Old Mutual donates towards MISA, IIM dinners


Financial services provider, Old Mutual (Malawi) Limited, has donated funds towards the Media Institute of Southern Africa (MISA) Malawi Chapter and Insurance Institute of Malawi (IIM) dinners next month.

The company donated K2 million to MISA Malawi for its Gala dinner and K2.5 million to IIM for the Insurance Charter Dinner scheduled for 4th and 25 April 2024, respectively.

Speaking during a cheque presentation ceremony, Human Capital Executive for Old Mutual, Rex Kadzongwe, said the donation to MISA Malawi is part of their commitment to the Old Mutual Responsible Business Reporting award, a category which they sponsor under the MISA Annual media awards.  

He also said as a responsible business entity, their sponsorship of these two professional bodies signifies their commitment to excellence and continuous professional development.

“MISA Malawi plays a crucial role in promoting media freedom, professionalism, and ethical standards in journalism in the country. Therefore, by supporting MISA, we are not only investing in the future of media excellence but also contributing to the advancement of democracy and freedom of expression.

“Similarly. IIM plays a pivotal role in advancing professionalism, expertise, and knowledge sharing within the insurance sector. With this support, we aim to recognize and celebrate the achievements of professionals in the insurance industry while fostering a spirit of collaboration and excellence,” said Kadzongwe.

He further added that the company will remain driven by the desire to pursue commercial success sustainably whilst respecting the interests of individuals, society, and the natural environment, the Insurance Institute of Malawi and MISA Malawi inclusive.

Reacting to the donation, MISA Malawi Governor, Nathan Majawa, thanked Old Mutual Malawi for the gesture and said the funds will go towards the purchase of prizes for the winners at the MISA Malawi Annual Media Awards Gala Dinner.

Majawa said the partnership between MISA Malawi and Old Mutual, which started in 2020, has seen 100 journalists being trained in the concept of the Alternative Investments and New Pensions Act.

On the other hand, Reuben Kawelele, who is the IIM Vice President, said the funds will help the Institute to host a successful dinner as it strives to promote education and professionalism in Malawi.

Kawelele disclosed that the funds will help the Institute to reward students who have achieved excellency for passing examinations, a motivation which he said will help to improve the sector. 
