Chilima was a trendsetter – Political Analyst

Saulos Chilima was Vice President of Malawi

Political Analysts in the country have described the Late Vice President of the Republic of Malawi Dr. Saulos Chilima as a person who changed Malawi politics in various ways.

The Political Analyst, Wonderful Mkhutche said Chilima promoted an issue-based campaign and gave Malawians hope that Malawi could develop.

“Saulos Chilima was a trendsetter. He changed Malawi’s politics in many ways. First, he promoted issue-based campaign. Second, he rebranded Malawi politics and gave it class, for example how UTM campaign materials were designed during the 2019 elections.

Wonderful Mkhutche
Let’s keep Chilima’s legacy alive – Mkhutche.

“Third, he gave Malawians hope that this country can develop, an assurance we never had for years. He made people dream in colors and in him, many saw a renewal of Malawi’s hopes,” said Mkhutche.

He further concedes that the country needs to keep his legacy alive.

“As a country, we need deliberate plans to keep his legacy going. His life inspired many into politics. But now we need to move forward by naming some public infrastructure after him so that we keep his spirit alive in Malawian society. He deserves that place because he brought something new and different to us,” he added.

Chilima and 8 other people died on 10th June 2024 when the plane they were traveling in crashed in the Chikangawa mountain range.

President Lazarus Chakwera has since declared 21 days of mourning for the fallen heroes.


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