People’s Party publicity Secretary Kenneth Msonda has branded people who are defending the rights of gays in the country as “homosexuals” who are only hiding their identity to Malawians.
Msonda was firing back at some human rights defenders who have trashed his earlier sentiments which compared homosexuals to dogs who need to be killed because of advocating the wishes of the devil.
He went on to maintain that his critics are arguing with baseless points which are not even supported in the constitution of the country.

“They should not be hiding from defending human rights, let them just come open and tell Malawians that they are gays. Not that being a lawyer working at law commission means they know anything. They are also having some shortfalls thus their comments are not good at all,” he said.
Some human rights activist including the Malawi Law Commission (MLS) described his sentiments as hate speech which can likely cause commotion in the country. They reminded Msonda that Malawi is not a Christian state but rather it is run by a secular constitution thus people like homosexuals have rights to do what they wish.
In his reaction to such comments, Msonda has warned that he will drag the law commission to court on defamation charges because their comments have completely assassinated his good reputation.
“The law commission officials are not angels. Mind you they can also bring confusion in the country if we just fear them. Now I am planning to drag them to court for character assassination, I will meet them in court,” he fumed.
The law commission has also expressed their readiness to meet Msonda in the court of law any time saying they cannot fear him because he is threatening them with legal action.
President of the commission John Suzi Banda told Malawi24 on Tuesday that they are waiting for summons from Msonda because they are ready to meet him in court even today to defend charges of character assassination as sued by him.
“We are ready to meet him there. Let him give us summons we are ready to meet him,” challenged Banda.
Meanwhile tensions are still high among Malawians who seemingly have varying views on the topic.
Msonda very good osawaopa komaso kuwanyengerera
Mr Msonda deserves to be the State President.One of the duties of a State president is to defend the constitution and Mr Msonda is doing that for Malawi by saying a big no to homosexuality which is against the laws of the land.Mr Msonda is now turning to a FREEDOM FIGHTER and I wholly support him.If he continues behaving like this,we better make him the Malawi leader.
my bible is my constitution and it says in leviticus 20:13 that when a man lays with another man as he would with a woman he has committed an abomination and surely must be put to death-and thus his blood is in his own hands!
Anthu Anzeru Za Umunthu Sapasidwa Mpata Kukhala Atsogoleri Popeza Akana Kugwadira Satana Namavomereza Kukhala Mphawi Koma Waulemu Wake Osati Nkhumba. Sorry Ndalemekeza Poti Nkhumba Iziwa Ya ikazi Or ya Imuna Koma Nyongolosi Zomati Kumutu Mphongo Kusi Thazi Nkumati Tras Chani Chani. Ansonda Musa Dande Mau Tinanva Ndipo Tawagwiritsa Ndikamafa Ine Nzapita Ndimodz Wa Tidzilombo Timeneti Akuti Gay Kaya LGT…..
By the way, why was Nsonda quite when PP government suspended anti-gay laws and agreed to protect gay rights? Can he promise the nation that if PP is voted into govt, it will kill all gays? Can he? Tell him I need an answer.
Quit true msonda
Ma gays anyongedwe basi we don’t want nyansi in Malawi or else pitani ku White House konko.
(Agalu a mbolo zosadula sitiimva) BIG UP 2 MR MSONDA 4 GOOD VISION NYASI MALAWI SItikufuna ifee THERE ARE TEN COMMANDMENT OF GOD IN HEAVEN malawi neva agree 4 fucker malamulo THE BIBLE SAID THAT A MAN should MARRY AWOMAN bwanj mukubwelesa nyasi malawi ndife osauka basi akuziwa nd mulungu ndiye tisalemele munjira yonyasa ngat imeneyo tilimbeke ntchito ndiye tilemele
Nahala painu mr msonda dats true malawi tisasekelere zopusazo ndat nyasi fucker pady du dats GOD kill dem pipo whu du dis
Sodomites are worse than animals that can even have sex with their biological parents. I hate all homosexual defenders, I can even kill for that…..rubishhh!!!
I used to hate msonda but now he is the best ever,tiye nazo
For Sure They Are And Are The Source Of The Doom The Country Is Sailing Through. They Are Even The Sons And Daughters Of The Devil
msondawu tu bwino nayo ali na apiti Banda bwanji bwanji sankalamula kuti ma gay aziphedwa ? Anla
Just discoved kuti kodidi m’malawi munodi muli anthudi anzeru ndi abwinodi eti..Msonda is such one guy! I like Msonda now,ahaaa!
God is watching u gayz.sons of lucifer.shame
Msonda Ndi Big! Samasekerera Zopusa. Malawians! Lets Join Hands And Support Him In Speaking Against This Stupid Malpractice. Bravo Msonda.
Malawi, u r nw becoming a Lawless society,where by the coonstitution is no longer powerful,western satanic ideologies can be implimented at any time wth the current financial situation,ths is pollution to our culture,religious laws.
Ngati Cili Ciyambi Ca 666 Ingobwerani Poyera Mudzayambe Kundidula Khosi Ineyo.Ndatopa Ndikunva Za Nyansi Zanuzo Abwantasa Inu.Amabungwe Moti Muzimenyera Ufulu Wa Ogwilitsidwa Ntchito Ya Ulere Mukumenyera Ufulu Wa Agalu Ndi Ziwanda.
Koma ngati kugonana amuna kapena akazi okhaokha ndi ufulu ndiye amene akumagona ndi ana a 14yrs,akuba ndi mfuti,okupha anzawo ndi ena otelo mukumawamangilanji nawonso si ufulu wawo nanga?
Kuwaika chitsononkho
I used to hate Msonda koma apa pokha walasa. Big up Mr Msonda tiri mbuyomo!!!!
Can this poorcountry malawi stop shiting themselfs fuck gays and everyone who suport gays rights kumphatikizapo #bwampini peter muthalika
Imphani anthu opusa kuti achibwana achenjere zaugalu basi muziona
Imphani anthu opusa kuti achibwana achenjere zaugalu basi muziona
Mr nsonda dont worry first we wil kill there boss trapence and then all of them till we hav no such a thing called a gay or lesibian…….trapence dont think we see u with smile faces coz w knw u r the one destroyin ur culture and teachin our children ur satanic….stupid trapence and law society
Mr nsonda dont worry first we wil kill there boss trapence and then all of them till we hav no such a thing called a gay or lesibian…….trapence dont think we see u with smile faces coz w knw u r the one destroyin ur culture and teachin our children ur satanic….stupid trapence and law society
I think the westerns has seen the weekness in this our nation hence their need to advance their disgursting practices into the African cont.. Using the weekiest gate which they think is Malawi why can’t they dare comrade or else Lungu,,,,, werste the gays p/z
I think the westerns has seen the weekness in this our nation hence their need to advance their disgursting practices into the African cont.. Using the weekiest gate which they think is Malawi why can’t they dare comrade or else Lungu,,,,, werste the gays p/z
A msonda mumayankhulanso chonci sitimaziwa?
A msonda mumayankhulanso chonci sitimaziwa?
Msonda wangofuna kutchuka
I dont know y we r living our tune and dance other’s tune. Malaw open you eyes this not time to sleep. If we want to have better country lets follow whats bible says ( aman should marry a woman )
A msonda nthawi zambili munkabweletsa nkhani zopanda pake koma yimeni tininawo agalu osawapatsa mpata achitakutumi ndianthu akunja
If u really hate gays…nanga Obunyula muwatani??!!
Nature defines well of sex but digital minds have formulated to embarrass the true meaning
Mwalanhulakotu za nzeru a Nsonda. More fire
All Gays And Their Defenders Should Read Romans 1:24-27
Amalawi tiyeni tipephelere dziko lanthu,tisalole woyipayo kutisokoneza ife,mr msonda big up 2 u musabwelere mbuyo.Ife nyasi zimenezi ayi kwanthu kuno.
Zachamba,akanzi onsewa?better supporting mitala.usatana chiyani?human rights yake iti?kapena satanism?zazii.
Zachamba,akanzi onsewa?better supporting mitala.usatana chiyani?human rights yake iti?kapena satanism?zazii.
Boranso agalu ali ndi nzeru amadziwa kuti mkazi kapena mamuna ndi uyo malo oyenera kulowetsa ndi awo.lets borrow sherria law stone them to death
Am beginning to like this guy…don’t change the tune mdala. Am a Zambian. ..and am supporting you brothers of holiness and thefear oof God.
msonda akunena zoona ma defenderwo panyapawo
including catholic commission for justice & Peace CCJP very bad indeed and its benefiting from LGBT very bad again as the main church in Malawi ndiyekuti ma fake Prophetwa,Boma ndi Non-Governmental organisations nonse amanu ndi a LGBT sichoncho? Komatu Mulungu mumudziwa ngati mumangomva aphwanga
Vuto boma lamalawi malamulo ayyendetsela dziko akumatenga ku 666
Tiye naoni a Msonda athawa okha ana anjoka amenewa.
Owerenga azindikire zinanedwa kale
end of dayz and signs of 666, tsoka lili paiwe osocheletsa anthu
Ngati muzamange Mr Nsonda…. Ife tizaotcha wamathanyula aliyense kumphatikizapo azisogoleli awo
Ine Msonda timasemphana muzambili koma pankhani imeneyi ndiye ndili mbali yako more fire Msonda
Un shaken mr Msonda…
U deserves to b a gud leader i salute u mr Msonda may God encourage u to continue saying de truth without fear!!!
Tiye nawo msonda amatanyula opanda ntchito awa. We r busy discussing about these nosense gays n lesbian instead of development, fuck them must go to hell, foolish dogs.
In democracy, majority rules. Why are minorities considered most? We are being fooled by westerners for sure
He is not lying… #word
Go Ken go ma loya ndi a mathanyula awaaa zigawenga izi, zimaimilila mbava akupha moti apa sakuona ngati ndi tchimo anaziyamba ku koleji
Tiziponde za mathunyulazi.
Fire them msonda
Nsonda Yemweyo Kuti Wawawa Sorry Nditenge Sip Ya Nip
Anyasisa dziko lathu apite kumwe amavomeleza zopusazo
bravo mr msonda
ma NGO azaufulu mukuziwa kuti ugay ndinyasi kwathu kuno,koma kukamila kut nkhumba za ku ulaya zkupasen madolla ,fotseki
Tiwuzeni zowona.
msonda machende amako wamva patumbo pako akutuma galuiwe.
Kodi inu mukuti chani? nanga mwatchulazo zimalowerana? Pafunika buyatu
Malawi akanakhala ndi anthu a maganizo abwino ngati Mr Msonda maka awa akumipandowa bwezi Malawi ali ndi tsogolo lowala.Kma vuto ndilakuti tikutsogoleredwa ndi zianthu zopembedza Satana ts y we dancing 2 western tunes lyk this.
Akulimbikitsa nde mabungwe a satanic akufuna apedze ma members
Amsonda Mwaganizako Ngat Ena2!!! Muli Boh Tsopano Koma Mukadawongolera Amai Aja Poyamba,,stil More Its Not Too Late.
A big up big man msonda akhaulitse anthu adyelawa muwayalutse basi anthu amathanyulawa amsonda omwewo kuti wa wa wa wa wa.
So killing is your judgement?Why did you not speak in 2013 when you suspended gay cases defended by the then Minister of Justice R.Kasambala?Chilikwamunzako psyinyitsa Sensiless talk.Whom are you cheating?
‘Do you have to die to be a hero?’ ( a song by Oliver Mtukudzi). All those against gays are our heroes today just like the Chilembwe’s who fought against colonialism.
Nsonda ndiopenga malo molimbana ndi chipani chake chikutha akulimbana ndi ma Gays kupepera kwenikweni akuona ngati apeza cholowa
iwe ndi kape eti
Iwenso ndi gay?Mtumbo wako wamva!
panya pako #Michael #Banda ngati ukundifuna ika nambala yako apa ndikupeza kwanu konko
Msonda for president and Lucius Banda for vice. Don’t give up for the truth for it shall set you free. The Lord will always protect you my heroes.
We hv to slaughter these dogs
Apozonat mr msonda
Ndamva wina akunena kuti ma gaynso ndi anthu,Kkkkk anakuwudzAni kuti magay ndi anthu ndani? Anthu angamapange zopu tsa ngati zimenezo?komanso wina akunena kuti tchimo ndi tchimo koma tell me munawonapo boma lanji limavomereza tchimo olo litakhala lakuba.shame on you .end time is near
umakwana #msonda
You the so called lawyers and you Msonda,take note that we Malawians are not fools,the battle you are fighting we know the end result….
here is our mugabe…!kkk kaninso ndinu amzeru chonchi eti?
Its good he knows then we won’t blame the current leadership in that one
I support msonda
Ife amene tili patali kumva chonchi timachita manyazi tsopano a Msonda muthane nawo awa anthu ndioputsa zedi…..
Wait a minute, which law school did Msonda go?
Dats exactly wht they are..#homosexuals
Big-Up #Msonda
Whoever is backing these stupid people should think.If you you mother is alive ndiye kuti simumawalemekeza,Kofi mbewu kapena umuna omwe unapanga inu unatulukira kuti ndipo unalowera kuti?nanga inu momwe mumabadwa munatulukira kuti?do you want extinction of human beings mukamachindana nokhanokha?Do you love your children?Munabadwa from which tribe?R u mad or stupid, or you are greedy ?Ku mbolo kwanu ,inu mumaziti ndi akazi odziwa kuthanyula Ku nyini p nyini panu popanda nyinipo.Malawians let’s go fo r sharia against whoever is this stupid.you can’t exchange malamulo a mulungu with Judas money.you stupid campaigners take care ….I am watching your stupidity.trepance why are you married to a woman?kumachende kwako, do you respect that wife of yours? and you woman you are just stupid quiet are you safe or you are an idiot?
Iwe Banda? Ukuchita kupanga Makani ngati zinthu zanzeru bwanji?????where is ur Mother?????ask ur Mother first if ths is good kuvomereza Mathanyulawo….
Whoever is backing these stupid people should think.If you you mother is alive ndiye kuti simumawalemekeza,Kofi mbewu kapena umuna omwe unapanga inu unatulukira kuti ndipo unalowera kuti?nanga inu momwe mumabadwa munatulukira kuti?do you want extinction of human beings mukamachindana nokhanokha?Do you love your children?Munabadwa from which tribe?R u mad or stupid, or you are greedy ?Ku mbolo kwanu ,inu mumaziti ndi akazi odziwa kuthanyula Ku nyini p nyini panu popanda nyinipo.Malawians let’s go fo r sharia against whoever is this stupid.you can’t exchange malamulo a mulungu with Judas money.you stupid campaigners take care ….I am watching your stupidity.trepance why are you married to a woman?kumachende kwako, do you respect that wife of yours? and you woman you are just stupid quiet are you safe or you are an idiot?
Whoever is backing these stupid people should think.If you you mother is alive ndiye kuti simumawalemekeza,Kofi mbewu kapena umuna omwe unapanga inu unatulukira kuti ndipo unalowera kuti?nanga inu momwe mumabadwa munatulukira kuti?do you want extinction of human beings mukamachindana nokhanokha?Do you love your children?Munabadwa from which tribe?R u mad or stupid, or you are greedy ?Ku mbolo kwanu ,inu mumaziti ndi akazi odziwa kuthanyula Ku nyini p nyini panu popanda nyinipo.Malawians let’s go fo r sharia against whoever is this stupid.you can’t exchange malamulo a mulungu with Judas money.you stupid campaigners take care ….I am watching your stupidity.trepance why are you married to a woman?kumachende kwako, do you respect that wife of yours? and you woman you are just stupid quiet are you safe or you are an idiot?
It always amazes me how many times this God orders the killing of innocent people even after the Ten Commandments said Thou shall not kill. For example, God kills 70,000 innocent people because David ordered a census of the people (1 Chronicles 21).
God also orders the destruction of 60 cities so that the Israelites can live there. He orders the killing of all the men, women, and children of each city, and the looting of all of value (Deuteronomy 3). He orders another attack and the killing of all the living creatures of the city: men and women, young, and old, as well as oxen sheep, and asses (Joshua 6). In Judges 21 He orders the murder of all the people of Jabesh-gilead, except for the virgin girls who were taken to be forcibly raped and married. When they wanted more virgins, God told them to hide alongside the road and when they saw a girl they liked, kidnap her and forcibly rape her and make her your wife!
Just about every other page in the Old Testament has God killing somebody! In 2 Kings 10:18-27, God orders the murder of all the worshipers of a different god in their very own church! In total God kills 371,186 people directly and orders another 1,862,265 people murdered
The God of the Bible also allows slavery, including selling your own daughter as a sex slave (Exodus 21:1-11), child abuse (Judges 11:29-40 & Isaiah 13:16), and bashing babies against rocks (Hosea 13:16 & Psalms 137:9). This type of criminal behavior should shock any moral person. Except my fellow malawians. They just follow and never question or think for themselves.
Whoever is backing these stupid people should think.If you you mother is alive ndiye kuti simumawalemekeza,Kofi mbewu kapena umuna omwe unapanga inu unatulukira kuti ndipo unalowera kuti?nanga inu momwe mumabadwa munatulukira kuti?do you want extinction of human beings mukamachindana nokhanokha?Do you love your children?Munabadwa from which tribe?R u mad or stupid, or you are greedy ?Ku mbolo kwanu ,inu mumaziti ndi akazi odziwa kuthanyula Ku nyini p nyini panu popanda nyinipo.Malawians let’s go fo r sharia against whoever is this stupid.you can’t exchange malamulo a mulungu with Judas money.you stupid campaigners take care ….I am watching your stupidity.trepance why are you married to a woman?kumachende kwako, do you respect that wife of yours? and you woman you are just stupid quiet are you safe or you are an idiot?
Smoke them out please
Msonda Is Saing The Truth No Matte He Is From Pp!
Bravo msonda
Sharia law on gays in Mdubz…Msonda tsopano…2016 woyeee…chitukuko,chitetezo and chilungamo…DPP woyeeeeeeeeeeee
Why going round & round while the issue is plain.Kills gays thats all
Mumuze banda paujeni pake, abwere kwaine ndimmupange zimene akufunazo, koma ngat satenga mimba i n 2 weeks, kapena ngat sapanga period ali ndiine ndipha ndichikwanje? Iyeyo banda mai ake ndiamuna? Kapena bamboake anakwatila mamuna mzao? Malamulo malamulo acha? Malamulo a mulungu alipo khumi enao mwapanga nokha ndezisatikhuze! Msonda akamangidwa nungoziwilatu polisi station yomwe akakhaleyo tikaotcha moto poti polisi yakumalawi ndialonda andodo ife tibwera ndi mfuti mutha nonse ndi president wanuyooo muonaso! Achoke ku USA azatipusitse kuno? Akapolo odyela kuziphwitsii umvee ndipo show ya lucius inachitikila kutali ndingopempha ichitike mtwn muno azabwereso ma gay wooo tione ngati azabwelere amoyooo
Malawi, do not afford to be menciated and sold as tobacco. Let us follow what God the creator told us.
I want 2 open a very big DAGGA/MARIJUANA shop every whr in Malawi, every week we’ll be off-loading 14 tones truck full of dagga from Swaziland. If the gays & lesbians got their rights why not me? I got a right 2 do what-ever business i can think of without interfeir hope the MLS will be there 4 me.
Iam 1oo Percent Support Msonda’s Suggestions. In True Sense Nobody Can Promote A thing Which Does Not Associate With. All Who Support This, They Are Gay Whether Malawians Or Outside, More Expecial Donors
These so called human rights are barking for stupid while leaving people starving, high tarriffs etc. How can the hole country waist time disscusing the type of sex to be involved in while leaving very critical challenge malawi is facing at present. Chonde a human rights kuti inuo muchinde mmayamba mwadya kaye, therefore food number 1 kuchinda number 2
Mbaibulo muli mau ; oti ngati ukoona chiwalo chimozi chathupi chikusokoneza thupi lako , udule , kulibwino ukalowe ufumu wakumwamba ndi diso limozi koposa kuti ukapye ndi moto. Chonchobe kulibwino zichitike basi m’ mene wanenela msondayo. Sizingatheke mwapha nkhuku ndiye mnsuzi mwagwera nthentche nkumataya nkhuku yonse ayi .Amangochotsa ntchentcheyo mwambo nkumapitilira. Choncho Ntchentchezo zichotsedwe basi.
Raise your words, not voice. It is rain that grows flowers not thunder # Msonda must fall.
Human Rights are Pegan Laws,Follow Ten Commandments and The bible.I remember PP govt was Pro gay,Msonda is a Hypocrite Fuck that bitch…
Msonda is right. These people are rotten gays.
Abambo ako ankati azichinda pamnyero bwezi iwe kulibe. Iphanidi zitsiru zi!!!! This is not America. I f u are such kind, then migrate my brother. Simple as that!!!!!!!!
For the first time seeing Msonda talking sense. I like his stand, bravo!
Dont bring God on nosense isues. Fuck the gays!!! An fucken kill them.
Kkkkkkkkkkkkkk koma msonda satheka big up msonda .
Ok ndikubwera ndithana nawo basi, poraaaaahhh
more fire mr nsomda….osawagonjera agalu akuteteza ma gays.
Ndenkumati pafinika mapemphero kuti mvula ibwere, nyasi zimenezo ndekumuyesa mulungu
Big up Mr Msonda,,Devil has no rights
Team Kenneth all the way
Msonda yemweyo kuti wa wa wa ! Ndingakupeze bwanji kuti tikambilane m’mene tingaphere agalu amenewa
Bravo Mr Msonda Nobody is above the law,pachichewa amati ndimati ndichiponde koma chaponda ine
Msonda is quite right.If you back evil you’re devil.
we are behind Msonda
Zoona zoona
You are right mr Msonda
Nsonda for president now
Dats true Mr Msonda all human rights defender are included in gays n lebians so my fellow Malawians lets start killing them one by one. Iwe Banda ndi anzakowo tikugenda miyala evn ku courtko tikakupherani komweko .big up Msonda
Dats true Mr Msonda all human rights defender are included in gays n lebians so my fellow Malawians lets start killing them one by one. Iwe Banda ndi anzakowo tikugenda miyala evn ku courtko tikakupherani komweko .big up Msonda
#Karlen james, we do not want Gays here on this post. We are like Lucius stoping the show coz of u nyasi za ziko. #Msonda we are ur suporters nomakanjani, no gays allowed in my country as it was before. Nyasi zimenezi muzikachitila kumene anakutumaniko. Kodi inu anakubelekani ndi amuna anzanu? Kill these so call Dog Gays.
Our mtsogoleri z akaki
Dont you have something to write?l mean you leaving behind economic issues and keep telling us about this daily?Bring us another topic plz.
Fuck zako nawe
Ngati za Econmy sizikutheka ndiye tiziti chani mesa angosintha miyez ankati Dec lero ati February ngati nawe umakwana kaya ndi amuna amzako kaya ndiwe wakazi kwina umalizisa wekha
I think ur completely stupid mr Tobious,anakukakamizani kuti muwelenge ndindani mixxx
just unlike the page kuti muzikakwatana kuthako
Kuona nkhope ya malemu sakakamiza….nde kuwinya ngati achita kukuphenyulani masowo kuti muwerenge bwanji?
These people are trying to update the nation concerning the matter which is currently burning our hearts . Zikabowa just get a glass of water drink n sitback.
@tobiyasi, ngakhale mutalilemba dzina lanu mu chizungu,ndinu atobiyasi basi.ndipo ngati umachindidwa konyerera ife zisatikhuze,Economy masovedwe pa malawipa ukuwaziwa,muzichindana koma tisakupezeni tikuotchani
Akufuna ndalama akapuku amenewa akufuna kuwononga dziko lathu labwinoli!viva Ken viva!
Sureh msonda sukunama inenso ndimadAbwA nawo
Tikuena za legalizing tchimo apa! Machimo anthu amapanga everyday kuphatikizapo homosexuality yo.Koma zomwe anthu akukana ndikuchita legalize tchimolo
Big up Desire
Oooo this man is spitting the truth n it’s fireeeeeee
How msonda go deeper his in prison… u cant touch any human being we have human right even dogs has right violations animal cruelty law…
Pankholo pa amako amene anakunyera iweyo galu wa munthu, Msomba ali kwao he was realised on the bail kape ndi ma bwana amene uja mbolo yako
Open your eyes broe!!
Wake up from the dead and start walking in light of God!
U are a man and I believe u have/had a mother!
Which rights do claim after you were born from the Vgna of a woman and why not from the nozzle of a Pnns???
Claim the rights if only u were born out from the Anus of a male.
Jimme do u think am walking in the dark… mishec hu nosence.. killing inocent people
Jimmie Jie Jie open ur asshole… ur do duff
Why dont just go home in ur villages and plant chimanga u went south africa that country was open gay. Why u dont do anything about gay there if ur homophobic asshole
Jul,u r indeed a disciple of the devil
Judge me now u see later God will judge u
Ur mouth always God mind bible says not all calling my name will be save… and ur are among them
kkkk,mwamputa dala msonda mumva kuwawa
Nanga ndichani akufunacho iwo?bravo Mr Msonda we need ppo with guts lyk you.
Never give up Mr
Mr #msonda this is two much,r u truely a blever of God and his gospel?,even if u kil gays U wiil b accountable to God for kiling human being?.wht do u think?..U r God? Or a massager??,,you hepocrate phalines #Onyenga iwe usunga malamulo koma Koma chiyelo ayi ndinthu,,lets heip this pipo turn to God than wht u r doing Mr Msonda..this cnt heip us.Jesus said lolani #tiligu ndinasogole zikulire limodzi zidzaoneka pokolora,thus jesus who said this?.inu muku ona kuchedwa??
R u a sent mr Msonda??,,thr act is a sin,thus undurable fact,,bt dziwani palibe ntchimo lalikulu kapena laling’ono pamaso pa mulungu.ndipo bible likunenetsa kt ngat tinena kt tilibe uchimo then tidzinyenga tonkha,,then teli me @ what bible basis do u want to kiil this pipo?..
Za Sodom ndi gomola ife ayi amwene, aphedwe anthu opusanu…. Choncho mvula ingabwere? Mukudetsa ntundu
Am sorry but look if are a true Christian read Romans 1:18-27..
Its exactly stated there that “Because of their heart s these people chose to walk according to their fleshy desires despite knowing the truth of their nature and hence God gave them up to the desires of committing such immoral behavior man versus man and woman visavesa!…
Read carefully …
Kuchimwira mwa dala its a big woe before the Lord.
These people know the truth of their natural sexual desire and yet they stand to oppose God’s beautiful creation.
Shame! Shame!
Its vry suprising that,,mbeu yodzalidwa ikufuna izake ichoke mundamo yet mwini munda akuti zilekeni zonse zikulire limodzi,,,oky wats ut bibilca point,to kiil them or what??
Yea aphedwe
Unless the so calld human rights redfine “HOMOSEXUALITY” as a psycho~physiogical health case, then homosexuals can b trted as patients not healthy humans. Othrwyz claiming 4 sch rights z indgnfyng n dgradng humanity. Sch rights rmain ideal and will never hold dspite a million revolutions…
maiko anzathu adatopa nazo izi.ili ngati nkhondo maiko ena adatopa nayo.nthawi yakwana bac.tingovomeleza ufulu wa munthu.
Kodi ufulu wa munthu otani woposela malamulo a Mulungu man? Mpantumbo panu mxiii!
ah iwe pliz delete that comment
ufulu umakhala ochindana kuthako iwe opusa eti koma ulindi umunthu iweyo #Lumbanie #Nyirendah
Lumbani, kod wakuba atabwela kwanuko ndikuba katundu upanga bwanji? Popeza nayenso ali ndi ufulu wachibadwidwe wokuba.
Romans 1:18-27.
Onse ochita za U gay ali kuchitira Mulungu mwano.
#kenneth msonda more fire,ameneyo nde mtumbuka
man,whats up
now you’re comingup with a point mr msonda,kodi phindu lokwatana amuna kaya akazi okhaokha ndi chan,kongo onesela usilu ndi usatan wanu
go go msonda gooooo…..go deeper
speak out Msonda ..tell them the truth
Wagwanayu. Msonda
Mgabe wakumalawi,,,msonda!!!
Apa pokha mwayankhula zanzeru a msonda
Kkkk Amenewadituu akudziwana ndithu….apo biii ana awo kunja akuphunzirakoo maybe are fucken gays n Lesbians!
If Malawi really has Gays and Lesbians, i would like them to go on the streets and tell us that they exist and fight for what these westernen backed NGOs and Rights groups claim. I think same sex sexuality is not meant for Malawi. They should be bussy fighting for the rights of patients in our hospitals and their welfare and the rights of students in our schools and their welfare. #Gay_NGOs_suck
@#Lameck u r number one umatha iweyo. Inenso kudabwa why fighting busy fighting for nonsense rights yet anthu odwala mzipatalamu akudya kamodzi koma chosecho amakuwuza mankhwala awa ndi ofunika kudyera ndy udya chani? ma rasta akasunga tsitsi mumati ayi zimenezo…Kodi kusunga tsitsi ndi izizi chabwino ndi chani pamenepa? Kapena ali ndi ufulu ndi ma gay okha or ma lesbians
l also think so…
We are with you Msonda. Osaopa!! MLS is forgetting its role of safeguarding the cultural human rights of Malawians as enshrined in our constitution. Have you now become slaves to the Westerners neocolonialism because of money? If MLS cannot safeguard the wishes of the majority of Malawians, who else will do it? You just want to please azungu basi? That is slavery mentality. If you cannot stand with the wishes of the majority of Malawians in such a time as this one, help will come from somewhere else to your detriment before God.
Nsonda tikumane tikambilane mmene tingaaphele agalu amenewa ,,,,, osaopa atate. Ma gay afe ndithu
Our law commission is bullshit,
a real patriot can not defend such stupid act. They just want to kill our nation as they beef up their accounts through the stupid Europeans and Americans who are are implementing things that they can not do.
Obama and your friends,
Leave your wives first then preach by example by marrying fellow men.Stupid law commission , Stupid lawyers for failing to defend your country and for Americans/Europeans fuck you all!!
Sex is for male and female even in every animal species you won’t find same Sex fucking.
Am with u mr Nsonda lets shame the devil 2gether we can
Mo fire msonda
Msonda ungawayekere kanjalo.azokujoyera misunu yawo…….
Koma kumeneko !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Viva msonda!!!!zopusa ai.