…Inquiry into numerous cases of
- homosexuality
- verbal
- physical abuse of students
Fresh investigations into Malawi’s Kalibu Academy in Chileka, Blantyre that this investigator has seen have revealed that current Headmaster, Paisley Mavutula is a leading mastermind behind different abuses faced by employees and students at “Christian” run Kalibu Academy.
Kalibu, which currently has 800 students in secondary school – almost 600 of them boarders – professes on its website to have “the spirit of excellence that reaches the heavens,” but what this investigator has uncovered is quite the opposite.
A recently released year-long inquiry into verbal, physical and homosexual misconduct done to employees and alumni of the boarding school identified Headmaster Paisley Mavutula and school founder Michael Thomas Howard as the main perpetrators.
Abuse at Kalibu dates back to days before ground was even broken on the first building at the school and continues into the current year, 2015.
It is also clear that the Malawian Government has not done enough to address the matter despite being aware. It is evident that the school failed on several occasions to fulfil its operational requirements to the authorities, as indicated in the report, which says, “Students live in a very restrictive and abusive environment.”

One American victim, Brian Culwell, who personally donated several hundred thousand US Dollars to the school, has launched an independent inquiry and investigation into these abuses among others. He has since published a website for victims at: www.michaelhoward.news.
This investigator has received credible first-hand accounts and corroborating evidence which clearly reveals that school director Michael Thomas Howard committed homosexual misconduct against numerous former students, missionaries and employees of the Academy.
“Regrettably, the school did not report misconduct by Howard or Mavutula to any government ministers on this continued gay act by the Director. It is clear that Michael [Howard] paid a lot of money to some officials who were aware of gay issues and victims and requested the allegations to die silently,” says one source close to the administration.
“Mr. Culwell himself met with His Excellency Necton Mhura, the Malawian Ambassador to the United States of American last month, and the Ambassador took the allegations very seriously and promised to look further into the matter.”
According to the report which this investigator has seen, students at the school are brutally beaten with rods of hardwood, such as blackwood, even though such corporal punishment is illegal in Malawi. Many of them, when they leave the school, no longer believe in God because the version of God shown to them is “Awful,” and many alumni have joined support groups of former students online in order to support each other after “surviving” the nightmare of Kalibu.

Kalibu remains a popular place for Blantyre parents to “dump” their kids as it has such a high capacity for boarders at relatively low prices. These parents apparently turn a blind eye to the abuse in exchange for allowing Kalibu and the staff to “beat their kids into shape.”
One eyewitness reports that Deputy Headmaster Norma Konono walks the campus carrying her own personal rod of hardwood, which she uses as she sees fit for corporal punishment on the spot.
Mr. Culwell, who knows and met with Mrs. Norma Konono on several occasions during the course of the investigation reports the following:
“Norma was someone I considered a friend and a good Christian woman. Nothing lead me to believe that when she found out what was happening at the school, she would continue to support Paisley and Michael. I met with her privately on several occasions and showed her all the evidence of the abuse. She confided to me personally of other homosexual abuse that she was personally aware of. She made a commitment to take these things seriously and to resign from the school, but was apparently threatened by Michael or Paisley, or else she continues to value the paycheck she receives over the abuse she has to ignore. Since publishing of the website to expose these awful abuses, Norma has ceased communicating with me.”
One of the victims, Gift Sozela, a former employee of Howard reports long-term homosexual abuse by the director. He admitted to misconduct and told the inquiry that he slept in the same room and bed with the 61 year-old Howard and was repeatedly molested.
Thereafter, he was warned he would “get fired if he resist.” The new report found that Michael Thomas Howard touched him sexually and engineered “nude encounters,” and was ordered to sexually massage him.
In his affidavit, Mr. Sozela reports: “Slowly he started to show his habits to me. We would go to town in every place he want to go and showing me all his friends and introduce me to all the workers in Kalibu. His Indian building dealers. I started to travel everywhere in Malawi with him. As time passes by he started to separate me from other boys. I started to hear all the plans and every dirty story they could have with Paisley Mavutula.
“[Michael] started to tell me that I should stay in his house when everyone is gone and told me to give him massage. He would in the process ask me all kind of questions. Like have you ever had sex? Do you see wet dreams? What do you think about this one and that one? Well some time he will tell stories that are of his past.
“So I was able to know about how some Finnish women are after him because he is not married. As time pass by he started to tell me to give him a hug for good night. So I was working from 5am to 10 pm every day no Sunday off, no weekend off, as long as he is around in Malawi. That was my time table. If I say that I want to go and see my family. He told me that I have to forget about my parents and move on just like Abraham.”
Sozela said the habit of Thomas Howard wanting to be close grew. He could never take it and was not happy if he didn’t say to Michael; “I love you Pastor.”
“He later asked me to kiss his cheek. Then he started to kiss my mouth aaaah! I felt so disgusting that day. I remember when I went to my room I brushed my mouth but still I could not forget that. … Then he was not stopping but he wanted every night I kiss him and he could hold me for so long. I remember sometime he will start playing with my nipples and go on and on and on.”
When Mr. Sozela, who is not gay and who is now happily married with children and is serving God, reported the issue to Headmaster Mavutula, he was told, “they all went through the same process and with time he will leave him alone.”
Mavutula, who refers to Michael Howard as “Dad,” was appointed Headmaster of the school, despite having no formal secondary education, college degree or any other qualifying credentials. This appointment coincides not-coincidentally with a former report on Michael Howard’s sexual abuse, released by the Weekend Times in September, 2010.
At that time, Michael Howard left Malawi for Finland, where he is currently living, and Mavutula suddenly became the headmaster with no qualifications for the job, other than the ability to take orders from Michael.

It is widely reported that Mavutula, who has been with Michael for two decades, was also a victim of Michael’s homosexual abuse and that this trauma is what has led him to be divorced multiple times and to marry his current wife, Linda, who was one of his former mistresses.
Our inquiry has turned up reports from multiple eyewitnesses who have seen Mavutula leaving hotels around the Blantyre area with women other than his wife, boxes of condoms have been discovered in his car, and several women have come to the gate of Kalibu Academy claiming to have children fathered by Mavutula and demanding to see him.
One such victim reports that Mavutula paid for her abortion, and yet another is living in a house with one of his children, paid for by Mavutula.
The inquiry has also uncovered allegations of homosexual touching by Michael Howard and an attempt to perform oral sex on employees which caused suffering from depression, and the inability to form healthy relationships for victims
To date, Kalibu Academy is operating.
No formal government inquiry has been announced. Mavutula continues to run the Academy under the direction of Howard who continues to come to Malawi and go back as he pleases, with no apparent legal consequences.
We wonder which government employees are on the “unofficial payroll” of Kalibu Academy, and how long they will continue to protect these men and their crimes against others.
Mr. Howard is a white African, born in Zimbabwe during a time when colonialism was still very alive. His continued physical and verbal abuse of black employees and students bears a strong resemblance to someone who believes the black Africans are still slaves to their white owners.
As we continue our investigation, we will report more of what we have uncovered, including financial misappropriation, tax avoidance, bribery, embezzlement and money-laundering by Kalibu Academy, Mavutula and Howard.
*Views in this article are not by this publication but represent those of the investigator. If you are a victim of abuse, please contact us at: kalibuvictims@gmail.com.
Well this is shameful; malawi watani
I’ll be straight up with you people,before publishing this article know what you are talking about: I’ve been at the school for 4 years now, the only report that I can clearly stand for is that of the physical torture ( corporal punishment) but when a student is applying for the school they have to agree to those beatings,so by joining the school,the student is well aware what the have coming to them. Aside that an issue rarely addressed, religion: The only reason why students are forced to sing and dance at church and assembly is to encourage the worship team not to be de-moralised by null response from students. Of course there are several cases of emotional abuse especially with the use of words and the all-too-shameful on-stage embarrassments .
I’m glad you mentioned that you stand for what you know happens at Kalibu. Are you insinuating that what you don’t know is false unfounded?
Point of correction. As a moral principle, no school indemnity should include consenting to corporal punishment as a form of reprimand or reinforcement of discipline. If Kalibu is doing it, that’s out of line.
If you’re are saying by joining the school, learners are well aware of what is coming their way, are you suggesting that singing, dancing and praying loudly are ways of avoiding what might come their way?
Furthermore… Maybe I’m just too suspicious. Maybe what I’m writing next, isn’t true.
– One of these “main accusors” of mr Howard has big dreams in Malawi. Dreams, that would need maybe some tens of thousands dollars to come true. That person doesn’t live in Malawi.
– Just about one week after that persons’ testimony or “testimony” was made public, that person travelled to Malawi to spend there some weeks. I know that by persons’ Facebook statuses.
What I don’t know is:
– Did that person travel to Malawi just to see friends? Maybe that was the case: person has many friends in Malawi.
– Or had this person recieved promise of financial support “if only you withnesses against mr Howard”, and this person travelled to Malawi to recieve that support?
But cause I don’t know what’s the truth about this person and h[xx] trip to Malawi, I didn’t want to write details that would point very clearly to a certain person. Sorry, if that makes you to be suspicious with ”wrong” person. And as I said, maybe that person travelled to Malawi just to see friends and have a holiday, and I am just too suspicios.
It seems you have resorted to the use of English names in a desperate attempt to earn credibility in your opinions. Your language proficiency tells that you’re nowhere near the European descent hence the name Sam European is fake.
The term “main accussor” is invalid in this context. The man you are talking about is an investigation facilitator. The aim is to end abuse and protect innocent civilians.
What does coming to Malawi got to do with human rights abuse, homosexual reports and misappropriation of funds? If you have nothing to say just keep quiet. You wont be arrested for keeping quiet.
Almost all of your guesses failed… 🙂
But yes, name “Sam European” isn’t my real name though I live and have always lived in Europe.
I wont argue with you anymore. Just re-read your posts and argue with yourself.
Furthermore… Maybe I’m just too suspicious. Maybe what I’m writing next, isn’t true.
– One of these “main accusors” of mr Howard has big dreams in Malawi. Dreams, that would need maybe some tens of thousands dollars to come true. That person doesn’t live in Malawi.
– Just about one week after that persons’ testimony or “testimony” was made public, that person travelled to Malawi to spend there some weeks. I know that by persons’ Facebook statuses.
What I don’t know is:
– Did that person travel to Malawi just to see friends? Maybe that was the case: person has many friends in Malawi.
– Or had this person recieved promise of financial support “if only you withnesses against mr Howard”, and this person travelled to Malawi to recieve that support?
But cause I don’t know what’s the truth about this person and h[xx] trip to Malawi, I didn’t want to write details that would point very clearly to a certain person. Sorry, if that makes you to be suspicious with ”wrong” person. And as I said, maybe that person travelled to Malawi just to see friends and have a holiday, and I am just too suspicios.
Well, well, well… Sometimes some people may withness against somebody (for example against their former boss) if some other person promises them money to make their dreams come true. You have had a certain dream for years and tried to raise funds for that with not so good result… and then comes somebody who promises you money to make your dreams come true “if only you…”
I don’t know if that has happened in this case but knowing some dreams some of these accusers have… I wasn’t so suprised if that was a reason to withness against mr… But cause I don’t know for sure, I don’t want to write names of these people. So you can take my writing merely as an universal principle, not a accusation pointing anyone in this case.
Close the school down we have already started being tortured their plz plz close it down
Hahaha some of these things though…iiih have no words but some of this doesn’t seem right e.g Mavutula and Howard messing around with each other lmao nah, Paisley is straight for days him cheating on his wife with other women is more believable than him n Howard being together. if y’all journalists wanna add something to the story better make sure its believable next time. Not picking a side, lack of evidence
Aaaaah bruh …from an uneducated nobody to a deputy head to a head master…just like that?? haha they have every right to be suspicious and link the gay thing to him…..
Oh no
gay shit aint xmetin new wen u frm Malawi n gne r d dayz wen t wz nyasaland…jxt pray hard n if u a blivr ur faith wul save u
gay shit aint xmetin new wen u frm Malawi n gne r d dayz wen t wz nyasaland…jxt pray hard n if u a blivr ur faith wul save u
Parents are paying one million to th headmaster who a standard 3 drop out. hahahahhahaha. thumbs up to all th biscuits.
Parents are paying one million to th headmaster who a standard 3 drop out. hahahahhahaha. thumbs up to all th biscuits.
Malawi at 51 , Lord have mercy
Mama malawi watan,remember dat HOMOSEXUALITY z no black man ting.
Mama malawi watan,remember dat dis z no black man ting.
The Owners Of School Its Jews And They Not Beleav In One Almighty God They Seam To Be Satanic Faith Hence They Come With This Idiot Things. Leaners Teachers And All Workers Are Easly To Be In Part Of This. Sodom Its Out Of God’s Comand. Lol Shame On You
Michael Howard is simply persona non grata(undesirable element in any country). He is dangerous especially when holding an office that ensues interaction with people. Paisley is academically ignorant, semi-illiterate and spiritually blindfolded to have a backbone.
The Malawian authorities are messed up also. What happened to the 2010 court hearing on similar allegations? It’s clear someone powerful stifled the findings.
I dislike docile people. Why are people still enrolling their children with Kalibu in the face of all these scandals? I don’t want my boy child’s rectum abused neither do I want my girl child taken advantage of. Responsible parents should withdraw their children from Kalibu till these two monsters are unseated.
thats wassup #anti kalibu
I’m not against Kalibu as a school but against the principles by which those men operate. After working for them, taking them to court and having judgement pronounced against them, I know what I’m up against. I’m a trained educator and would never vouch for the collapse of any academic institution. Academic institutions should operate within the principles stated upon founding them, right ethical codes, moral standing and in conformity to the country’s constitution. Kalibu has breached all thes
to those who read the bible,this is not strange ,it was written in the bible ndiye panopa likukwanilitsadi .tsoka kwa iwo okwanilitsa malemba
End days
Zitha Nachithidzi Nangalembe
I wanted to comment then I stopped. The stories are true koma za homosexuality zinapita ndi Howard and that Head Boy. I don’t know now.
Muvutula kumenya ana as if he ain’t a pastor
Wa kwa Mugabe waasphya
Lol mpaka I have shared it on my wall these people need to get their acts straight mxiiiiw the govt has to close down that school
Send him to Mugabe please
Some fools dont want to agree wth such a malawi mukufuna umboni wanji u want to believe yet its too late?shit
so what ? aslong as iweyo sungachite nawo their stupidity just be quiet.can’t we feel they are attentin seekers? #sexbydesign
Thats bulsthit
Are u a journalist or somebody who knows how to type and has access to internet? Did you attend any journalism class? You have to do your homework and inquire first. Why do you take accusative side in your reporting? Apa nde upita Ku court mzanga, zako izo. Journalism is not Activism.
I can’t believe I will have to ask to leave the school am a boarder there
It’s your duty journalists to talk, so talk whether it’s true or not no one has proof even those of us who were there really can’t agree with fact about homosexuality at kalibu, when I was there, the same case arose I don’t remem the conclusion. Anyway anyone can be paid to testify and not to testify, so just do what helps you make money get famous I think that’s the only way you benefit.
Am glad zawululika Laurette Nkangama
They should send him to Mugabe changu
malawi24 be ready for a law suite
malawi24 be ready for a lawa suite
A MALAWI makamaka a malawi24 you are fond of reporting mabodza. Sichilungamo ayi. Mwadya zingati. Is it your problem? Why can you not contact Boma. Ufulu umenewo? ana asukulu alipo 800 ndiye muwaphuzitsaaaa? It is a non progit organization not for profit. Jelous a Malawi. Nobody is perfect. if the kids were abused then brought them out. and let them tell the truth. Kamuzu Acadamy is the worst. Ana amasuta chamba. Why did you not report that?
Koma simungadabwe dzina la sukului ai. “KALIBU” chiyani? Kwathutu tikamati kalibu ndi kuitanira. Maphunziro amaitanira? Mongatu amenewa akuitanira za usatanazi.
Malawi waga inee!! Watayika zoona kulolera umphawi ukukamile basi,fistly z de leader why alowng dis satanic behaviour hapeng in our country coz of devilation donation,z beter 2 b a poor country koma tikujoya mwa yesu.ndiye mupeze chithandizo mvula isiye mutani nazo tindalamazo. I w send someone 2 his country soon asandisokonezere malawi wanga ndili moyo shirt
Dont blame the leader,but blame satan,becaz this must happen to fufil the BIBLE.
If this is the case then malawi should expect something big in 2016 zaonjeza and za magay zi looks like zabwela ndi dola.mawi wa1992 wanga uja ma ine lero…
Waw people of god,a u not afried of judgement day?god will punish u with fire
I was at kalibu never heard of such stories i was there for 5 years if this was happening then they must have been good at hiding it
No wonder its last days but we brame our leaders only, so why those prophets,instead bible dnies practcng homosexuality,but all of ths its bcz of greedy das y dey 4get de laws of GOD
I hop u haven’t been paid to dent Kalibu’s image and benefit one individual or institution.
isaac pk then a teacher at kalibu amalandila ma favour ife tikuvutika..kuyenda ndi michael everwhere mpaka ku finnland..mpaka ku staffroom timamunena kut “madam”..now he is a prominent lawyer.
Isaac Pakulantanda was reported by many people to be in a homosexual relationship with Michael also. He was the “lawyer” that was assigned to buy some land for me, but ended up cheating me on the land and helping the man take money from me.
Michael is simply persona non grata(undesirable element to be a habitat of any place). He is dangerous especially in positions that ensue interaction with people. Paisley is academically ignorant, semi-illiterate and spiritually blindfolded to have a backbone of his own.
The Malawian authorities are messed up also. What happened to the 2010 court hearing on the same matter? It’s clear someone stifled the case.
I wonder why parents and guardians still flock to enroll their children at such an institution. I dislike docile people. Pull out your child out of Kalibu if you are a caring parent.
I’m just waiting for the only rationale announcement that the school has been shut down by the Ministry of Justice pending investigations.
That is the only rational solution; I completely agree.
The school needs to be shut down pending criminal investigations into all of these abuses.
The Malawian Revenue Authority also needs to investigate where all the money is coming from.
axristu sopano!koma yah,anthu mukupanga zinthu pansi pano
axristu sopano!koma yah,anthu mukupanga zinthu pansi pano
Koma izizi amalawi,so soon God will sent fire on earth,that’s why mvula ikuvuta,njala,endless poverty,miliri,etc.don’t forget what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, how can I have feeling with my fellor man,all these ladies,just imaging the muscles of a man,people you have run out of your senses
Koma izizi amalawi,so soon God will sent fire on earth,that’s why mvula ikuvuta,njala,endless poverty,miliri,etc.don’t forget what happened in Sodom and Gomorrah, how can I have feeling with my fellor man,all these ladies,just imaging the muscles of a man,people you have run out of your senses
ma gay onse aphedwe
ma gay onse aphedwe
xo pathetic,,,,
xo pathetic,,,,
Pamodzi Thunde
Pamodzi Thunde
Malawi need an overhaul deliverance !!
Malawi need an overhaul deliverance !!
so sad …….. why dont they send him away???
so sad …….. why dont they send him away???
Too bad, it’s coming at a time when Malawi has suspended the gay law!!
What i can say is…mu ma school ambiri iizi zimachitika….but because its shameful and illigal …sizimaululika…even ma students okhaokha…
So to end this stop having trust kuti by sending your kids to a girls school only will shape them bettrr nor boys school…the best school ndi zoyendera…
And this has to be delt with….ena amalawi akumangidwa …awa poti ndi azungu nde asamangidwe…
Timatche …tisalore….dziko ndi lathu ili….vision 2020…ine wanu
imagine such kind of leaders we have in this world!!! let us just prevent white man’s evil practices..
imagine such kind of leaders we have in this world!!! let us just prevent white man’s evil practices..
Our government too week.Thats no sense
Our government too week.Thats no sense
When we send kids to b/schools we think as parents that kids are in safe hands .we are paying such huge fees &later abusing our kids whyyy us ?This is really child abuse.Why so in our country.once found send to Mugabe.zandinyasa to shit!
When we send kids to b/schools we think as parents that kids are in safe hands .we are paying such huge fees &later abusing our kids whyyy us ?This is really child abuse.Why so in our country.once found send to Mugabe.zandinyasa to shit!
It was about time… Report the findings to the authorities!!
what prophecy of homosexuality are you taking from? I know the source of this problem is coming from the well educated people including prophet, be careful ,just know you are greedy
inenso ndinapangapo ndili ku xool
U malawi be opennily as we r brother about this issue don’t afraid any person or hw many wrickle he/she hve on his/her face just announce what actualy u hve been find out and report to police coz z those pple they are distabbng our chidren the never rialise to say these children is readers of tmrrw !thats nw z no sence!
Kkkkkkkk koma ya ya ya ya
Kkkkkkkk koma ya ya ya ya
Hahaha,zili mushe,tamva zimenezi
Last of the last dayz,,,,,,,,,,,
But it’s very strenge coz that sch they claim to be Christians, what kind of Christianity is that. Whom are they cheating? As somebody said already there is no secret under the sun. Send him parking he will spoil our youth in Malawi
Leviticus 20:13
Zimenezi zinali ku enock city sizachilendo owelenga khala m’maso
Ndiwaku MOTO kapena moyo
Monga m’mene zinalili m’masiku a Nowa komaso Loti ndimomwemoso zidzakhalire munthawi yakudza kwa Yesu( owerenga khala maso).
i heard the same issue, two years ago. Just stone him to death
Hahah,iz nde almost evry school kuli ma gay(homosexuals)…last wrk ku #Mzuzu gvnt seco achotsa nyamata wina after atadziwika kt he is a gay,so bad.koma umulakwila ameneyu
My God! Pls have mercy.
hahahahahahahaha batty bwoi and sodomite!!!!!
Mäddïè Kïmz-Kàt Chîbwana Prnces Ally DakShizzy Chix Lizzie Chifungo
sad lol
Margret Msowoya
Chau Chauncy
Auga Chithenga
Talu Ndilowe
Sheila Ndilowe
This article feom Malawi 24,surely its the indication of thoroughly Investigation Journalism……investigate more about that young boy a Form 5.Student Francis Phiri who was sent to Germany after it was also rumoured that was sleeping with Howard…..infact the boy was staying in his hill top house which is within the school campus……….bravoooo bravooooooooooo…..dig dig stories from that Prison life school….if you faill,i will help you digging……..
Kondwani Z Msiska
Ulemu Harriet Kunyumbu
Immanuel Ndilowe
Let them go to their home land! This is not their country. Shupiti
Its true they even keep all the types of
sticks and you make a mistake ohhhhhhh u get a minimum of six
God have mercy!
Lesser than dogs and pigs.
Sheeet people
Send them to Zimbabwe for fair hearing and punishment,our government is weak.
What Are Ur Motive Behind Publish This Homosexual Story
What Are Ur Motive Behind Publish This Homosexual Story
Are you happy with this evil act ? let yhe world know that some people are more than dogs in their mind full of devilish, remember what happened in SODOM AND GOMORRAH
Mtande r u serious with yr question? U ask motive? Let evil be exposed and get rid of before the kids r contaminated. Plus our country’s weak in persecuting such evil acts so wen exposed they may refrain from their evil acts.
Mtande r u serious with yr question? U ask motive? Let evil be exposed and get rid of before the kids r contaminated. Plus our country’s weak in persecuting such evil acts so wen exposed they may refrain from their evil acts.
Get Properly Here. What I Tried To Say Was, I’m Tied With This Media House Who Day In And Out They Publicing It. To Me This Is Non Issue In Malawi. Malawians Had Already Made Their Stands Clear
Get Properly Here. What I Tried To Say Was, I’m Tied With This Media House Who Day In And Out They Publicing It. To Me This Is Non Issue In Malawi. Malawians Had Already Made Their Stands Clear
There is no hiding place under the sun, God is watching all things soon will reveal all your dirty Sodom and Gomorrah behavior
Shame!!!! If it’s true
Ine ndilibe problem
It’s a sad story. But I always knew there was something fishy about these guys
Did you say ‘christian’ ?
Govt must investigate into this matter & bring to book all wrong-doers
Where is Patricia Kaliyati and so called NGOs and Trapence Mathanyula?
But did we not see this coming?? Aatitø Ladý Kay Sheenarose Frechaut Tawanda Swisha Mpando Unk Singini Arthur Ting Muyepa Steven Kelevra Kamdonyo Tadala Beatrix
YoungMatty Javen FalcaoChibingu Faith Kauma
Thandiwe Gausi Mkazi WaBishop onaniko izi. Rho Nyakumwenda Sibande
Kukamwa kwangondiuma
Kuamwa kwangondiuma
Calista Kantiki Mwenechanya
Boma linatha mphavu pano limaonelela akuba akusiya kumalimbana ndinyasizo rets legalize mwina tingaone zina.
Ndindase ‘Nyahine’ Masingi
oooh my God? very pathetic…..thanx Dali.
Ndindase ‘Nyahine’ Masingi read this
oh my God?
thanxs Dali
This is very disturbing.
KKKKK Mavutula ndi chincho mfiti ya muthu anali igaitsa mu chigayo kwao Ku Ntonda kenako ati busa Ku Sigerege za satanic izi kulemera kwake dziko likutha ili athu akuyanja ndalama
He he he he he ntwiiii ntoooooo Mavutula wangoyenera kukhala choncho he he he he pastor othibula anthu mxiiii Felix Jose Chasweka
He he he he he ntwiiii ntoooooo Mavutula wangoyenera kukhala choncho he he he he pastor othibula anthu mxiiii Felix Jose Chasweka
Kkkkk eti busa amamenya athu aaaa lamukwanira la chi 40 khaza nkulu uja
Kkkkk eti busa amamenya athu aaaa lamukwanira la chi 40 khaza nkulu uja
He he he he anthu ophunzitsa anzao kulankhula malilime koma anthu amene aja ayii amudziwe Mulungu ndithu
He he he he anthu ophunzitsa anzao kulankhula malilime koma anthu amene aja ayii amudziwe Mulungu ndithu
Zovuta cct masiku ano ofuna kutsekula maso..athu akufuna ndalama basi zopephera kunamizira
Zovuta cct masiku ano ofuna kutsekula maso..athu akufuna ndalama basi zopephera kunamizira
Eish kodi iwe sanakuthibulepo kkkk
Eish kodi iwe sanakuthibulepo kkkk
Kkkkkkk ayi koma Joe wakwanu ndi Big Aaron kkkk
Kodi Thako laubweya limakusangalasani chani anthu a mulungu inu?
Heheheeeee! Thako laubweya losapatsa chikoka.
Ine mulibemo mmenemo am out of this shit story and this is abbomination unaccepted on front of jehovah
izitu zinabwera ndi founder wawo ndie palibe chodabwitsa…. sikoyamba aka m’busa wa karibu mpaka adathamangitsidwaponso kamba kogonana ndi head boi
Poyamba kudamveka kuti Mfumu mukuisankhayi ndi ya gule wake yomweyu, mudavomeleza kuisankha mfumuyo, ndiye lero aMalawi mukudandaula kuti zithe izi muno, Zitha bwanji pomwe mfumu gule wake ndiyomweyu, adapeleka lamulo lothetsa zimenezo ndani popeza yoyenela kupeleka chiopsezo ndi Mfumu!
Amapanga nawo ku amaerikako anangomufunsa kuti’ tamva kumalawiko ukumanga omwe akuvina gule umavina kuno uja- tikuulule?’ nthawi yomweyo mfumu njenjenje -order kwa prison warders Ma gay atulutseni!
the investigator should present his evidence to the police, writing of the story is one thing but doing something about it is another. Even if they can be backed by powerful people, evidence will definitely make a difference. osamangoyang’ana zinthuzi
i agree with you!!!
The children there will testify towards this trust me
My kid brother learns there and he says its true he is abusive…
Nchifukwa chani akugwidwa za u HOMO iz ndi amunafe tokha tokha , ndinu ma Homo kapena ma bisexual kwinaku nkongofuna kudyera agalu akunjawa dollar ?…atsikana ndi azimai sakumveka nawo zautsiru zanuzi bwaa ?
It begins with u…
we as journalists work per rules and regulations, its up to the government to do something about this as we have opened its eyes
chomvesa chisoni ndichote palibe chomwe chichitike ife tizingolongolora basi pano mxieew chilungamo chinatha basi
After all our hearts desires to do in our bad days there will be a final judgement in which everyone will answer individually.
Nkhani Zimenezi Ku Kalibu Zinayamba Kalekale Kumveka Sizachilendo.This Mavutula Thing Known Well well.Zomvetsa Chisoni!!
Akazi pa mpanje nde avutikatu ma member okhaokha koma
Am speechless
Signs Of Times
yeah true
zachamba bax
Very very very soon the Almighty GOD wll send his fire upon them
Soon and very soon!!!
malawi is worse,and ourslvs are makng vs country hell
Tapiwa Kalinde
Lorraine Kambala
koma kumalawiiiiiii!heiishhiiii.
koma kumalawiiiiiii!heiishhiiii.
Zawozo zofuna asiyeni abvulale okha
za masiku otsiliza
Kimbe Mayi Kastring
Joan Immaculate Ziba
there no secret under sun
Nyajere Wa Kwa Mzukuzuku
Nafereen Gama
Akulu oho Kettie Mtawali
Zizwa Mauluka
Hahaha how you doing cuz
Smh sipochezela apa
Zisandikhuze izi
Chisomo Phiri Fellistas Carr Monica Dimple Manondo Chimwaza Temwa Shaba Ndifanji AChangalira Melia Namacha
eh finally the secrets have broke out those gates
Mannie Nannah K
Thats sad,they r just showing hau evil they r! Messengers of satan thats wat i can call them,shame on them!!
Thats panyopik nyasi zmenezi ayi malawi