Mzimba hospital deaths blamed on lack of equipment


Malawi24 has discovered that some deaths at Mzimba District Hospital could have been prevented if the Ministry of Health had prioritized the purchase of a new theatre machine.

According to the findings, the hospital’s theatre equipment has been out of order for some time, making it difficult for medical staff to assist patients effectively.

Some officials from the Ministry of Health have confirmed to Malawi24 that the ministry is fully aware of the situation at Mzimba District Hospital and the urgent need for new surgical equipment.

“It’s not that the ministry is unaware of this issue. They are well-informed, but they lack urgency in addressing the problem. What I know is that new equipment is urgently needed at the hospital,” said one official from the Ministry of Health.

It has also been revealed that some pregnant women who lost their lives would have survived if the ministry had supplied the hospital with new equipment.

Currently, the hospital is referring pregnant women to Embangweni Mission Hospital, while others are being referred to Mzuzu Central Hospital.