An open letter to Malawian youth

youths malawi

It has to be a question every youth in Malawi need to ask themselves; “Where is our country going?”

In beginning to think deep and deeper over this question, we’ll begin to realise that throughout the years this country has been independent more especially during multiparty democracy, the youths have been sidelined and have been treated like second class citizens.

The problem is most of us youths have chosen to be oblivious to the struggle we are up against and we have accepted it as part of life but in reality, this is not the way it’s supposed to be.

Our leaders have been leading this nation with a foggy vision driven by their own greedy and selfish desires that have put this nation on a reverse gear.

youths malawi
Message to the youth. (File)

To me it has always looked like these leaders (Presidents, MPs, Ministers) do not consider youth in whatever plans and decisions they come up with for this country yet all the mistakes and consequences of those corrupt plans and decisions will fall on our shoulders.

I haven’t written this to give examples because it will become a book, but I am just trying to let your mind open and organize a psychological war; a battle for the minds.

How can youths contribute to the development of a country while they haven’t been equipped?

What has the government done to trim down unemployment rate and inflation? What has it done to end these continuous blackouts and water problems?

What’s there for the youth who did not make it to public colleges and can’t afford to go to a private institution?

Whole bunch of questions but one common answer in capital letters “NOTHING”.

Do you realize that these problems will haunt us and our children down if there will be no drastic solutions anytime soon?

Just food for thought: Why is maximum retirement age as high as 70 years while some youth is holding a fresh diploma/degree at home and can’t get a job?

How can unemployment rate get trimmed down with these laws in place and with no new companies coming in?

How many of us have fallen victim to this? Imagine what difference it could’ve brought if the maximum retirement age was reduced to 55 so that new blood can find workspaces?

Additionally, this country has a tough atmosphere for young entrepreneurs to excel because there’s no financial backing, training and motivation for them. What happened to youth grants? Maybe you know the answer.

Now that you understand what you’re up against, it’s up to you to rise up and take action that might bring transformation for good or you can choose to sit right there like you don’t feel pain and you don’t want change and get to witness your children going through the worst hardships than what the youth of this generation are going through.


DISCLAIMER: *Views are those of the author and NOT Malawi24.

  • Frank Soko is an Entrepreneur (Financial & Tax Consultant) and a young political analyst.