The Economics Association of Malawi (Ecama) president, Henry Kachaje, has advised the Malawi government to privatize the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) as the current continuous blackouts are greatly affecting the growth of the country’s economy.

Malawi has had the worst blackouts this year and some business people have lamented that their businesses are going down as perishable goods are becoming a problem to keep.
But Kachaje believes the solution is to privatize Escom.
He said: “There is a need for government to privatize ESCOM if the country is to address the problems of power outage and the economy of this country has been greatly affected by the continuous blackouts hence the need for privatization.”
A few months ago, President Peter Mutharika advised Malawians to get used to the problem of blackouts until 2018 because that is the time when the situation will be addressed with help from the Chinese Government.
Recently the electricity body said that the current electricity situation is expected to go from bad to worse in January once the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi Limited (ESCOM) decides to implement its plans that will see the closure of Nkula power generating plants, media reports have said.
According to the reports, a leaked document in which ESCOM met with Corporate organisations has revealed that ESCOM briefed them that it has plans to completely shut down one of its plants, a situation that will see electricity production reduce drastically.
“The climax of electricity shut down will be in January when they will scale down for two weeks,” the reports say quoting the document.
It is said that ESCOM has warned its valued customers in the Corporate world who contribute 44% of its revenue that in January 2016 they should brace for tough times.
It has been established that among the things that ESCOM suggests will happen with the closure of its power plants is that there will be only 6 hours of electricity in a day to its customers.
ESCOM however hinted that it is contacting Mozambique and Zambia to support it with electricity regardless of the fact that Zambia itself is failing to supply electricity to its citizens.
Currently, Malawi is battling with the worst ever power cuts. People have accused the DPP led government of failing to manage and contain the electricity situation which has continued deteriorating. President Mutharika has advised that the situation will be contained after three years.
I wouldn’t agree with selling Escom but ny advise will be to allow private sector incest in energy sector and compete with Escom. If we sell Escom then the one that takes up Escom will continue with the existing inefficiecies . If there is anybody that think can run Escom let then open their company and outcompete Escom.
Mtengo Mukaudula Mitsitsi Ulimba Bwanji, Ndichifukwa Tikuvutika Ndi Misonkho Yokwera Chifukwa Munagulitsa Zonse Zopezera Ndalama Boma. Choncho Titukuka Bwanji.
if it can happen-that means Government Economists they are #stupid #fools #Mad etc…
I don’t think this is coming from ECAMA; not even from Henry Kachaje himself.
U cant!
No,that’s not a gud advice,Escom mustn’t be sold off,it will make pple suffer in future
How many likes
Kachanje Wangotumidwa Uyu! Kugulitsa Its Not Solution To Our Current Problem Coz Ogulawo Adzadulitsa Magetsi To Make More Profit
film imeneyi adakakitabe oky i think part 4 let me watch it #malawi_sazatheka move #title
Ha malawi…muka gulitsa ndie zisitha….amalawoi dziwani kt tidzanya magetsi adzadula
u’ll sell tha whole MW @last
Kugulitsa ndiye ma blackout atha? mutatha kugulitsa ma kampani aboma ambirimbiri aja phindu lake lili kuti? anthu ambiri anakhala pa ulova chifukwa cha zimenezi. pezani njira ina osati kugulitsa Escom.
Keneko akugulitsani anthu nose kumalawiko
kkk siukunama aise kkkk
mzeru zopusa izi, they sold mpl now medicide is expensive and sale of b&c people with skills are jobless, they aim to invest their stolen money in the company eti so their dumb grand children shouldnt suffer inthe future
Thats just granting them(DPP) their wish. These blackouts are just a bait. They want Malawians to be frustrated and say ESCOM is not being managed well and we ask them to sell it. If we sell ESCOM its going to benefit them not Malawian and will probably be bought by these same people in power .azatikhaulitsa ndithu ..Malawi dont fall for that Trap
Am with u, they just tricking us so dat we should support their opinion
sakukuziwani ndani inu? u did it deliberately kumapangisa ma bkackouts so muli ndicholinga kale chopanga privatise so that when u ignite that story, amalawi should have no say but to back u up. zopusa basi munatilemera kungokusankhani inu dikilani nthawi yanu chabe muyalule
Olo titati asagulitse kapena agulitse palibe chomwe chingachitike coz boma ili likapanga chiganizo chumakhala chomwecho mwa chitsanzo MSB timkati chani nde zinaphura chani?
don’t privatise escom its one of big parastal what will be consiaients of that to poor malawians bakili do the same but what is the future of those conpanies. a lot of people lost there job as redandant. escom and water board is very importance palastatal organisation. don’t do that. then you will start privatise ministries
tikuziwa mumazimitsira dala cholinga tinene kut gulitsani.
Ya Thats good decision sell it maybe privatzation ili bwino kwambiri ini big business
Thats gibalish insted of solving problems u add the other
koma gulitsani. kodi kunja sikukhala dry season
just sell us we have failed to control ourself lets depend on others,ananena kale gadaf malawi si dziko ndi munda
Just do what the private sector could do. Next you will sell MBC and public hospitals
Tadikirani kaye mumve point yangayi: Ine I think mavuto a ESCOM-wa ndi ma trick a galu uyu muthalika. Mukukumbuka kuti pakati panatchuka kuti DPP ikuganiza zoigulitsa ESCOM atangogulitsa MSB?? Koma ife a Malawi tinakanitsitsa kutero. Ndye uyu Peter-yu chomwe waganiza ndikupangitsa ESCOM ikumane ndi mavuto ndi cholinga choti adzabwerenso kwa ife a Malawi ndikutiuza kuti malingana ndi mavuto omwe ESCOM ikukumana nayo,kulibwino tigulitse. Kuteroku kape amene wayambitsa zoti ESCOM igulitsidweyu ayenera kuti watumidwa kuti aishoshe aone mene amalawi atapangire react. Ndi Agaluditu a DPP-wa. Vuto ndi loti mwachuluka a satanic
Nde azadulatu magetsiwo
kachaje,knows nothing about electricity ,he better shut up….
Olo atagulitsa palibe chaphindu ife eni nthaka .inu mukudziwa kuti azungu amadana ndi dzina la mutharika
Iwe peter ungoyelekeza kugulisa ESCOM YO uzachioona chinamuluma chakuda ngati watopa ndikulamulila ziko uzingopita komwe unachoke i know u r not malawian ndiwe folena uzingopita ku USA komwe umakhalako tatopa ndikhalidwe lakolo iyaaaaa! Zopusa basi
Apondiye agalu agulewo adzatidulitsila magetsi kuposa agalu awawa
Since the advent of democracy in the country we have seen a lot of companies being disposed off but very little goes back to the citizens. I don’t think privatising ESCOM will bring any improvement to the current perennial blackouts but will just put economic pressure on Malawians since tariff will always go up.
Bas Ingotgulisani Tonsefe Mwamva!
Bas Ingotgulisani Tonsefe Mwamva!
R u sober
Ok cndikuona kuciana kulikonse but its worth trying wa business amafuna profit thereby providing the best services to attract customers
abwele azandgulise ine ndkuifuna
dziko langa likuonongeka chifukwa chakusadziwa!!!
I wonder why these Democratic leaders are failing to run these entities..Kamuzu Banda established them & managed to run them koma a lerowa kuba ndalama basi..stupid leaders of today..
Kodi ndalama za ma bill sangagulire makina ena ? kulibwino kukonza kusiyana ndikugulitsa
True Talk: Successful people have two things on their lips, ‘Smile & Silence’. Smile can solve problem while silence can avoid problems. Sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter. If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your God. Remember, trees change their leaves and not their roots. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones to every dog that barks. Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands. Remember, don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it
privatizing escom is not the right decision to make coz definately the govt will lose profits made and only gains little revenue inform of taxes. Board ya escom is made up of politicians who are appointed by the president who do not know what to recommend when there are problems like blaxkouts. Govt. should replace those with the experienced ones who can know how to work
Abale kwathu blackout since mma 4:30 mmamawa…
zimavuta pakasowa eduquation….ine am eduqueted nde nde mugulise bac…
Anagulitsa kale,
That’s not the solution. These blackouts were planned so that when people get tired of them they should agree to privatization. Fire management team and replace it with visionary individuals then things will improve. Instead of selling its better to allow competitors to come in to make this sleeping giant woke up and start giving us efficient services
Dont Sell But Escom Shud Motivate Technician So That They Should Ve Companies At Heart Like Giving Them Better Salaries
sell it..its beta to be using candles
I dont know what they have been waiting for
Vuto Laboma Lathuli Limakakamila Zinthu Zoti Silikutha Kuyendetsa Bwino, Zkufunika Kupatsa Ena Tchitoyo Kuti Tipite Nazo Patsogolo Kwa Amene Angathe Kuyendetsa Bwino Ntchito Yamagetsiyi.
Kodi Ife Adzatigulitsa Liti?Bola Azatigulitse A Moyo. Akatero Ogula Escom Ma Process Ayambika Kale,
Olo atakweza mtengo it doesnt matter bola asamadzimedzime komanso azibwera mwachangu akapanga apply.
Paja OIBM yagulitsidwanso
which one will be lebed malawi forever? shame!
f**k escom just sell it kaya kwa ma chines idont care…company yopusa kwambili…
f**k escom just sell it kaya kwa ma chines idont care…company yopusa kwambili…
Olo magetsi atafika pa 70,000 bola asamachedwe kuika komanso asamazimezime, the price it does’nt matters.
why cant we just the whole country to Afghanstan.,nothing seem to work in nyasaland#just thinking#
U just want to privatelise everything ,u sold MTL by the end government will have nothing ,I don’t agree with that idea
kuzimazima kwamagesi vuto ndikuboma konko osati a ESCOM ma power station amapanga magesi ochepa oti sangakwanile wina aliyese………kuti vuto ili lithe zimayenela kuti boma lipeze njila zoonjezela mphavu zamagesi mziko muno…….tisamangoti vuto ndi a ESCOM…
Kodi ndalama Za malawi serving bank zija munapangila chani . Chifukwa chigulitsileni bank ija palibe chachilendo chomwe chasinthika pa moyo wasikundisiku wa malawi
We can even privatize the whole government machinery if we are failing to make progress in all the areas of our economy….
U dont know wat ur sain,cuz de problem doesnt start tody,and how many parties r in parlment?r they also failing to contribute someting for de beterness of malw,wat is important to hav opposition?cuz they,re there to contribute where gvnt is failing cuz they recv mony from gv. But de oppostion we hav is fools who tel us wat dey gonna do next tym idiots.
hahahaha abwana argue with facts and not anger and bitterness……
Its Good Move It will Improve Service Delivery And Curb Acts Of Coruption But A Certain Percentage Of Shares Should Remain With Gvt For Regutory Purpose
The government has to think for the development of infrastructures for the nations
Kusadziwa nkufa komwe, Tiyeni nazoni tiwone kuti zitifikisa pati
Government& President Of Malawi Are Greedy Zikatha Zonse Azayamba Kugulitsa Anthu!!!
A Nation with so many educated people in every sector failed to manage a Bank and it was sold. Now the same nation is failing to manage the electricity supply company and its on a verge of being sold. Wow! Hehe! Maiko enawa sizinthu, hahaha!
For once I disagree with Mr Kachaje.The solution is not to privatise Escom but to run it effectively.All the Government companies which were privatised in the past are not doing well. The solution is to invest in Escom and run it effectively.If it is privatised it will be foreigners who will buy it meaning loss of foreign exchange in return. Run Escom as a business not a polical tool.
Ngati Boma lingasatile maganizo ogulitsa ESCOM aMalawi ayembekezele kuti mtengo wa Magetsi uzakhala wokwela kuposela ndiumene ulipowu
No don’t sell Escom. They sold MTL and the service is now the poorest of the three service providers. lets try structural adjustment first. Selling off these big parastatals destroys careers of young boys and girls who were busy studying towards escoms line of bisiness.
Izi ndi zomwe ankafuna ndikale. Can’t you see kuti nzochita kukonza? Akagulitsa ndiye madzi ayamba kuchuluka mu Shire??? Munamvako kuti muno mu Africa kuti apanga privatise magetsi? Next will be Queen Elizabeth Hospital. Just wait. ESCOM is not failing. It’s sabotage and Kachaje is part if it.
ndikubwera ndizakhala president ndine bcs mavuto sakutha kumeneko dikirani ndizalanda boma mwaupando anthu akuvutika yoooooo!!!!!!!
But where is Soulo Chilima? Is he also failing to make escom work?
Bad advisor, advising government to sell its only asset.
Persistent black outs were a deliberate move from the Government so that Malawians would be tired of ESCOM then make a decision of selling it off. You’ll see that buyers will be the same ruling party officials and they’ll take it at the cheap price.
Anthu ena apa akuona ngati akagulisa ESCOM yo ndiye kuti ayinyamula kupitanawo ku zimbabwe kapena ku zambia angofuna kuti ikhale mmanja mwa ma private sector adzikhala ngati akupanga busness zomwe zithandize kutsadzimadzima coz wa busness sangamalore kudzimidzimitsa ndiye kt busness yake simayenda booh muzimvetsa zithuzi.
Koma dat means muyembeke ma bills azakhala high than b4 coz atazalowe sopanowo dey wl be looking on profits mx gd services….
Nyamula ziuze mbuli zimenezo zimangoganiza za negative zokhazokha
I like your questions issued here. Entirely!
Thats what you see as a solution selling…?
Yah its a gud move…kuti akubweretsere magetsi pa nyumba pako masiku ano mpaka uhongenso…iyaa just privatise it as soon as possible pliz tiwone kusintha ife yatsalanso water board malawi nayo…
Thats good idea we need a need a private co to run escom
Demet zanu nonse
atagulewo awonjezela pressure ya madzi?
un employmen wil be worse than before f we privatise many public companies like escom… Remember we dnt have donors and I thnk government now is depending on the money that comes from these public cooperations…so mind you!!!!
Kenako Ma Prezidentiwa Atigulitsa Amalawife2 Apa
amalawi osadandara tadziwani izi ma company ambiri amarephera kungwira ntchito zawo ku malawi kamba kakuzimazima kwa magesi akngurisa zichita bwino amakampani abwera komanso achinyamata ambiri apeza ntchoto
Don’t sale! Increase generation capacity
Mukumazimitsa dala cholinga mugule inu nomwe? ayi asagulllitsse tinazollowera kuzima zima kwa magetsi siza chilendo
Mabvuto sadzatha mpaka Yesu adzabwere (believe me).Tele chipani chikalowa m’boma chimalemba ntchito abale awo,achipani chao omwe lero lino achulukana kwaambiri kumabugwe a boma.Ngakhale atabwera m’tsogoleri wabwino,iwo amangofinya kuti m’tsogoleri wathawi imeneyo amve kuwawa.Apapa ofunika m’tsogoleri wadziko adziziwa za plumber,za electric,kuti zikabvutaadzibvala ovolosi kukamakonza ekha kuti akhale m’tsogoleri wabwino ndi wachitsanzo.
Mmmhuuundiye mukagulisa escom pali phindu lanji, boma lina linagulisa malwi raiways, press transport and bekary white head ndi ena palibe ata chomwe chinachitikapo, ndege, ndiye zithu zamalawi mukwagulisilaso, koma zosezo ndi zopanga kamuzu, koma vuto ndi chani, simungakambilane zakupsya kupaliamentko kuti ndalama ikhale ndi mphavu, zimbabwe nambala 2
Thats trrue
Nde zikoli likhala ndichani popeza zonse mukugulisa.. Kwangosala ma sukulu ndizipatala pompano timvatso agulisa shame malawi.
zitipagitsa ma demo poti enafe bp yathu sichedwa kukwera
That’s a supply-side policy
No problem if they hav made that decision ov selling escom coz malawian leaders r too greedy , amango5una kukhutitsa mimba zao they dont thnk even their economic future ,
that’s a plan for dpp tikanalira
All most every public Institution (schools, hospitals, companies, etcetera) is subsatandard as compared to Private ones, by privatising, the new owners will be business oriented and will try their best to please their customers. Escom is more like providing a free service, no wonder they disconect power as they wish. By they way why are you so obsessed with MCP?
Why are u so obsessed with defending MCP or only obsessed to read only those posts that I write about MCP? If that’s the case, then let’s privatise everything, Reserve Bank, Sanjika, the presidency etc, we dont even have to vote, let the businesses take over as we retire from public activities
I dt hv electricity in my House bt i will have after this Government bcz now to hv it or not is same
How do u know? Remember lif never predict,its only ur parent who can promise and deliver but politicians r de same bra.
Do u mean blackout problem will never end?
Muyelekeze tigenda ooooooooook
Sitima akamayendetsa wina imaphweka koma atanena kuti muyendetse inu mungayendetse bwanji inu mukuti agulitsenu kukatuluka vacancy ya chief executive simulembera kuti mwina mungadzakonze zinthu.
So many companies have been sold. What have we benefited as a country??
Nothing only bringing miserable life to people. So many people have lost jobs in the privatization process.
Koma Izi Zanyanya Iiiii!!
liberal economics….garbage
Koma atagulisa zikhoza kuthandiza coz escom blackout ikunyanya guyz mwina company ina izatenga ngati business moyo wa a2 ambiri amadalira tima business ting’omoting’ono makamaka achinyamata kumeta saloon ndie ndi mablackout amenewa tidya cian
Zinthu za private all de tim zimakhala very expensiv than za boma,so think b4 its done.
Zomwe ikupanga escom ndizotopesa moti kugulitsa olo osagulitsa palibe chabwino chomwe ndikuona ine dzikoli lingotha tiyambireso kawiri monga amachitira anthu oyenda bao wina akamabera amangoithetsa ndikuyambiraso kawiri
Don’t sell Escom, this is the propaganda by Dpp all along they wanted to sell thus entity to gunner more money for 2019 campaign…it’s ridiculous you Kachaje to he’ll with yours wishful thinking….the sabotage has been there by the same government now you are being used, beware Kachaje Malawi is watching….
a Malawi chonena alibe, kugulitsa olo osagulitsa Escom yo palibe chomwe tingapezepo ndinaonera pa kugulitsa kwa Bank ya MSB. ine chikhulupiliro mu Boma ili lilipoli ndilibe coz dziko ili la Malawi lili manja mwa agalu, tapangan zomwezo tiwone kuti zitha bwanji.
Dziko lilimmanja mwaagalu achimalawi osat agalu aazungu ndiwoganiza
Why is it failing? I don’t think privitisation is good for Malawi. Who will manage the entity? Man or machines? If it will be managed by man then why is it failing? I think the system is failing us.
Musova !
The solution is to change the govt bcz I can recall tym of Pipiiiii there wz no black out. I don’t belong to any political group though bt this is more than enough!!!!!
Hahahahahaha please don’t tell me kuti zoti ESCOM inagulitsidwa kale simukudziwa. You are the press for God’s sake!!!!!!!
Some tym u dont nid to joke with dis serious issue,if u dont know just cool urself oky.
I aint joking mate, ESCOM has already been sold. That’s what I hear
Kodi a Kachanje tidziva ziti kwa inu.tengani mbali
The solution is to change the govt bcz I can recall tym of
Chikondi Chicky B Bvumbwe musatinyoze chonchi ife a Malawi…mpaka…’opusa’….’osekelera ngati maliseche’…..we knw its painful kukhala mu black out….usaiwale tonne tili pano we r malawians including iweyonso..
Zoooona bgman agulitse bas mazi aaulere ku nkula akuchitta ngat magetsi amamwa.shit
Igulitsidwe ena akutenga gvt deptment ngati plot yawo ndiye sizikuenda
Sell it ofcourse and offload all the workers coz they hav demonstrated incompetence and hav let down Malawians. All what they know best is parties and highcking their salaries basi!! useless coparation!!
Simukunama bro coz zawonjeza daily blackouts n its the same kukhala nyumba zopanda magetsi mix we say there are engineers whom knw hw to drink tea nothing else
Amalawi Amai Aja Anali Bwino Osat Uyu Tili Nayeyi Ai. Ndipo Atizuza NZaka Zitatu Zasala Amoyo Amoyo!
Without escom the nation will suffer.. Government make alot of revenue from escom mote than any institution
Gulitsani basi tione zina akakhala magetsiwo nde kukwera nde akungokwelerabe aaaa! Koma kuzimazimakonso kwanyanya
Sell it off, whatever the outcome that will follow(whether good or bad) we are goin to face them, we are tired of this stupidity
So if it sold, will blackout end? Is it the solution of solving the daily blackout? Find out as government, what make to continue blackout and the problem will be solved.
Kodii anakunamizan ndan and munamva kuti zoti tikufelanj ya banidwa? Muzichita post nkhani zoti nzenizni
Malawi ndi munthu opusa kwambiri ngati maliseche kusekelera sell it who gona suffer????? Ndi munthu osauka naye amafuna atamangona mu magetsi dont b slfish bcz
Sono iwe ndi ndani ukamati ”Malawi ndi munthu opusa……kusekelera ngati maliseche”????
You are not getting the point behind.you better shut.
I get the point nigga sell escom bcz of too much black out??????? Why they cant find a way than selling it???? Every country in africa akukumana ndi vuto la black out munava kuti akunena kuti sell it??
Phiri u dont think wamva look ma name it tell u more who iam sungandifuse fuso lopusa ngati limeneli
Hahaha I Get This Stupid Man he is thnkng lyk wen We sell Escom There Wl be No Electrcty in Malawi At Ipta Kunja coz The Buyers Wl be Frm Outside Malawi Eeeye2 Guyz nde Nkozeni bas
Who is idiot bwtn u and me yamikani user u brain wise everything will b beter bat with high price anthu osauka sadzakwanitsa bcz ogula adzafuna phundi lochuluka kwambiri dont read bat understand it voesk
True Talk: Successful people have two things on their lips, ‘Smile & Silence’. Smile can solve problem while silence can avoid problems. Sugar and salt may be mixed together but ants reject the salt and carry away only the sugar. Select the right people in life and make your life better and sweeter. If you fail to achieve your dreams, change your ways not your God. Remember, trees change their leaves and not their roots. You will never reach your destination if you stop and throw stones to every dog that barks. Make it your ambition to live a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your own hands. Remember, don’t ever wrestle with a pig. You’ll both get dirty, but the pig will enjoy it
Asagulise angichosa mkwapa mwa Boma iziimile payokha
Economists and their theories. Capitalistic nthawi zonse. Does he consider the plight of the consumer?
yakalamba escom
Sell it off!!
malawi mavuto kma azatha abale?
Mungogulitsa bas iyaa!
Igulitsidwedi Zanyanya Ma “Black Outs”
zithu zingasithe bt consumers wil suffere with high cost…
mwina zitha kunthakodi nanga daily
osangomugulisa malawi yense bwa?
eee mwina zinthu zingayambe kusintha
Malawi Amotodi Ee!
Mbuzi a DPP