Traditional leaders in the country have expressed concern over the low number of subsidized farm inputs that are being distributed in parts of the country by the Malawi government.
Group Village Headman (GVH) Nzeru from Blantyre made the complaint after his subjects received 300 bags of subsidy fertilizer to cater for 5,000 households.
Speaking to the local media, GVH Nzeru said that even though this is the rainy season, the government has not yet provided the remaining inputs to the residents.
He added that he is falling to answer some of the questions that his subjects are asking regarding the Farm Input Subsidy Program (Fisp).

He further revealed that chiefs from other areas in the district are also complaining over the same issue. Commenting on the issue, one of the beneficiaries, Mary Phiri, described the Fisp inputs as inadequate saying they will not be enough for her land.
She explained that other people in the community have lost hope as they were told to wait for 10 days for another consignment of the inputs.
According to our findings, some parts of the country are also falling to access the subsidized items while in some parts where the inputs are available, they are being sold at a higher price than the government set price.
Malawi24 has also learnt that the program has left out a lot of needy people in the country.
More help is needed
Mafumu chifukwa akupereka maina ochepa ife bomali likutithandiza kudzolowera zolandira mwalemba m’madz Bwamtatsa wawerenga.
Mafumu osazixata awa, saziwa kuti boma ndiiwowoo.
Zitsilu za anthu nde izi
amalawi too much dependency.mene inayambira fisp ndani wapindula nayo?mumawalekanso dala ogulisa ku admarc kumakugulisani modula osawaneneza then mkumati boma silikuthandiza,mbuzi zawanthu,bomalo lizipanga zilizonse inu muli phe mitu yanu mufa chaka chino ndi over dependency yanuyo sheet!!!
Cry loud kumene chief mpaka mutuluka misozi kkkk osangomuloza bwanji pitala akumvesa kupweteka ndima chief omwe kulila kkk ayayaya
Ndilimenero boma la pulofesa wanu,mukanyanyaso kukuwa akudulani makosi mukhaula,upulofesa walephera apa bola u mr mwina!
Chiefs also doesn’t help citizens
Unoffically results
I wish i could born in 1 of royal families of these traditional leaders.in order kudyera boma lirilonse likulamula.apa vyamusuzgani.kudanda cha muzamukulya pa campaign
Vimakuponi vimalirethu.instead reduce de tax 4 public cervants.
Tell peter
Mmm! Lets help them.
Zatan lero?
Don’t despise the chiefs. Their words represent majority of malawians at grassroot, u will need them sometime in future. A piece of advice to chiefs, take care, some of u are politicians hiding in chiefdom u take sides too much in politics forgetting that gvt comes and goes out with time but ur chiefdom will still exist despite change of gvt.
Sakuthandizad mpaka unifolomu kkkkk
very true i also concerned with it
azkuta nkukuu nd mbuuz
Just imagin here @ nambuma 1 bag of subsidy fertilizer is purchased @ mk6500.00 this world men
Thes pple hv failed.we shud force them out of govt.Lead us CSOs
Ntchito ya anthu amikanjowa ine sindikuyidziwa
Mukulila ndinu mumalo molila anthu wogwila mboma mpaka pano sanalandile ma leave grant awo, inuso ndinu ayani?
Mafumuso ndiamene mumachulutsa chinyengo pogawa makuponi ndiye pano musadandaule kuti boma silikukuganizirani
Ka president aka kokha ,ndikamisala .if I had a toy gun I would dodge him.
Any way timakolola zomwe tinafesa…
Why are cryng today weren’t u who made campaign to people that they have to vote for him?
Munthawi ya kamuzu kunalibe subsidy koma zokolola zinaliko mbwerekete, taliuzeni bomalo kuti athetse subsidy wawoyu nkutsitsa mtengo wa fertiliser, subsiday ameneyu sakuputundila wosaukayo
Olo atati atsitse anthu ena sangathebe kuguka ngati akulephera pano
Munthawi ija zinaliko bwino n ndima ADD, EPA aja adatsekedwa aja, chosecho minister wa Agriculture alipo, sindikutanthauza kuti atsitse ngati nthawi ya kamuzu but ayese ija amati unversal subsidy, nanga thumba la fertiliser mpaka 19grand plus…kukama mkaka yowonda.
Chomwe Tingadziwe Amalawi Ndi Choti Yehova Akupangitsa Kuti Anthu Azisankha Mosayenera Cholinga Choti Kulira Kumveke Dziko Lonse.Ndikadakonda Ndikadakumana Ndipresident Ophunzirau Ndimufunse Ngati Ndi Zowona Kuti Iwowo Amadziwa Zoti Alipo Anthu Osauka Kwambiri Mdziko Muno.Kulimba Mtima Kwa Prezident Ndi Nduna Zake Aliyense Akuwona Ndipo Zikudandaula Mafumuwa Nzochepa Chabe Kuyelekeza Ndi Amai Ena Amasiye Komanso Okalamba.Subsidy Izatha Ufumunso Uzatha Chifukwa Mtsogoleri Azakhala Mmodzi Basi
Live man
Galu mmamudziwa ? Kkkkk asiyeni asova okha!
Kodi what were people doing before subsidy and stuff, it seems over dependency on this is causing problems
They must cry loud and loud coz too much corruption these chiefs. Nkhuku ndi mbuzi zathu zatha mmakomomu.
poor chiefs, things r hard these days, next year will be dry, not even a single bag for free, jst appriciate wat u have
FISP ingotha chifukwa sizikupindulira aphawi ayi koma olemera kale.
I really don’t understand Chiefs, they are like prostitutes who sleep around wth different kinds of men,,,,,
Kkkkkk tidzakufunaniso nthawi yama vote pakalipano aaaaaa balilani inu munasankha moyenelera ndithu
kkkkkkkkkkkkk..nthaaw yamavoti amalemela mafumuwa.phakakakakaka
Amati pulofesala ndimunthu ohunira nanga lero mukutinso chani?
Sometimes I don’t understand, opposition is saying subsidy must stop, the money wastage as reason these selfish politicians are giving, now see these chiefs are busy saying government is not helping because they have give a small number of beneficiaries,
Simunati kulira ndi mikanjo yanu yaikuluyo mumwapwetekesa anthu ndi inuyo zipumi zanu iyaaa ur a pusi
Yaaah asakuthandizeni kukamina zikulira mokweza zeni-zeni osatimbwelera mukulankhula apazi mutiuza athamange,kumchosa kuti ma passport,licence, ndi umoyo wanthu usike mtengo.mumuyezenso NDA ngati ali mbale wake wa malemu.
kodi ma khrismas pack aja ndi ten thousand each TA.
Saziwa zimene akuchita awa
i think njira ya boo, kuti boma lithane ndi kukangana ndi mafumu n’nkuthesa ma ufumu onse,kusakhalenso mafumu, Emwe atakakamile Asova yekha
Mesa inuyo ndi amene mumati yemweyo yemweyo ? Mwalira mokweza lero .
mesa mumakhala mukuwapopa apresident anuwa mumisonkhano m’menemu