The Ministry of health in Malawi has issued a warning a threat to medical workers who are selfish and bossy when attending to patients.
This comes amid findings that most health professionals in the country subject patients to a variety of insults including beating pregnant women.
A recent survey conducted by foundation for children’s rights (FCR) reveals that most medics are bossy and arrogant when attending to patients especially in rural areas.

The survey which concurs with Malawi24 findings ranks Mzimba north as one of the areas where rude medics insult patients to indescribable extent.
“They call pregnant women cows, dogs and advocates of population growth. Their husbands are name called various names for failing to hold their randy,” said one official who did the survey.
This publication visit in most hospitals in Mzimba district got the same views from different patients.
Some told our reporter that medics reach the extent of beating up pregnant women.
“They treat us as dogs. We are called all sorts of evil names but we have no option because they are doctors thus if we can be revenging they can just be ignoring us,” said George Mwale who said saw his wife beaten by a nurse.
In Mzuzu most people has been telling this paper that most medics are rude and spend time on social networks leaving patients waiting.
“Facebook is their home at work. They ignore us while spending time texting and insulting patients. Government must intrude,” said Rose Njakwa at Mapale healthy centre, Mzuzu city.
Against such background the ministry of health say will act on it accordingly. Publicist in the same Adrian Chikumbe told Malawi24 on Wednesday that they are lobbying for stiffer punishment on such medics.
Chikumbe said any patient who feel like betrayed or treated in anyway against his wish by medical personnel must report to the nearest police station.
“They can also report to DHOs and even here so that such medical personnel must be disciplined accordingly,” fumed Chikumbe.
Some nurses+doctors indeed are so rediculous weathy been panished mercilesly.Big up 2 the ministry of health for keepng ur eyes &ears on top of ur heads bola mukayamba mission muzimaliza osatipusisa,patiently waitng 4m ur action
Now you are talking
Zoonadi satiwelengerayi munthu sukumva bwino m’nthupi amapezekadi akushisha m’malo mokuthandiza bwinobwino eeee ndi nyekhwe basi
paliso ma petient ena opanda umunthu! madokotala sizinyama ndi anthunso nawo! chofunika ndi umunthu basi……
kodi mukuzitenga kuti mphamvu zimenezi mukamakanika kuyendetsa dziko musamatope anthu mwamva
Kaya munatukwanidwa,kumenyedwa,kunyozedwa bola chthandizo munalandra xo whats wrong thr?muli ndi moyo pano dats y mukutha kulemba zopuxaz apa!!
Each and every hospital has the same problems.okolopa ndiye dyere!!ndikakhala ine ndiye nkhuku,chinangwa,mbatata,tomatondi zina ma patient amandipatsa ndiye iwe ngati sunalandilepo zimenezi udzifunse vuto lako
Bravo! ministry of health.These so called health workers are too bossy. Especially female health workers are too much impudent. Go to Bwaila hospital in Lilongwe and See what these so called doctors and nurses are doing. They even shout at patients. Bwaila hospital is full of cruel health workers. Ndimve kupweteka kwa ululu inunso mundizunzenso aaaaah Shame!
please please minister of health take actions,anthu amenewa salabadila za odwala ai tithandizeni,amakhala ngati ntchitoyo mmene amaifunsira iwo anachita kukakamizidwa
man yafika
tidziti samadziwa?isaa
achosedwe kumene olo atamagwira ntchito anthu ochepa koma achikondi osati enawa kutubwa ngati sazafa
Kukakhala kwathu kuno pa Dzunje clinic boma la Ntcheu amakatungitsa odwala kaye madzi a ku nyumba kwake kuti mulandire chithandizo.
Its not all of them that are bad.and in every field being medical or other field kumapezekabe Ena oyipa Ena abwino zimathengera munthu yo.so stopp insulting all medical staffs
Makamaka Ku Bwaila amakhala ngati anachita kuwakakamiza kulowa ntchito imeneyo and also agree with Nobert Mwale za free toll line tikakumana Nazo tidziyimba
zachinyengo zimavuta pamapeto ndieno ndizimenezi anthu olowa ku college mwachinyengo zimatelo akayamba veti amangofuna salary basi osati job
the doctors insults patients dis iz too much
It is a two way process. Dokotala nayenso ndi munthu amalakwitsa izo ndi zoona. Mbali inanso yoti tiunike bwinobwino ndiyoti kodi nayenso dokotala kapena namwino walakwiridwa ndi patient adandaulire ndani? Palidi madotolo ena sachita bwino inde,ndikuwapempha kuti asinthe ngati sangathe akagwire ntchito zina osati zaumoyo komanso pali ena muzipatala zathumu madotolo ndi anamwino ozipereka koma akagwira ntchito yotamandikayo a Malawi sitilembako ngakhale mpang’ono pomwe. Tsopano ndi “generalisation” imeneyi ipangitsa kuti ochepa ogwira modzipereka aja agwe ulesi. Amalawi tiyeni tiyamike pamene wina wachita bwino ndi kudzuzula pamene wina walakwa.
Dats tru,,,,ma health workers mumasalika mzipatalamu,,,,mumangoona ngati kuti ophunzila ndinu nokha….yes its a tiresome job koma b4 u choose dis job kno dat its a call 4rm God 2 save lives…..
makapewo apangidwe dismiss.zachamba eti ,sizodya cash zaulele pamwamba pama patients.
Leave the job if u don’t want to work.mumatitenha tonse ngati athu osaphunzira tikabwera ku chipatala.kkkkk shut up
If all the medics agree to stop work and work in neighbouring countries who will suffer? Those who say like that hav never seen how tough it is to deal with people in hospitals . There is tough job in wards and clinics come and see don’t just empty your threats no one is a slave here. First make the conditions of work bve favourable. Otherwise there is no corruption like in other Govt department where by some makes a target that today I will knock off with 100000MK. Medics dedicate to their job even in vbad conditions tingokumverani kutokota!
Palibe ntchito yophweka mkulu, musachite kutamirira apa, pali anzanu ochepa amagwira ntchito yomweyo koma molimbika ambiri kuzimva basi. Kwa amene sakwanitsa chilamulo kulibwino kusiya kukapeza yosavuta.
enanu munalowela chinyengo ku college dats why simulimbikila vepi,
olo atamagwira anthu ochepa palibe vuto sizomatitumbwira misonkho yathu yomwe iyaaaaa kutumbwa ngati sazafa mxiiieew
musonkho mumasonkha nokha popeza nafe tisonkha mumanyozetsa ntchito ya nzanu bwanji? chifukwa chake ndimenecho muli ndi brain drain muno . ochepa omwewo with substandard services who suffers. You don’t know what you are talking about just keep quiet full stop.
Anduna? Tabwelani muzaone zomwe amapanga pa mulanje hosptal aaaaa amazimva ngat sazafa zoti ndi tchito sawelenganso ai umangomva akut ifetu bwana wanthu ali ku LL
Zowonadi ma doctor amanyanya makamaka akuda kaya samaona azungu mmene amachitira chikondi mxxxxx
Mungopeza naumber yaulele mapatient aziyimba akakumana ndi mavutowa chifukwa ku Malawi kuno anthu akapanga zachipatala amazimva ngati kuti iwowo ndi president! Mulungu amakweza ozichepesa!
i agree with u mr Mwale
come to zomba C.H
Provide zofunikira,they wil work as required.osamangobwebweta mankhwala kulibe muona ngati ntchito ingakome?
Agalu,anyani amenewa amazi3la akavala white white wake. ngat wa m’modzi waiwo akundmva, panyini pa amake!!anandzunza kwambiri anthu amenewa nthawi inayake Ndtadwala,,,
Ndipo akamasamalika ngat iwo samadwala
Inde kumawathiradi mphepo amazitenga ngati chipatala nchambuyao..mxiiiu
Tin the outpatients and maternity ward nurses. Ibworkef hard to eradicate it. I was giving health talks to outpatient before they stsrt bring seen and tell them they were the in charge as all the professional were being paid by them through their taxes not by the minister of health. Therefore they needed to be treated with respect. My door was open for them to complain if they are treated badly. So in part the blame here also lies with incharges who need to take full control and ensure that patients are treated with respect. With modern technology patients can record the abuse on their mobile phone to provide hard evidence to be used to cinvict those who abuse them. As I saw at Zomba General Hospital staff also need training so that they can change their attitudes towards patients. It did work at Zomba with most of staff except one person who was looking at my age as too young to teach or train him.