Lake users warned to follow precautionary measures tonight

MV Chilembwe Malawi

The Department of Climate Change and Meteorological services has warned all lake users to take precautionary measures tonight and tomorrow as Mwera winds are expected to blow over Lake Malawi at a speed of 35km/h.

The department says this is due to the influence of cool south easterly air mass pumped into Malawi by a high pressure system located to the south east of the republic of Southafrica.

“Mwera winds with speed of 34km/h are expected to be blowing over our lake water bodies including Lake Malawi beginning tonight, 12th September, 2023 and likely to cause high water waves of around 1 metre. Therefore, all lake users are advised to take all necessary precautionary measures to avoid loss of life and property,” says the department.

The department has further highlighted that in the Shire valley it will be windy and cloudy with isolated rain drizzle tonight and tomorrow morning while in the afternoon it will be windy and cloudy with isolated rain drizzle.

In the Southern Highlands, it will also be windy and cloudy with occasional isolated rain drizzle tonight and tomorrow morning while in the afternoon tomorrow it will be mostly windy and partly cloudy with rain drizzle over few areas.

On the other hand, Central areas will be windy and partly cloudy tonight and during morning hours while in the afternoon it will be windy and partly cloudy.

Lakeshore areas will experience windy and cloudy weather with isolated rain drizzle tonight and tomorrow morning while in the afternoon it will be windy and partly cloudy.

The Northern areas will experience windy and cloudy with isolated rain drizzle tonight and tomorrow morning while in the afternoon it will be windy and cloudy with localized rain drizzle.
