Kalindo Challenges ACB’s Independence in Chilima Case

Bon Kalindo, Malawi's outspoken activist and opposition politician

Political activist Bon Elias Kalindo has called on the Anti-Corruption Bureau (ACB) to assert its independence by publicly distancing itself from the government’s decision to drop the corruption case against Dr. Saulosi Klaus Chilima.

Kalindo suggests that if the ACB does not issue such a statement, its officials should resign immediately and the bureau should be dissolved for merely existing on paper.

Kalindo also challenged the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament to demonstrate its integrity by issuing a statement on the discontinuation of Chilima’s case, to restore public trust in the committee.

In an audio clip that has been circulated on social media and verified by Malawi24, Kalindo urged members of the UTM party not to celebrate the dismissal of Chilima’s corruption charges but to oppose the government’s decision.

ACB recently dropped Chilima’s case.

He further alleged that the MCP plans to nominate Chilima as the 2025 presidential candidate, only to later challenge his eligibility in court due to his prior terms as Vice President.

Kalindo warned UTM supporters that rather than celebrating in the streets, they should seek legal avenues to ensure the case continues, emphasizing that the truth needs to come out.

He highlighted the inconsistency of the government’s actions, noting that Chilima was initially scheduled to appear in court on May 10, 2024, but the case was abruptly dropped.

He criticized the government for unilaterally discontinuing the case without consulting the ACB or the Legal Affairs Committee of Parliament.

Despite facing personal challenges, including multiple arrests, Kalindo vowed to continue speaking out against what he describes as a government of “crooks and mafias” that disgraces the nation and its people.
