The Malawi Government through the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA) has denied reports that it is forcing Malawians who are being kept at Lindera camp in South Africa to make their own travel arrangements.
Some Malawian citizens have been detained at Lindera camp because they don’t have required documents to stay in South Africa and they have been pleading with government to quicken travel arrangements as they are going through hardships such as staying for days without proper food.

However, reports say that over 130 Malawians hired two buses from South Africa on their own and they have arrived home. But communications officer for DoDMA, Jeremiah Mphande, said that government did not force the 130 Malawians to travel home on their own but it was their choice.
Mphande said the department in collaboration with the ministry of home affairs has discussed with the South African government on the travel arrangements.
He said: “Those people did not have required documents to stay in South Africa and they were detained and they had to be deported. They were given two options, to wait for South Africa to arrange transport or make their own arrangements.”
Mmmmmmm amalawi nsanje kaduka uzafa chomcho
what nonsense r some of u guys comenting huh?if yo poor govt is not employing these guys, where do u think they r going 2 find work? let dem do what is better 4 them.
Eish guyz no comment in ndikazabwela ndizizaba nd mfuti@ ndizayamba kwanuko ukuyankhula zopusawe
If were the europeans or Americans….even any other countries in africa in a situation like this, having its citizens in mint conditions in another country, believe you me “anakawatengako in no time” . Ku Malawi kuno Msanje ndi Ufiti plus kupepera ndi kusowa umunthu timakamba zimbirimbiri. Maiko amavuta for loosing 1 of its citizens nde bwanj those numerous guys out there who need our help as a country, family and friends!!!!! Koma anakati a certain Malawian has bought 500 buses for business in Malawi and needs help from well wishers including government on extra tax money for border pass, pamenepo chithandizo cha akazizi ena ake ambirimbiri chinakabwera!!! CHIKONDI MULIBE AFISI INU….KUKONDA PA MTENDERE POKHA ZOPUSA!!!!!!! Malawi will take centuries to advance in all fields should this culture continues to live. I raise My case and Insults from Uncivilised Mad people are welcome.
If were the europeans or Americans….even any other countries in africa in a situation like this, having its citizens in mint conditions in another country, believe you me “anakawatengako in no time” . Ku Malawi kuno Msanje ndi Ufiti plus kupepera ndi kusowa umunthu timakamba zimbirimbiri. Maiko amavuta for loosing 1 of its citizens nde bwanj those numerous guys out there who need our help as a country, family and friends!!!!! Koma anakati a certain Malawian has bought 500 buses for business in Malawi and needs help from well wishers including government on extra tax money for border pass, pamenepo chithandizo cha akazizi ena ake ambirimbiri chinakabwera!!! CHIKONDI MULIBE AFISI INU….KUKONDA PA MTENDERE POKHA ZOPUSA!!!!!!! Malawi will take centuries to advance in all fields should this culture continues to live. I raise My case and Insults from Uncivilised Mad people are welcome.
ma comments enawa manyaka. ….A Malawi alipo 3.5million dziko la south Africa amalawi amenewa akuthandiza makolo mabanja awo kumasangalara + amatukula malawi kumanga manyumba awo ndima business. …mukulalata inu kodi onsewa atati abwele pakamodzi makolo ndimabanja awo muxathandza ….malawi akukanika kusamala inu nokha ndechiwelengero chikwele mukhala kathu inu mciewwww zikaamvuta boma lizithandazipo basi athuwo akusaka tendele
Abale tiyeni tiziganizilan lindela si nyumba zoti anthu azikhalako boma ligwilepo ntchito basi
Bring back pioneer kuti izathandize ulimi ukalipentala muzaona zinthu zikuyenda
This happens becouse of this two pigs from Goliat thyolo bakili kunalibe zimenezi ayi koma anamachende awiriwa aaaaaa awonetsa malawi kutidi ndife agalu ndithu ndiye mukamakamba zanuzo ine ayi ndikamachoka kuno ndiwautali ku japan
Bro! Amene akuti nzake ndi Mbuzi ndiye kuti naye ndi big Mbuzi…JAPAN yake iti anthu akuyendatu maiko otsalengezetsa…mwina ndikuuze maiko ndayenda? Cool down izi ndi nkhani za ndale,panali anthu odziwa kuyakhula a Ralph,KEN mnsonda ali kuti,just say sidziyenda bwino and doing your business otherwise ili ndi Boma.
aaaaa iwe galu eti mukulephera kulemba apa ndiye munayenda kupita kuti
Anthu mudapeza mwai wa tchito ku malawiko musamalankhule zopusa azanu tazungulira malawi yose kufufuza ganyu koma osaipeza, timaganyu tikupeza kon’kuno jon masavutikira. kapena inuyo mumasangalala anthu ena kuti adzivutika kumalawi. nonse munyoza jon ndinu dzitsiru simukudzi kuti malawi ikusintha chifukwa cha ma Rand aife. naweso ambessarder wa malawi kuno ku RSA tchito yako ndi chiyani kuno ur very extupit.
U can talk nonsense bcoz u r part of those who r in that shit goverment that doesn’t care of hiz pipo, pipo r dieying in lindera but our ambessander iz not doing anything, if all malawians who r in sa come back their wat will they do for aliving apart from farming or being apuppet of the rulling party
iiiiiii koma
Eeeee !! We should not say dat amalawi samanva , jst imagine u hav yo msce & gud points nde ukat upite ukafunsire ntchito akut pano padzadza koma kut uone ali pamenepo ndi nkhalamba zokhazokha , so ther iz no need 4 us 2 blame our pipo bt govt.
Govt must take full responsibility of these detainees.Unless govt does something for us young pple,tidzasiya kubwera kuno.boma lichitepo kanthu, inenso ndili konkuno, mwina cops mmawa izanditola, osamayankhula ngati sukuidziwa economy ya malawi.kuli namtindi wa amalawi kuno omwe akusakasa makobidi.
Ku jon anthu sadzasya kpta coz kumalaw ogwra ntchto akufanana nd osagwra ntchto ena akudalra ulmi ko ma szkyendabe kulma nd kopweteka komanso klbe pension kujon tpta kaya akatmenya zkaoneka konko osaopa pal chabwno pal zokhoma.
Guyz enawa musamadabwe nawo ndi kagulu kaja koti kwawo ndi kwa tea koma m chere wake makolo awo amkapha anthu nthawi ijayi nde DNA yakeyo idakayendabe ndi ana awowa olo muwaone nkhopezo,nanga muthu unganene kuti ”angowapha”?
andale Okha akumva kukoma pa malawi pano ndie cholekela ndichiyani kukavtika pa jon ameneo akusakasaka poziwa kt malawi wanunkha uyu kkk
kuno ntchito kulibe ndie mumati anthuwo kuno azichita chiyani kumeneko kuyesera mwai basi ngati inuyo mukuba ndalama zanu boma osamayankhula mwausiru inuyo simukuziwa kt malawi waola uyu omva koma pa malawi pano ndi abale bas tonse tikuona simbi
بعد إذن آدمن الجروب تحيه شكر وتقدير. الساده أعضاء الجروب. يسرنا ان نقدم عرض من اقوى عروض عام ٢٠١٥_٢٠١٦. : تشطيبات ديكورات شقه العمر على اد الايد. احدث التصميمات تنفيذ بمهاره تشطيبات من عالطوب للمفتاح كافه اعمال. العماره. السباكه -والكهرباء- والجبسمبورد- وألنجاره- والسيراميك- والالوميتال- وكافه اعمال الديكور- جبس ونقاشه واستر وخلافه- اعمال سابقه مشرفه بخبره عشرون عام فى مجال التشطيبات. ولان ده شغلنا اكتسبنا النجاح فاهدينا التميز. يمكن فيه غيرنا كتير بس مش زينا. سعيد احمد سليمان. ثقه. امان. زوق رفيع ولله الحمد 01222399546. 01094884180 سيدى بشر اول الدولى خلف رويالتي. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1559753007599035. https://m.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1432283067047041. الاسكندريه https://m.facebook.com/ https://plus.google.com/collection/0_BHp profile.php?id=1615327922078708
Pple do travell for a better life.All over the world,pple have just mingled up looking for dollar,rand,pound,euro,yen pula, kwacha,shilling……ect.Don’t tell pple ‘fokolo’ you leaders.DPP,pls remove those ammendements that pple should be showing R3000 at Beit Bridge border post,coz u r just adding an insult to injury.
Koma atamva kuti anthu aja ayamba kuphedwa ndie zokwera pompo kupezeka boma la Malawitu paja limathandiza zinthu zikafika povuta
E osavuta boma kuti likukonzeleni mayendedwe ndimisokho yathu yofunika kuthandize ife osati inu.
Ifetu tikulimbira komwe kuno and kwathuko takhalako ntchito osapeza koma kuno, moyo wanga unasintha and I don’t regret kuti kwathuko ndinachokeranji, pofera salambula kaya kufera kujoni kuno kaya kumalawiko, ndiwebe mtembo basi kkkkk.
Awa asapatse boma mlandu ngati popita anatenga ndrama zaboma, anaziyamba okha azimalize okha, ndlama ngati boma alinazo ndibwino kuwapatsa mabenda achite chitukuko kumalawiko, awasiye.
Immigration will never stop.Dr kamuzu Banda once worked in SouthAfrican mines,Mutalika has spent alot of time in America,Obama is from Kenya. We keep moving.
Mmmmm za ziiii, abwereko okha.
ihate dpp fact! kwa ose amene akulowa mu sa Palibe amene amafusidwa kuonetsa ndalama pa beit brge zambia. Mozambique ndi Zimbabwe samafusidwa olo ku saina ma form bt amalawi cause of dis stupid dpp timapanga fill ma frm nd kuonetsa 3000rand mxiew! rememba u will not b in government fo eva
Ndinakhala chete kufuna kumva manganizo anu, funso kodi anthu omwe amapita ku jon ndi kubwerako salipira misonkho? Nanga ndalama zanu zamisonkho imene mukunenazo ndiye iti? Mudziganiza muli inuyo, m’bale wanu, kapena mwana wanu, munganve bwanji? Osamaganiza ndi kuyankhula mwachibwana. BOMA LIYENELA LICHITEPO KANTHU MWANSANGA, ANTHU AKUMVUTIKA. zikakhala zandale pambuyo.
U have a point there, we pay tax and mind u hater without joloza guyz malawi’s economy would have collapsed longtime ago even before 1975. Kamuzu was a genius to make ties with apartheid sa gvt to grow our young economy by sending labour to them. Kunali theba sizinayambile pano izi. Lets respect those who tried their lucky.
Anthu awa akuojeza awasiye bas
Mmmmm so sad,i always say the best option to deal with aproblem is to find what causes it,mukaona anthu omwe amapita kunja amathawa umphawi,ulova,kuMalawi ntchito ndizochepa,zikapezeka amamlemba pamtundu pawo tsopano mmati anthu tizitani,the fact is noone wishes to die poor,i think its time we find asolution to this by not victimising pple who r already victims,i rest my case.
kodi mukutiatenge musokhowandani wolipilira anthuwo?mlw& S/A were creted byGod@de sem tym der4 let us wek had to develop mlw, going 2 S/A isnt asolution liv south africa4south african pliz.
People r working in organisations without resources y wasting money 4pipo who dont love themselves? We need mankhwala in hospitals not pipo who want 2milk our tax paid moneys jst 2constantly bring them home
I m objecting ur statement Sella Malichi not all are not educated. U must come here ur self and see.some Pmf members are here working as security guards because of selfishness of our government officials.
jon ndi jon basi kusataaa!
I support Mike MC Chinula for his statement.Nepotism is big problem in my country.even I myself I have good points on my msce bt am a gardener here in South Africa.
Gvnt of mlw dsnt do gud enough for ther ppl
They people operating legally dare sagwidwa…. They ar alot of malawian dare wit alot of trash….even here in MW government is cleaning the towns By take out those that are not productive anthu ongoyendayenda so wahat more dziko la eni….? Some of those people ar nt gud to kip dare hence lindera 4 u
Kodi kumalawi kuno kulibe dipote?anthu amaiko ena angozungulira matown bwanji osawangira
ndi losauka. dziko. lamalawi
Inu Boma Linathandiz Chani,kusayendaku Ndi Mavuto Aakulu Eti? Nangat Uli Pabwn Tangoyamika Mulungu.
We have no medicine and food in the hospitals.
Anmzanu akuvutika inu ndiye muzikomenta zausiru apa, Zakuti zanu mpaka pa 1 january
Kodi boma lilemba bwanj ntchito anthu osaphunzira, kukakhala kuno ku mangochikuno nde ndi chisimo chopita ku jon .week iliyonse anthu amanyamuka wakujon, school amati ilibe ntchito bola akasose mbiya kujoni coz kujon samafunsa za xool.nde anthu ake ndi omwewa akuvutika kumenekowo
Migration is all over the world, you will be surprised to hear that even south Africans are migrating to different parts of the country, its a thing which started years back and it won’t stop today coz of this setback, anthu are migrating because of different reasons and if you look around right here in Malawi we have people from other countries who are here because of their personal reasons, now do you tell me anthu amenewa ali mu Malawi muno onsewa from other countries ndiosaphunzira? Not everyone goes there to work but end of the day he also has to survive
Kodi deportation ndi disaste
r? Enawo angodandauka chabe. kundendeko akuti akudya bwinonso kuposa mmene amakhalira mmakwwlala. Adikilire home affairs basi.
akulipiladi ma basi pano mijomba yonseeee inalowanso
If someone is managing to raise about K100000 for transport to southafrica why not investing that amount and see if it can work in Malawi.Many Malawians go to SouthAfrica in the name of porverty but at the core ground they dont ent it.There is no life in diaspora believe it or not.Am not blaming the government on this
ndi nyanga zakozo uwona yemwe uzimukawa. iwe 100000 MW ukawe pompo isalapo?
ndi nyanga zakozo uwona yemwe uzimukawa. iwe 100000 MW ukawe pompo isalapo?
Iam sorry Shadreck am not that stupid person who quarrel with backward thinking people iwas just trying to give my view on the topic.If you feel like exchanging words with people find others not me.Mind you no matter the economy of Malawi iwill never eat grass as far as there is God.
xool kumaliza 2009 kuti tipeze vep kuvuta bola komkuno we r surviving kutigwira tibweranso
Kkkkkk koma tikabwera ndikatundu kutidula msokho mumati timangotora zachamba basi apangireni mayendedwe abalewo
Mmmm kumalawikonso mesa ndikulindera komwe
Me so khudzidi
,Billy Tambala muuze kt msunu wanyoko
Join them long walk
enanu mukuti angopha! anthu amalawi akulindela,soka ndiwe ulinalo mwina ayembe kuphedwa ndimbale wako komwe ali,mulungu ndiyankho lazonse.
I hate the sentence “boma linaononga ndalama zambiri” anangowabweretsa anthu osawapatsa chochita. Yendani mzavomereza kuti atsogolire athu amatikholera kwambiri!….na ntchito ndagoma, kuti ukaipeze pakhale chinyengo koma ku Joni amangolembe popanda corruption & they pay much money. Koma ifeyo ma leaders athu unkumangotidyera ndalama (cash gate)……75% are getting rich because of South Africa….
enanu simukuziwa makukomenta,omwe amapita kujoni amakana kuba,kodi wosewa kuti azingokhala mungakhale ndi mtendele akayamba kukubelani.Boma lipeze njila yoti anthu azipeza ntchito.enanu omwe mukunyoza khalani kutali nditsoka,ntchito yaboma kuthandiza anthu ake.
Leave us to do what we want to do. The government have to do nothing about this. S .A must send them.
Ngatindalama ziripokuboma lionjezere ku #FISP kuti akadzabwera adzapeze chakudya chifukwatu Eeeee bomali 10/100= #Zavuta
So take care with ur silly comments uziganiza atakhala azibale ako how u can fill? Mbuzi
Wachimina Oyende Wapasi Odzafika Kwanu Sikutalika.
osamati boma linaononga ndalama,,, koma muziti linagwilitsa tchito chifukwa choti amenewotu ndi amalawi ndipo ndalamazo ndi misonkho ya amalawinso ndiye boma silinaononge koma linagwilitsa.
Guys to say the fact lindela is not a right place to stay too long u just talk ur nosense coz u never been that place ukawona chabe kuchuluka kwa anthu ena amayamba misala iam not joking I know the place boma lichitepo kanthu posatengera kuti linawononga ndalama m’buyomu
I know that those people who are making bad comments are those savages ……..that have no ambitions in their lives ……..Muzitaya nthawi ndi ndikumanyoza fand ya Theba pamenenso inu kumeneko muli mundende ya umphawi !!!
Nangano Amphawi Okhaokha Amapephana Tisiyenituife Amphawi Komaoyendamwaufulu Bomaliyang’anezinanso
Zako zimenezo ……..Ine pano ndiye ndiku3la nyatwa end panonso ndili kuvepi……..manzulo uno ndikaphe madzi !!!!!!!!!!
Mwayi Poti Ku Malawi Kuno Amadziwa Kuononga Ndalama Pa Zinthu Zopanda Mwina Aziononga Zina Tikuva Koma Akadakhala Ena Akadandila Kaye Chilango Kenako Nkuwapezera Minda Kukathila Kuminda Wazikalima, Ophuzile Kulima Sizo Mangovutika Kwa Eni.
There is a big problem in Malawi! a anthu amakonderana kwambiri, munthu ali ndi certificate & ma points abwino koma osamlemba ntchito ndikumalemba mbuli poti pali ulembale….nde osanena kuti boma linawaongera ndalama dats no sense! the government must provide educated people with jobs
I have been here in R.S.A, Cape Town and working for 5years they never ask me for my Certificate and that not even at. once and am paying R1266.90/week for a month how much?, In Malawi you go for an Interview and do it for someone else to get that Job though he didn’t do an Interview so compare that life and why should I panic for coming home and be Jobless?
dats really true! in our country, if you don’t have a relative who is some how rich, it’s much harder to be employed!!!
Guyz osatha mawu kuyenda nkuvina koma kumalawiko nkovuta kubwera just imagine pa week nkupanga 40 000 mw kwacha kumalawi zingatheke
Very Sad News
Don’t talk shit/masipa/kaka Joni ndi deal man
why cant we do the same to ma burundi achuluka ma location wa, UK deported 500 nigerians now its our brothers n sisters detained, Amalawi ulemu too much
I Hv 5 Brother In RSA But Non Of Them Has Sent Me Anything.Komabe Nditumiza Sikidzi Ndi Apwayi Akuchiteni Zinthu Anthu Adyera Anu
Mbale waganiza bwanji?
Kkķkkkkkkkkkk iwe icant stop laughing,unaganiza bwanji pamenepa?
Iwe osabwera bwanji? Ufiti basi
Amene Mukupita Kujon Panopa Ndinu Anthu Opanda Chikondi.Zioneni Nokha Ifeso Kuno Tili Paululu Wa Cashgate
Just kill them! we`re sick and tired with their rigidness by the way the govt has a lot challenges to take care! shit
Ndakwiya nanu mukuyankhura mwaumve inu amlaaaa mumaganiza ndiopanda mzeru akupta kujon?? Ngat ambwiyanu adakupasani zochita mwaganiza anthu onse ali choncho kupusa!! Ndisamve mtuzu wakowo munthu opanda chifundo iwe
Zako izo usatinyase ulendo wakowo unali sponsered by govt? musova zitsiru inu!
my brother from another mother
Makape Amenewa Ulendounoasoveokhabasi, Ntchito Zilikujonikokhabasi? Bwanjiosapita Maikoena Ngatimulimadolooziwakusaka? Kuthawamilandukunobasi
iwe ndichitsiĺu iwe ndi makolo ako omwe sharp
First zenophodia boma linapanga transport kuti mubwereko.munabweleranso.second zenophodia anakakutenganinso,munabwerela pano mukuti mukuvutika ku lindera? Aaaaa munathawa kulima kuno minda ikungokhala.muyisova komko
those people pay their taxes in RSA so the government of RSA is supposed to do all the arrangements for the return of these people….kuno nafenso tili pa Moto Njala..kusowa kwa mankhwala komanso kupita pansi kwa chitetezo. I guess you new the consequences of the risks you were taking
lomwez,yao ,tumbuka, chewa stuck in lindera wina kumati dpp yomweyo ku lindira koma alomwe kkkk!
Man musalankhule choncho nd mavuto akuchtisa pa malawipa mwina sunakule udzaona kod ukuona ngat anthuo akufuna kut ztelo? mind ur language.
This south Africa they’re bad people so they think where they gonna get money for going har home those guys, jst realizes them out ?
Pano nde kunazaza2 from june till now esh mpanje mavutonso kuno same nowhere tu run ana amuna tili pamavuto kuposa hell
nothing to smile about it
Amalawi kusanva. Boma linayesetsa kuthandiza mpakana kuononga ndalama zambili mbili kukubweletsani kuno simunakhalitse munabwelelanso.then akugwilaninso mkumati boma litikonzele mayendedwe sory kunonso kuli mabvuto inu penzani njila yobwelela kuno.
The bigger picture here is about poverty and lucky of employments….most of malawians are not able to earn a living here so they decide to go in search for jobs out side…these people pay their taxes there and the government will spend alot of the tax payer’s money on people that are developing other countries
Boma lisachitepo kanthu iwo amapita kumeneko opanda zowayeneletsa dala, boma la SA layesa kuwapanga xeno koma sakumvabe
Masende ako galu iwe
On top of that In block letters NSUNU WAKO ……OZOFWA WENA !!!!!wanyela kakhulu !!!!
But being serious,our government is not doing enough,just imagin people are staying 1 yr @ Lindela and moreover when someone has been caught by police they are puting them in 1 cell with the iminate’s.now its also being said that if u don’t have R1500 u will save 10 months jail after that they will send u to lindela.we know that maybe our government is trying to punish us but in other ways they should also think deply what about if they were their relatives.we use to come here 4 better life,just imagin how many malawians are here,and if we can say all of us we are coming back, will the government be able to give us jobs?think twice,think wisely.concerned citizen.
Musova zitsiru inu! nkhutukumve za anthu ndiye mukuti mukuuza ndani? munapitako nokha kumeneko ndiye muonanso mayendedwe! shit
Chitsiru ndiwe munthu opanda nzeru ndiumunthu iwe,ukhalira zomwezo anzako akupita chitsogolo u hv to think be4 u open ur lobosi’s
Ndiye ukuliranji mukhaula alesi inu!
boma lisatengenso munthu kujoni, munapita nokha and mukuphwanya malamulo kwa eni u r criminals. Sizotinyansa nkumati boma silikuchitapo kanthu
ine nde ndili pheee pa capetown and mawa nkalandireso ma rand ena mukunyoza Joninu mukhala choncho shaaa
kkkk koma abale anthu inu. Mwangotengerana kumbali kaye
uzatilemba ntchito iwe?mukusimbwa poti mukusungidwa and mavuto sanakupezeni muzaziona Mulungu simunthu.
Bola Ndalamazo Agulire Mankhwala Mzipatala Amenewo Abakhala Kulinderako Chuma Chikazasefukila Akatengedwa Sizoti Sikumalozo Apa Iyaa
Munakaziwa kuti apples amene mukumugula MK250.00 uja kuno ndi 50cents……komanso mazira mmawasukira aja nkumaona ngati nyama kuno ali masamba sukadamalemba zopusazakozi….Nyani iwe ife kuno ndiye ndingopha bawa tuli pheeee!””
kkkkkk so people are in South Africa for food,better life and enjoyment??????kkkkkkk What if you can push life with hope and the help of God here in Malawi cant you find food,enjoyment and whatever is in South Africa?Believe it or not there will be no another Malawi.It is the responsibility of every Malawian to work hard and think of ways of progress coz you guys will be back whether you like it or not and if you dont think enough you will gnash your teeth !!!
Kakakaka ine ndili port elizabeth kaya uli joburgwe anthu amwano amadziwa jozi kikiki kuno kuli ma zim ma nigga ophunzila bwino and opandaso mavisa. Ine sindida nkhawa my God has no boundary. Finish and claaa
Iwe ndiyeso kayatu,ukundiuza kuti P E,ili ku UK?akati souuth-africa samatanthauza ma province.
kkkkkkkk tiyen tisaukirane obwera tokha tokha whether Joz,cptwn or PE tonse ndi ma khwirikhwiri
Kodi anthu amenewa siwomwewa Boma linawaonongera ndalama zankhaninkhani kuwabweretsa kumudzi ndipo iwo eni anachiona chanzeru ndikubwereranso ku Joni. Aka nkachitatu izi zikuchitika. Do we call this a disaster pamene izi akuchitira dala. Doesn’t the government have better priorities abale inu. Ili nthawi ya Kamuzu amenewa akadzafikira ku Maula to pay for cost of their behaviour.
You may never know what you are talking about. May the almighty forgive you.
This Man is really a fool he don’t know what is talking about!!!!
100% galu weniweni
Rodgers you have said the truth. Those opposing you are fools. We shouldnt be wasting money on these people. They do something against the law why treat them as greats, they put themselves in this
Ur a fool u dnt knw Wat Ur saying ru for real ru a Man?
Rodgers you have my support. We need money for medicine, maize etc. I can’t have my tax constantly paying for transportation of these unpatriotic citizens. You bring them here today, tomorrow they are back in RSA. MG, let them rot there.
Ngati mulinazo ndalama,yamikani Chauta. Kodi mumamva bwanji nzanu akamavutika ndi umphawi inu ndikumasekerera? Malawi odana ndi chitukuko uyu, wandigometsa zedi.
ey wena suka!!!! galu wamuthu do u think u can prosper without the foreign currency xachamba basi
nawenso #patrick pa mkholo wako do u know wat t means do have have a diploma without working
This guy haz all his senses working.
If you were born wit silver spoon thts Ur bsnss stop talking shit u fake ass bitchz u dnt even a hrt do you think anthu omwe amapita kugwidwa n cum bck thy r fools? Do you thnk amafuna? Munavutikapo inuyo? Osama yankhulan zopusa yet our fellow Malawians are passing thru hell umenewo ndi u chitsilu
Kwathu kuno mavuto anyanya so akaganizira xoolfeez zimawawa thats y amakasakila lyf kumenekoko so musamakambe zompusa apa jst coz zanu ziri bwino ndikumpusa kumenekoko
Ntchito zomweamakana kuno mzomwe amakagwira zopusa eti abwere illovo ikufuna anthu odula nzimbe kuno ulesi eti
Ukakhala pansana pa njobvu usamati kunja kulibe mame. Mukanakhala kuti mudavutikapo sibwezi mukulankhula zopusazi. Sindikukunyozani koma kukuunikilani chifukwa anthu amene ali kutuluka mdziko la malawi kukasaka mwai wa ntchito ku maiko akunja ndi ma million, kodi onsewo angakhale opanda nzeru kuposa inuyo? Kodi onsewo atabwera kumudzi mungalembe ntchito kuti adzipeza thandizo la mabanja awo? Ndi amalawi angati amene akusowa ntchito kuMalawi kupatulako amene adatulukawo? Muphunzire kulankhula mwa nzeru mbuzi za anthu
#Rodger dats sense ilike it my tax constantly used 2transport thoz fools RUBBISH!!!
Aaaaaah meaningless speach from the rotten broken mouth,though am here in R.S.A it doesn’t mean that am not one of the educated people brother but can’t get the access of employment coz in our family line I am only one who go far with it. Yes or no enanu muli pa ntchito with pslc n jc’s just bcoz of abale anu nde stop fussing with joz mongaz ,for sure we know wat we are doing right here n we will be remaining Malawians’ forever but living in southland
ur a fool ,wat do u earn per month ,ur talking like ur using ur poes.
Amwene akampira mwayankhula bwino kwambiri ndipo apa ndipomwe mwaonetsa kuti nzeru mulibe mwaichi ndingosiira poti pankongo pamanu ndiakazanu omwe mukakhala kumuziko mukasowa chochita tawaitaneni akazanu nkumawanyenga basi kenako inu tulo nkusiyana kuti muzilowa pa fb kumakamba zakumachende apa ayi
Che mvula illove yake iti mukunenayo inu osapita mukayambe bwanji mukuyenda tchende pantunda lero mwagula tecno phone mwayamba mwano apa eti
aise tilipo amalawi 3.5 million ku RSA kuno tonsefe tibwele malawi azakhala ngati chani. ….boma likukanika kukudyesani inu angokuphani kulera ndeifeso tibwele ….uxasamala banja langa iee
Nadalama zinthu talipira kale, all we needed is our relatives to get out of lindera! But government stop telling lies, bcoz some of us has th vivid proof of wht is happening at lindera, if u know nothing about it, ask ur officers who represent u here,thy are th ones who collect th cash.
Fans ya Jozi yatukula Malawi ndie enanu msamanyoze kwambiri
Poor Malawi
koma adikile budget yakujoniko akugwiritlranji anthu iwo akudxiwa kut alibe ndalama shame
Malawi amoto!
No thts. Not true mr sir, just last week I had to pay R2000 for my brother to get a chance to be registered for th ticket to take a bus to malawi! Government stop saying lies, we were told tht th govnmnt can’t afford to transport for th detainees, so everyone must organise R2000 for himself. And tht was very true ncoz only those tht gave th money are th ones who left last week! Alaaaaa
Zofuna! alesi inu mwatikwana mwamva?
good. Popita anatenga ndalama kuboma? Zitsiru zibwere kuno ndalama zavuta kale kuno asamatizunze ife
bola nthawi ya #Bakili anthu sankakhalisa ku Lindera koma pano mpakana chaka. Koma mukanadziwa mmene anthu akuvutila ku lindera, sibwenzi mukulola kuti azikhala mpakana chaka.
Muisova amalawi mumakhala ngat kumalawi konkuno kulibe ndalama
ndlama xake zili kumalawiko nde zit apa.? munthu wapepala lake kumalandila 40 grand pamwez yet dat money osaphunzira akuilandila pa wik. osamangonyoza zilizose kumalawi kuli worse. #ndanenandanena
Caroline sunakule uzaziona ukazakula
Ndiye zikathina osamasokosa anthu mwamva!
mavuto sathawika
Kusayendaso ndi matenda mukukula a calolin muziona
Mgcini Maseko
Anthu akuvutika ku Lindera maka aMalawi cz ndeambiri kuposa maiko ena.boma lathu mukanachitapo kanthu maka pamaendedwe
Amalawi kusava mosemuja anayambira kukugwirani .ayambe athandiza anthu kuno akuvutika ndinjala.mubakhala kulinderako zopusa eti.
man bola anjalawo simasiku onse akumagona nayo koma man lindela ? Aaa
Nangabwanji Amalawisitifunakunva Kamodzi
Deportation ya zaka za theba kkkk
kkkk koma you!!!
Nde Malawi ameneyo
Koma Muisova
Anawauza kuti apiteko ndi munthu. Why waste my tax money for those who dont pay tax here. Tax wao umadulidwa kumene aliko, so let them wait for RSA to arrange tpt for them if they cannt manage to come using their own money/means. Mesa enawa ndi omwe aja tidakawatengakonso pompano Zenophobia ali mkati??? So, why bother. Akudziwa zomwe amachita, Siana amenewo.
Once a #Malawian always a #Malawian
If funds is available as nation we can take full responsibility in providing transportation for them.
Koma Umphawiwu Utipweteketsa
mubwere nokha osangouluka bwanji
amapita/kukhala mozemba dala. ziisatikhudze.