Red Cross of Malawi and CCJP in Zomba have expressed concern over school dropout rate among girls due to pregnancy.
Despite being supported by the provision of school fees among others, the girls continue to drop out of school.
According to Malawi Red Cross project director Cecilia Banda, lack of support by other organizations is contributing to the drop out.
“We have realized that this work cannot be done by one person or an organization,” said Banda.
CCJP Director in the Diocese of Zomba Raphael Yusufu urged people in the community to take part in the project that the organizations are implementing.
same western organisations advocates and funds stupid activisms and funny human rights
You have warmly accepted the school fees to br raised like that,what else are you expecting to avillage girl child to do? Some are doing this while they are in the way of searching xul fees.Ar you going to pay for them?You always intervene when agirl child is in trouble,with an aim of buying sympathy from Donors.Shoul we say you are really concerned with agirl child?
Choncho chithunzi mwayikachi mwana wa mkazi mene akudukiramu asatenge mimba
What Iknow Is That Our Leaders Are Not Serious With Building Human Capacities.Due To That Everyone Is Disregarding His Or Her Duties. You Can Agree With Me That this Country Of Ours Everybody Is Longing For Rights.But Agood Citizen Must Have Rights And Duties.It Must Balance In both Sides; Becoz The Laws Are There What It Is Needed Is Enforcement And Sensetization With That Ibelieve Malawi Can Achieve What You Call M D Gs.
My worry is untill today Malawians do not appreciate girls rights as basic human rights as well. Freedom fighters are busy with homosexuality issues instead of dealing with real issues affecting our girls. NGOs talk and talk but no changes, honestly Malawi cannot achieve all MDG if we sideline girls education. Starting from birth some parents do not feel happy when they are blessed with a baby girl.
Honestly there are alot of factors which leads to girl child school drop out, male teachers, parents, culture
ma fees odulawa m’mati anthu atani kpusa basi
Olo atati akhale pa sukulu ntchitozo akazipeza kuti m’mene vepi zikusoweramu?
If a giri child gets pregnant and expelled from school by a fellow pupil(boy)the boy must also be expelled as well.apo bii drop out of girls will continue. Or else the girl must still attend classes whilst pregnant not when given birth
Ana a sukulu kukonda kuyesa zida kwambiri mpakana AK47 ndiye ikhale pa rapid basi ayi thawa yolowalowa sukulu ulendo wokukwaswa ku nyumba.Koma chonde mukakaswa muzibwelenso ku sukulu
Let Me Come Again To Say Zomba Continue With Ur Cuture, BUT Try To Balance When Sendinding Ur Children To Xool Whether Aboy/agirl. To U NGOs Pliz Sensetize Families On The Goodness Of Education.I Repeat Continue With Ur Cuture.
Cuture Has Contributed Alot To The Dropout.Am Ngoni I’ve Learnt Something Happening Here In Zomba.Pliz Get Me Right, The Cuture That Is There Its Men Who Get Married To Awoman,now This Has Contribute To The Dropout Of Girls To School In The Way That When Family Has More Boys Than Girl, What Happens Is That Boys Too R Not Sent To School So There R Many Uneducated Boy/men Now These R The One Who Disturb Our Girl To Continue With Their Education.Mabanja Ambiri Kuno Ku Zomba Amati Mwana Wamuna Alibe Ntchito Chifukwa Amachoka Pakhomopo Kukapanga ‘Chikankamwini’,choncho Sawalimbikisa Sukulu Ndiye Ndiamenewa Amasokoneza Atsikana Ambiri Kuno Kuzomba.
so sad
ngo’s reach out and do something plz
what should be done to solve these challenges? school fees has been raised up that guardians can’t manage to pay for their children. therefore many girls stay at home
very worried indeed .
ngakhale mabungwe atat azipereke ,koma amalawi sex amatha
kma anthu akuchindatu kunja kuno eeeeh nde ana anyere amasiku anowa……mbolaaaa!
Munthu ngati watenga mimba School sakuyifuna komanso munati akakabereka mwai ulipo ozapitiliza.Ngati sakupita kukapitiliza ndiye kuti sakuyifuna akufuna azikagawa ndiwo yankhuku mumphika
azitani ana ntchito momwe zikusowera Ku Nyasaland
Vuto ndi asungwa amayamba dala amuna, ndiye akangomulawa mwamuna basi yalakwa. China so ndimiyambo ndi chikhalidwe kumene atsikanawa akuchokera