An elderly man has died after a cow he was grazing dragged him into Zalewa road before being hit by a vehicle on Wednesday, Police say.
The man, Lassimu Chiwalo whose age is not known, was hit by the oncoming vehicle when a cow he was grazing and was controlling using a rope tied to his waist pulled him into the road.
According to police, the driver of the Daf Leyland lorry vehicle registration number BR 2463 by Erick Venda, 37, failed to apply an emergency brake when the cattle decided to cross to the other side of the road.
Confirming to Malawi24, Chileka police spokesperson Grace Mwale said both the man and cow died on the spot.
“Instead of handling the rope in his hands, he tied it to his waist and when the cow with force decided to cross the road it dragged him to cross also, and it was too late for the driver to apply the brakes to stop the vehicle,” said Mwale.
The police have since advised people to stop grazing domestic animals near roads as one way of preventing such accidents.
The deceased hailed from Kumponda Village, Traditional Authority (TA) Kapeni while the driver comes from Mpasu village, TA Chimaliro in Blantyre city.
Awe mwandi, ba neighbour mutimvesa nsoni! The cattle he was grazing??? Was it him grazing the cattle??? Eish! Umbuli wina uposa matenda ya Edzi(aids)
Ngati zinamkankhila mu mseu ndi cattle nde zinagwirizana chiwembuchi. Chilango chake ndi kuphedwa kapena kukakhala ku ndende moyo wonse kamba kochitisa imfa ya madala yomwe mwangozi agundidwa ndi galimoto ndi kumwalira. Tipepese kubanja la omwalirawa kamba kotaya munthu amene akanathiza mzambiri kuphatikizapoo tonse aMalawi.
part time for English class come mr “free charge”
Malawi24 Is Suffering Paralysis Of Analysis…Let Us Use Our Country Language Called Chichewa..Anyway RIP
don’t worry malawi 124 bola tamva basi koma mawa osadzalembaso ai wamva
News Malawi 24????
Very pathetic indeed.
tiyambe talira malirowa. mwalembazi tichongabe. zikomo
so sad
Mwina chilankhulo mzungu amaziwa kuti ife akuda chizungu its not our language ndipo tikalakwisa iye amati bolawamva ndikuziwa chomwe chikutanthauza. Koma amalawi mulindivuto lofuna kuyalusana poyera ngatiapa kuonesa kugera heavy, mwina kumakhala kuti ndimbaliimozi yofusila ntchito ku news paper ko ???? Aaaaa tamakulani plz…
Cattle kkk
Amafuna Kupulumusa Moyo Wachiweto Waphetsa Moyo Wake (RIP)
Kkkkk Eee English Mmmm Yavuta Apa Cattle
Ine ndakumvani man
{CATTLE} Ayi zilibwino,koma2 or chichewa timawelenganso2.simmaona kut ma komenti ambiri ama khala a chichewa??
sory anafedwa
Its true that the accident has occurred, however,there no TA Chimariro in Bt.
The man died after a cattle…. Kkkk anyway, manje vizungu vavuta maningi apa
Thats bad RIP.
Kkkkk Cattle Imodzi Abale
Silly man. RIP all the same.
Kkkkkk osamaopa zapha ng’0mbe munthu
ndiye wafa kawiritu
A Malawi24 English yobolobosha yanuyo muzingotukwanidwapo apa, osangozitaya bwanji? Kkkkkk
point taken dispite the mistake prolong updating us.we learn through mistakes dont worry
Wafa imfa yowawa.
Hahahaha a cattle he was glazing! Chigulu chimodzi chang’ombe kkkkkkkkkkk
The topic has now changed from a man being hit by a vehicle to a cow or bull nt a cattle…hahaha,am chocked wit laughter,u can as wel change my comment to the third topic..
Pepani ofedwa
Horrible Tragidy RIP.
Kd big munalekeza std chani? Singular & plural ku xool kwanu kunalibeko?mukupangitsatu manyazi aphunzitsi anu a english,ngati english imakuvuta mudzingolemba mumchichewa tiwerenga basi zikomo!!!!
Malawi24 chonde chonde ine ndikuona kuti ndibwino mudzilemba nkhani zanu mu chichewa chifukwa chizungu chikukuvutani zedi
How can I explain this testimony to the public about a great man who help me out in serious illness I have HIV AID for good 3year and I was almost going to the end of my life due to the way my skin look like all I have in my mind is let me just give up because life is not interesting to me any longer but I just pray for God every day to accept my soul when ever I’m gone lucky to me my kids brother run to me that he found a doctor in the internet who can cure HIV online he help me out on everything, the doctor ask for my details, so he can prepare the herbal medicine for me from his temple after all he ask is done one week later I started getting more stronger my blood start flow normally for 4 to 5 days I start getting Wight before 6 days my body start developing my skin start coming up after 8 days which he told me that i will be completely healed, I went for HIV test and I was tested negative I’m so happy that I can say I’m not a HIV patient if you have HIV/AID or any sickness he can still help you in getting your ex-back to you please contact him via his email: [email protected], or whatsapp him on +2348143143878.
So sad news.
Too bad
malawi 24 u may write the stories in chichewa as well.
We don’t say CATTLE. We say “a cow” or “a bull”. “Cattle’ is a collective noun and it refers to all the animals (cows and bulls)
Kkkkkkkkkkk Mwina Zinali Pachigulu Kuthandizana Kuponya Madala Pa Msewu Chizungu Ndi Matenda
Kkkkkk i thnk zinali chigulu zachita kuthandizana….ndikhale mbuli kkkkk
Akutitu “a cattle he was grazing.’
kkkkkk akut a cattle
So sad
Am vry khudzed-100%!
Wat realy happened.?
tamalebani zogwira mtima inu?
imfa imadza mosiyana siyana….RIP