BLM to distribute 14 million condoms in Malawi


Banja la Mtsogolo (BLM) has rolled out an initiative to distribute 14 million condoms in Lilongwe, Chikwawa and Thyolo.

The campaign which will be implemented in collaboration with World Vision International aims at distributing nine million (9,000,000) male condoms and five million (5,000,000) female condoms in hard-to-reach areas of the three districts of Lilongwe, Thyolo and Chikwawa in 11 months with financial support from Global Fund.

The drive is in response to government’s call for programmes that would reduce the prevalence of HIV and AIDS as well as promote the availability of condoms in hard-to- reach areas.

Public Sector Strengthening and Outreach Coordinator for Banja la Mtsogolo, Robert Xoma, said in an interview with Malawi News Agency that awareness of female condoms remain low despite their availability in health facilities.

“Mainly, we want to promote awareness on female condoms in communities in hard-to- reach areas.

“The female condom continues to lag behind the male condom in terms of uptake, yet it is effective in preventing unplanned pregnancies and sexually transmitted infections since it has less risk of rupture,” said Xoma.

Lilongwe District HIV and AIDS, and Nutrition Officer, Ulemu Chiyenda, commended the initiative, saying the campaign is a boost to a larger effort by government which aims at improving the health of people in the country.

Reported by Harold Mtepatepa

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