As the dust refuses to settle over the recent purchase of expensive cars for Parliament officials, topical revelations allege that the executive pushed the legislature into such trouble in a bid to cover up its recent mess on United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) trip expenses.
A top government official in the Peter Mutharika led government has told Malawi24 that the executive did this to make Malawians view legislators as hypocrites.
“They knew that majority of the parliament top officials are dominated by Malawi Congress Party (MCP). If you can recall the same party was pressing the executive to explain on the expenses of UNGA trip thus buying them such cars was a trap to defame their party,” claimed the official pleading for anonymity.

He went on to justify that it is impossible for Parliament to make such decisions without authority from the executive.
“Parliament can’t decide on its own without the executive on such issues. Even laws to be passed needs authority from executive. It’s common knowledge that minister of finance knew this,” he added.
Chancellor College based legal expert Edge Kanyongolo echoed such sentiments saying the blame game lacks proper justification.
Kanyongolo blamed the mindset of politicizing matters that are not political.
“There is just much of politics between the two branches of government here, in fact i think it’s just one way the executive wants to cover up its mess,” said Kanyongolo.
Renowned print Journalist Dickson Kashoti in one of his articles also trashed the whole argument surrounding the blame game saying it lacks sense.
To him there is no problem purchasing such posh cars for opposition top officials who are “perfecters of Malawi’s democracy”.
However opinions from the executive remain antagonistic and blame Parliament for purchasing such cars while the country’s economy is passing through hot waters.
The cars cost about MK300 million.
Ajawa anali akulu anu mumati mupitiliza pamene anasiila panali apa ganizilani njara yomwe yagwa kumalawi.mwachita apazi ndizopanda pake
Akulu mwachita kale expairy before 2019?koma ndie mwamenya fast,beta abale anu aja first five yrs he did well.Koma inu mwakulira kuti?Pliz may know that Malawi and America ndizosiyana even you and ife amalawi we’re difference.Ngat ndimavayirasi pakufunika formate!.
Ine chete pa joni kurya vololo. Muzamunisanga mukazavuka
Eee guys lero ndinaivaila chic inayake koma yandikan. aaaa koma mawu amodzi kwa Peter “” iwe usamale ukanakhala kut ndwe chimanga ndikanakukazing wava ukuganiza ngat ndife kape et”
Koma M’bale wakwathuyi akuitha Bwanji kkkkkkkkkkkkkk Zikumuwawa akasume. DPP woyeeee!! 2019 Bomaaaaaaaa!!!
Chimunthu chachikulu,chimutu chachikulu koma mkumaganiza ngati mwana………. ku DPP kulibe oganizako mwa umunthu.
Akuti propaganda decampaining MCP to turn away people’s attention. Instead of working together as a country. Leaders learn to be development concious
God have mercy on de country of malawi plz lets just be praying for de country
Ibu dziko lamukanika. udzutsa manja
DPWI’PWI musawone ngati ndife mazoba, tikukuwonani ndale zanu… mukunama kwambiri!! tiwonana 2019 ndi Ibu Wanuyo
Mmm jellous siudolo
no need kut tizifusana izalamulira 2019 ndi it
what I know is DPP will take the 25 years consecutive ruling coz chilima is coming to rule from the next sitting,,,,musadzivute
DPP ndi deal mmalakwisa ndinu anthu
am seconding Kasaila for the words of reality
You will never rule Malawi…….we will turn Malawi into adictatorship country indeed….as Joyce Banda has said
tikuzimitsani ngat a #PP inu nonse a #MCP
zinazi kaya
dats just a dirt playd by govt to disgrace achna kabwra …..isaw evn.mbc now hav covered the biased story bt that UNGA one they neva held shupit malaw u rape me
bodza limenelo, ife amalawi tizakhalawovutikabe mpakana khale khale chifukwa chokonda zaule re, china chilichose boma litipamgile ndizomwe zikusausa dzikolathuli, kodi mukuona kuti asogoleri sakugwila nt?, olo kutalowapo musogoleri wina apezekabe ndivutho chifukwa chongodalira kupasidwa zaulere, tiyesetse amalawi tuthandize bomalathu pamavutho omwe liku kumana nazo ndithu chonde tilikonde dzikolathu.
ndale kanyama koipa ndithu
Mbc Staf Be Proffessional Pulizi
Kkk Koma Abale
Apa nkhani palibepo parliament ndi mbali ya boma ndiye bomalo ndi limene lawagulila ma galimotowo ndiye chavuta ndi chani kwa chakwera ndi msowoya?
Umaona ngati kulamula dziko ndi phada, watsala madzi amodzi uonansoooo…
unziti mbuno ngati nkikhong’o
inzi ndie zamanyi.pofunika kukhupunzitsa nkalidwe wava iwe chitsilu tiona ife nda mw utinziwatu cape iwe
Bwampini Lamuvuta kulamula dziko.
Kma ziliko
M c p is able to control the house thus better kkkkkkk
Worse replacing wth another worse.
ngati kuli bava zombera xool ndi lawyer boza ku chejera pakamwa umunthuyu dziko lamulaka!
Kkkkkk akuwona ngat uloy
they both set a thief to catch thieves
Malawian politics ndi masanje okha okha basi, shame!
Chikhala ndilinchiphaso ndikadapita ku Joni.
tiye nazoni, tikukuonanitu!
manyazi agwire philip bizinesi ndi geofrey kapusa yemwe naye anamwalira kale ndi edzi moti wangosala madzi kamodzi kenako gule kwawoooo….!!! Jappie manyaazi kumeneko asakuphonye, mbc yonse ndinu ziphwisi…
kakakakakakakakaka waiwala omaseya steve
Ibu sazatheka kkkkkk
Kkkkkkkkk…. Usova..ukayesa masewera eti
Malawi akuyalusidwa ndizochitika zanu.
just vote 4 me 2019.andkwana andale opusao ndthu
Mr Author your doesnt make sense…..talk to parliament pliz and get the facts straight
koma zikadakhala kut amasakha dziko lobadwila zikanatithandiza enafe malawi wa3ka pobowaaaaaaAh masimba.
True true
Opusa anaimba ng’oma Ochenjela navina
Malawi is not damn poor nation, Malawi is not damn crzy stupid nation..the leaders, all its the leadership we are running to. the just want to make as crzy, like we are all mad Malawi is like any nation in these world. we can do what ever like others. think about Nyerere a good simple example_ ants always do things together & they keep on grow. what about as.
ba lozanani zala ife tikungoonelera.
That’s utter nonsense. Did APM hold a gun to Chakwera’s /Msowoya’s head kuti akapanda kuwagulira magalimotowo awaombera? Useless mcp, useless Malawi24. Olo musaikepo comment yanga bola mwamva
Mpaka speaker akamwa wa mkaka ku nyumba kwawo mudzi fusanatu?bwanji aspeaker akumwa wa mkaka amalawi akuvutika,musova!!
just politicizing everything? mkanakhala ndi mfuti,oyamba kumuomba nayo wapezeka kale (APM)
zidakakhala mzika za south africa sibwenzi bomali likutumbwa chonchi,koma poti ndife amalawi tikugonabe ngakhale dzuwa latuluka.ma demostration amaiko anzathu amasinthisa zinthu koma kuno eee imakhala ya kapito ndi mayaya ngati kuti alimo okha muno.Funso mkumati tikudikira ndani odzatimenyera nkhondo poti anthuwa akutebera ndarama tikuna wake up mw.
Dziko lino likudikira chilima kuti liyambe kuyenda bwino. Pitalayu akumva maganizo aalomwe okha nchifukwa chake likumuvuta.
Chitxilu cha munthu ichi!
Munati akuwuzeni nonse za momwe anayendera? Zosatheka
Kodi iwe peter zoti malawi is passing thru hot water wazidziwa liti,ukufuna kuphimba nkhani ya ku USA ija
iwe bwampini uthane kaye ndi ma youth a MCP bwanji…..umapusa et
Admin will u pliz play me Mbenjere’s song known as ‘chiphatso’
Sounds Crazy. How can the executive be approving even purchases of the other arms of govt?
Ngati adafa kale onani khope!!!!!
Zamunyelela nyaphaphi…….mxiw this president sacks ndithu
Policy Imalola kugula galimoto za anthuwa akutiyesa mbuli ife amalawi eti cholinga nkhani ya ku USA itsengere sizitheka kuba Munthu Wopanda manoyi fokofu
Kodi mukamakakamira kukamba za magalimoto awa agulidwawa ndalama adachoka nazo kupika ku msonkhono zija nkhani yake ili pati, and mmene adayendera sadaneneso,kumangokalipa bax, we gonna die in apoor stuation
nanga buanj aspeaker amavomeleza maboza bas
Malawian politics at its best!
everything is backfiring!!!!that’s what happens ukamafuna u president plan ulibe.
I think u need to listen radio station may be u ca get correct info
We are men of God
Wake up malawi wake up citizenary akuba akukubera chuma chako.
Thats malawian politics
Lucifer walephera,there is no secret under the sun…the truth always comes out.
Malawi will never be transformed wth such leaderships!
Kodi momwe amapita ku UNGA was the country’s economy not passing thru hot waters?