238 Ethiopians to be repatriated 


The Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services says it is set to repatriate 238 irregular immigrants who were in the Northern Region Prisons. 

The irregular immigrants entered the country illegally and contravened Section 21(1) of the Malawi Immigration Act. 

According to Immigration spokesperson North Sergeant Francis Chitambuli, the process of repatriating the 238 Ethiopians has been supported by the International Organization for Migration.

“Currently, officers from the Department of Immigration and Citizenship Services, in collaboration with I.O.M. officials, conducted a verification exercise of the irregular immigrants at Mzimba and Mzuzu Prisons, respectively, in May 2024, which was later followed by the process of issuing travel documents back to Ethiopia.” Says Chitambuli

Reports indicate that since January 2024, the Northern Region Immigration Office has arrested 173 foreigners for contravening immigration laws, of whom 142 are Ethiopians.

Most of the immigrants are entering the country using uncharted routes.


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