Malawi24 Logo

Malawi 24 is the leading independent online news publication for Malawi, providing breaking news, politics, entertainment, sports, views, investigative articles, in-depth analyses and daily news updates.

We are committed to providing our readers with the latest and most accurate news from Malawi, and we strive to be the go-to source for information about the country. Our team of experienced journalists is dedicated to covering all aspects of Malawian life, from politics to culture to sports. We also have a strong focus on investigative journalism, and we are committed to holding the powerful to account.

If you are looking for the latest news from Malawi, then Malawi 24 is the place to go. We are your source for accurate, unbiased and timely news coverage.

We are accredited by the Media Council of Malawi and also affiliated with the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) – Malawi Chapter. We are registered in Malawi with Certificate number MBRS1019668 and as a limited company in the UK under certificate number 12535612.

Send us story tip-offs by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. At Malawi24, we do everything we can to protect the identities of our sources.

We are headquartered in Blantyre.

Physical Address: 

7 AGMA House

Maselema, Behind Chichiri Total Filling Station,

Chichiri. Blantyre.


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For enquiries on how you can advertise on this website, email: [email protected].

Ownership & Funding

With absolutely no financial backing or outside investment, we have rapidly built an independent, non-profit making news and media outlet in Malawi.

In 2018, Malawi24 received a small grant from HIVOS, a Dutch development organization, to challenge common norms on sexism, homophobia, and religion.

While Malawi24 remains completely independent of any advertisers, funders, companies, political organizations, or political parties, every contribution, however big or small, is so valuable to retain this independence.

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