Mugabe in critical condition

Robert Mugabe

Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe is said to be in ‘critical’ condition after suffering a massive heart attack while on holiday with his family. Newspapers in the UK report that it was very unlikely the 91 year old leader would survive.

Robert Mugabe
Mugabe is reported to have suffered a massive heart attack

The reports claim senior government officials in Zimbabwe are currently holding high-level meetings to decide the way forward.

Meanwhile The Herald of Zimbabwe reported on Monday that government had appointed vice president Emmerson Mnangwagwa as acting leader.

“Please kindly note that as of today, Monday, 11th January 2016, Honourable Vice President Emmerson Mnangagwa is the Acting President of Zimbabwe in the absence of His Excellency the President, Cde R.G.Mugabe, who is on his traditional annual vacation,” reads part of the statement issued by Zimbabwe’s principal director in the Ministry of Information, Media and Broadcasting Services.

Mugabe braved predictions about his death from a Malawi Prophet Austin Liabunya who is reported to have predicted that the Pan-African icon would not make it into 2016.

A letter to a Zimbabwean news website has suggested that the country’s president Robert Mugabe has suffered a heart attack.

The rumours about Mugabe’s health started yesterday following with letter published by ZimEye yesterday purportedly written by government officials.

“President Robert Mugabe is reported to have collapsed after suffering a heart attack while on holiday with his family and is in critical condition.” reads part of the letter.

Mugabe went on leave on 24 December.

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