Malawi-Israel labour export deal sealed, opens Embassy in Tel Aviv


The Malawi government has finally inaugurated an Embassy in Tel Aviv and signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Israeli government on labour export deal.

The official inauguration of the Malawi Embassy in Tel Aviv and the signing of the MoU for temporary workers working in farms in Israel took place on Thursday, 18 April 2024 in Israel.

Speaking after the historical event, Malawi’s Minister of Foreign Affairs Nancy Tembo, who led the Malawi delegation, said Malawi will benefit a lot from the relationship between the two nations.

Tembo said the signing of the MoU on Temporary Employment of Malawian Workers in the agriculture sector in Israel, reaffirms the government’s commitment to creating long-standing bilateral relations between the two nations.

She indicated that the inauguration of the Embassy in Tel Aviv reflects the long-standing cordial and brotherly relations that continue to exist between Malawi and Israel.

Tembo further emphasised that the MoU marks a significant milestone in fostering increased collaboration in the field of labour.

“The MoU catalyses advancing our partnership to new heights. As a guiding frame, the MoU will play a fundamental role in the process of recruitment, placement, monitoring, and repatriation of temporary migrant workers working in Israel,” Tembo said.

She also highlighted that under the Government-to-Government recruitment, Malawi is committed to providing Israel with 3000 hardworking workers initially for the agriculture sector.

Tembo conveyed her deepest condolences to the government of the State of Israel for the tragic loss of life, maiming, and abduction suffered by Israeli citizens due to the ongoing conflict in the region.

“Malawi, being a peaceful country, rejects any forms of violence, particularly acts of terror as coercive means to settling disputes, and we also believe in a nation’s right to self-defence and protection of its people,” she added.

The Minister expressed gratitude for Israel’s ongoing support to Malawi in areas of education and agriculture, particularly the 11-month Agricultural Scholarship provided to students from the Lilongwe University of Agriculture and Natural Resources (LUANAR).

During the occasion, Tembo was joined by Israel Katz, the Israel Minister of Foreign Affairs and Member of the Security Cabinet, Minister of Interior of the State of Israel, Moshe Arbel, Minister of Labour Agnes’s Nyalonje, Minister of Information and Digitalisation, Moses Kunkuyu Kalongashawa, Charge d’Affaires of the Embassy of the Republic of Malawi to the State of Israel, David Bisnowsty, Consul of the Republic of Malawi in the State of Israel, Nir Guess, and other senior officials.
