Fire destroys property at Tikwere House in Lilongwe


Fire which broke out on Saturday night at Tikwere House in Lilongwe has destroyed property belonging to Government Contracting Unit and other government departments.

According to Security Guards around the building, the fire started around 10 PM and affected government offices which occupied in floors number 6 and 7.

They said they started suspecting that something went wrong when they heard the fire alarm several times continuously.

“We informed our immediate supervisors who contacted Fire Fighters from Lilongwe City Council who came on time,” one of them told our reporter.

He said because of other challenges they had encountered at that particular time, fire officers called their colleagues from Kamuzu International Airport for assistance.

He added that but the time the firefighters were arriving, the fire had already spread to whole floor and extended to floor number 7.

It is not yet known as to the cause of the fire as Police and other stakeholders are yet to meet to establish the real cause.

Reports indicate that government offices affected are Ministry of Lands, Government Contracting Unit and Judiciary.

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