Sex workers in Mwanza district have received a boost as the district’s council has revealed plans to recognise them and help improve their trade.
The sex workers have been allowed to form a grouping which will be recognised by the Mwanza district council.
The council hopes the female sex workers alliance will give the sex workers opportunities to find solutions to problems they face in the course of their trade.
Mwanza District Aids Coordinator, Pearson Mphangwe said the move will help curb the spread of HIV and Aids in the border district.
He said only female sex workers who are mobile, are operating from their homes, and are open about their sex work will be allowed to be members of the alliance.

Mwanza experienced a boom of sex workers in 2013 during the construction of Moartize-Nacala railway line that has passed through the district, according to a 2013 Survey Report on Projects and HIV and Aids.
Meanwhile, Medicines Sans Frontier through a Malawi Model and Key population intervention Project has managed to reach out to 2,427 sex workers and 3,294 truck drivers with HIV services.
Medical Activities Manager for Medicines Sans Frontier, Bote Zamadenga said the number of sex workers reached with HIV activities last year has been increasing from 506 in January to 960 in March.
He further said the number of truck drivers that have also been serviced with counseling services has also gone up from 186 in January to 486 truck drivers late last year.
Zamadenga explained that female sex workers and Long Distance Truck Drivers are the main target of the project whose aim is to provide them with tailor made and comprehensive HIV and TB interventions along the corridor.
He said in Malawi the services are provided in three sites namely Mwanza District Hospital, Wellness Center, Mwanza Boarder and Zalewa clinic in Neno district.
Chitalikilen chiwelewele nonse olungama pamatso pa mulungu
Bu.. Shit
batalia low
Mwina akanapasidwa ngongole nkumapanga business but uhule boma lalephera kugwira ntchito yake In middle east sex out side marriage it’s haramu chilango ndi kundende maiko ena konkuno umaphedwa
Bwenzi ali ma role models pano koma eish!
dats bullshit
End times
What?????? mwanza? sex workers Alliance? apa nde basi tafa tose
kkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkkk malaw walero zikutheka
Nde mma hand bag anyamulilamo chani umo?
Kkkkkkkkkk koma yeah kufa kulipo azaweruze bas
Full of shit I’m not agree about this faken story
Malawi is licencing, every thing girls, wheelbarrows, bicycles, anything that make money. Poor one.kkkkkkkkk.
No Sense With Your Directors
Kkkk Thegha more #tax
why that they should have that
Devil is misleading you
Malawi is lost
U.S.A uchitsilu suposa apa
malawi wasapano mukutengela za patheba et muvulala mphupi kulibe ndi amuna
Sounds like legalising brothels
kkkkkkk Zidibwe pa Order zimenezi Malile mselu bravo MCC.
zopusa! get out !
Mayoooo ine ndichan malawi ija ine? We’re indeed in last days where by world will be sodom and Gomora
Chabe poti amati ‘ukasauka, umadya udzu’ nanga miyendo yake imeneyi???????
Then azikhoma msonkho
Wawaaaaa koma kumenekooo
Zikatere tikufuna kutetdza kapena kufalitsa kachiromboka? Ichi nde chamba tsopano
Bayibulo limatifotokozela moveka bwino zamasiku osiliza wakuva chipudziso chake ayenda molungama
Chambaso nde chilolezedwetu pamenepa basi…aaaaa
Geeeeez!!!!!!!!! mwanza council, What???????!!!!!!!!!!!! mahule akhale ndi mabungwe awo? “okey lets name it “Mwanza Sexworkes Union of Malawi Central Afriaca” kkkkkkkkk
Job opportunity for Malawi female to work in Kuwait with 2 years visa plus ticket, free feeding and accommodation, salary is 250-300$. Anybody that has interest should contact me on whatsapp +2348054946617
What about male?
Give this chance to ur cctaz
Aaaaa u r playing
Yaaaa let them make money they must feed their family.
Ndilo dziko lidzitelo
Mwachita bwino
Zachepela pangono
Zikufanana ndi zakudya zathu PA theba pano bwanji
Comment loading………
Useless Malawi
ways of collecting taxes
They shud also pay the males. Its a 50:50 game. Don’t be bias with ur laws
Mathero a dziko lapansi (666)
Hahahaaaa Oddi ukoooo
That’s a good move, to avoid nomadic sex workers who often steal from clients. Medical checkups will be easy too.
Which is to say they’ll have IDs kkkkkk Will they be renewing it monthly or annually? kkkkkk And this means there shall be fixed prices regardless of type & service? kkkkkkk And that those not in the grouping shall be doing it illegally(blak market) kkkkkkk
Kkkkkkkk I like ur comment
#Gift, jst thinking deep kkkkk so much happens in this trade.
kkkk so funny
I still don’t get it,which means jst by forming the grouping then they’ll b free from rogue & vagabond arrests kkkkkkk
Kkk oziwika ndi a boma
Gug idea
Crazy malawi!!!!!!!!!!
hw,do they pay tax if u say busness
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
More Tax .How can punani become business .God created it not for sale.
tisamale basi zimezi tidye
Are these business pple paying taxi?
last days