Malawi Police in Phalombe district have finally managed to arrest a suspect who had been on the run over the hacking of a 17 year-old boy with albinism on November 29, 2015.
Phalombe Police Station public relations officer, Sub-Inspector Augustus Nkhwazi, confirmed the arrest of Lawo Sambani, 29, and said he was rounded up in Rumphi where he was hiding.
“Lawo Sambani who is believed to be the mastermind of the plot behind the hacking fled after the failed attempt to kill the victim. He was arrested by police in Rumphi where he was hiding,” he said.
According to Nkhwazi, this brings the number of those arrested to four after the arrest of other three suspects on the same case who are remanded at Mulanje prison pending investigations.
Lawo Sambani hails from Mkhawa village, Traditional Authority Jenala in Phalombe district.
The four will appear before court soon to answer charges of conspiracy to commit a felony and Attempted Murder contrary to sections 227 and 223 of the penal code respectively.
Tikupempha kt boma likakamilepo mwina mchitidwe umenewo mwina uthe
Sharia law igwile ntchito
muone nawo chochita koma asatuluke iyeyoso ndi munthu ngati momwe aliri iyemo anthu amenewa mukawagwira mumawafusa komwe amapita nawo nanga amakawapanga nawo chani kapena mumangolandira ziphuphu bansi muziganiza aliwanu mwanayo kapena ndi wawapolice mwanayo mungatani mungarandire chiphuphu thandizani m’Malawi wina aliyese musamakondere ndi ntchito yanu kuteteza miyoyo yathu
Sibwino choncho go and bussnes man
Lets jst pray so hard,dificult 4 us 2 just & i cn c th@ takng him 2 jail its easy as we cn compare it 2 an xchang 2 the late’s lyf.its unfortunate!
Kuphedwa pamaso pa anthu ndilango chabwino kwa iyeyo
No More Further Investigation,mfinyeni .Life Imprisonment With Hardest Magobo
Anthu ngati amenewa amafunika kungopha ndi boomba basi.
Dearth sentence only fits that human lion,chitsiru cha munthu
Just kill him
Bola tinsamve zoti wathawa. Wachikulile atalandilapo kangachepe .
A2luka bola kash
Adulidwe mutu…chisiru chamun2…
Habiba Osman
shame, deal wth him
Pliz akhoti muzipeleka chilango chokwima kwa anthu oterewa,musamalandile ziphuphu pa zinthu ngati izi coz u cant buy lyf
mponyeni mu shire akacheze ndi ng’ona.
Apolic mtana nao awa amene akupa adzao
Zabwino zose
Sono za Njauju ndi Chasowa zikukanika pati?? Khoswe wakhala pa nkhate?? {Rat sitting on a pot}.
Akafere komko mbuzi yamunthu imeneyi mfiti yosamva chisoni
Umboni wokwana ulipo ameneyi ngakhale bail asapite akadya shower.
Na apa pokha musadyepo amzathu achitetezo instead deal with him professionally.kufinya kopanda nako chisoni kuja cos mzathuyi amapita ndithuuuuuu.police mphamvu chonde mwina amzake angawone Poole.
Zachamba zmenezo
Mkungova tanzania amapha albino nanuso mkungotengera duu…….siyen zafodya zmenezo, EBK Frm Dar in tz
This inhuman idiot must die in there
Lol amenewa ma dik?
Mupite Naye Komwe Amafuna Kuti Akagulitseko Kut Tidziwe Yemwe Amapanga Izi Ndi Zomwe Amapanga Ndi Albinowa Then After Kumfiya
God have mercy on us, are people really that heartless? apart from being an albino , they should live their lives in fear not knowing who might wanna hurt them? thats bad n sad at the same time.
nayenso mupheni tione ngati sathawa
Thats very bad
Stupid, idiot,fool bastad. Lyf in prison galu ameneyu
Ndipo asatulukeko kujailko hhhm shame on him
Put in przon
Kudos to the police.
Stupid Idioot Foool!!!
kkkkkk mpaka monster
Let him rot in jail
Chilango chomwe alandire chaziiiii
apangidwe zoti ena atengerepo phunziro
Put him in jail ad ask him more he’ll tell you more idiot
Amalawi umphawi uwu titamba nawo sureeeee,,.☹☹