Mutharika insists Malawi is on track

Peter Mutharika

President Peter Mutharika has reiterated that Malawi is on track. Speaking when he met the media yesterday to brief them on the benefits that Malawi is expected to get from the India-Africa summit, Mutharika declared that things were fine in the country.

“This country is not chaotic, it is not collapsing, it is not failing,” said Mutharika to the members of the Press after accusing them of portraying a bad image of the country.

Peter Mutharika
‘We are on track’

“The way some of you write, one would think nothing is working in Malawi,” said Mutharika.

The President also declared that Malawi is not broke. This is despite the country failing to hire doctors, provide food in hospitals and supply essential medicines in hospitals.

“Some of you say that I said that this country is broke, let me tell you that we are not broke and we can never be broke. This country has never been broke and has never ever defaulted on loan repayments,” said Mutharika.

Mutharika then urged journalists in the country to report positives about the country.

In his seemingly angry approach towards the media, Mutharika lost his cool on a Capital FM journalist for asking him a question that he felt had already been addressed by the minister of foreign affairs, George Chaponda who represented him in India.

The IMF declared Malawi off track in its recovery route and is reconsidering extending its credit facilities to Malawi. It is expected that the IMF will be reviewing Malawi’s economy in December. President Mutharika has challenged that the country will get a green light at the next review.