President Peter Mutharika has reiterated that Malawi is on track. Speaking when he met the media yesterday to brief them on the benefits that Malawi is expected to get from the India-Africa summit, Mutharika declared that things were fine in the country.
“This country is not chaotic, it is not collapsing, it is not failing,” said Mutharika to the members of the Press after accusing them of portraying a bad image of the country.

“The way some of you write, one would think nothing is working in Malawi,” said Mutharika.
The President also declared that Malawi is not broke. This is despite the country failing to hire doctors, provide food in hospitals and supply essential medicines in hospitals.
“Some of you say that I said that this country is broke, let me tell you that we are not broke and we can never be broke. This country has never been broke and has never ever defaulted on loan repayments,” said Mutharika.
Mutharika then urged journalists in the country to report positives about the country.
In his seemingly angry approach towards the media, Mutharika lost his cool on a Capital FM journalist for asking him a question that he felt had already been addressed by the minister of foreign affairs, George Chaponda who represented him in India.
The IMF declared Malawi off track in its recovery route and is reconsidering extending its credit facilities to Malawi. It is expected that the IMF will be reviewing Malawi’s economy in December. President Mutharika has challenged that the country will get a green light at the next review.
Lomwes on track
president without vision and strategies to develop dis country ,they are dere jst to steal and squander government resources or our resources ,ngati ananama kale kuti ali ndi $8 mita in his account cholinga azizati ndinali ndi dolla kale ine mbava za anthu izi .. munafela uprofessor I tink a lot of people here in malawi doesn’t know dat we have a lot of professors better than him ,remember he even failed to manage a ministry and what more the whole country and know dat leadership is a gift bolaxo professor chisi anakapanga za mzeru ..
Hahahaha..! Ithink He Was Trying To Say, His Family Is Not In Chaotic Not Our Poor Nation.
Amalawi penapake ifenso tili ndimavuto mukuganiza kuti udindo woyendetsa dziko uli mmanja mwapulezident yokha? Tingalimange pochita chilungamo ,ndi kulimbikira ntchito.apo biiiiii? Sitidzamuwonapo pulezident wotikomela . Zinazi zikuchitika chifukwa cha kuba kaya mumaunduna osiyanasiyana , kudziwa timadziwana kuti wina akusolola kumo akangotitseka pakamwa ndidzakugailako basitu chete.mapeto ake timadzudzula kapena kutukwana pulezident .kodi tikanakhala kuti amene mukugwila ntchito muboma mumawululana sibwezi zama cashgate zikuchitika bwenzi aliyense akuwopa kuchita katangale .kaya ndalama ena akuti ma donors adzele muma NGOS komabe amene agwire ntchito ndifebe amalawi odzikonda ,opondelezanafe?tiyeni AMALAWI tisinthe zochita zanthu malawi uyu ndi wanthu,tikatero tidzawona chilichonse chikuyenda
Ngati ili nfundo imeneyo bwanji timasankha president m’dziko? That maunduna you are talking about are under President, so what so ever nduna is doing president knows about it, nduna ikaba president knows about it, for thoz nduna to stop stealing president must take actions about that,
Peter z stupid mad man nd samadziwa kuti akupanga chani cz alibe mzelu shame on bakili muluzi he z the cost of dis.
Which Track Mr President? Rashy / Nabila/Nkanamwano/ GPY?
Bakili muluzi lead us to all this.i’ll never gonna stop blaming a chair.
Mr presedent can you go to hospital and see the doctor b4 it z worse coz it seemz lyk you r becomin mad.
Dats it
@least these guyz r productive nt u petulo!
boladi CULTURE would’ve done smthng gud!
boladi CULTURE would’ve done smthng gud!
Culture! dats it indeed.
Culture! dats it indeed.
Jah jaidez emperor!
Coscience president, r u a dementiatic patient?
Uyu ndi Bwampini osaiwala paja mwaiye chomwe amadziwa ndikukwata nkhalambayo basi palibenso. Zoti amalawi tikuvutika alibe nazo ntchito iye musiyeni timuonetsa ameneyi…….. MDF
Nayeso angofa ngati m bale wake tatopa ndizi a mthalika
koma mutenga ndani?
He is right , But the question should be ” is the track Moving or not?
Mr Kalisinje sorry for your comment. Actually I don’t blame you, but the one who mislead you to that curved road. Thank you.
Or watch yosayenda imalondola kawiri pa ntsiku kk
How do you expect someone who gets anything (food,house,water,electricity,even transport)free ofcharge to speak?For him there is nothing wrong Malawi is on track.He does not even know the price of 1kg packet of sugar.Shameeee.But dont wory God is watching and He will save us.
Malawi sazatukuka kamba koti chilichonse timalowetsa ndale. Stop politicising things for example mmalo moti tipeze njira zothetsera mavuto muli busy kulimbana ndi president. SEPARATION OF POWER: WE have three powers on malawi which is: Executive. Law makers and judicialy. Meaning let the judicially do their job withoit any interfiarence from anybody. Law makers (MP) there job is to make laws and ask the executive difficult question on somethings which looks improper not begging for development. CONCILLORS their job is to make sure that there is development happening in his/her area. Make sure pple have water, clinics, schools and so on. MAYOR: on his own is a provision or regional president he suppose to have his own management in that management he must have person resiponsble for roads. Someone responsible for water and sanitations and someone for hearth. In so doing you will see that there will be any region which will luck development coz every district is maling money on its own and developing its own. How and where to get money? Good question, through the revenue that collected every day in the market and monthly or yearly those fund should be used to mantain whatever mantainance or development needed to be done in the district. Whatever money collected in lilongwe must be used to develop lilongwe. Monet collected in blantyre must be used to develop blantyre and so on. Not you want to maintain a toilet in lilongwe market you asking money from central government no. In so doing the may should be busy everytime looking for resourses to bring money not just sitting in the office enjoying coffee waiting for monthend to get a payslip. Another thing lets copy the way our friends doing in other countries, we have a public radio in malawi put a special program name it TICHITENJI OR TITANI. in that program give the community or malawians a chance to fone in and express their view out of 100 ple who can fone you find that 50-40 of them they have helpfull point. If we can implement this facts ineed am telling you malawis porvety will be history. Thank you all
munthuyu ndiosamva akamaletsedwa kuchita zinthu.Amazungulira kumbali kukapanga we are voiceless .Akumachita zomwe akufuna. kodi who signz on behaf of we. ithnk ndiwe 1 of them 100% GREEDY
mapaz ako ukuyakhula ngat xaxuru madepartment ukunana wit dis bombocrate akugwira ntchito yanji? ….backup zauchisiru pantuxu
stupid citizen
everything here in malawi is politicized ,dere’z no wei malawi can move forward n come out of dis mess unless de whole system has changed diz guy has failed not necessarily becoz dey r not capable bt becoz dey jst wanted to enrich themselves ,luk at wat he seid, he has dat he has moe dan $8 million in his account zili zabhoza nde muziti ankafuna chani ,kufuna kuba basi aziti ndinali ndi dolla kale ine ,these guys are crooks ndimbava basi anthu osanva ..
Good president,,i like him
Idont know wat to say about this presdent may be there is an element of madness in him
we are watching you
On track,t poverty CREATION.
wooooh!! Mmmmm!!
The Emperor has new clothes 🙁
Somebody must be a crazy foool .his administration removes almost o subsidies eg unima etc.increases taxes only 4 deir only valid reasons and nw everything ts going upward ……w@ a crazy statement
who z that so called munthalika fooling malawians?
What do you mean when you say Malawi is not chaotic,it is not collapsing and is failing? Mr president are you mad? So its true if they say, its easy for a person to forget the colour of the car he is using, Peter you can’t see what challenges malawian pple are facing now coz you are on hot seat,your time will come when you will see that you were a useless, nonyntic and stupid leader, ask Bakili muluzi he will tell you.
The professor is now justifying that he is indeed confused and incompetent just as other politicians are putting it. The other day he said the economy is bad after 3 days u say things are on track.
Koma abale dzikopano lili sanza wila.
Even nuclear power gets used up, he is used up and no more vibrant he doesnot know wat he is doing.
Sinikamba nabanthu olemela ine
Yes iz dead on track!
Koma ndingoyika mumapephero basi Mr presedent mavuto kwambili amene ukupanga!!!!!
Mad old man!
hahahah peter iz……nwadayz