Malawi President Prof. Arthur Mutharika has shunned the inauguration of Tanzania President elect John Magufuli.
In a statement released by the office of the President, the Malawi leader will not be in Tanzania on Thursday when Tanzania’s outgoing President Jakaya Kikwete will be handing over the reigns of power to his successor John Magufuli.

Earlier this year, President Mutharika left a country affected by floods to attend the inauguration of Mozambican President Filipe Nyusi.
However the statement that Mutharika has released shows that he is not hungry for the Tanzanian inauguration. Mutharika has instead delegated his Vice President Saulos Chilima to stand in for him at Uhuru Stadium in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania.
Relationships between Malawi and Tanzania took a knock after the suggestions that Lake Malawi might contain oil deposits. Tanzania started to claim that they owned over half of the lake, remarks which Malawi did not like.
However a source in state house has said that President Mutharika is not going to Tanzania as a cost cutting measure.
This is crazy
Mr President, please send me to represent you in Tanzania!
Angonditumako ine kut a save ndalamazo
Okoma atani a Malawi tinazolowela za chabe
No sense.Kodi mukufuna president otani?Mukasowa zolemba kulibwino kungokhala than this stupid&senseless article
No sense.Kodi mukufuna president otani?Mukasowa zolemba kulibwino kungokhala than this stupid&senseless article
Nenda mwenyewe ukakaye ukouko
Nenda mwenyewe ukakaye ukouko
Ch s l cha nthumu
Apite alekelanji , awona kuti mpafupi sangadya za mbiri. Mumuuzi azipita. Ndianeba athu asatipatse mbiri YOYIPA KWANZATHU.
yaaah angomutumadi geo gwaladi apiteko ku American basi azatiuza momwe ati ayendele a peter ndiye akungofuna kumamenya yawo ija yamatanyula basi
Useless page.
Ku India sanapita > good. Ku Tanzania sapita > very good. Ngati sadzapita ku America December yikubwerayi ndi zampatsa > excellent koma ummmmm amakonda America adzapita, mudzandifunse.
kikikikiki kikikikiki Peter Peter
Elija, wasekatu.
Bola Malawi 22 osati 24
plz no monopoly just send the vice president,,,aaaa, kwali or else matumbii can represent the nation of malawi,,,eeeeasy….
if u r a father of the Nation do likewise
this is not the way to Go
Malawi24, Is it not you complaining that the president is travelling a lot when the country’s state of economy is below zero? What exactly do you want to turn the country to? Quarrels and fighting? I am sure you are not peaceful. Take off your shoes and relax your feet. You might be satanic.
a week ago you said the president does not delegate the vice president, today he has done that then you talking this nonsense. Amalawi simudzatheka. It seems you are proud to be poor
Poor writing meant to fuel grudges and enmity. reporters u are destroying our country.
Poor writing meant to fuel grudges and enemity.
Akapita timutukwanenso? Munthuyi ali pa pressure imagine kumasova maths a Tichala atakuimila pambalipa ndipo ma blunder enawa ndikuti ndipange chani kuti dziko liyende bwino, tisaiwale abale munthuyi adali Tichala so frm teaching to president its not easy to catch up wachepa nazo. Koma ana amasiku ano mwano 3 much mpaka muti Bwampini aaah ofunika kundagala inu.
Bwampiniyu ife tilibe naye chifukwa
Basi ndipita ndine
Apitako bwanji oti analanditsa/anapereka nyanja ndimanja ake awiri
we are tired of this type of politics let’s be positive minded let’s join hands for the better of Malawi
Yah! Is indeed the ryt time to unlike this page.
Ndpafupi yapa amaenela kupita
Gwaladi ndi mano ake ambiri aja akalumakotu anthu
Sanapange ‘Shun’ mbuzi inu, ndimayesa wapangidwa deligate ndi vice president, anthu opanda nzeru a ku Malawi24, Chakwera wanuyo saununkha upresident, mukhaula
Bwanji osantuma gwaladi
AKUTI samalankhula English Gwaladiyo
Watumiza vp thats fine
that’s opposition, it was bad when he went out. it is bad too he wont go
Time to unlike the page very useless
Malawi 24
thats the problem with media akayenda walakwa akakhala walakwanso eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee munthu wakuda shaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa usawi chichi?
Muthalika shuns inauguration? Kodi inunso amalawi 24 ndi mbuzi za wanthu eti? Akanapitakonso bwenzi mukuti akungoyenda yenda akuononga ndalama,ndimaona ngati ndinu atolankhani ozindikira koma agwape eni eni,opanda ndi ma certificate omwe autonkhani, mxiewwwwwww,fosek zanu,simungayamikireko nthawi zina iyayi,ndinu a opposition kodi? Rubish
“…Shuns” Headline yabwanji!?
#Ekari atumbuka sayamika pajatu
Sayamikadi! Olo zoti kwawo afuna amange mbombera university angoona ngati zophweka ndi sukulu ya kwacha,sayamika
Akapitanxo…Iyayi angokhalira kuyendayenda, Mmalo momayendetsa dziko. Mmesa watumizako hz 2nd?
Ny, Politics; I don do!
Let #Viola gooo mumalo mwainu #Bwana