Health ministry to punish selfish doctors

Nurses-doctors Malawi

The Ministry of health in Malawi has issued a warning a threat to medical workers who are selfish and bossy when attending to patients.

This comes amid findings that most health professionals in the country subject patients to a variety of insults including beating pregnant women.

A recent survey conducted by foundation for children’s rights (FCR) reveals that most medics are bossy and arrogant when attending to patients especially in rural areas.

doctors Malawi
Doctors, warned. (Google images)

The survey which concurs with Malawi24 findings ranks Mzimba north as one of the areas where rude medics insult patients to indescribable extent.

“They call pregnant women cows, dogs and advocates of population growth. Their husbands are name called various names for failing to hold their randy,” said one official who did the survey.

This publication visit in most hospitals in Mzimba district got the same views from different patients.

Some told our reporter that medics reach the extent of beating up pregnant women.

“They treat us as dogs. We are called all sorts of evil names but we have no option because they are doctors thus if we can be revenging they can just be ignoring us,” said George Mwale who said saw his wife beaten by a nurse.

In Mzuzu most people has been telling this paper that most medics are rude and spend time on social networks leaving patients waiting.

“Facebook is their home at work. They ignore us while spending time texting and insulting patients. Government must intrude,” said Rose Njakwa at Mapale healthy centre, Mzuzu city.

Against such background the ministry of health say will act on it accordingly. Publicist in the same Adrian Chikumbe told Malawi24 on Wednesday that they are lobbying for stiffer punishment on such medics.

Chikumbe said any patient who feel like betrayed or treated in anyway against his wish by medical personnel must report to the nearest police station.

“They can also report to DHOs and even here so that such medical personnel must be disciplined accordingly,” fumed Chikumbe.