Machinga Police provides security gadgets to people with albinism


Machinga Police has provided 30 security gadgets to people with albinism at Traditional Authority Mchinguza in Machinga to ensure their security against threats, abductions and killings.

Machinga Police Community Policing Coordinator, Sub lnspector, Masautso Katemera, assured people at Mchinguza area that the police will continue to provide adequate security to people with albinism.

Sub lnspector Katemera made the assurance when police handed over the security gadgets after chairperson of Association of People with Albinism in Malawi (APAM) in Machinga, Byson Makolopa, complained that the security gadgets which were provided before were not working .

The Community Policing Coordinator added that the police took up the matter and sourced the gadgets.

Katemera, however, advised the recipients of the gadgets to take additional precautions measures by avoiding irresponsible drinking beer til late.

“We will intensify patrols to ensure you’re safe but above all report to police incase anyone threatens you,” Sub lnspector Katemera added.

Chairperson for APAM in Machinga Byson Makolopa hailed Machinga Police for providing the security gadgets to people with albinism their safety and further asked organisations and people of good will to provide additional security gadgets to others that haven’t received.

He called on people in Machinga to collaborate with the police in providing safety and security to people with albinism whom he said live in fear of being abducted and killed in their respective areas.

Traditional Authority Mchinguza also hailed the police for continuing to provide safety and security to the people with albinism in his area.

Machinga Police also invited all community level policing structures to remind them of their roles and responsibilities in providing security to people with albinism.

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