Minister of Energy condemns Illovo Estate vandalism

Nchalo pole vandalism

Minister of Energy, Ibrahim Matola, has strongly condemned the recent act of vandalism that targeted the Illovo Estate on the L25 Mulambe line disrupting power supply to several trading centers in Nchalo-Chikwawa.

According to a statement released by the Ministry of Energy, Matola is concerned and outraged by this despicable act.

The statement follows an incident that happened early hours of today (May 19), around 2 am in Nchalo, where some unknown people cut down a utility pole and severely damaged the power line infrastructure, leaving Nchalo Trading Centre, Jambo Trading Centre, Miseu 4 Trading Centre, and Ngabu Trading Centre without electricity.

Ibrahim Matola
Such acts undermine the government’s efforts to ensure access to electricity – Matola.

In the statement, Matola said the photographic evidence clearly shows the extensive damage inflicted by these criminals, who have not only disrupted essential services to the communities but have also endangered public safety.

The Minister has called such acts as sabotage as it undermine the government’s efforts to ensure access to electricity for all citizens. He called upon relevant authorities and stakeholders to collaborate in addressing this issue promptly.

“This incident demonstrates a deliberate attempt to sabotage the progress we are making in the energy sector. However, those responsible should understand that their actions affect not only the government but also their own families and communities who rely on the same electricity,” he explained.

Matola has since directed the Electricity Supply Corporation of Malawi (ESCOM) to prioritize the restoration of power to the affected areas and enhance security measures to protect the energy infrastructure.

Additionally, he has asked the utility company to engage with local communities to educate them about the severe consequences of vandalism and encourage them to report any suspicious activities.

“We will not tolerate such criminal acts that undermine our nation’s development. We will spare no effort in identifying and apprehending the perpetrators, and we will take all necessary measures to prevent such incidents from recurring in the future,” said Matola.

According to Matola, the Ministry of Energy remains committed to ensuring a reliable and uninterrupted supply of electricity to all citizens and calls upon the public to support these efforts by reporting any suspicious activities that may compromise the energy infrastructure.
