Four men sentenced to 12 years in prison for stealing items worth K530,000


The First Grade Magistrate’s Court in Chiradzulu has sentenced four men to 12 years in jail each for burglary and theft of items worth K530,000.

The convicts have been identified as Kumbukani Hapalasi, 23, Ganizani Shaba aged 30, Pilirani James aged 33 and Raphael Dissan aged 27.

The court heard through the state prosecutor for Chiradzulu police station Inspector Spenard Chankoma that during the night of January 4, 2023, the four went to the house of a teacher and found him in his car.

According to Constable Cosmas Kagulo, Public Relations Officer Chiradzulu Police, the criminals broke the window of the driver’s seat while others opened the bonnet and disconnected the battery.

They assaulted the victim with batons and stones and went away with different items worth K530, 000.

The matter was reported to police who after investigations arrested the four convicts.

Appearing before court, the convicts pleaded not guilty and that prompted the state to parade its witnesses who testified beyond reasonable doubts.

In mitigation, the four asked for court’s leniency, stating that they are first offenders.

In his submission, state prosecutor Chankoma prayed for a stiff punishment as the convict wounded the victim severely.

Passing sentence, First Grade Magistrate Mwamale concurred with the state hence sentenced the four to 12 years imprisonment with hard labour to act as deterrent to other would-be offenders.