and kiss hell with this gay shit you politicians. Chiwamba lets get the hell out of this damn gay shit out of our country Malawi
If we take a neutral side on homosexuality and stick to our culture of not practising it…what can be the problem?? on the otherhand how can a country affected in social and economic development with homosexuality ..i think we are wasting time pa zinthu zopanda pake leaving things that matters…but i am not a homo-guy
thus true bro ,big up
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk they go to Britain. Malawi NO. We will eliminate people carrying genes of homosexuality in line with constitution
Then remove democracy completely
To hell wth u
hahah….no way aise….lets think….I dnt knw whats up with Malawi….this issue wont take us anywhere….there real developmental issues osati izi za zii!!!!
Big up chiwamba inenso mathanyula Toto akwatile atsikanawa ndani?tsogolo LA mawa lichokele?tiye Nazo takana zopusa.
Big up Chiwamba auze kut azafa ifa yowawa amenewa
Uchitsiluso wa anthu andare muli busy ndi homosexual mmalo moti mutitse mfundo malingana ndi njala itavuteyi kupusa eti
Wasowa chochitaaa, chani!??
Lucy Wa Bosco Chisambo
Big up bro!
uzafa imfa yowawa!
ndithu!!! adzafa imfa yowawa aleken !!!!tiyenazo chiwamba
Panga zomwezo utola chikwama bro
Nalema ine niva upuwa
Kumeneko nde kuitha man, ndili mbali yanu!
but take care although lusias said kulibwino kufa utayakhula chulugamo,ugayambe kusowa ngati chasowa athuwa nivigawega vugofuna poti tithele vusowa poyambitsr khondo.
but take care although lusias said kulibwino kufa utayakhula chulugamo,ugayambe kusowa ngati chasowa athuwa nivigawega vugofuna poti tithele vusowa poyambitsr khondo.
Nonsense people u die poor
It’s better to die with poor than be rich with sin
ur face tells me u r homosexual too. so u mek money by sleeping wth ur fellow man right??
Excuse me… I earned 3000dollar a month am certified I.E
U poor coz ur lazy people
Congrats shud go to chiwamba,msonda and Lucius Banda
bg man in action
keep the fire burning,malawi not a place 4 mathanyula.
Ukubwera bhoooo
Ine undiikemo
azafa imfa yowawa
Mukusewela ndimulungu akukathan nonse ofuna kuphwanya malamulo ake mudzafa ndi2
Ukangokhala mgulu lovomereza kuti akazi kapena amuna azikwatirana okhaokha udzafa ifa yowawa….big up bro
Tiphe magay basi
musazitenge za kwa America kt zikhale za kumalawi,muzipanga kwamerica koko ife mutisiye ndi uphawi wathu.
Ndiye mMalawi weniweni ameneyo. May God continue blessing Chiwamba.
Za zii
Umakwana. Si za chilombo chija. #chasowa
Big up Chiwamba, thats very good mind.
Upezeretu attire ya “No Homosexual in my beloved mw” udzavale while ukulakatula bravo man! Keep it up!!!!
hahaha me like it
hahaha me like it
Ndipo nde takukanilani kwanu konko!!!
a K Nsonda sanakuuze akumamangatu makapewa
Mwinkhowo ife ayi!!!!
Most of you are busy bashing homosexuality here yet behind closed doors, you’re busy fcking your girlfriends/wives anuses & mouths. You’re also doing all those wrong forms of sex which is also sinful! What’s the damn difference??? Those wrong forms of sex (regardless of whether you’re doing them homosexually or not) will also take you to hell just like it will with the homosexuals!!! SMFH!!!!!
haha may the lord open yo ayez i pity uu
no gays no gays no matter what….
Thanks #Patrick Chagwira and may He also open your mind so you can understand what am talking about. Sure #Steven Nkhoma, no gays. Am not in favour of it either, I just tried to point out that there’s a strange form of gaysm among people today. Just becareful what you do with your wifes/girlfriends. The issue of anal sex, oral sex, whatever type of sex that divertes from God’s intention is as worse as homosexuality. All these dirty sexual behaviours were invented by man, homosexuality inclusive. So beware. You might think you’re heading the right path when you have missed already it the first time you tried to switch the lanes.
Mukati ofuna apange osafuna asapange,aliyense ali ndi chilango chake ndi bodza lalikulu muona ovutika sazakhala yekhayo
Nanga Mbenjere sayimba ka friendly kenakake
Ife nono mathanyula.muzikapanga ku america komko.
Guyz anthu amenewa tikangowaziwa tiagwire tiphere2 alibe ufulu okhalanso ndi moyo
Say no !!!! to homo bt de Church z silent y?
which church? this issue is biblicaly not debatable! it is a sin satanic and devilish!
Say no !!!! to homo bt de Church
Shoot to kill, no way devil in Our Motherland nation.
Let Us Remain Poor And Die Poor,and Say No To Homosex
Very good guys.
takana ife malodza amenewo ukakhala umphawi ndiwathu,osakamba zinthu zothandiza bwanji ku admarc kukusowa chimanga
kungo waombela basi
Good move Robert Chiwamba
Amanthanyula onse azafa infayowawa god will punish them
Amanthanyula onse azafa infayowawa god will punish them
Continue abro…Big NO to homosexual…they hv to leave mother Malawi alone….
Continue abro…Big NO to homosexual…they hv to leave mother Malawi alone….
Choyambilira ndikuthokoze kwambiri chifukwa choganiza maganizo a bwino .ndi alakatuli ochepa amene amene akukwanitsa kufunira zabwino dziko lawo. Masiku apitawo padali kape wina amene amalimbikitsa nchitidwe woipawu. Shame on that so called a poet.
Big Up Bro Yehova atithandize kumenya nkhondo yolimbana ndi adyabulosi amenewa.
Big Up Bro Yehova atithandize kumenya nkhondo yolimbana ndi adyabulosi amenewa.
Viva chiwamba u r our voice
Viva chiwamba u r our voice
Big up wina asatipusitse ngat kut ndiyemwe anatirenga
Big up wina asatipusitse ngat kut ndiyemwe anatirenga
bIg up bro timAwanyadila Maniwa
bIg up bro timAwanyadila Maniwa
Ola lino 30% disikaunti_ _Ola lotsatira 20%. :-)always with you
Ola lino 30% disikaunti_ _Ola lotsatira 20%. :-)always with you
Satana wakhala pa nsana wa petulo
Satana wakhala pa nsana wa petulo
Muzafa imfa yowawa mukapiliza muchitidwe umenewu
Muzafa imfa yowawa mukapiliza muchitidwe umenewu
You are the man Robert!
Way to go…
You are the man Robert!
Way to go…
Thumbs up for Chiwamba, please.
Thumbs up for Chiwamba, please.
Good move
Good move
Gay is evil and will remain evil forever no matter how u paint it white to look good in the name of human rights.we r saying no to gay in malawi.Even nyama sizipanga za u gay coz its against natural law.
Gay is evil and will remain evil forever no matter how u paint it white to look good in the name of human rights.we r saying no to gay in malawi.Even nyama sizipanga za u gay coz its against natural law.
Kukhala mmalawi ndi chiphinjo ndithu
ine nde sikupanga nawo
ine nde sikupanga nawo
We are in the last days that’s 666 and if Malawi can allow that then Malawi is nothing.
We are in the last days that’s 666 and if Malawi can allow that then Malawi is nothing.
Burn dem all into ashes
Burn dem all into ashes
Democracy is full of evil, the owners of this thing called democracy, are the ones who are promoting this weakedness in the name of human rights
Democracy is full of evil, the owners of this thing called democracy, are the ones who are promoting this weakedness in the name of human rights
dats y it is demon class
It’s like dat brada
You have won my heart keep it up
You have won my heart keep it up
I am looking forward to that.
I am looking forward to that.
He is not alone thousands of Malawian including me we r sy NOOOOOOOO TO THAT Demonic thing
He is not alone thousands of Malawian including me we r sy NOOOOOOOO TO THAT Demonic thing
Munalephera kupanga campaign za cash gate zoti zinationongera ndalama zambiri mukumapanga fight zithu zoti zilibe phindo ofuna homosexuality azipanga osafuna azisiye aliyese Ali ndichilango chake kwamulungu,ife campaign mukadatiyitana pa cash nde bwezi titakuthandizani koma izo ndizanokha
Munalephera kupanga campaign za cash gate zoti zinationongera ndalama zambiri mukumapanga fight zithu zoti zilibe phindo ofuna homosexuality azipanga osafuna azisiye aliyese Ali ndichilango chake kwamulungu,ife campaign mukadatiyitana pa cash nde bwezi titakuthandizani koma izo ndizanokha
Ndiye ukanapanga campain ya cashgate akanakugaila ndalamazo?
Ndiye ukanapanga campain ya cashgate akanakugaila ndalamazo?
Kukonda ndalama akulu inu zanu zinabedwa zingati man?kakakaka ameneyi bwanji zinatha zimenezija tiyambe zina mukalephera kupanga chinthu mwati cashgate muchedwa nazo man pangani zoti inu zikuthandizeni kubanja kwanu ka .
Kukonda ndalama akulu inu zanu zinabedwa zingati man?kakakaka ameneyi bwanji zinatha zimenezija tiyambe zina mukalephera kupanga chinthu mwati cashgate muchedwa nazo man pangani zoti inu zikuthandizeni kubanja kwanu ka .
Anapanga Campaigh Ya Cashgate Kalekale,mwaiwala Idze Ebola Ku Malawi?Pano Ndi Mudzamfa Imfa Yowawa Part 2
Bullies,tukwana kaye ndikupatse chiguyoyo
Bullies,tukwana kaye ndikupatse chiguyoyo
Its we expect Mr. not Zopusazo Mayaz
Its we expect Mr. not Zopusazo Mayaz
Say no Homosexual pliiiiiiiz
Say no Homosexual pliiiiiiiz
This leader is somehow not normal, is very unfortunate hearing foolishness things.
This leader is somehow not normal, is very unfortunate hearing foolishness things.
Good one
Good one
Akapezeka aotchedwe moto nsanga, wachiwiri azapso ku jahena, imphani ana anjokao asanakule fool athu otani opanda nyasi mwasamusa toilet mwaesa cha nkhwiru chanu kkkk koma ma gay ndinu afisi odya zowora za fresh mukuziona kkkkkkk
Akapezeka aotchedwe moto nsanga, wachiwiri azapso ku jahena, imphani ana anjokao asanakule fool athu otani opanda nyasi mwasamusa toilet mwaesa cha nkhwiru chanu kkkk koma ma gay ndinu afisi odya zowora za fresh mukuziona kkkkkkk
Dzitsiru zimenezi broh ! …#mxiiiiew dzikagwere uko ndiumathanyula waowo kaa asaa !
Speak out Malawi say NO to homosexual yes we need people like chiwamba,Msonda etc.Go ahead u r not in rong way,do not b afraid u r not alon God is with u.
Speak out Malawi say NO to homosexual yes we need people like chiwamba,Msonda etc.Go ahead u r not in rong way,do not b afraid u r not alon God is with u.
Inu Agalu Aku America Ife Sitikufuna Chithandizo Chanu Musatikakamize Kuchita Zopusa Chifukwa Ndalama Zanu……………. MULUNGU Sadzakuchitirani Chifundo
Inu Agalu Aku America Ife Sitikufuna Chithandizo Chanu Musatikakamize Kuchita Zopusa Chifukwa Ndalama Zanu……………. MULUNGU Sadzakuchitirani Chifundo
Keep the fire burning! More fire Chiwamba. Mudzafa imfa yowawa, i like it. You’re like a soothsayer. Congrats.
Keep the fire burning! More fire Chiwamba. Mudzafa imfa yowawa, i like it. You’re like a soothsayer. Congrats.
Kuyimba kurira
Kuyimba kurira
I rem dat day i attended the live show of ma blacks,they used to say ‘say no to albino killing’ now my question is why not saying ‘No to homesexual’?
this isseu is not 4 ma black or banda but for every Malawian
this isseu is not 4 ma black or banda but for every Malawian
It’s because ma blacks are sensible artists. Can’t you see that they promote respect for those that are different? Black Missionaries, please don’t join this bandwagon of hate. Don’t do it just because Lucius Banda is doing it. Homosexuals are just born different and that is not a sin or foreign.
Nganya are u one of them?
Mazoba amenewa including Pitala himself adzafa imfa yowawa ndi2…!
Amen bro LACKSON
That’s what a real Malawian is expected to do you have shown maturity. Big up Robert am on the forefront.
If i want to be gay, i will be gay. Nobody can tell me shit! But am not gay.
hello is waiting for uu. uphawi basi kufuna ndalama hehe!!
Analipo amakani anawapelesa yehova ufuluwakusankha koma ciwezo cidzakhala cowawa kwambili dzikolidzanong’oneza bondo
Athireni show heavy amenewa…zanyasi zawozo kwawo konko…
Guys ali ndi nao andigaire
Thank you lot!
Bola asakusowese cz mmmm ndaonapo anthu olimba mtima ngati iwe ukakana chi ban mkamwa zosatira ndiwapezeka atazimangirira mmmm ndilindimantha
Do not b afraid with devil chiwamba will not die just prey 4 him
Do not b afraid with devil chiwamba will not die just prey 4 him
mercy dont stay quite where where u r supposed to speak
He’s indeed true son of Malawi
Anthu Ngati Awa Nde A Malawi,enawa Asamandionekele,ndinkhani Zawo Zonyasazo!!
We really need more Robert Chiwamba type of people in Malawi especially in the leadership positions. Zauchitsiru ayi. Big up Robert and keep the fire burning, we have your full support..
Who is he? Issues of Human rights are not debatable. Gays are also free to do what they want
Who is he? Issues of Human rights are not debatable. Gays are also free to do what they want
Over 50 yrs ufulu umenewu unali kuti? why now???
Over 50 yrs ufulu umenewu unali kuti? why now???
U mean thoz thieves are also free to steal and take away ur stupid life?.coz they are both forbiden in the constitution of malawi!
U mean thoz thieves are also free to steal and take away ur stupid life?.coz they are both forbiden in the constitution of malawi!
willy u gay kne this u will continue do what u do but not in public bcoz we will murder u fo sure blv me….
Big up bra! They must leave our malawi alone.if they want those bullshit,they must go to america.we hv born poor and we shall die poor.evn if we can taralent it.neva ever we wana get rich.
Big up bra! They must leave our malawi alone.if they want those bullshit,they must go to america.we hv born poor and we shall die poor.evn if we can taralent it.neva ever we wana get rich.
Thats true my bra
Thats true my bra
Thaks bra.we must not loose our diginity of God fearing i’ve known of.
Thaks bra.we must not loose our diginity of God fearing i’ve known of.
Line Yomalizilayo Wandiwaza Nayo Bwanji,mwana Wanzeru.
Line Yomalizilayo Wandiwaza Nayo Bwanji,mwana Wanzeru.
Kkkkkkkkkk ndakunyadilani man.# MKOMBOZI.
Kkkkkkkkkk ndakunyadilani man.# MKOMBOZI.
Tiyeni Nazoni Mamember
Guys,kodi zingatheke kt ine ndichoke ku Nkhata bay ndipite ku Mangochi kukawauza azanga a chiyao kt azidya nkhumba? Ngati si zingatheke,bwanji nanga makape awa kuchokera kwao uko azitilamula mu dziko mwathu? Eish,we must thik twice!!
Ndikanati ndili pambuyo panupo mamember kma ndikuopa kuchedwa cz ndaika gear 5 pankhan imeneyi,mot mukamuona or kumva kt uyu ndi gay or lesbian mundiuze AWANT TO KILL THEM ALL…!!!!
Kkkkkkkkkk ndakunyadilani man.
Osasiya lets fight m’mawa ulionse choyamba tizilemba status yosusana ndi nkhalidweu mpaka asiya!
Kp t up bra
Thax bro.we must wake up.we must remain to royal and humble before God.
People who waste their precious time and talent hating and caring about what grown folks do in private with their personal lives, are Gays in denial. Look for ’em in the nearest church.
People who waste their precious time and talent hating and caring about what grown folks do in private with their personal lives, are Gays in denial. Look for ’em in the nearest church.
Ifeyo bas tingovomereza kuti adakatilamulirabe azungu.Nanga izi ndi zichani? Pali vutonso ife a Malawi ndife anthu a mantha, bwenzi mu boma lirilonse tikupanga ziwoneselo zosakongondwa ndi nyasizi.Banayu wathuyu ndiwoti wakula ndi u moyo womwewo ndichifukwa akungolola zimenezo chifukwa akudziwa kukoma kwake.Bingu ndi JB anali bwino even ulamuliro wawo sindinaune, koma abale samatchurutsa zodandaula kusiyana ndi pano
Ifeyo bas tingovomereza kuti adakatilamulirabe azungu.Nanga izi ndi zichani? Pali vutonso ife a Malawi ndife anthu a mantha, bwenzi mu boma lirilonse tikupanga ziwoneselo zosakongondwa ndi nyasizi.Banayu wathuyu ndiwoti wakula ndi u moyo womwewo ndichifukwa akungolola zimenezo chifukwa akudziwa kukoma kwake.Bingu ndi JB anali bwino even ulamuliro wawo sindinaune, koma abale samatchurutsa zodandaula kusiyana ndi pano
More fire!!.
More fire!!.
Agalu inu mumaona ngati mulungu ndi opusa kulenga mkazi ndi mamuna?
Agalu inu mumaona ngati mulungu ndi opusa kulenga mkazi ndi mamuna?
Kumeneku ndiye kuganiza kwamzeru nkhalamazi zisationengele dziko
Kumeneku ndiye kuganiza kwamzeru nkhalamazi zisationengele dziko
Am Support Chiwamba!And Msonda!Anthu Olimba Mtima Pamalawi!Enanu Mukuwanyengelera Cholinga Akapeleka Thandizo Muziba !Muzafa Imfa Yowawa
Am Support Chiwamba!And Msonda!Anthu Olimba Mtima Pamalawi!Enanu Mukuwanyengelera Cholinga Akapeleka Thandizo Muziba !Muzafa Imfa Yowawa
sure di man tell demu mumatiyimilira
sure di man tell demu mumatiyimilira
chiwamba ndi abwana! osat chamasowa kape!
chiwamba ndi abwana! osat chamasowa kape!
Blessings ukuona ngati kuRSA unayamba kupitako ngati tinali komko simungokhalira mahule kumeneko
Blessings ukuona ngati kuRSA unayamba kupitako ngati tinali komko simungokhalira mahule kumeneko
God will fight for us..stand aloof dear,no fear God is in control
God will fight for us..stand aloof dear,no fear God is in control
Chimwala Chamthanz Chidzamenya Pachpumi Chao Ose Amchtdwe Umeneu!! Mxiew!!
Chimwala Chamthanz Chidzamenya Pachpumi Chao Ose Amchtdwe Umeneu!! Mxiew!!
Zoona awuze agaluwa.afe ndithu agaluwa
Zoona awuze agaluwa.afe ndithu agaluwa
Zoona awuze agaluwa.afe ndithu agaluwa
Zoona awuze agaluwa.afe ndithu agaluwa
We ar hr t support u bro.
We ar hr t support u bro.
Umayitha Chiwamba
Umayitha Chiwamba
God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve
kkkkkkkkkk a zoona not adam and peter
ki ki ki ki im tellin u boss
God created Adam & Eve not Adam & Steve
kkkkkkkkkk a zoona not adam and peter
ki ki ki ki im tellin u boss
Ndikanakhala ku Malawi ndikadayamba kumenya ma Gay kuti mwina ka chiwene na wene kangakhalapo
Ndikanakhala ku Malawi ndikadayamba kumenya ma Gay kuti mwina ka chiwene na wene kangakhalapo
Go deeper brother.
Go deeper brother.
nonse amene mungoyelekeza kuvomeleza maukwati aamuna kapena akazi okha-okha mudzamfa imfa yowawa ndipo mulungu akulangeni.
nonse amene mungoyelekeza kuvomeleza maukwati aamuna kapena akazi okha-okha mudzamfa imfa yowawa ndipo mulungu akulangeni.
Ameneyotu salakwisa! Oyimbanso chonde tulusani nyimbo zokana Mathanyulazo mwa chisanzo Mpakati anayimba nyimbo yoti za ku #Macheza
Ameneyotu salakwisa! Oyimbanso chonde tulusani nyimbo zokana Mathanyulazo mwa chisanzo Mpakati anayimba nyimbo yoti za ku #Macheza
may the hand of God support your battle my bro.
may the hand of God support your battle my bro.
Wachamba galu iwe!! Nde ukakhala ku Rsa nde chani? Matama basi.umphawi ndi wathu.leave us alone with our poverty.bullshit! Mind u,dot proud just being in Rsa.home z sweet.DÖ’T TALK NOSENSE!!
Wachamba galu iwe!! Nde ukakhala ku Rsa nde chani? Matama basi.umphawi ndi wathu.leave us alone with our poverty.bullshit! Mind u,dot proud just being in Rsa.home z sweet.DÖ’T TALK NOSENSE!!
mwaiwala kuti ndinu nomwe munadya misonkho yathu pokutumizilani ma bus kut azakutengeni mukuphyanyidwa mitu lero mwalima maganyu kumuzikuno nkubwelera mukusimbwanso, RSA ndiye chani anthu osowantendele ngati inu, mwachoka inu ku nsanjeko nkumvako kamphepo kozizila mwati mutikwane ife, mw inakukanikani zingotolani ma bigiliwo muwatumizile abale anu basi sizozimva ngati munabadwila konko apa.
mwaiwala kuti ndinu nomwe munadya misonkho yathu pokutumizilani ma bus kut azakutengeni mukuphyanyidwa mitu lero mwalima maganyu kumuzikuno nkubwelera mukusimbwanso, RSA ndiye chani anthu osowantendele ngati inu, mwachoka inu ku nsanjeko nkumvako kamphepo kozizila mwati mutikwane ife, mw inakukanikani zingotolani ma bigiliwo muwatumizile abale anu basi sizozimva ngati munabadwila konko apa.
mbole yako aise,, uzavomeleza iweyo ndi abale ako galu iwe!
mbole yako aise,, uzavomeleza iweyo ndi abale ako galu iwe!
Legalise malijuana instead plz!
Legalise malijuana instead plz!
big up chiwamba,,,auze amvetsetse kuti adzafa imfa yowawa.
big up chiwamba,,,auze amvetsetse kuti adzafa imfa yowawa.
Chiwamba das great osawasekelela amenewo
Chiwamba das great osawasekelela amenewo
No! to Homo..
No! to Homo..
faayah burn ,,,,,,,chiwamba
faayah burn ,,,,,,,chiwamba
malawians let’s joine our hands nd give him full support he need
malawians let’s joine our hands nd give him full support he need
bwinotu angakusowetsepo ngat Matafale
bwinotu angakusowetsepo ngat Matafale
Make,t plz
Make,t plz
Mwamuna azikhala olimba mtima that’s maverous
Mwamuna azikhala olimba mtima that’s maverous
Big up my best braz. no mathanyula ku malawi
Big up my best braz. no mathanyula ku malawi
usawasiye chiwamba agalu amenewa
usawasiye chiwamba agalu amenewa
This is God’s work you are doing the right thing brother, all the best.
This is God’s work you are doing the right thing brother, all the best.
Chiwamba amene ndikumudziwa ameneyo
Chiwamba amene ndikumudziwa ameneyo
Kumawapha chiwelengelo chao chizicheza
Big up Robart am behind u with my brother ken msonda!
He is most welcome.
akangoyelekeza azafa imfa yowawa