Eye of the Child responds to the increasing problem of child abuse

Eye of the child

Eye of the Child has teamed up with Malawi Police, social welfare, and the Ministry of Education to tackle child abuse cases that are caused by a lack of parental guidance.

Communications Officer for Eye of the Child, Asiyatu James indicated in a statement that the partnership is focused on educating parents and caregivers on the principles of positive discipline and effective parenting strategies.

She added that the initiative is a direct response to the increasing cases of children, which include torture, child abuse, and serious harm to children in conflict with the law by parents, communities, and the public.

“We have observed numerous incidents occurring in our communities. It is not acceptable to observe our children being subjected to various forms of abuse.

Asiyatu James
James: Partnering with law enforcement will lead to a supportive environment.

“As a result, we have chosen to collaborate with enforcement agencies like police to protect the rights of the children. Eye of the Child together with our partners we will ensure that every child is living in a good environment without encountering any sort of abuse,” she explained.

 She asserted that partnering with law enforcement will lead to a supportive environment where families can thrive through comprehension and respect.

According to James, they will guide through workshops, seminars, and community outreach programs that will address topics including effective communication, setting boundaries with empathy, and boosting children’s self-esteem.

She then encouraged parents and caregivers to actively participate in educational opportunities to learn and implement positive discipline strategies. Families can cultivate environments where children feel secure, valued, and understood.
