A spirited performance earned Malawi national football team a second win in the Cecafa after they beat Djibouti 3-0 at the tourney underway in Ethiopia.
First half goals from Gerlad Phiri Jnr and John Banda placed the Flames up before recess.
In the second half after a 15 minutes of play, Chiukepo Msowoya sealed the winner in a match Schumacher Kuwali was shown matching orders after what is deemed to be foul language on the ref.
Malawi beat Sudan 2-1 on Monday and now await to play South Sudan on Friday.
Full match report to follow.
Bro muziti nyerere osati b4fad.
Kod guyz be 4ward mawa idutsa pa silver?
Abale zinthu ziziyenda chonchi kuti zizikhala chonchi ife nkumawina chonchi
Flamez ili khenge
Breaking news indeed
Ayi zilibwino
Jibout yasiyana chani ndi primary school don’t b more excited bwanji mkamenyane ndi Brazil ?
Cheers!! flames my team i’m proud of u. koma tisamale one day djibout ingadzabwezere.
big up #mtawali n member of staff fire malawi
Gd start to Flames, w r expectin more to dis Tournament
anawonelela enawo chifukwa amamenya beya
Ndizomwe timayembekezera ife timafuna zigoli osati tamenyabwino koma titakhazulidwa
nkhani ya bwino
big up guys
Mooooo fireeeeeeee
yayamba kutha mpira Djibout kutinyisa 3 zokha kenako izakhala draw game
Flames woyeeeeeeee
No coment
Congrats ma Flames, keep it up boys! Zimenezo ndizomwe timafuna nobody wants to be associated with the losing side kikikikiki
Zidiak ikuti 3-1 inu mukuti 3-o zoona ndi ziti?
Kukanakhala kwathu kuno zikanakwana zambiri
Angopezerera yofaifa ti ma team topanda mayina nde mpaka tibooke m’mimba? Ife tkudikira Malawi ikazatibula achina Kenya ndazizawo osat matakatakawa asaa
Paja amalawi mwa ma team adziko lapansi amakhwekera Iwo ndi Djibouti
Kuwina ndi ana pa FIFA rank like djbout si deal…
Djibouti inayamba kutha et… Sizinafike 7 bwanj?
good news
As for me this is not worth celebrating when u are not performing well in big showpieces … Qualify for Afcon, then it’ll be worth chanting. Otherwise, where on FIFA ranking do these victimised teams stand…??
beta zisathere panjira
sindizasiya kusapotera malawi.Big up malawi
Kumatero flames osatikumangomangopya Ndi Moto wanu womwe.
Congulatulations Mtawali!! Mwina tingakhalenso ndi chidwi ndi timu ya Malwi.
Am happy for Malawi to start good in tournament.Anthu amanyoza kwambiri flames ikaluza koma pano asiya kuinyoza koma kumanena za maclub ngat anthuo sakumalawi.aņthu osasiyanitsa dziko ndi club. be asportman please fans. let’s put our BB.NOMA or Wat aside and support our nation team together. as one
Its my wish and hope that Malawi should win this cup• MAY GOD BLESS MALAWI
congrants my team Djibout 3-0 kwaife ndikachiyani last time malawi inati chinyapo 8-0 pano tilibwino ndithu next time izatha draw
Congratulations flames
Djibut nyoooooooooooooo
kodi wachinya ndani ndi ndani?
Guys l don’t understand ,try to explain what is a different between flames & BB .what l know is flames is national team not that BB club wamva amene walemba apa za BB kkkkkk flames moto lawi lawi
Koma musaphweketse mukipotaku ndi Ku mtunda si training hard otherwise congratulations for two winns .
Tonse ndi amalawi amwene national team si bullets kapana wanders,mafko, ayi musatelo mukulakwitsa mukasankha amwesa zigolio anlimo okha mmmmn kaduka. Congratulations frame
congratulations flames.you are doing a nice job down there,keep it up.together we are one as a team no matter what team i belong.keep it up guys.thnks to our new coach
ena akuti 3-1 inu 3-0 mufuna tiwerenge ziti?
congraturations frams
Thumbs up FLAMES.
Manja mwa gaba wagwira ntchito yotamandika ulibho fana, wasanje aoneka apa
Manja mwa gaba wagwira ntchito yotamandika ulibho fana, wasanje aoneka apa
Ena akutpasla uthenga wa 3 kwa 1 ,kod zoona zake ndzt?
All the best flames
Iyai apatu znthu zkuenda bwno ndthuuuu,,,,,,,,,pitilizan anyamata.
M’ glad hehehe BG up the flames
Ma frames wooooooooooye!
Tapangani zomwezo tione mwina Panardo angapange Xpire
Angoigwera Djibouti yo!
shud kpt up we are behind to flames…koma a bb amatinyasa kwabasi..
Football in africa is greatly improving… If we won wth more gaols yrs back dont expect the same today… Work up guyz and selebrate for the win! We r living living in a world of evolution reformation!
Bb 3-0 djibouti osat malawi
Nde mwati imeneyi breaking news???
Proud wit ma loved tim
Djibouti ya lero nde inalimba2,mpaka 3basi!
Tivere ziti?3-0 kapena 3-1
ASAAA Team ya flames yatha nditimu yoti nkumawina 3-0 imeneyi fokofuuuu
Zabwino zonse.koma ndikudabwa ndi Azodiak iwo akulengeza kuti yatha 3-1.pamenepa tigwire ziti?.
awa a malawi24 ndi aulesi eti kuchoka mpira uli pa 77 minutes ati kukhala ndi chikhulupiriro mwa chiukepo kuti amachinya chotsiriza, zoti adani anabweza iwo sakudziwa
congrats flames mukukwanira
zili bhoooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
aaaaaaaaaaassssaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. tean ija yalongosokadi eti??? ya ya ya ya ya ya ya ya apa ndiye timati malawi awone kusintha amene amaikonda flames just coment on me kuti viva pure green!!!!!!!! and viva flames!!!!!!!
Congrats Flames
Flames woyeeeeeeeee!
Kkkkkk…ikangoluza kamodzi muyambanso kutukwana apa.
nyasatimes ikuti 2-0′ timve ziti
Kuteroko en sakusangalala kuti Flames yawina. Ikamaludza kumtima mbeee! Cholinga adzipedza choyankhula. Conglatulations ma Flames.
Kog ina tisewera lit and ndindan? And tasara ndi ma gme angat kut tikamenye finals?
Flames woyeeee!!!
Hozah malawi zilibwino try another game. chukepo keep it up flames ohyeee!!!
I Think There Is Something Wrong With The New Coaching Panel. How Can They Manage To Make The Team Win When They Are Used To Losing? This Is Like Escom’s Fault Of Giving Electricity Non Stp For Two Days Running Without A Black Out…Kkkkkkk That’s My Team!!! Congrats N Keep It Up Lads!!!
Kubwelela pa chikale chiukepo kip it up.
Mwayigwira ntchito ma Flames
Waza Flames.
Flames we are proud of U go guyz!!!
Kumangodziwa kusapotera ma team akunja osakonda dziko lanu?anthu amene mumangodziwa kunyoza ngati mungakoche malawi ndikuwina mukagwele..congrats flames
bola frames izngmenya nd djibutiyo mwina tngamsangalaleko kt malawi
Congrts ma flames
flames ya moto woye
Anthu osayamika mulungu adzawalanga more fire Malawi
Congrats flames mumatha guyz
Timva ziti ena akuti 3-0 ena 3-1?
Kodi cj ndi papa ndi a bullets,mumayankhula motha mau bwanji .flamez woyeeeeee
Congrants The Flamenz!!Proud Of U!
stil a long way to go kkkkk
Zodiac akuti 3 -1, inu mukuti 3-0 timve ziti?
ma flames ndakunyadilani pitilizani musasiyile pompa
tiyeni tizisapota ngati timu ya malawi onsati akanganya ena osadziwa kusapota
malawi now yuor coming up as worm heart of malawi indeed the warm heart if flames of fire,,,,proud of guyz
Djibouti yo inavala ma uniform a Mali
We Gonner Beat Any Team Coming In Our Way Gud Flames
Kodi mesa akuti ndi 3-1?
said it.sopano Malawi24 mukuti chani?plz.
zabwino zonse
Well done frames keep it up.
Jah love
kumatelo abale nthawizina. tanyadila
Ahhhh,kma a flames,agoletsanso zambili nd jibut?????? Kma ma flames,jibut ndie mumaipezelela bwanj,,,,,,,
Congrats flamez
Zilibwino tikuyenela kuona chisogolo
Congregation ma boys
great job
flames keep on
So malawi is better than south sudan? Les wait and see
Ndizomwe tikufuna keep it up maflames
Wow,we r proud of u guyz.continue working very hard.you are giving us interest of following you now.
Djibuti inazitolela pano, siyonyidwa 8 ija
Feeling better now thanks guys
Mafulemus muli boo!!
Kinah anaimenya 8kwazilo wina akuti3 kwazilo panepa dolo ndi uti?
Ma playa
Congrats MALAWI TEAM although It is asmall opponent,we want to beat big Fish next time.
Xilibwino ma flames wo yeeee
Congrats boys. Keep it up.
Koma flames imadodadadada!!!!
Viva maflames
ok zili bhoo
mwagwela jibuti yomweyo,tikuonan kwinako
mzuni flames 3,might djibout 0
Remember we were ten man down shumaka kuwali recieved red card in the first half so 3-0 its good result big up malawi
Nazitere bwenz nzikoma!try flame7 kwa ma game ena akubwesawa kt mwina tsangalaleko!congruts
zandinyasa timui timaimenye 8 kwA iyayi ok next tym tikufuna zigoli zambili
well done flames..eeeewe!!
Flames ndiye team yanga imado dhadada.
go flames gooooo…zilibwino apapa
More fire flame
Phiri,Banda n Msowoya on ascore sheet 4malawi
Go Flames Go!
I thnk Mtawali wl assst flames,tim iziwina ngakhale koyenda nats ncy flames ine kut nyaduuuu!
I think team imeneyi itithandiza keep it up Ma flames.
kma chiukepo
that’s the Flames more more more!!!!!!!!!b Fireeeeeeeeee flames imadodadadadadadadaddada let flames be flames at all
All the best gays
Frames kapena bullets?
Big Up Boys, We can bring a Cup…. Go Boys Go Flames. This Panel is better than panel we had in Cosafa. Flames now in quarter finals.
kaya lero ati chiyani?masapota enawa omvetsa chisoni.too much senseless talking ,shame on you,
Malawi Why!!?? Inu zoona mungabwelere zigoli zitatu zonkha ku Djibouti ? hahahaha (kidding ) CONGRATULATE ma Flames kip it Up
Flames woyeeeee!!!!
Flames ndi môre
Maflames ndi more
Congrats Flames, keep the fire burning
Apa ndiye zili bho! Ma Noma woyeee ! Ife takwera imeneyo
Gays wachinya ndan
Flames for life
Zinazi osamanama game siyinayambe
Kuwina Malawi yawina koma team imene ilipachithunziyi si Djibout iyi ndi Mali kkk
Pa mpunga kkkk dikilani pansima
Kp t up Malawi….
Go flames apo zikuenda tawali akumuyamikila koma akaluza zonena mbwee
Good news!!
Zodiak Online Says 3-1, Timve Ziti?
munthu wa std 8 kumenya wa std 1 nkumanyadira…. apeze size yawo zopusa basi!!
Naxitere! Nazitere! Bwenzi zikoma! Congrats ma flames
history now
Bro that’s the likes of Djibouti. An easy beaten, and 3-0 to them it’s an improvement to Malawi it’s underperformance
Wakawaka flames of fire 4 real
good stuff frames. .
bravo boys!! ife tungoti mweeeeeh mwatimwesa wamkaka womwera chibanzi
congratulations to Gerlad Phiri n John Banda! enawo ali ndi masapota ndi national team yawo yowayamikila,, viva Flames
hahahaha ndye zchan? masapota a nyerere umbuli suzatha bax
Iye sanantchule dzina kuti ndiwanyereretu,,, kikiki teleku wa bb umavaso kuwawa eeti!?
mwaiwala chiukepo kumuthokoza amwene
noma Kkkkkk ndife amodzi muyamikile
Enawo sindikuwaziwa mukuwaziwa ndinu!
Kunyatsa mtima ngati maliro a nyawu,ife timamkonda chiukepo coz akugwira tchito ya dziko.manyazi bwa?
Adakuwuza ndan kut malilo a nyawu amakhala ndi mtima wonyasa nawenso tiyeni tikambe za mpira basi.
Haha Djibouti ndiyosangalalira kuti mwawina oluza nthawi iliyonse
BB in red 3,Djibout in white 0
Well done guys, you are indeed the flames.
i like this team’s spirit…it doesnt give up..no matter how bad the results they get..DJIBOUTI… !!!!hope one day they will be one of hard teams to face…!!!anywez big up flames..
Congratulations the mighty flames!!
Khani yabwino
Welldone my flames zangovuta kuti ndine mphawi ndikanakhaka wochitako bwino ma puleya nose ndikanakutengani kokadya ku nandoz
Ife kwathu ndi kumwa tea wa mmkaka
good jod guys
congrants ma flames 4 de victory
Malawi de flames….#habashweeeeee
flames ikuziwa kani ikulimbikila chocho koma akangoluza eish!!! nde wakumunda basi nde tikungowafunila zabwino kuti mwina amalawi nafeso tingapangeko bili
Imeneyo ndiye malawi ndimadziwa ine
chiukepo komaaa!!
mukamatero muzindiiwalitsako mavuto alikumudzikuno wa
Haha..This Is Awaresome Djibouti ayayaya Kufa nayo bax
Haha..This Is Awaresome Djibouti ayayaya Kufa nayo bax
6 points &5goes impresive perfomance tili bhooo!!
Bravo Flames
Is There A Way Malawi Can Avoid Uganda? They Risk Getting Trashed.
Kulimbikira basi zonse ndizotheka! Ugandayo poti yamenyedwapo kale! Team yo opsya ndi Sudan tinaimenya ija
Just by Chance.
Bolani tikayambe kuluza kumasemi finals
we have made it though we’re still building the team.
nazitele bwenzi zikoma
Thats GOOD
Great….from Belarus..
Thnx plyers 4 the vital wine flames ooyee
wacinya ndan?
Cj banda, papa junior and chiukepo
bola pamenepo
kaya tagwera kaya tatani koma tasuntha tikupita phase ina basi flames woyeee
ichi ndiye chibwana! basi tizigoli titatu tomweti ndi djibouti?
Zinthu zimasitha abale inu ndi nthawi yoti Flamez Malawi isangalaleko mulungu dalitsani malawi
God bless the flames
Thats a good look for flames
Well Done The Reformed Flames kkkkkkk
Ife kumva kukoma
Well done flames
congrats flames keep on thrashing
mmatiyimilira congrants guys,,,
Congrts flames.
Mumakwana ma flames…tatenga kale zimenezi
More fire flames ndakunyadirani
congrants flames
Well done keep it up, we are proud of you guys.
xayamba kutheka flames
Go flames
Congrats to you the frames
last tym malawi 8-1djibout dis tym bb 3 -0 djibout
Ngati ndizimenezo mudzit blueeagles+wanderers+bb 3-0 djibout sidachinye yokha relo bb
Ulendo wina izatigagada ndithu
umbuli ndi matenda
#robert,is there anythng about bb here?that’s the problem wth bb supporters.u thnk bb alone cud hv done that.lol it was becoz of team spirit not individual spirit as bb supporters might think.
Mesa apanga improve nawonso mmawona ngati kuti aloranso mpaka 8.
kkkkkk bb ndi one
kkkk sakunama ma players a BB analowa angati?
u boy, suziwa mpira kodi ?its MALAWI NOT BB plz go back 2xul .
Ma friend, don’t worry these are idiots.akulephela kusiyanitsa pakati pa national team & club
Ichi ndiye chisiru cha zisiru m’malawi muno…zoti ili kumenekoyo ndi national team sakuziwa…mbuzi yamunthu..
Ngati musanatenge “juju” (mankhwala)Ambuye alemekezeke koma ngati mwatenga mankhwala akulangeni
Gerlad Phiri, John Banda and Chiukepo Msowoya the scorers
Ndekuti ntawali akugwira bhooo vep yake
Wow flames wow!!! Happy tamwansowa mkaka
xayamba kutheka flames
Frames frames frames!
flames woyeeeeee
Munthu akachita bwino kumafuni kuyamikira as the part of encouragement apa ma flames mwatiyika ma map CONGRANTS GUYS
breakin news mesa tonse timanvela koma awa kkkkkk
Proud of u guys …. Funk! Zikamatelo titi koma yoh! Malawi imadoda dada !!! …lol
If think D’jibout is asmall team because everyday when playing with Malawi, Malawi wins, well done may be you can have more point.
Wachinyira zigoli flames ndi ndan?
oooooooh really/ conglants n keep it up
zili bwino wachinya ndindan?
Bullets VS Djibout kikikikiki Wamkaka Amalawi tiyeni tinjoye limodzi izi
In the battle for victory only the strong and the hardworker surpasses everyone. Continue beating them, flames players we are with you
well done
Koma chiukepo ameneyu ndi makina proud of you plus the who team
Thats what malawi deserve to
muli bho guyz
Timu yanga imeneyo,Flames big up.ndakondwera nanu kwabasi
So up to now admin u dont know the meaning of breaking news? Where is breaking news here? Big up Flames!
Mwina page Zina lake Breaking news
Hahahaaaa these guyz!
Big up guyz,
Flames kudzatimwetsanso wa nkaka
Thawi INA tinayichinya 8 kwa duuu
thats WIN good spirit of BULLETS?
Eeeeh ndy tionah amalawi kuzipopah kwakeko!!!kkkkk
Iyi nde size yathu.si tanzania kkkkkkkkkkkkk
Big up boys
Djibout yayamba kuchotsela 7-3=4,tsiku lina tidzaichinya cimodzi kenako kuyamba kuticinya
wow !!! flames go
the frames size ikukana kumeneko bora izingobwelera basi
How come this be BREAKING NEWS?
more fire flames
kkkkkkkk unbeaten
Bolani koma mukangoyelekeza kuluza mudziwe kt makasu akukudikilan kuno!!
Kkkkkkkk Koma Inno Usandiseketse. Makasu A Chani? akaluza muwakhapa? kkkkkkk
Kulima kikiki tikuwadikila iwowo2!
oooooh koma flamez aaaaaah kutimwetsaa wa milk milk yeeeeeeeeeeh
congratulations for our team
Djibouti mpaka kulimbana ndi Malawi choncho? Ulendo wina izatipambana ndithu!!!
ndi mpira uwu achimwene.timu yomweyi tinaichinya 8-1.game yotsatira tinaichinya 3-0.sono izi sizachilendo.more fire the flames!!!
Komaso palibe kulimbana apa bwanji iwo sanagoletseko ndi ana basi vomerani kuti we hav imroved
Lack of appreciation. A bad spirit that numerous Malawians have.
Y cantu apriciate???
Kodi chimakhala chan kweni kweni, flames yapambana zalakwikaso?
Winawu ndi ufiti,bwanji osanyadila kuti zinthu zayenda?
Kukhwma athu tinali 9 aside kma mkuwinaso ndye kumanyozaso ndinakakhala kt ndimakuziwa ndithu bwandeyokha kanakulandilisa
Komanso choti aziwe amenewa ndi choti Malawi imasewera 9 men wa 10 goalkeeper after schumaker Kuwali atapasidwa red card!! Osangoyamika bwanji???
ndipo ameneyu,Khosi ngati nkhono.
Ndi gulu lonyoza coach wathu lija,apa akusowa chomunamizira
Ndi gulu lonyoza coach wathu lija,apa akusowa chomunamizira
Zimaterotu guys,keep it up
Ntawali boys more fire
Guys we are proud of you. Tatopa ndikutukwanidwa ife. Keep the fire burning. Flames woyeeeeeeeee!
Bola pamenepo do the same anather game congrats guys
Well done Malawi !
Flame Imadodadada
Gug team.big up flame.our flames our pride
Congratulation Flames
Tiyamikile pofunika kuyamikilaa
Keep t up our flames!
Big up the flames!!!!
am impressed,like am dreaming,malaw winning two consecutive games is not a joke,,we hav improved let this spirit continue,congratulations our flames!!
Proud ot u guys keep it up
Atleast Djibouti fought today
Bravo! the flames, keep it up.
Keep it up
Congulatulation My National Team.
Congrats Flames! And big up to The Hit Man msowoya for making it 2 out of2
Siyayibongela ithe flames obani abashaye amagoal
who r the boiz onna target ? today…
Nyc 1
Djibouti has Improved der Perfomance,3-0, Congrats 2 Our Guys U have made t 4 us,Flames Woyeeeeeeeeeee!!!!
Ulendo wina izatigagada
Mmmmmmiiiiiiii,I doubt,nxt tym ts gonna b 2-0,meyb in 2019 dey cn defeat us
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big up flames
Malawi yomwe yo kuti wawawa
Sizachilendo izi chifukwa Djibouti siinawineko pa Malawi… Amaipezelera kwambiri
More Fire Frames.Timakunyadilani guys,kma chimodzi guys,masapota a BB,mukuonjeza osamati bb yawina game kma national as a whole.
Zatsala ziwiri ana achepa awa,go flames go!
More Fire Frames.Timakunyadilani guys,kma chimodzi guys,masapota a BB,mukuonjeza osamati bb yawina game kma national as a whole.
this z de new flames, kp on burng dem
proud to be Malawian we are so Winner
Sindikutha kuziwa kuti zikutha bwanji pamenepa,koma game yaseweredwa ndithu.3-0 malawi kupambana
Flames yomweyo kt wawawa
Malawi yopusa yalephela kupanga qualify ku world cup nde kutinyaxanso pano zopusa
Malawi moto
Kukoma bwanji
Guyz zausilu kumanama coz we sports ok
Kuwina kuwina!!!!!!
ace watha kale ao anaona dzao dzaku galaxy fm konko kkkkkk koma nkhani ndiyakuti mpira watha malawi leading by 3 : 0 full tym. scorls by junio , j banda and chiukepo
za obvious paja djibout timayipezelela
Zatheka bas
Imadodadaaaaaaa……kip it up
Beat ’em 6 – 0
Search FAM page game started 1300hr and its 3-0 Malawi leading with goals from chiukepo Gerad phiri and John Banda not in order
Kkkkkkkkkkk djibuti sanawinepo pa malawi ayi ndiye sikuti muwone ngati zidabwisa ayi mulungu analemba basi kuti izingoluza ikakumana ndi flmes monga anthu osauka okhaokha kupindilana ndevu nkamwa kkkkkkkkkk
kkkkkk I lyk ur comment very seketsable!!!!!
paja ndife osauka iiiii ndinaiwala man
congratulations boys. You are making Malawi proud
Hahahaha Chiukepo again wallaaaaaah
proud of GUYS
Paja timu imeneyi ndi ija imene timaikwapula kwambiri ija, ndipo ikangomva kuti asewera ndi Malawi, amangodziwiratu kuti zigoli zizidza dengu, ndiye tiye nawoni basi, akanene chilungamo!
all the best malawi flames
Apa cup tatengaso basi
Better,,Go flames go
Ine anga ndimaso its lyk stories
Kip de fire burning flames!!!
Ukhulupilire amene akuuzawo nawe..
Malawi the Flames
Lets Wait And C 4 The End Of The Game
Tiye Nazoni. Utsi Wagaga Ndiye Ndi Flames Apa Tiwina Koma Gemu Yotsatira Tikaluza Ndithu.
Iwe umati tisaluzeko game ndi choncho win & loose osangosangalala kuti tayamba boo
Ndiponso tamu uzeni kuti olo yosatirai titaluza komano tapanga kale qualify next round
Iiiiih! Inu Mukuchedwa.
Shuwad flames. agwileni ntchito samatha dala zikwaneso 8
The smoke%
moto kut buuuuuu kaya south sudan idzalmba
Go Mw!
eeeeeeeeeh malawi yakolera moto hvy bhoooooooooooooooooom!
Pa galaxy fm sports amati game iyamba 3 koloko nthawi yakuno kumudzi pano 3 kolokoyo sinakwane malawi 24 mukuti malawi ikutsogola 3-0, ndiye pamenepa tikhulupilire ndani?
man game pano ikuthaso
Nkhani ndiyot 3-0 nde musankhe ndinu oti mukhulupilile
Udzikhulupirira ngakhale usanawone. Thomas Didimu iwe eti?
Kkkkkkkkkkk! Za Galakisenso iiiiiiiih amzanu augogodi ozisata achita nazo kale! Pano mpira watha inu mukudikilira 3koloko kaya zanu izo ndi a galakise anuwo
Kma nde wayankhula2 @Chri
Kkkk sinanga kuno ndikumudzi kulibe magetsi timadalira mawailesi a mabatire omwewa
Mesa game mati iyamba 3pm nde yakwan?
ndi jhibout paja
Apa nde tili bwino tingowapasa 5
let’s wait and watch for the last minute because Malawi draws or losses in the last minute.
Malawi Football Team is no longer the Flames but The Smock…
My malawi we love you go ahead…!!
The Flames Kuti Moto Buu
Kwasala 5 goals
Kongilatsi Malawi amoto am proud
Ramadan samaphwekesa mboni ndi bullets
Wozaa Flames, H R
Go Malawi go!
alemekezeke YEHOVA!
Flame ndinyamuleeeeeeeeeee, inayo yandirephera kkkkkkkkkkk
Wow! dats nyc o da bst guyz! dats our flames
Lets hope they don’t disappoint .
Ana achepa
Mtawali uli bho.
Zili boh tadutsa basi ndi 6 points.
If Malawi ain’t winnin’ this Trophy., We should retire Football
Ndimwa miliki lero
Kkkk bro miliki??
ndi ana
flames motoooooooo ndi ana awa ndi training ya s sudan
keep it up flames
Go go go go frames
wamkaka malawi.koma muwina mpaka liti.mukupangatu raise our hopes kenako zima heart attack
wonderful flames.
ok mutidziwitsa ukatha
Mtawali Ndikatundu.