Two arrested for allegedly stealing motorcycles and clothes worth K155 million

Two arrested for allegedly stealing motorcycles and clothes worth K155 million

Two people have been arrested in Lilongwe on suspicion that they broke into a warehouse owned by a Chinese national and stole 46 boxes of unassembled motorcycles, 90 boxes of motorcycle engines, and 84 bales of secondhand clothes, all valued at K155 million.

The two have been identified as Blessings Bonongwe aged 33 and Ganizani Ng’oma, 39.

According to Lilongwe Police station Spokesperson Inspector Hastings Chigalu, the suspects have been identified as Blessings Bonongwe, 33, (watchman) and Ganizani Ng’oma, 39, (driver).

Chigalu says on December 16, 2023 a certain Chinese national alongside his wife, who both sale brand-new motorcycles, and bales of secondhand clothes, respectively, at Bwalolanjovu, reported to Lilongwe Police that their warehouse was broken into by unknown criminals.

Police investigations established that a team of criminals, after conniving with the security guard who was on duty, gained entry into the warehouse through the main door by tampering the entrance padlocks.

“Despite denying his involvement in the theft, detectives arrested the security guard, who was later found with a brand-new motorcycle at his house after police search,” said Chigalu.

He said later, police apprehended Ng’oma, a driver of a 10 tonner truck that ferried the stolen items on two separate occasions to Area 25 A.

However, during recoveries when police invaded the house, detectives found the other suspected thieves had had already escaped the scene after winds of their arrest blew on them.

Meanwhile, police say manhunt for the runaway suspects is underway.

Blessings Bonongwe hails from Mnjira Village, Traditional Authority (T/A) Chimutu, Lilongwe, whilst Ganizani Ng’oma comes from Chagunda Village, T/A Kachindamoto in Dedza District.#101powernewsonline
