…faces 5 years in jail
People’s Party (PP) press secretary Kenneth Msonda is at risk of spending the next 5 years of his life in jail following his remarks that gays in Malawi should be killed.

Reports that Malawi24 has received indicates that human rights bodies have dragged Msonda to court for inciting violence against homosexuals in Malawi which contravenes Section 124 of the country’s Penal Code.
Msonda is alleged to have posted on Facebook that homosexuality is a sin and the people who practice it do not deserve human rights but to be killed.
It is on the basis of these remarks that Cedep and CHRR have decided to drag Msonda to court to answer a charge of incitement to break the law under section 124 (1) (b) of the Penal Code.
The Section states that “any person who, whether in writing or by words or by his behaviour or otherwise— (a) solicits or incites any other person to fail to comply with or to contravene any law in force in Malawi or in any part thereof; or (b) indicates or implies to any person that it would be incumbent or desirable to fail to comply with or to contravene any such law, shall be liable to imprisonment for five years”
According to the Section, claims that one’s incitement could not lead to actual violence can not be used defence.
Speaking to the media, CHRR executive director Timothy Mtambo said that they had dragged Msonda to court not because he specifically targeted gays but for his remarks.
“If he was saying we should kill all short people, we would equally drag him to court,” said Mtambo.
Meanwhile Msonda has said he is ready to appear in court.
dnt worry mr msonda God z with you!
i think malawi wathapo who / where is de president?abomination.. kkkk…
i think malawi wathapo who / where is de president?abomination.. kkkk…
Muyerekeze kumumanga mkuluyo mudziwenso, nanunso a mabungwe bwanji mumaopa mnzungu? inu mukufuna mundiuze kuti titati tipite kunyumba kwanu tikapezako abambo osati amai eti, kodi umakhala ufiti kapena satanic? Mulungu mwini chilengedwe chonse kuphatikiza olimbikira u GAY wa tithandizeni chifukwa popanda mphamvu yanu ndithudi Malawi asokonekera ndithu.
Nzeru yadziko lapasi Mulungu anaibisa mwazitsiru kuti anyazitse awo awoneka ngati anzeru.
We r to blame coz we speak much but no action yet we say majority rule,we r like people in a market,everybody goes in he/r direction
.u can hear sound bt u can’t tell what they are saying during the evening even flies which benefited alot abandoned it leaving it behind with dirty, portholes nobody cares it.
Go on Mnsonda anthuwa tawalekerera kwambiri ndipo atilowa. Ife powamanga those men we followed the constitution because that is what our laws say and they don’t have any basis for condemning us.
I don’t like the selective approach these self acclaimed moral judges they employ. Just recently Saudi Arabia killed 47 seven dissidents or terrorists as death sentence but up to now the moral judges haven’t said anything but if it were a poor country hanging criminals they would all be up in arms accusing us of violating human rights.
Dont warry Mr Msonda God will fight for u
Eeee! Ndapita kolakwika. Am no politician.
Eeee! Ndapita kolakwika. Am no politician.
Other pple are still alive coz guns are nt allowed here in malawi…..
Dziko ili liotchedwe
Dziko ili lingootchedwapo
Do not arrest him if you do we go on the street……!!
Kkkkkk 5yrs 4what akumuopa akufuna azamutuluse after 2019 kkkkkkkk koma iwe peter ukuwaziwa amalawi kapena umangomva dikila akuonesa
Mukangomumanga timatcha.tiyika masamba munsewu muona.inu anthu otani kusutsana ndi chilengedwe cha mulungu????????????
Then I wonder y munthalika is president of Malawi coz what ever he does does nt benefit malawi!but himself alone,no case for msonda he was just expressing how he feel on the matter just like everyone else,peter please log in to facebook nd see we are more here against gays sol arest us.Soja Lucias banda said malawi has refused to do nothing!we shall say something even if it means going to prison bravo nsonda
Kuphakwake osati ndi mfuti koma bomba!
Where is GOD his church modafuckers
Homosexuality is not our culture please stupid people stop this shit
Leviticus 20 V 13 ” IF A MAN LIES WITH A MAN AS ONE LIES WITH A WOMAN, Both of them have done what is detestable. THEY MUST BE PUT TO DEATH; Their blood will be on their own heads.
Mungoyesela kumumanga ngati mumava za maiko ena kuti anavala bom limenelo latsala pang’ono kuvalidwa kumalawi apopokha mudziwe panopa tikungoona kuti inu amene mukuvomelezanu kuti mutani sitimaopa kufela chilungamo mukanakhala ena mmene anthu akupatsilani maganizo awo mukanangosia yeselani maso athu sachoka kumeneko kufikila zioneke mathelo ake
Gay wamkulu waoneka yekha kkkkkkkk
those 5 years are not for msonda, i’m telling you.but for those who are dragging him to court
those 5 years are not for msonda, i’m telling you.but for those who are dragging him to court
Uyambe iweyo tagwirizira ukwati wako ndimamuna nzako,muchindane mupatsane mimba,mukabeleka mwana ife tivomeleza,apobiiiii mtundu wanga ukuti NO >.Aaaaaaa ur aproffesor mmmmmm this iz Proffesor 4 nothing!!
Uyambe iweyo tagwirizira ukwati wako ndimamuna nzako,muchindane mupatsane mimba,mukabeleka mwana ife tivomeleza,apobiiiii mtundu wanga ukuti NO >.Aaaaaaa ur aproffesor mmmmmm this iz Proffesor 4 nothing!!
FYah burn!!!!!!Gyz nd Lesbian must Die ofcauz….Msonda iz inocent….
FYah burn!!!!!!Gyz nd Lesbian must Die ofcauz….Msonda iz inocent….
Referendum is the only solution otherwise everyone who is against gaysim will be arrested.
boma losamva maganizo aanthu lantundu wanji….
A true Malawian!
A true Malawian!
I don’t know where malaw is going nw.w r poor country so why w r busy against 1 another wth shit story instead of solvng our problemz pliz wake up!! ••••if u r slipng what iz gays 2 us•if w ned ahelp 4rom rich countries w must beg nicely not thru acceptng gays.
Useless government
if he goes to jail them or the gays should go too
There z no need to arrest him he was trying to express his decessions
start to drug escom
we Will go together with him and save the sentence
kodi boma likuononga bwanji ndalama polimbana ndi zinthu zoti zilibe umboni anthu akuvutika mukupanga zomwezo kuti muwoneke abwino ndamva yatcheya musiyeni ndi bambo wathu wademocracy ndine joh mwana wakuchitipa ndili ku mozambique
Is a president of Malawi a Malawian? I guess not. If he was a Malawian he could know the values of the pple of this country and their culture. This one must be from another country like Obama is from Kenya.
inenso ndikut ma gay/raisbian aphedwe! amene akusumira msonda ali ndi akazi komanso amuna awo!
Mvula siikugwa coz ambuye akwiya ndi Nchitidwe uwu akufuna kuuvomeleza oti azikowana peanut uwu.To hell with Homosexuality
This is bullshit
Ili ndi tchimo bible likunena moveka bwino pa @roma 1vs ya 26 ndi 27
Ili ndi tchimo bible likunena moveka bwino pa @roma 1vs ya 26 ndi 27
Msonda should not be arrested for calling for the death of human dogs.To hell with homosexuallity.
this shit about gay rights gay whatever is just absurd …. I mean those activist who are in forefront in campaigning about this madness would they welcome the children if they bring same sex partner at home as a partener to marry…… This nonsense has to stop….. we got better things to campaign for than this stupid right.
Ngati kuli kumalawi musayelekeze kumanga aBWANAWA koma ngati ku US tiyeni nazo
peter wamthalika maraied getrude to cover up his big secret he should be killed too
ithink every body have aright on whom or not to fall in love with nsonda deserve it ena amakonda galu ena nkhumba ena bakha
We human being r different frm animals,it z de soul we hav dat brings dat difference, animals can not think,Yet u can not c same sex animals mating koma zilibe nzimu,zimatha kupangana mai ndi mwana,nchemwali ndi nchimwene bas.not brother 2 brother,zomwe zikutanthauza kut ndizonyasa pamaso pamulungu,ndichilengedwe kut zizikhala mamuna ndimkaz.koma lero zinyama zikukhala ndinzeru kuposa anthu,ife tikut ai nyas zimenezo kodi ana akubadwawa kudzakhala zotani mtsogolomo? Or akupatseni chithandizocho mudzadya nokha koma mulungu adzilanga dziko lonse,mupite ku america komweko kuno ai,
Nsonda was right,they MUST be killed!
Tiziona,wataya chikwama apa ndani ine,ine.
Mwapezeka mutu wamunthu,ee kaya,kwali,kwali.
Mr Msonda he iz right pokana thembelero sazakhala ndi mlandu pamaso pa Mulungu wovomeleza nao chonyasa ici the Bible says this already or titakanamotani ena adzavomleza KOMA tsoka kwa iye wakukwanilitsa malemba kwatonse omwe tikuona izi tiyeni tikozetsele miyoyo yanthu coz Jesus is coming vry soon amalola kt izi zzichitka coz ndi Mulungu wachikondi safuna kt titumikile mwamatha koma mwa ufulu mongozipeleka.(TSOKA KWA INU MUKUVOMELEDZA CHONYASA ICI)
Tamusiyeni….chamba eti
Malawi should clean their country against homosexuality it is unafrican
Mr. Msonda¤ liopeni tsiku limene mungadzaponyedwe ku ng’anjo ya moto, osati tsiku limene mungadzaponyedwe mu ndende ya dziko la Malawi. Ndende ya mdziko la pansi ndi ya masiku ochepa.
Malawian govn isfull of satanism look ur buzy supporting gays whats thats ok a’mloading.
Peter indeed sold our Beautiful nation to a Devil…very sad,very bad.very mad…
tidikire ma prophesies atulukawa sum1 z meetng God so soon wanyanya utsogoleri/poooooorrr
Kkkkkk kuthandauza kuti tonse amene tizipanga comment pa fb page ngati sonda muzitimangisa kkkk .ndemutimanga ambiritu
It’s better to spend five years in jail than going to hell. Instead of taking those stupid people to court you are taking an innocent person to court , no sense go to hell with your bloody and dirt money
I smell war,I can see blood on the ground if you drag msonda to court coz of gay issue.
mxiiii dickies nawe look at the country that u are now???lol y don’t u fight for this sinful mature to end…that’s really evil
Okalamba kale,,plus 5yrs in prison,,,,a z a b w e r a k o,,,,, n d i m o y o??
Chomwe tikufuna ndi choti Msonda amangidwe muone ngati sitigawana malawiyo komanso a police amangewo adzikagona Ku UK not ku Malawi kuno Ndagula tanga totchipa Ifenso tilimba mtima ngati ana a Zuma pa Xeno mix tikhala ana a Msonda pa Ma gay.
msonda u are so intelligent & wise man
Gay have to be killed no right for them…… Big up Mr msonda you are right
Sodom Ndi Gomola Basi, Zizindikilo Zake
Yokhayo Malawi is behind you.Then why should we blame God for poor rains and hunger….??¿
mtambo oky
Disoganised bugwe, achule okhaokha ali vwe!vwe!vwe!vwe! Mmadzi,ana obadwa kwa changa,akunja anthu osaopa mulungu,mwayamba kuzuza ana amulungu.koma mulungu sakusiyani choncho.achita nanu monga anachitira ndi saulo ku damaskos.
Msonda cant spend five yrs in jail, if so then where is right of xpression?
U can drag Msonda to court & evn jail him BUT u Peter,Mtambo & Trapence u wil rot in hell dancing wth devil forever.
Mr presdent u’ve started very badly,
If Ken Nsonda will arrested, i wll try ma best to marry P-i-t-a-l-a yemweyo. Arrest mi b4 Ken
Kusankha Baraba, wakupha! Kumukana Yesu, mwana wamulungu kkkk koma Evance Mereka kaya anaganiza bwanj.
Do u think God can accept our prayers while we are full of opposition his wills?
Judgment is for God, I think killing someone is worse than being gay.
Fuck the court msonda is right gays deserve to hell am waiting for them to cum and drage me to court am ready to fight
God will be angry with him, cos same sexy is one of bigst sin that it can course more death nearly the whol world than to kill one gay
Ndye Mvula Ibwera Bwa Mulungu Atakwia Nafe, Ma Gay Aphedwe Kumene
malawi for sale, kkkk kungovotela zirizonse…
Timalamulo tamilungu yakufa Kufuna kutipha maso ngati pa dzuwa ufa Koma sitidzagwada kwa milungu yakufa #Antwest #Ant Gay #Ant Lesb
Kill them all fagz…
Let them come to dragge me also
Wina ayerekeze kupanga poyera aone malawi wamoto. Iwe pitala zako ndiye zasokonekera basi. Mob justice iyambikepo tsopano.
Iwe Peter why utalowa u president anakupasa mkadzi bwanji sunakane kuti asankhe mamuna,yayi iwe kumene uliko uzitenge bwino izi ndipo usatiyankhile ife za u guy zanuno Mmalawi muno ukakhala umphawi talolera kukhala choncho ndipo sizachilendo kuti Malawi aziwike ndi umphawi anthu kufa ndiumphawiwonso not zanuzo please tell Your America Malawi we say NO to Gays and Msonda musiyeni sichisiru ngati inuyo
Umenewo Nde Uchitsiru Umene Umanenedwa Uja! Imeneyi Ndi Khani Yoti Wina Akavutike 5 Yrs Ali Mndende? Anthuwo Munachita Kuwatuma Ngati Nyambo Ncholinga Wina Akaikapo Mulomo Mumpedzele Zifukwa Etii? Inudi Ndi Afisi Ndinthu.
I find it funny tht Mr Nsonda is dragged 2 court 4 soliciting 2 break accordin 2 sect 124 of the Penal Code. But which Law is he breaking here coz the same Penal Code criminalises homosexuality? In other words, Malawi has no gays 4 they r not recognised in our country’s law. And even MLS attacked govt recently 4 suspendin the laws on homosexuality sayin it is elligal. Ndiye pamenapa mukutiwuza wanji anzathu azamaufulu ndi zamalamulo?
we are all blind in this country,,,,
Gays and lesbians must fall.
chisilu ndi olamulila,come and mary me nw,why did u mary u wife?who gave u kinds?is t u felow men or woman?u have to sit in da toilet and thk nicely,u encourage otherz to mary the same sex whl u fuck u wife in bed,r u normal?even those who cod donorz,they r in gud mariages,nt what u encourage,i dont tok sht bt nw i wil tok sht,mwandinyasa ngati galu ofela patala
PEOPLE IN MALAWI!! Where are you and what are you doing????? Muloleranji choipachi kuti chimere mizu muno? Amabungwe ndi azipembedzo mwagona kodi?? satana wa gwira chiwongolero choonadi cha miyata dziko liri ku zitsakano za uchimo.ENAFE tili kutaali kusaka mchere wa maanja athu koma ntima ukuwawa pa zomwe zuchitikazo;kwainu a Malawi anzanga chondeee wonetsani kusakondwa mkumangidwa kwa munthu wodzala ndumunthu #MZONDA
ths z fuckin crazy!!!!! if msonda goes to prison we wil try and make sure that u fucking so called reader and gays memberz r sileced lyk pig in a port
# No support Gay or Lebiesan in Malawi PETER MUTHALIKA MUST FALL
Nsonda ndi more…go on…
Msonda apita kundende zikatha zaka zisanu azatuluka ,koma ma Guy anuwo tiwapha mosanyengelela zopusa zanuzo muzikapangila kwa azungu konko,kuno tikuzingani
The world is full of evilz,,,the love of mane is the root of all over evils ,,,,,Peter lyk mane bt he olwaz claim himself tht he is rich so wht do u want? Verri soon god wl punish u lyk wht he have done to ur brother dont u have heart,,,,bombcrate
Idiot APM. Munkaona ngati utsogoleri ndi chinthu chophweka. Mufunse Nkasa munasakha olakwika.
Mr Nsonda! Be courageous enough. The world hate you becoz you are not of this world. God will not arrest you but is now rejoicing becoz of your faith my brother
anthu kudana ndichabwino
Malawi gvt z fu.. d up!! to da hell with gays…. God fearing nation will never tolerate u to sodomise our country… Nsonda z right they deserve to die
vote yanga sadzaiona olo atadzandipatsa ndege ine ayi, adzamuvotera ndi aku america.
arrest all cashgate involved people not MSONDA,else u will see 20 july 2011 demo….
matching loading 50%……….!
Ngati ndili m’badwa yamalawi sindizalola kt ndikhale ndimoyo zimenezo zichitike kulibwino ndimphe anthu amenewo
It’s turning political.Why msonda of all the people that said gays should be put to death? Miss you Bwana msonda.
that y bingu put sun on center of flg bcz I knw kut, tikufunika ku zuka amalawi.
Mwamela mizu mpaka kumalola ndi izi zomwe mufika 2019 inu ndakaika dyela LA dola lakula but nansongole atchetchedwe titsale ndi tiligu
bingu was a good man. ……..
I cn sense rubbish here n am wonderin y som of u r likin dis newz,r u gays 2 like dat Msonda wil face jail? Lets think wise az trues sons n daughterz of malawi n Africa at large,there4, jst drop ur positiv comments showin ur anger against this nasty move….i wud lyk also to advise malawi24 ,tek note of our wrath n show it to government otherwise if dis brave Msonda is jailed we won’t hesistate to be jailed too…i guess u hv understood me..
tangoyerekezani kuwamanga a Msonda muwononaso.iwo a Msonda ndi ufulu wawo kuyankhula za kukhosi kwawo.mukufuna kuwaphwanyira ufulu wawo eti.Iwe John msuzi banda ngati akukutuma mbavazi zikuvuta ,anzako anyeserapo koma anawona malodza .kodi mesa ndinu mumalimbikisa ufulu wachibadwidwe.Ndikuti na a msonda wokhawo lekeranituni.Inu anthu ambiri amatukwana apa even apulezident amene kutukanidwa bwanji osamangidwa.Ngati Mulungu anawononga sodom ndi gomola chifukwa cha nkhalidwe wonyasa ngati umenewu ndi iwe john msuzi ukuti chani.Ndipo ndiwe ndani.Udindiwo wayamba kukhalapo ndiwe.Nde bolaniso a mambulasa zimawoneka zi ntchito zawo osati iwe ayi.
Y killing them??,amapangira thupi la ndani?ngat amabweleka ma thupi anu
why don’t u take them gays to court couse Malawian laws doesn’t recognize gayz now ure taking our mouth pice to court arrest him u will c fire Peter watch my words arrest Musonda all wht u call Chrrr cedep we will burn them to ashes plus we get gays we will burn them arrive
Ngati mungamange msonda mumangenso mabuku awili awa Baibulo ndi Quran chifukwa ndimmene akunena zakuipa kogonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha
Kwa nonse omwe mukusekerera ndi kuvomereza mchitidwe wa ma gay and lesbians, dziwani kuti diso la MULUNGU likukuonani ndipo posakulangani pompopompo akungokupatsani mpata kuti mwina mungalape, samalani imfa yowawa ili pa mbuyo panu. Mr Nsonda don’t worry God wl b wth u and am supporting u , u r a real Malawian.
Zopusa zimenezo kod ngt uli ufulu iye amakwatililanji nkhalamba yaikaz ija bwa amaleka kutenga nkhalamba ya imuna izake bwa asatichimwise apumbwa amenewa apakile azipita nyasi zawozo akapangile nkoko ku ma donarz awowo forsake
U want to allow homosexual in Malaw kkkk jst imagin Nkaz ndi Nkaz anganyengane bwanj or male to male we won’t donation 4rm those pipo who encourag homosexual akagwere nchimbuz
Mudzafa imfa yowawa
guyz matsiku omalinza malemba ananena kale
I think its time to come home so that i can see these things with my own eyes i cant believe that there are leaders who support GAYS and they are ready to arest activists who fight for better Malawi.
Arrest him he was supposed to be exemplary as a Christian he was supposed to tell these people the true words of God for them to be saved
tayelekezani kumanga ana anjoka inu
All gays must be killed
Zoona ndi zoti ukwati ukhale pakati pa mwamuna ndi mkazi.
Let thm try, ths country wil be on fire
my country z on fire, so please God help us to take Peter away otherwise, we gonna remove him byforce…
Nthawi ya babylone! Okhulupirila mwa chauta adzaphedwa ndikuona mavuto! Babylone taking over, BLACK PEOPLE STAY AND HOLD ON TO YOUR FAITH GOD WILL SEE US THROUGH!
Malawi mukupita naye kuti inu anthu obwela? kuteloko apapa mwaona kuti Ansonda ndamene achita tchimo loyenela ndende koposa nyasi zanu mukuvomelazo? ine nde sindikumakumvesani maka iweyo amene ukunena kuti umayang’anila zaufulu waanthuwe aaaaaaaah iwe ndichitsilu ndithu, ndipo zoti mwaiweyo umunthu ulipo ndachotsela. paja kumalawi mumadana ndichilungamo, chabwino pangani zimene mungathe pa Ansondawo kaya kuwamanga kumene mukunenako teloni ndithu kufuna kwanu kuchitidwe nde muone kuti ife amene nyasi zanuzo sitikufuna Mulungu atithandiza bwanji tionesane ukulu wa Mulungu ndisatana wanuyo mwini chilungamo ndani, atengeleni court lake lakunyanja ya mdimayotu koma atakhala omwe wa timawaziwa ifewa aaaaaaaah tiona ndithu mmene Zikathele . inu ufulu wake uli pati pamenepa? ngati mwapasidwa ndalama mungotengana mmene muli kagulu kanuko mukapange dziko lanu kwina osati kuno, moti inuyo makolo anu kuvutika nkukulelani mpaka sukulu nkumazachita zosemphena mmakolo anu? ine chifukwa chowamangila Ansonda sindikuchiona nde ngati mukufuna za pa 20 July zibweleleso ayi pangani tiona mmene tingagwilile nanu ntchito, Ka Malawi nkakang’ono yaka.
Apanso uyu akuti owona za ufuluyu ndithu achosedwe pampando umenewu iyeyo apite ku police ? dzaka 5 zo Msonda akhale pa zaufuluzo cos iyeyo ndiyemwe akuoneka kuti mzeru zilipo
alipo yemwe sadachimwepo ayambe kumugenda msonda
Read Leviticus 20 vs 13
Mukuti chani????…mhuuu…zotiputa dala ife ayitu, koma ngati mukufuna kuti dzikoli libwelere chikale(where demonstrations were our daily food) nde tiye nazoni mumuveke unyolo ameneyu….sitimasangalala Malawi akamafuka utsi okhetsa misozi koma nanga tingapange bwanji wina akutikanda pachilonda
Zisiru magay a law society, tulani pansi udindo chifukwa mavuto simukuthandiza, mukuthandiza zisiru zinzanu,mukufuna kutionongera dziko. If Nsonda to prison, expect fire!
arrest him!!! but we will match until you release him
Malawi government being inconsistence with it’s own constitution. Allows western dictatorship. 50yrs of fake independence
Msonda sangamangidwe guyz! Asaaa! Chiyambi cha boko haram ndi chimenechi, tilowa mu chikangawa for millitary training zachamba basi!
Then we will demonstrate on the day Ken will go to court lets mobilize ourself through this 24 we meet ku court in support of Ken
Ife ngati ma donorz amalawi (tax payerz) tikuti drop da charges
if u arrest him make sure u should also transfer those people who are reported to be gays.
all God Bless Our Land Of Malawi Keep It A Land Of Peace,Put Down Each Our Every Enemy ” like Peter”Hunger Desease, anvy….Join Together All Others As One ….That will Be Free for free,Bless Our Leader “Minus peter” Each & Everyone & MOTHER Malawi………..WE ARE BEHIIND U MSONDA! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE
He right in line with our Customs,cultures,traditions,and Native Justice System in the NATIVE ROYAL SUPREME GOVERNING COUNCIL PRESIDED OVER BY NATIVE SUPERIOR MAJEATIES,CHARISMATIC ELDERS AND THEIR PPLE.Whoever is found gaying mob justice has to be administered.Leave Msonda alone.Dont bring in Polics in this issue.
Sorry Msonda palibe cholakwa, dziko la Malawi zopusa zimenezi ayi no gays here.
Apatisamango commenta kuti we are behind Msonda pamene magay are waging legal war to silence us by aresting anyone speaking against them. Now we need to act, the day Msonda will be taken to court is the good day we have to tell the world our stand so we neen to demonstrate in each and every district, so lets suggest meeting places as per district and follow all peacefull demo steps… Wake up God people lets not allow satan to deceive our country .ITS TIME FOR ACTION
It is wrong and a big sin to suggest God needs your help to fight the Devil. You really need God’s help to understand God.
that’s good idea,am supporting u my broz
zikuoneka kuti we are not oganised panopa ndikulemba timothy and Gift akukumana ndi ma lawyers awo strategising the way forward koma ife tikungolongolola pano without action choonde a Malawi anzanga tichitepo kanthu osamangoonera dziko likupelekedwa mmanja mwa mdyerekezi
Musiyeni munthu
nkhan ya bodza musaiwale ds page yamau 3much
Malawi has got its own culture which is different from American culture.That’s Satanic Religion
Ngakhale satan weni weniyo adapeza adam n eva ali maliseche bwanji sadasankhe adam mamunayo koma adasankha mkazi eva tikunena2 oyipitsitsayo satan.
Mula wanenesatu apa osamvayo zake
Eti mumu koma galu ameneyu.
This is Crap! Have u lost ur minds? Who is behind this nonsense? Mr On that big Chair?
This is Crap! Have u lost ur minds? Who is behind this nonsense? Mr On that big Chair?
Mukufuna Mpaka Munthu Wankulu Ayimbe Achoke – Achoke Achoke. Ambuye Mulowelelepo Kuti Auone Ukulu Wanu. Mr.Msonda Mtima Mmalo. Kulibwino Kufela Kundende Utalakhula Chilungamo.
Mukufuna Mpaka Munthu Wankulu Ayimbe Achoke – Achoke Achoke. Ambuye Mulowelelepo Kuti Auone Ukulu Wanu. Mr.Msonda Mtima Mmalo. Kulibwino Kufela Kundende Utalakhula Chilungamo.
Sindingadye ndalama ya satana olo nditavutika a Msonda osaopa Mulungu akumenyerani nkhondo
Sindingadye ndalama ya satana olo nditavutika a Msonda osaopa Mulungu akumenyerani nkhondo
homosexuality is not man’s war, leave these human beings alone. let the God who started this finish it. this not man’s problem. leave the judgement to God.worry about you’re own sins.
Kkkkkk, why s t that malawi being the warm heart of africa s now bcoming the hot heat of africa??? Malawi s for sale now. Bravo ken msonda, keep on i know u even when t comes to the priodimiticalations surely ur not alone. Suli wekha msonda carry on bro.
انا عـرفت مين زار بروفايلي اعرف أنـت كمـان مين زار بـروفايلك بالـوقت والتاريخ و معرفة الوقت الذي يدخل و يخرج به اصـدقائك . شاهد الشرح ^_^
تأكد من تعليقات الزوار قبل اى شئ
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kodi peter ndichisilueti tifunile mamunazake azachinde ife tionele kwaiye aaaala zanyasi muphe azimayiwa kuti tisale azimunafe tidzikwayilana ala kukanakhala kuti kalelo bambo apeter anakwatila mamuna iyeyo akanabadwa ha (why u allow this )
Too bad..where is democracy? why not arresting thugs stealing in some cities?Msonda has got the right to speak out his voice…
Jesus Christ is coming soon!!
Sodom judgement good 4 dem
Kodi demokalase yilipo kapena ayi kodi amene anagamula mmlanduwu anchita kutumidwa by force kodi mutuyo akumangidwa chifukwa chachipani cha pp Nanga ena achipani ananena mawu oti prsdnt joice banda anapha bingu nkhaniyo yathela kuti kodi ma judge alimo muno za ma voti zili
ayelekeze amumange awone koma ma gay ine sindimakumana nawo nditawawona ndingaphe chabwino ineyo ndikapse kumwambako
Its not Mr msonda is God himself who killed Gays during Sodom and Gomorrah, us we r going to do the same thing to Gays coz evn Satan was not a Gay thus y he went to ev not Adam, Malawians will never ever agreed Gays.
Mukangokhala mgulu lovomeleza nyansizi, mudzafa imfa yowawa
Mr Msonda tell them the truth my brother we are with u all the way. We don’t need that nonsense of gays married here they must go to he’ll and hang up themself.
OK! so nowadays its a crime punishable by 5year inpriomment in fighting against sodomy? now its rightful to fight for evil people (homosexuals) rights? criminalising nature and decliminalisng unnatural and sodomy. i vehemently support MSONDA. Dont just kill only gays but also these right activists who are pepertrators. these activists are satanic, mfiti zenizeni . saying mulungu kulibe(living without God), ufiti kulibe etc. those saying ufiti kulibe ndi mfiti zotheratu and agents of satan. if the bible itself says witchcraft exist, who are u akavunyani, ndi akavwiza achabechabe. u activist aswel shud be awarded a captal punishment. now promoting homosexuality. courts tolerating this bulshit, useless and educated fools. any law against God is satanic. all in all this in the bible prophecy, let us get out from babylon. this is one of the sign of the second coming of our saviour. let it give us a lesson.
Jxt try to arest msonda muziwaxo…..amalawi sitimapanga zachamba!!!
Zingakome mulungu atangoweluza tione izo wuzichita ndimoyo omwe upangitsa khaza zotele tiyeni nazoni.
This demonic of gays &lesbians is becoming bigger &bigger now this once destroyed sodom &gomorrah is being revived by satan in the whole world
alekeni akwatilane mphongo xokhazokha koma aziwe kuti chiweluzo chikubwela.kupha its not agood way bcz inu simulungu kuti mukamuweluze nzanu
Mulungu Anatidalitsa Ndimzeru, Lero Ena Amzeru Zija Zachuluka Ayamba Kuzipangila Okha Malamulo, Kuphwanya Malamulo Amulungu, Mayooo! Kalanga Ineeeeee! Ambuye Kanthani Onse Otsuna nalo Lamulo Lanu Ndipo Muyambire Akumipandowo, Zonsenzi Ndikusiya Mmanja Mwamwana Wanu Yesu Khritso Ameeeen!
From the word go, we’ll annihilate unwanted species. Disgusting
had it been I’m having a chance to meet with those who are wellcoming this shit to our peace fearing God, ndikanalola kuti ndife ndine koma nawoso zimu wanga ukanawazuza moti tiziti mulungu akusangalala nawo anthu akupanga izii bomalathi bwanji tikulola malamulo akunja, kodi tilibe mutu oti tithakuganiza, bwanji tingololela kuti tidzafe amphawi ngat kunalembedwa zungu tivera poti akufuna kutithandiza, atsogoleli athuwa bwanji sakuopa mulungu, asatipusitse.
(prod by Janta n JS1) http://www.datafilehost.com/d/7e8683d3
God will kill all gay by 12 March this year including pitalayi mbuzi imeneyi eti….let Nsonda go free can’t you see God is angry with Malawi?? timangeni tonse muzipanga nyasi zanuzo bwino
God will kill all gay by 12 March this year including pitalayi mbuzi imeneyi eti….let Nsonda go free can’t you see God is angry with Malawi?? timangeni tonse muzipanga nyasi zanuzo bwino
dis guys r sick de need medication we dnt want gay understand us
Don’t even try it….lf those Demonic Nations gave you Cash to promote Gay and Lesbian in this country…You will fail….cause 99% of the Nation it’s against it….So dont try to provoke Us…people have already fade up with this government……..So we ll match for the Government and for Satanic egiants…..
Which court is going to hear dat dirrty case.Which law are thy going to use?A Trapence ndi anzani mapwala anu ngati muli nawo.Sindikukuopani mpag’ono pomwe.
unayiwala pa kholo pamawo
Ken Msonda used the Bible::::::Everybody must quote LEVITIKO 20:13 When commenting:::::::Leviticus 20:13::::::::::::LEVITIKO 20:13::::::::Leviticus 20:13:::::::”LEVITIKO 20:13::::::::::’::Ku court tikawelenge LEVITIKO 20:13::::::::’:’:Mwayambitsa nkhani yovuta ionongetsa zambiri
aMalawi tangokhala ziii, Msonda ali ku ndende, tichitepo kanthu
Where is freedom of speech for Msonda if Msonda will face prison sentence for Expressing his rights and freedom of speech.
Msonda cant spend five yrs in jail, if so then where is right of xpression? Hahahahaha Malawians lets open our eyes. DZUKA MALAWI y stil sleeping ntil nw?
your stupid okuona ngati ma #gays ndiochepa kumalawi tilipo ambili iweso ukapitiliza ukalowamo usamale #Nsonda wakoyi amangidwa kumene ukhulupilira #Amalawi tagwirizana chimodzi ofuna apange opeperanu tsalani.#Azanu ayambapo moyo watsopano
Hahahahaha May God forgive u, gay issue is a sin b4 God imagin if your parents were gays or resibians do u tink there was a posbilty for u? Tink twice Mr! Msonda is innocent this is his thoughts jxt as u r doing
Iwe #Dickson unakakhala kuno ukanaleka zoputsa zakozo systematically coz zomwe ndikanakupanga ndithu sunakazaiwala ziwanda zakozo nditazichosamo mwa nkhanza nthupi mwakomo, My Rubbish!!!
#dick koma mmmmm sazatheka chonsecho ali ku Theba ayiwala za xenophobia mmn. Kuyipa kwa zna kufalikira nd mwin yemwe zoona bas ndne #Dick tenga dictionary tione ngat sukhumudwapo apa. #abert chikhululukiren chiwanda cham’madzi ich
Kkkkkkkkk dzina luchita kuonetsa khalidwe lamunthu,#dick mkukhala dzina? aonedi tanthauzo la dzinalakelo ameneyo,kupusa mufune kopangira nyas zanuzo kuno ai
#dick fuck u
you know what ….if God can be put in jail so too msonda….bcoz wht msonda said ddnt come from him but from God Himself and let me challenge you that if that is going to happen thn God wll react badly …..pachichewa pali mau CHIKUGWA CHOKANIKA UTSA PAMALIWI PANO…mark my word…mr preesident who r u trying to plz…remeber u r only human being not god….be worned….u better plz God not fellow human being regarless of their colour or wht msonda chose ws to say nothing else but the truth…
Ubwino wake a Trapece tikkukuziwani.Ife tiri mbali ya Ken apa.Ine si wa pp koma apapa ndri mbali yake.Iwenso uwatengere ku court for defamation
This so called Tespance is an animal more than a hyna,alankhula za ma Gay masana ano madzula ali pamwamba pa madam awo…zankutu…mmangeni Nsondayo komabe inuyo amene mukdzitcha kuti ma human rights activist pamodzi ndi ma Gay anuwo mtendere mulibe mMalawi muno…mudziyenda maso ali mwa-mwa-mwa….
tamumangeni muone?????kodi a human rights muklimbana ndi za ma ufulu a satanic bwanji,takambani za information bill osat zimenezi
Fear not Msonda zikaoneka komweko tili ready akuona ngati zikutikomera zimenezi
I know this poke,know as peter mutharka is not real amalawian.he want to mess our country in the name of gay aid.we dont need those idot to have right in Malawi.peter him self he doesn’t respect the law “we have right to send him back where he belong to..
Only if God was a person and Only if He was my brother I would have told Him 2 stop being so Kind and Merciful, because these politicians they are taking Him for granted. They are taking His kindness for a weakness and His silence for acceptance. To those people in support of Msonda and you live in around Blantyre, let’s meet at the Court on the said date (22 january ). Let us show them that we are not afriad, jail or no jail we shall stand 4 the truth.
de power ov de Holy Spirit iz irressistible…may de Lord almighty God show his power…
Asking me?
Ine ndimanena kuti uyu cmunthu koma kusamva,munafera chamanga chojambura pansalu ndie chilikuti? samaliza ameneyu awonanso.
Politics everywhere kkk malawi
Za ziii kkkkk
God God God… all holy here but inner heart mmmmm thieves.. liar.. womanizer.. shame ol of u
dont try!!! warning!!!! we will burn down all human rights org
he is right n it oz written in the bible
dont try!!! warning!!!!
Zausilu, aziphedwa kumene. Bowo lakumbuyoli ndilotulusila nsima ndi anzake zikatopamo mmimbamu, kufuna kupisana ndi misete polowa, zaugalu eti.
Ngati Msonda mungamponye mundende ndiyekuti 2019 Dpp iyiwale kudzatenganso boma chifukwa zipani zina zidzatengerapo mwayi pa nkhaniyi.Kodi inu A pitala mthanyula kodi mulikuti? Dead alive leaders & now Malawi is doomed.Masankhasankha 2014 Tidasakha nazo Munthanyula.Msonda don’t be shaken ’cause all stupid dogs gonna be vanished away.
Jack Mweene u nxt in prison gave u 24 hrs.
Msonda usadandaule Peter wasala pang’ono kusatira mkulu wake ku nthata Mulungu amayankha odandaula tachuluka
Tsoka kwa yemwe akukwanilitsa malemba, this is real upside world
Do we have lawyers reading this,please advise.have we lagalised homosexuality in Malawi.what is the implication of undetermined govt stance on this.how many gays have been killed following nsondas remarks.I think the assertion now is true.these motherfucken societies are gaysh eish Malawi very poor even our minds are poor as wel.
Ngati Msonda alibe anthu kmao mumanga ndipo ngati Mmawona kti dzikoli ndilanu ife tingokhalanao mangan iyeyo
zake za kaisala zipite kwa kaisala za kwa mulungu zipite kwa mulungu.zonsezi nza pa ziko lapansi ndizosala,chitazaone ndi chipande poomola ,soka lili kwa iye amene achita chimolo
aMalawi musamusiye mnzanu akukavala unyolo. chonde aMalawi amene nduziwani kuti pamavuto ndi pamtendere, mumamangabe chimvano chamavu. chonde, toy-toy ichitike basi.
Hahahaha u see
I will protest against the government even myself,muyerekeze kumumanga
We are still under colonialism… The guy had the right to say what ever he wanted Malawi is suppose to be a strong country we cant let them tell us what to do… I curse all people acknowledging this….
‘And he answered and said to them, “have you not read that He who made them at the beginning ‘made them male and female,’ And said ,” for this reason a man shall leave his father and mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? – Matthew 19:5-6
Boma la dpp lili ngati tv yoyendera remote.Azungu akangoti chakuti iwo ndinjenje.Kuteroku azungu atangonena kuti,mwam’mangiranji msondayo amasulidwe, DPP yonse njenje mpaka amene anayambisa kuti msonda amangidwe atamangidwanso.FUNSO langa ndili, anthu inu YEHOVA m’mamudziwa kapena m’mamutenga ngati nsuwani wanu.Ena mwainu muli ndi maudindo m’makachisi mwanu.chirungomo kumachiona koma kumachizemba.Pakati pa YEHOVA ndi azungu woyenera kumuopa ndindani?Chifukwa chani mukuopa munthu amene amapanga zonyasa zambiri zimene inuyo simungazione but only GOD can see. .YEHOVA anati adzalanga ana chifukwa champulu pulu zamakolo awo.YEHOVA anati tikamapanga zokondweretsa iye china chilichonse chimene tingapange chidzakhala chodalitsika.AWAKE NYASALAND!
why him?? how many are talking against homosexuallity
ALL 4 msonda like ths
Human rights organisations will now work as law enforcers? These guys or gays should have reported Hon Msonda to police. It is responsibility of Malawi Police to arrest and take people who break law to court. Mr. Mtambo is not policeman nor prosecuitor. I stand to be corrected here! I am puzzled!
U sit down u dont know nothing
And what do you know? Tell me!
True hes not….I wonder how he found his way to MLS..
It is better to be silent than to make noise 4 nothing
Freedom of expression is right of all. Who are you to silence people? Charles MAJIYA an agent of uncivilised society?
Freedom of expression is right of all. Who are you to silence people? Charles MAJIYA an agent of uncivilised society?
Lets Vote Amene Atsutsane Nd Mchitidwe Wonyasawu Akakhale Kundende. This Mean Dat Over 13 Milion Should B Jailed. Zopusa Ndimakana. (sonyo is loading….)
mutifunsileko kwa amayi afuko lathu a Getrud muthalika…kuti akumva bwanji pamene mwamuna wake akuvomeleza kuti ife amuna okhakha tizikwatilana. kodi iwowo sakukhala ndi mantha kuti mwina abambo angakwatile a goodal gondwee….amayi chenjelani….amuna akulandani mwamuna wan…
Is your president gay? If no order him to get married to gays.
Zomwezi mpaka 5 years jail, mwatani atsogoleri.
Free him ,fuck u peter n DPP
Gvt, please we don’t want the Gays. May u pls listen to the voice of the people. Tell UK, USA, and German that the majority says NOOOO to the Gays.
This is rubbish . Who belongs to jail between Mr Msonda and the other things? After all if God is not giving us good rains , this sinful act is one of the causality.
Which religion are you? Of course you are not christianity.Am talking to you Mr president! Msonda is well deserve.LEVITIKO 20 V 13:Munthu akagonana ndi mwamuna mnzace,monga amagonana ndi mkazi,acita conyasa onse awiri; AWAPHE ndipo mwazi wao ukhale pamtu pao.
Mr Msonda adapeleka maganizo ao .Palibe chifukwa chowatengela ku khoti .Inu pelekani maganizo anu.
Gud, zikungofanana ndi omvera mukutinji? Politics ikuchitika pamenpo
Following angrily…………
pozapita ku khoti ine ndizakhala konko kulankula mwano nfuti yanga nthumba
Ndale zomangana ndizachikale msiyeni munthu wamlungu walakwanji?
Musonda ananena mawu ochokekera mu Bible ndiye bwanji sanatengele ku court Bible?
Even kusodomu ndi Gomola anthu anaphedwa chifukwa cha mathanyula omwewo Msonda sanalakwise opanga zimenezo akuyenela kuphedwa ukakhala umphawi ndi wathu anyapape onse akuenela kuphedwa panyapape panu nonse amathanyula
Kill all gay-friendly in Malawi don’t spare them
ndikumalawi kokha komwe anthu amapita kundende ngakhale kuphedwa kumene chifukwa amakhala akunena chilungamo…..ndili pambuyo pa Msonda….
Can you support gay sure
Kodi munthu angakakhale kundende just becouse wapeleka maganizo ake. Ndiye panali zifukwa zina kale. Ineso maganizo anga ndi oti akapezeka otelowo azigendedwa miyala/kupangidwa chandamale or ndende moyo wawo onse. Malawi is for malawians not for americans nor britons.zogomana amuna kapena akazi okhawokha kwawo komweko kuno ndati ayi
99% of we Malawi’s we are behind you let them sentence you to five yrs in jail. i hope ndendeyakeyo sikhala ku Malawi kuno ndithu apo biii fire!
Hahahaha sakuziwa kut iwowo ndi 1% yokha while tonsefe we r behind Msonda ndi achina Lucius
afuna atitole anthuwa
Neva apo biii tipasanapo mipeni joz joz man
Fireee !
Hahaha,makape you think u can break the fence of the consititution via such feck sentiments?jst know that a court is an indpendent body.mind you kuyankhula mau odzetsa mpungwepungwe pakati pa anthu ndimulandu,so the word “kill” its controversial in his case.tiziti ife otsutsana ndi mchitidweu ndife osachimwa?nanga pot chigololo ndi tchimo pamaso pa chauta,whether ndi nkazi or fonication,nde waife ndani sana pangepo atenge mwala agende.amsondawo alowa mmalo mwachauta kupeleka chilango?nanga iwo ntchito zawo zaugogodi kuchpani aka weluze ndani?mulomo uwu tisamale nawo!
Why the toungue is enclaved btwnt teeth?its deadly get watch with what u alter out of your mouth,zimakutsata!
komatu peter munthalika,mbiri yako ndiyoipa kwambiri and palibe chilichonse chomwe ukupanga,zikuoneka kuti ndiwe munthu osaopa mulungu,pali zizidikiro zambiri zomwe zikuoneka dziko lathu lino kuti munthu yemwe akutilamulira ndiosaopa mulungu, mulungu atichitire chifundo ndinthu,kodi ukamachita chomwecho siuganizako za anthu ena?zikungosonyezeratu kuipa mtima kwako.,chifukwa sibwezi ukulora dziko lanthu lokoma kumavomereza zopusa, choncho kumada mulungu kuti Akazi ngochepa Amuna ngambiri. mulungu wathu siosephanitsa ayi,koma chifukwa chauchitsira wovomereza ma gay, uchimo umenewo ayi dziko lanthu lino chonde,mulungu atithandize tonse.
aphedwe dinthu ma gayio
Ndie mkumat mawa mukapemphelela dziko lathu kuti mvula igwe bwino? Mulungu wake uti ameneyo,yemweyu mukumupeputsila malamulo ake? SHAME ON UUUUUUUUU
Angosiya kumuyesa mulungu sibwino azaonanazo maloza zinazi
mathanyula 2 much apm,mboni ndi getrude
Nsonda Is Not Gulty But Malawi’s Leaders.
Ma prophet athu mungomuopseza ndiyoti amwalira aay yakuti basi asiya manyi amenewa ndiwamantha ankolowa.
Bwnji kod????dd he kill one of u homosexuals????wat has he done wrong to u???imprisoning him z jst lyk asking 4 a repeat of wat happened in july 2011 coz a lot of Malawians say “NO TO HOMOSEXUALITY”wea z mr president’s view on dis,z it bcoz he(ken msonda)z on de opposition side of politics kapena???in whatever u do,think of wat effect ur action wl bring to concerned Malawians and nt de foreign donors
sentencing him to thoz 5yrs in jail z jst a green light to dis homosexuals en Malawians wont allow it!!!!Homosexuals cn go to hell for all i care eish!
leviticus20:13….’If a man has sexual relations with a man as one does with a woman, both of them have done what is detestable. They are to be put to death; their blood will be on their own heads.
Major do something!… he deserves to go to hell this sorry excuse of a human being…
this is crazy , mukutulutsa ma gay opanga za kwaipawo ndikumanga munthu ongothirirapo ndemanga , these are realy new times where not only individuals but governments are calling abnormal things normal ! Lord have mercy
Ufulu olankhula zakukhosi ulibe malile.
foolish president,poor governancy,galu,if that case y peter married getu,i agreed with mugabe if obama want gay i ll marry him first,so if peter want homosexual im ready 4 him
asayakhule chilungamo msonda mwatani amalawi
Msonda should indeed be dragged to court to explain his comments about gays. The law should take its course. Let God judge the gays and punish them not us fell humans who are also committing numerous sins such as murder and adultery.
Foolish and develish comment, or u are also a gay? these pple are satanists!
Mambulasa u r very stupid.Anthu ngati inu Mulungu akukatheni ndinthu.Musatengere timalamulo tanu topanga nokhati ndikumatitembenuzira mwina.timalamulo tokuti lero mupanga mawa muphwasula.Unayamba waphwasulapo malamulo a Yehova iwe.U lawyer wanuwu ukupwetekesani.Fotseki zako.
Wait our God wil fight for us let jst praying God wil hear our prayer(prayer is best weapon bileave something wil happen and even mr msonda stand 4 the truth our living God wil be with u) IN JESUS NAME AMEN
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Waste of tax payers money nkhani yake itino?
Amuna…full of wisdom
De only mistake is dat we are taking dis as a physical against de devil,we cant win,dis is a spiritual war&we can only win thru prayers,intercession,fasting&rely on Christ
msonda wud b kinda heroic afta we all agree ma gay kukhala osaloledwa,mizindamu tikaapeza mob justice basi
msonda wud b kinda heroic afta we all agree ma gay kukhala osaloledwa
Bravo Ken, BUT beware to u who support this stupidity, u may be dragged to hell by “THE MOST HIGH”
U r failing to arrest those gays mukufuna kumanga productive people why..? My Malawi where are you raiding to…aaashii ndalilaaaaa
Thats aproblem of being a public figure,every footstep that you take is counted, mau omwewo akananena munthu wamba panalibe vuto lilironse.
That’s why we are saying the white man is vomplicating our lives
this is a true mwns just like me.I need gays and lesbians be killed in malawi.I want them to die very painful death!!!!!!
Ndimapatsa ulemu Mgabe , kukana za mathanyula pa msonkhano wa United Nations, Madala Wolimba ntima.
Jus llisteng to Lucius Bandaz song ‘john’=usaope muthu ozuza thupi ndiziwa mbuye azandiyakhe
Palibe zomangana apa ngati nkhani yake ili imeneyi ndiye ndizofunika kwina osati kumalawi kuno,ngati lawamvuta kutsogolera dzikoli bwanj kungotura bwinobwino?nyasi zimenezo ctngalore apo biiii atimange tonse.
This is what we call resbianigationism hw could mr msonda been arrested?malawi deserves to be punished by God we hv forgotten who we are and what God told us to do as his children.
Be ware of 666
Why arresting Mr K.Msonda?You are failing to arrest mbava zikutibera mizinda mwathumu,a ma cashgate.May the good Lord punish all practicing gay.”SAY NO TO GAY MALAWI”May the Almighty Lord bless Malawi
Yes to rapist like u
What a fuken shit of president ….Pitala Munthalika Idiot Mr Ken Msonda he is right and I salute to him , Although you plan to arest him but his mind and our minds to kill guy practice people will never revesable…Insted of giving up we will put extra efort to show that we are strongly hate pitala as a Guy leader and his members ……Chaka chino chisanafike pakati Pitala afendithu!!
5 years ???? just for his comment on this shit and yes they should fuck up them gay and lesbians and fuck u all the human rights officials.
May Bingu’s soul rest in eternal peace
Inenso mudzandimange coz I support the idea of killing guys and Lesbians when ever being found in this country.
Koma ngati makhothiwa ndi amaufulu wa satanawa azitipanga chonchi ndiye kulibwino mungosamuka osati mutipembezetse ameleka ndi buliteni kulibwino kupanga ubale weniweni ndi Iraki osati dza satanadzi(u.s.a & uk)
Guys always remember what bible says about last days. All people who will be voting 4 God will be thrown 2 jail and others will be killed. God wil receive there souls with humble hands. So lets just pray 4 nsonda so dat this devillish government wil not make him suffer 4 defending God laws. Thats not fair coz he just tryin 2 express his views concernin dat evil behavior. We Malawians we fear mighty God and we wil always try 2 folow His rules. Glory be 2 God and his son Jesus christ.
pepan a Msonda 5 yrs mukamva nyunyunyuu kumeneko
Mutimange tonse chifukwa tilipo ambili amene sakufuna ma gays ndi ma lesbians,ndiye mangani ndende zambili kuti tikwane
he will win that case . easy one
Are you sure? Mulandu oopsatu uwu. 5 years. Akuti palibe zoti just coz I said the it follows people would take my word to it
did you here him say it? it was written on Facebook
kkkkkk….was the account tampered with?
Exactly, that is how he could walk. But if he says he said those remarks, basitu pa 5 year ndi after 2019
Blessings Gèovan Mbendera he may even deny owning that account
Palibe case apa….thesd guys just want to create a mountain out of a morehill…how will they convince the learned jury based on fb account status as their primary evidence!
kufuna kudya money zamadonors.
Sharia law on gayz in Mdubz, cant wait for that to start…!!!!!!!!! Long live Ken Nsonda…!!!!!!!!! Long live Democracy….COPY THAT GAYS & LESBIANS….
Am busy No comments.
Hate speech ? Apitadi ku ndende uyo
Zalowandale tikudziwa coz abwanawo ndi a chief gay,thought alibe mano
zoti peter ndi gay zinamveka asanakhale pa u president ambiri sitimakhulupilira kma lero tikuchta kuziona ndi maso athuwa ambuye chonde kantha anthu oipa onse akuchta ndkulimbikixa mchtidwewu powapaxa matenda osachizika kamba kaumve umenewu
Iwe sukudziwa kuti mgwirizanowu anasainira kale pamene jb anali pampando? Peter zikumukhuza chani?
zikumukhunza kuti iyeyo bwanji sakulankhulapo?? ku Malawi anthu akamati “ameneyu amatamba” tizikhulupirira
mundimange ndi Msonda,mwamva
Pof. Here are measures, one kukuontcha nyumba za ma ma mulumuzana amango’s. Two kumpha judge amene aweluzeyotso. Three. Kukaotcha ndende yomwe akamusungeyo. What a f…ck? Komatu zina osamaziputa dala, mukupephera kumanga yemwe adapha matafale. Mwana wa sukulu ku poly. Wokuba ndalama. Wokupha albino. Kodi ndale mzake zopanda nazo manyazi? Iwill try mi best with your mzungucrancy to deal with u all tikaoptcha nyumbazo mouonatso go ahead
Kill gays atimange tose they r worse than dogs
Peter is also gay,,,dat why u see him failing to eject his wife coz anazolowela ku dukula amuna azake shame on him
hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha hahaha
Malawi is jst full of silly pipo who enjoy being oppressed, Peter is just a big trush n a disgrace to the national. he isn’t as brave as Mugabe………. I can say that we should just kill these idiots. dont even try to take them to police,, it’s time to put the laws in our hands. The police are doing their best to arrest them but this gay by the name of Peter Bwampini Muthrika is the main coz. During the time of Bingu The Great one Mutharika, we had good leadership though some chicken n dick heads were busy opposing him…… If you dont know Peter has sold the country to the devil,,,,,,,,,,,
manganiso ine mbuzi ya munthu muthalika
Mulungu mwini akuona ,sidom ndi gomola zinayasidwa kamba ka nkhalidwe loipa zidzatero masiku osiliza anthu azakhala ozikonda okha ,odala iye amene azaima dzina la ambuye pokana machenjerelo asatana
Mulungu mwini akuona ,sidom ndi gomola zinayasidwa kamba ka nkhalidwe loipa zidzatero masiku osiliza anthu azakhala ozikonda okha ,odala iye amene azaima dzina la ambuye pokana machenjerelo asatana
inenso mudzandinamnge. kill them. anthu osowa mtendere inu. muli bussy kumwetulira yet mukudziwa kuti ndi moto wa sulpher mwapondawo. devil worshippers. to helllllll!!!!!!
Msonda for President!! Msonda for president!!! Msonda for president!!!
odala ndiinu mudabadwa kuchoka pakati pa bambo ndi malume anu!ndipo tikukufuniran zoipa zonse zikhale zanu!
hihi nkhani imeneyi ikulowela kwinano, zalowa ndale sopano 5yrs zomwezi???
Even me i say they must be killed come and arrest me pliz
Last dayz..runn out to Jesus
musiyeni mwana
Before sentencing to 5 years imprisionment the govt shld built more prisons buildings for we are going to follow him.
Nyansi sitiri kuzifuna ife ayi.
U follow alone u old
Why can’t you zip up your stinking mouth? I know you aren’t a Malawian, so why are interering with what does not concern you?
Panya pake ameneyo mkaladi osauka kulowelera za amalawi alibe chochita
Peter wamva maganizo a wanthu musayerekeze kumunga Msonda umange ma gay anzinzako nanga naweso ndiwe gay paja
mungoyelekedza kumutengera kukhoti achina trapece,timmothy mtambo ndie enawo tikupha kuphwanya nyumba komanso maoffice ambuzi zimenezi
shaaah, too bad. ndalama ndi big man
Is mob justice legal in Malawi?
its illegal just like homosexuality.
its not punishable by law though
Ngati amalawi sitipanga ziometselo pankhaniyi ndiye kuti tonse ndi ma homo…..
We are going to demo Malawians ziko ndilathu zamanyi timakana!
Where is the justice now?
Jst enjyng readng coments and replys kkkkk am dead
Kkkkk, that meks two of us .
Kkkk thoko kuva ma opnion aathu kkkkkkkk
If they can put him in prison then peter is also a gay so we will come there with our money to see him. God is not stupid to create a man and a woman.
Let God be God, nobody should judge anybody.
Yes and nobody shud arrest someone! !!
Nkhaniyi ndiyabodza man dont believe #Malawi24 ndi propaganda iyi. Mukutukwana president nkhani yabodzayi? Shame!
Bingu sanali mu2 ovuta kma amadana ndzopuxa ngt izi,BiNGu anali malawian
Peter Munthalika Xamala Ul Pa Mpen Zopuxa Wayambzo
Although ndinabetsa vote,nkhani imeneyi yandinyansa Msonda kumangidwa ma demo achitike basi .
Mvula ikasowa muzidabwa pamene machitachita ndi amene akutchinga madalitso a Mulungu
Bunch of useless leaders, bowing to white minorities. Akuti kusangalatsa azungu, ine zoputsa ayi.
Mpaka abiti nego???? Kikikikk
Kodi Guyz Tili Mu Ulamuliro Wa Azungu?? Amathanyula Akuyenera Aziphedwa Kumene Coz Nd Mchitidwe Onyasa Pamaso Pa Mulungu Ndipo Titha Kuzalangidwa.. Plz Amalawi Tisanyoze Mulungu Kufuna Chuma..
For sure they must be killed bcoz we r not gay in Malawi
Which Court do KENNETH Msonda will be sentenced dargged 2court we Malawians 2show unity lets stand with MSONDA TIPANGE toy-toy,Tsiku lomwe azikatsekera iyeyo tonse pa mbuyo tisapange Support Tchimo,mkulu ameneyu akumenyera Umfulu kuti Dziko lisasochere
Mr President …. Ineso kuno mudzandimange ndiri ku Pretoria
Hahhahhahah ababa asawamange
Kodi ufulu wochita kulirirawu, ndiufuludi?
Tikakumana ku court komweko then ku office ya cedep after that kunyumba kwawo. Mwatitopetsa now
Peter Muntharika or whatever ey call you i say fuck you en go to hell
Koma ngati chilembwe akupezekera munjira yoteteza maufulu osadziwika bwino ngati enawa, I would rather die as a pauper while maintaining my sanity.Let’s talk about real issues affecting us such as hunger, diseases and drug pilferage and envy.These other matters are “non issues”.
Don’t worry mr Msonda God his with you as he did Paul ndi sila…..and shandrek misheck abiti nego……mutuka withn 5years bwana ndipo ndinu hero!
DZkoli musaotche moto.
Thats true tiponye mu shire zima gays ng’ona zidye there z no need to arrest msonda
Let them try
The law was suspended in 2013 when nsonda and his pp were in power. Where was he?
What A Stupid Judge !!! With So Stupidity Qualification !!! Musamalenazo Ndimatukwana2 Ine, Oho Tsikulina Mudzandimva . Pot Scandal Sidamukhudze Nde Muchita Kusaka Zot mummangire, Dziko Laipa Ili. Is Malaw Democratic Or Dictatorship Country? Help Me .
Amangotiseka kumaso this z dictetor country
Dats 2ru!! Olo Titalankhula Zilibe Effect Kwaiwo. Beeter Bingu Worse Peter.
Burn babylonians
they may imprison him,bt they won’t imprison his spirit of humility.gayism n lesbianism has no values.even satan hate gays,that’s y he approached Eve than Adam
Mmmm komatu mulungu akuonani
Amsonda nthana wangufwira mumu mujere, he must go to hell.
If Msonda will be dragged to court and senteced to five yrs imprisonment,That gay & lesbian facillitator Peter Mutharika should be ready to be dragged out of presidency.
I can now see the difference of Peter & Bingu Mutharika,Big was true Malawian not this
Thats true bro n i think peter ndimwana wa mnkhwere ameneyo he z not fit to b a president,if i can b given a chance to tel whom i hate the ans can b pitala bwampin
you’re right dear bro! now i have known the reason why Maxon Mbendera sheds tears when anouncing the winner.
He puts God fearing nation on fire!
God fearing? I am an atheist but i still know that the bible says thou shall not kill. Don’t fool yourself. Malawi is not a god fearing natiin
yes! you’re right Lonjezo,we’re not god fearing nation but God fearing nation,malawi is!
But the same Bible warns that all sinners will perish !
And it says the wages of sin is death!
Bwanji osalimbana ndi jb popeza anasainira lamuloli ndi jb pokopa chithandizo cha kunja
The laws have been suspended by this government and gays and lesbians are not arrested with their unlawful acts of homosexuality,peter is to blame!
Tiwanyetsa ma gay onse munya muwona
anasayinila ndani APM NDI GALU
we have to avoid things which can stimulate God’s anger.Let’s fight against homosexuality
Tayson Giveson you first comment doesn’t make sense. And, why should you fight against homosexuality? Its okay to be against it but condoning the killing of innocent people is whats wrong. I don’t know if you noticed that Malawi is in a pretty deep mess right now. Can’t you see that. The bible says thou shall not kill, but millions of people have been killed by god in it. If we start killing homosexuals why not all sinners. If you lie you due, you steal you die, sex out of wed lock you die, swear you die, don’t acknowledge God you die, you kill someone you die. Is thus what your God would have wanted. For you to kill you whole nation in his name? Do you know that isis, alqaeda, al shabab, boko haram, and other groups are doing this exact thing. Killing in the name of god. Are they doing the right thing then?
Tayson Giveson lets fight ur uncle in prison 5years lol
GOD rebuke u Lonjezo and Julius!
Alonjezo bande! kkk mukundimvetsa chison kwambiri,ok let mi ask u asimple qstn.{mwaikonzekera bwanj imfa yanu ngat itakhala mawa m’mawa?}
its not on for this man to go into the prson for that shit, tisatengera zakuja we malawians we fear God to do this then we are against God tisalole zopusa ngat izi
No gays in our country and i can go to jail with Msonda no problem
Mulungu anapanga mamuna ndi mkazi! Sanapange magay kapena malesibiyani full stop. Inu amene mukuchita sapoti za magay mudzipita kwa America komweko, chifukwa kuMalawi kuno ufulu wanu siwudzapedzaka mphaka kale. Ndi a president anu atulowo nonsense mufa ifa yogendedwa muwona.
onse osapota nchitidwe umenewu they dnt deselve 2 live wth us in ths country.
onse osapota nchitidwe umenewu they dnt deselve 2 live wth us in ths country…
onse osapota nchitidwe umenewu they dnt deselve 2 live wth us in ths country…tiphá ife athu amenewa
LONJEŹO BANDE samala . umakhala chapati? ar you malawian? anthu awa ayenela kupwedwa ndithu ngati ili njala ndibwino tife
Aaaaa nsonda walakwa chani bvuto amalawi democrasy idaononga koma angwazi ankakana izi oky am next to nsonda come and put me in life prison not five years agalu ndi anyani inu mwanditopetsa ine zikoomo
Ineyo chomwe ndikuchiona tsopano ndi choti anthu amenewa akuyambitsawa akufunika chiweluzo and I mean nkofunika kuwapeza pomwe akhala,kudziwa za family yawo,monse m’mene amayenda no matter amayenda pa chani koma komwe amapumulako,then attack them one by one akadziwana asiya kusapota uchitsiluwu, tikuyakhula opanda action zikufunika kuwawonetsa kusakondwa,kaya ndi Minister,kaya ndi mp check him well ma route ake then make a plan gud one too, I keep on saying alipo enanso zikuwanyaa ku MDF atha kuwolotsa zida zikungowolazo zosagwira ntchitozo and ziyambe kugwirano ntchito kwa zitsiru zikuvomereza zopusazo
My fellow Malawians we hav to do something tangible to show peter and his gays and lesbians that we’re not happy with homosexuality within our societies.
#Tayson u r right we dnt nid 2 waste our tym paja dey say action speaks louder dan words
Yamanja ija yayamba kununkhila tsoapno.Tiyenazoni madolo amenewa asatikakate ayi
Malawi is against these stupid acts. These stupid pple shud go to America and create their Malawi. Surely Obama will sponsor them as for us our sponsor is God, maker of everything
Dont worry Mr Msonda, we are all on ur side. As we the Malawians, this is our land. We have the rights to speak out if something is wrong. I think its a time now to wake up and do something to abolish these stupid behaviours.
Mulungu Abwele Basi Azaweluze Apa Zafika Pena Apa
Kodi atsikana onsewa bwanji kuwaopa? Bwanji manyaz mukamakamba za mathanyula zanuzo ,,,,,,, nonsense !
Guiz be ready ngati ndikutionetsa magaz ationetse amalawi tonse
Kkkkk tili konko tizanve mulandu wake kkkk koma malawi chifukwa vula sikugwa
Is Trapenz APM now? How do these two figures marry? APM has is married and we have never learnt that he’s championing gays rights so why is he dragged into this issue? Malawians, it looks human beings are worse than dogs and pigs chifukwa amaidziwa yaikazi chikhalirecho akuti tinalengedwa mchifanizo cha Mulungu, limbikitsani koma tsiku likubwera mudzaima ndi kuyankha pamaso pa Yesu.
Koma Agalu Amenewa Amawerenga Macoment Athuwa?
Malawi ukupita kuti iwe ;->
Ma Gay aphedwe basi ine ndili pambuyo panu
Kuwafuna ma demotu uku
Sachamba bas iyeyo. Wakwatila mkaz bwanji atsakakwatila mamuna nsachebwa inenso musandi mange
Kwaine kupha gay sichimo tikuphani ndimukangomanga mademo akuyamba chaka chake ndichino we wil fight apa ndithu
Thats Point ma Demo Bas Tikaphwanye HB House Komwe Kuli Human Rightsko Ku Paul Kagame Road Behind Chipiku Plus Lilongwe Agalu Amenewa Asowa Zochita
Zowona bro tilolera kuluza moyo koma na iyi kuno siyidusa mpaka timacha
Zonad Guyz Tikaphwanye Basi..
Tili limodzi
Mulungu Langani Malawi Utsogoleli Wawo Ndiwachabe
ayelekeze awone, timabungwe tanuto mudzikapangila kwa azungu komweko
Ndiye alakwisachani pamenepo.that means muvomeleza gay zopusaeti.musamumange he is innocent.
mmangeni mutidziwe
Who Haz Gone To Court? Is He A gay Or Lesbian? We Wud Lke To Challange Hm
sinkhani yomangra munthu,after all nsonda was just trying to exercise his freedom of expression.it was just a comment.how many pipo have commented negatively to gays?millions.why arresting only msonda?on political miledge?
Matsiku omaliza awa
Atsogoleri akumalawi dyera lidzakuphani. mumangenso ine mbuzi zaanthu
We will do demonstrations on this issue. Am not a PP supporter but with this issue the people behind this homosexual promotion will see how Malawians will be united on this issue
zomwe timadziwa a Malawi ndi zimenezi
Apa Zaboza Niziti? Zoti Wamangidwazo?
Thy hv jailed him? yes!! but thy hv nt jailed hs speech! WE SAY NO TO HOMOSEXAUL.
Tsoka kwa obwera ndichoipa.
Dont worred,onable mr khens msonda.We could has eyes to hear whatver cort can juges yours.Ze preblom,was ours NGO im does homosexcial too with men again.Very nyasing i coud tells you.We fougt to good this newzic antil,justen seen here.Ndatukwana apa?
Its better to be in jail rather than watching this dirty acts of homosexuallity,,,,,Ambuye Mulungu, muonongeni Mtsogoleri wina aliyense yemwe akuvomereza ndikusekelera khalidwe lonyansa komanso Peter wa mutharika ndiye mumuyambilire pasanathe masiku 30 Oh! Mbuye Wanga tikakupemphani mmatipatsa
Boss it seems simmazitsata bcoz lamuloli anapanga suspend mu 2013. Was peter a president then? Muwerenge report la mhrc
Ndiye wa sainila ndi kumanga nsonda chifukwa chani?
Yes u go in jail. More homosexual there in zomba and maula.. will crack ur ass that side
Kkkkk mr abdul lamulo ndilimene limamanga munthu osati president thats why judges says according to section…..law number ……says when passing out judgement osamangolankhula coz mwapsa ntima even i myself do support nsonda blame those non gvt organisation who sewed him.
You think you are clever??? O people of malawi,,, just wait you will see what Almighty Creator will do!!!
Davie, wasainila ndi ndani kuti homo idzichitika???
you als a gay?
Kkkkkk lamulo la gay silinasainilidwe lamulo limasainilidwa pokhapokha paliament agree then amapitisa kwa president to sigh it but a president has no mandate to make law on his own.
Icho chikuti lamulocho icho!!!
Tiwadziwa zimenezo koma iye anasainila kale ndicholinga chofuna thandizo mwina simukudziwa inu a Davie,,, ok bro. Herbert ndimaona ngati mukunena ine
Chonchi muziti nyonyonyo tikufuna mvula mufa muwona chakachino
Tawauze, mwina sakudziwa zotsatila zake@#Mayamikoh
Mr abdul anasainila ndi Ralph kasambala in 2013 kusainilana ndi azungu kut sitimangaso gay aliyense. Plis consult b4 u make blames
You’re joking right. Malawi is at it’s worst right now and I’m seriously pissed of that people still think about this god and still follow this bible even if its a freaking hypocrite. Where are the rains? Where us the crop? Where is the wealth you pray for. Stop praying and go work, you will sit on your ass and pray all you want nothing will change because either god doesn’t care about u or he doesn’t exist. Go work
Sibwenzi akunena kuti liunikidwa next seating of parliament and let me tell u that nsonda z not proseccuted because akutsutsa za gay but the word he said kuti aphedwe wich z contrary to constutional which says they must be jailed for 14yrs.i can tell u dat u have freedom of expression but u have a limit and u must avoid sensation language.even i myself dont support that habbit coz for me to born it means a man and awoman came together to form me.
Mwanama@#willy,,, mukunena ndani kodi@#Lonjezo,, ngati inu mmachita zichitani zikuoneka kuti inu mukungotsutsa zenizeni simukuzidziwa ndipo nsonda amangobwereza mau omwe amanena mmodzi mwama gay yemwe analankhula pa Times TV@#Davie
Musalimbane ndi peter mgwirizanowu anasainirana kale jb ali pa mpando ati kukopa azungu so blame jb not peter.
Mwati ndanama inu mukut anasinila ndindan? Umvere special report pa zbs news kapena uwerenge report lomwe atulutsa madzulowa a mhrc nde unditsutse
Dziko lonse likudziwa kuti the sitting president is the one who has signed it for him to receive donor money from america,,, apusitsa anthu ake akumudzi not me!!! But all in all mudziwe zoti akulimbana Ndi Namalenga ndipo ndiodziwa kwambiri kuposa awo mukuwapembedzawo!!!! Mulungu Ndi Wamkulu…
Kkkk Mr abdul come to chanco tizakumasulileni malamulo nxt wk or go to any law consurtancy wat u shud khow z wen dealing with laws exclude political mind the ones who have draged nsonda ndi mabungwe atatu not president and kukhoti sakamuimba mlandu otsutsa zama gay. posachepa lucious banda was on radio expresing his views and he has denied but he wont be dragged kukhoti because he has expressed them smattry and mr abdul u need to have constitution for u to understand better or just go to any lawyer and ask
pita ndi mathanyula wachiziwikile. mpheketsera inamveka mukampen muja kuti akuluwa amanyengana ndi Billy Kaunda. Nde mmene ali pa mpandopa ooooo worse
kodi Davie Chimwala, are you telling the kuti munthu wotchuka ngati msonda, angamangidwe popanda president kusainila?
Inuyo muli pa chanco kkkkk ndizosadabwitsa,,,,, ndikhale pafupi ndi constitution kkk mukayambilenso form 3
Ameen, Mulungu athane ndi peter mutharika pamodzi ndi onse amene akuthandizira nyansi zimenezi
Kkkkkk Mr maxwel there z special prosecution imene amasainila president not dis ok and t doesnt matter kuti ndiotchuka. u r also wlcm kuchanco tizakumasulila and u r lucky cos attonney general valentine kalekeni kaphale tikukaphunzila naye ndiye axakuuza ok
Kkkkk Mr abdul thanks koma dont mix laws of country and politics ndi zinthu zoxiyana ok.and mukaxalakwa akazakumangani amene ataxakumangeni ndi malamulo not munthu ok.
All of u are thieved
what do you mean, country and politics???
Kkkkk I have said laws of country not country lead it well brah ok anyway gud nty thanks for nyc chart brah
Inu Adavie mubarkira boma ,Asondawo akanakhala bambo ako ukanamva bwa zipangani zamatanyula zanuzo mavuto ammanda akukudikirani m’mawalino shame on you.
This is fucken bullshit no gays in Malawi
Kkkk i,m not barking gvt and i cant but wat im trying to say z no one z above the law apresident did not dragg nsonda to court and sizikumukhuza but mw law socierty,ccjp they are the ones who have dragged him even munuwake nsonda said it on brantyre synod radio yesterday kuti those ngos shud come out and confense themselves sanatchule president ok
Akuti tivomereze za gay kuti tisafe ndi njala akutero Pitala,zoona a Malawi tifere mbamu eti? Aaa kkkk
no one above the law is just a phrase why it has been suspended just to protect the offenders
Uyu musalimbane naye akutopetsani ndimmodzi waiwo@#Edson @#Humphreys
Do Not Politicise Everything Guys, Apa Mulandu Siwokhudza Boma. Koma Its Easy Anthu Kungoyamba Kuphana Mwachisawawa Taking 4m Mr Nsonda’s Statement. Thats Why Amabungwe Ati Alowelelepo Pankhani Imeneyi. Besides Siboma Likumuzenga Mulandu Munthuyu Komanso He Havnt Yet Pleaded Guilty And I Hope He Has Malawyer Ake Amene Atha Kukakamba Nkhani Imeneyi Mwaukadauro Msonda Ndikuwina. Tisayiwale Lamuro Lamalawi Silivomereza Mathanyura Koma It Doesnt Mean People Dnt Practice That Immoral Act. Mvetsetsani Bwino Nkhaniyi Nd Follow It Properly.
kusonyeza kuti inuyo ndiomwe mukumvetsa bwino ife ayi, akapita ku court mlandu ukakhala pakati pansonda ndi ndani~~ The State vs Mr Ken Msonda thats it,,, mwamva inu ma gay nonse
Kkkkkk Thanxs mcdonald powafotokozela bwino lomwe.mlandu wil be nsonda vs mabungwe ok.
He just said it not he did it why taking him to court.kulakwa koma,pongofuna kutole ndalama basi
iswear if imust just meet any idiot gay here in malawi iwill kick their asses
Thats Point Yusufu
Nice one ….gays …lesbian whatever are human beings just like you. Besides there is no bigger sin than the other. Only God can judge them. How does someone sex life affect you anyway? Mxm dumb ass ….
Trevor U Dont Know Wat Ur Saying U Beter Shut Up Ur Mouth Coz God Is Watching U Be Careful Wth Ur Own Words?
iwe kupanda amako ku chindana iwe unakabadwa ukhale ndi mzimu wa umunthu fuck you.
Haha nigga chill…maybe i know way better bout what im talking than u bra…….Im not gay myself but they also have a right….
Usamale kwambili ndipakamwa paco
trevor ur an asswhore idiot fuck u stupid busted gays r not human beings machende ako galu iwe usandiyankhulitse molakwika akanakhala kuti mbolo yabambo ako sinathile umuna kunyini kwa amako ukanabadwa galu iwe bambo ako akanakhala kuti amachindana ndiamuna anzao galu iwe mtumbo ukanabadwa mkhwere iwe pamtumbo pako u dont know that this 666
Uzankha kumwa wat u av sai ukazakumbusidwa dnt wary bro
ndye mwamtukwanatu
Pray Dat We Should Nt Meet Am Gona Break Ur Ribs Bone By Bone U Moron!
Chris ur more than moron.. ur more than dog u see self uselesz persin in the country ur not even tax payer shame on u idiot
koma #Travor seriously think well be for u speak..inakakhala ku mdala/siteni yakoija imamenya mathanyula bwezi utawona cape town R.S.A……?
What. Government benifits on u
pankholo pako trevor machende akukulemera et,mbolo yoloza kumtumboyo wamva
man trever u knw nothng abt gays n mulungu sangalenge munthu kt asamakhale ndchilakolako pa nkazi neva!!its demons that meks them doing lyk that n thats nt malawian culture n its nt african culture so watch yo fingers musanayambe kupanga zima comment zanu zofoilazo
?? y’all morons…you are just swearing at me and you got no point….Malawi wll still remain to be the poorest country in africa …reason being is morons like yous who sees other sins bigger than the other….People that steal the money from the government are dangerous people…they make y’all suffer….not gays….and you here nyoo nyooo nyoo nyoo….mbudzi zaanthu ???
Chi comment chako chonunkha ngati chimenechi nde uzikana kuti siwe gay iwe ndi mbuzi eti.Mmesa mumayankhula mwa indirect chonho kumene.
I will buy a gun and kill these idiots. kaneneni kulikonse
Wanangwa Mtawali. Watch ur mouth. U cant even buy. Expensive gadgets… hu do think u are breaking ribs to others ur just kwacha men i can hired men to bit ur asshole
even u 2 julius ur an asswhore u do make dirty money in that way i wll kick ur asswhore idiot
Matherfuck Trevar
Wanangwa Mtawali u visit me my home. Area 43/786/798. I will burn u alive
Chris Mark Kachingwe Jr. U cant even speak letter L.. u idiot
Am chillin with small brains what a wonderfull
abale osalimbana naye uyu ndinyani emwe,chitsilu akawerenge bible ife tizichita nyansizo kamba ka uphawi?
Akanakhala kut Mulungu analenga Adam en Adam o Hava en Hava ukanabadwa iwe Trevor??? If u dnt av xumthn 2 comment jxt kip ua mouth shut.U bombocrat.
That’s Malawians I know. God is till punishing us.
u idot go to america to do ur stupidity
stop mentioning God in this issue beacause malawi is not even a God fearing nation as many claime, we need to fight against poverty which has engulfed our nation
Fuck u son of a Lesbian bitch
??when its a real thing niggas get touched
Thats it treavor.. they dont even knows.. the situations. They must think smalll category.. how much ufa. Sugar.. bread now? Maybe tomoro nomore tea bag in the table.. not gay issue
#peter …you are 100% right
thats ur dream to live in area 43 u aint live in surbab area ur frm area 18 or else kwachimoka street arch
ose okamba zopusa ndiwomwalila kale ndimatenda
leviticus 20:13…a man that lays with another man as he would with a woman has committed an abomination and shall surely be put to death-and his own blood is upon him……(this is what God’s judgement says-so if we kill gays today we are not judging them-we are obeying the command)
leviticus 20:13…a man that lays with another man as he would with a woman has committed an abomination and shall surely be put to death-and his own blood is upon him……(this is what God’s judgement says-so if we kill gays today we are not judging them-we are obeying the command)
To be honest am not against it cos ndi ufulu wawo anthu opanga mathanyulawo koma ndikumakhala ndi Mantha kuti ma consequences atchimo limeneli atipanga affect like Mundende zanthu kodi ndi chitetezo chiti chomwe angayike kuti mchitidwewo usapangike,Mwina kwa ifeyo tili bwino coz we can reoson koma ana amene akubadwawa azikula ndi envirment yonyasiyi nanga pofika 2022 mchitidwe umenewu uzakhala ulipati,zikuoneka simple Pano poti zili Mmaluwa koma kuti zifike poyela ndinyasi zeni zen,Ndiye tiziganizire kuti ifeyo sitingapange koma our brother akupangidwa kundende mwina mwana wanthu wapanga watengela khalidwe limeneli tingamve bwanji
Eish, finally! a sensible comment
remember wat happened to SODOM & GOMOLAH!
Once people realise Malawian laws are not based on the bible then we can all just chill. Gays are humans. Put yourselves in their shoes and imagine people saying they will kill you for your sexual orientation. Something as complicated as that but ignorant people don’t get kuti it is not thay simple… We need education to fight such hate borne of ignorance…
Show a gay person a naked women and they won’t even get turned on. Show a straight man a naked woman and he will erect. Instead of taking a second to consider they aren’t doing this to spite you. You are busy getting murderous over something they can’t even control. How messed up is that?
Haha. Never.. i dont even knows that area ecisting
Chris Mark Kachingwe Jr. U mention ur home hahaha
Dont warry Mw, am here to save u frm evil thimgs. Ndikunena mwa mveve pano kuti any1 who concened about dis issue ndipo pali umboni kuti amachitadi we wil kill them start on 1 feb. Mpanopa tanthandizidwa ndalama ndi anthu amwe sakusangalasidwa ndi nkhalidweu ku timphe wina aliyese osogolera komaso akuchita izi, moti pano we are about 3o of them trained hw to search, to find where they stay, where they work and hw we can follow bef4 kill them,, so becareful ukafuna kuyankhula ungazakhale ophedwa moyambilira. tikukwanilitsa chilamulo chamulungu
hahahahahahahahahaha……… all gayz i hopu devil has f*cked yur ass, so that yu shud be supporting this act. where iz the #human_rights..? my aunt was murdered yet yu didnt say anything, issa njaunju iz dead but yu r still quite,… ooooh.! now i hve figured it out, yu r supporting gayz coz they f*cked yu’r fatherz so that yu shud be born through the ass……… come to lilongwe area 36 timapha even wakuba machesi, nyau ngakhale wokuba ndalama zachitukuko, ndie tingakanike #gay..?
Trevor inu takupangani kale search u are not Malawian n u are Tanzanian komaso umakhala ku SA cape town koma poyamba umakhala ku Mzuzu koma kumeneko asala ndi achibale ako pano sindingawantchule maina kuopa mawa samala uphesa anthu osalakwa
His His-excellence Emperror Andrew Khumalo without cash… u idiot
Chikutumbwe Waku CZ… u cant even buy boxer.. seems ur clever but ur brains are nuts
The bible clearly says….end days..things like this will happen and there is nothing you will do to stop this…these things shall come to fulfill the scriptures….i just don’t know why y’all mad
trevor am xorry but ur stupid.
Tamandan ??? ok thank you
Chisoni chimandigwira ndikawona macomment opusa ngati akowa trevor
satana ali otsatira ake oti azakapse nawo,sizodabwisa paguru la anthu abwinobwino kupeza garu wina akupanga zosephana ndi amzake.pamalo sipalephera kukhala asatana oyikira kumbuyo mchitidwe oyikana kumbuyo ati chifukwa chandarama .gahena ikuwakodora.anthu inu mwayenera kukhwimila azimanu chifukwa chofuna ndarama.
Udzafa imfa yowawa trevor
You are more than idiot Trevor.
A Trevor pepani koma ndiloleni ndikuphuzuleni pang’ono…. panya panu wawa, nzeru mulibe
Mulungu sanalakwitse kulenga mamuna ndi nkazi.the devil is using some of you kti muziti being gay or lesbian is one’s choice.tisapusisanepo apa ndi ziwanda zimapangisa!and we cnt watch zinthu zopusa ngat zimenezo kumachitika in our country.peter yo ndi ma gay akewo atengane akakhale ku america kwaoko.ma donors wo azikapezela konko poti iwo akufuna chuma.ife tikhala ndi umphawi wathuwo tizibeleka ana nakwatilana natibelekelana ana..hahahaha koma ma gay ndi agalu ndithu.bolaso galu koma kaya ndinu chinyama chanj.muzisankhile nokha..
Trevor panyini pawo amako amene anakubala iwewo chifukwa analolera kusunga mimba yako nine months kuti ubadwe uzizawatukwana bambo ako poyera chonchi. Machende awo bambo ako posazindikira kuti ukala umene anathira ku nyini kwa amako uzabereka namapwala opanda nzeru ngati iwe, galu mphawi wa mu ubongo iwe mxeeew!!!!!!
Nigga…you can swear at me from morning to evening..it doesn’t even hurt me….and you have no point…you are a moron….Ungotukwana apa yet you claim kuti malawi is a God fearing country….God fearing country my ass…..ufiti uli tho..kutukwana kuli thoo…kuba..katangale….mxm….??
mlekeni munthu akunena maganizo ake isaaa
Agalu amenewa aphedwe kumene,mukam’manga mtchonayo(Msonda)muzanditengenso ine kuno.
Kod Nkhan Zimenezi Zikupweteketsa Mtima Bwanji? Chikhala Amayankhula Poyera A Human Rightswo Tikadapha Ndi Miyala Coz They Are Worse Than Dogs
Galu ndi wanzeru kuposa munthu shame!!
Kkkk! Dkran Amuwne Malaw Waxopano Akuduxaxo mu Street
Ansonda Musanjenjemere God Will Protect U Coz What U R Fighting For Is Gud Wth God U Hate Devil Keep It Up Mr Nsonda God Wil Fight For U & We Wil Pray 4u
Anthu ena munabadwa a boza
Mutimangedi tonse kuti ma gay inuwo asangalale…mukuvomereza tchimo mudzikoli bwanji..peter muntharika be tough like ur brother..musatichosele ulemu
Ulemu? You are prepared to take away another persons life just because an age old book says so. Do you know that god is a hypocrite? Think for yourselves for once. Thats whats wrong with people like you. You follow like headless sheep and don’t think for yourselves
God shd forgive u for u know not how sweet it is to trust n obey him!
Kodi nkhaniyi mukuimva mukuthamanga? Bungwe ndilomwe likumusumira msonda not boma
The problem is that LONJEZO DOES NOT KNOW THAT HE DOESN’T KNOW. without the ALMIGHTY GOD u r nothing my friend. mark my words
lonjezo kodi iweso nd wamathanyurà et!!!!!’ndiwe opusa adha!!!!@
#Lonjezo, ndiwe munthu opanda nzeru ndipo Mulungu akulange m’mau ako wayakhulawo, ndiwe munthu omvetsa chisoni
#lonjezo iwe ndi chitsiru eti .kupusa!
Ndinayamba kaye ndaona profile pic yake ndisanapange comment,ndimaona ngat ndimunthu yemwe wangochepa nzeru,koma ai ndithu he z not a human being
Koma zolengedwa zinaz kumvetsa chisoni,ndimat ndikaganiza zachilango chomwe chalonjezedwa pamachimo athu ndimalira ndimantha ,kut bola kapena ndikanafa ndili mwana ndisanachimwe,wina mpamene akumunyoza.
Ur only body in prison not your spirit u are happy mr msonda
tilowa nazo mstreet our laws has no room fo thoz demons way our religion nd cuiture so pitala usamale
Pafunika anthu apange zionetselo kuti asamangidwe munthuyu .
josee sukunamaad
Kwacha!! Ndithawi yolowa street kumancha basi
eeetu pitala zake izo nd xul yakee let malaw be malaw makolo amavutka instead yoona inlaw nd azukulu bax ndapeza mwamuna mnzanga tiona makapenu
Kwacha!! Ndithawi yolowa street kumancha basi
Shupit only God Jehovah knows how Nsonda will b protected. These fucken NGOz are making Malawi a country of no meaning
kuwasiya ma cashgaterz kukamanga wosalakwa dont wory nsonda judge wamkulu ndimulungu
Zomwez! Mukukanika kunjatana nokhanokha akuba. MBAVA!
kuwasiya ma cashgaterz kukamanga wosalakwa dont wory nsonda judge wamkulu ndimulungu
Amen! Thats Gud Point ?
Ee Kma Awotwnjeza Tmatche Bax
Mukamuponye mundende chifukwa mukubakira usatana, ana azinkhanira inu
Mungomanga tonsefe kuti ma gay akhale pa ufulu
Zowonad Atimange Coz We Cant Alow Devil
Nkhan yake yomwey?Nanenso adzanditenge,andimange life imprison.Shut up!
Not all that good