Zambian national challenging 15-year sentence in Malawi Court

Senior State Advocate Siphosana Kajumie is representing the state in a wildlife case involving a Zambian national

Zambian national Kebby Roy Malambo who was sentenced to 15 years imprisonment with hard labour over pieces of ivory worth 53 Million is challenging his conviction at the High Court.

The High Court in Lilongwe convened in Lilongwe for the appeal in which Malambo is arguing that call logs that were recorded by Zambian communication service provider do not belong to him and instead he is calling for fresh ones to be used as witnesses in court.

Speaking in an interview, Senior State Advocate Siphosana Kajumie argued that that the appellant failed to come forth in court as time for appeal elapsed 3 months ago but the court decided to proceed with the appeal case to hear his reasons for the delay.

“When you look at the grounds that he has given they do not really form a good basis why the court should allow to dismiss the case in its entirety,” she said.

The court has since adjourned the case to 19 October this year.

Malambo, 47, was arrested at Mwami Border Total Filling Station in Mchinji in February, 2021.

He was found with 22 pieces of raw ivory, weighing 64.905 kilograms and valued at about MK53 million.

The charges Malambo faced were; being found in possession of specimen of listed species, dealing in government trophy and importing specimen of listed species without producing to a customs officer a valid permit.

All those offences are contrary to the National Parks and Wildlife Act.

Malambo comes from Livingstone City in Monze District in Zambia.
